200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Well, my husband got a call yesterday. It was no ordaniary call. This was a call to duty. He is supposed to ship out Monday to Afghanistan for a year. He has to go through all of his medical checks etc all day Sunday. So I hope he is too broken to go. He has already gone and is soooo close to retirement. I'm freaking out!!
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    Kendal- Exactly! That and he owned mores stuffed animals then I have owned my entire life. I didn't find this out till after I had been dating him a couple months.. Haha. Like I knew he had a few.. But I didn't know they covered an entire wall in his moms basement! There was well over 50.

    I just bought those low fat strawberry bars last night! I love them. It was my first time buying them. Yumyum!

    Jessie- I take pride in that 3/4 of an inch! Hahaha. I'm the tallest female in my family going back generations. I take pride in what I can get since no one else currently alive is above 5 feet tall.

    Kristina- There won't be a gain this week for me! I hit 173.6 this morning. We shall see what Friday brings! :)
  • jessicae1aine
    Kendal - Excellent point on the holidays. I also have birthdays over the next few weeks I'm baking cupcakes for, just leading up to Halloween... go figure.

    Karen - Good to know you didn't really vanish! :D

    Katheryne - Pot roast and vegetables sounds amazing.... Nerd doesn't like pot roast (according to what he tells me, but he 'didn't like' a lot of things until he got here and I cooked them), so I may have to have a frozen pizza on hand for him.

    Rikki - Awwww :( I'm sorry - I'll hope he's broken, too!

    Apryl - That's funny! :D My mom was 5'2", but somehow has brothers that are between 6'2"-6'8". So, so don't know how that works out.

    It's almost lunch and I'm starving. I can't wait to see what Nerd brings. Also, I so feel like it's almost TOM. Since that's failed to actually happen since December, I'm kind of excited!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I've already had lunch but someone has something that smells SO GOOD and it's making me want to eat more. I've already reached for a granola bar twice and stopped myself. MUST DRINK INSTEAD OF EAT!
  • pinbotchick
    Rikki - (((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) that just SUCKS!!!!!

    Karen - nice to hear from you... Sorry 'bout the house problems :(

    Nava - feel better soon (*virtual chicken noodle soup for you*)

    As for me I've eaten 1200 cals already, am full but need to eat more. I've already worked out 2 hours and plan to a 3rd pretty quick. I've already burned 2000+ cals today. Taping my knee really helped and we ran for about 1.5 miles when we noticed 1 of 3 dogs limping (*sighs*) so we slowed down to a power walk... Poor pooch. I need to get him some Glucosamine. Mom would kill me if I shaved him to put tape on his leg... I'm off to make up more workout time...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Rikki- I hope he's "broken" as well. It shocks me that they gave him that small of a notification. :frown: I really hope he doesn't have to go again.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member

    As long as my foot is good, I know I can do the Warrior Dash. I don't care what shape I'm in, I'M FREAKING DOING IT!!
  • Mer4343
    Do you guys have room for one more? I have been doing MFP for a little over two months now and your group seems to have a great thing going! Weigh-In weight for me this morning is 236.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Rikki: My family is eternally grateful to yours for the sacrifices you and your husband have made for us. Without you, we would not be free -- even to do things like this. So, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Now, with that said, go break his leg and poke him in the eye. ;) I am praying for both of you.

    Karen: I was one day away from hunting you down. Glad you're back

    (Has anyone heard from Sarah Thes?

    Victoria: Do not make me come over there and use you as my own personal pace keeper for my training....get to it!! And go back and log as much food as you remember from those three days. It will help.

    Kendal: chew on ice...it helps.

    Is it Friday yet?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    So I was thinking....a lot of people post pictures in their signatures for the challenges they are in. What if I created "badges" to put in our signatures when we complete challenges? Something to show the challenge name and how many of our goals we met during the challenge? It wouldn't be a big picture cause I don't want it to take up a ton of room, but I think it could help motivate us all a little more knowing you will get a badge showing our achievements.

    For that matter, I could also create badges for other big accomplishments like 5k, 10k, half marathon, half way to goal, founding members of the 200+ group, members who have stayed here for a year, top loser for the challenge....

    On a downside, our signatures are limited to only so many characters, so you may have to shorten your signature to substitute pictures or remove older badges once you earn too many.

    What do yall think?
  • KatheryneLynne
    omg, omg, OMG...I just had a completely silly NSV moment and just have to share it with someone :happy:

    On my way out of the restroom a few minutes ago, I glanced in the mirror. It was meant to be a real quick, "yep i'm presentable" glance, but what i saw froze me in place. I have collar bones. Honest to god, VISIBLE, collar bones. I haven't seen my collar bones without "Sucking in" in more than a few years...

    anyway...now i've shared...back to work. will write more later.

  • pinbotchick
    Kendal - I'd put a badge in my signature if you made it!!! If we could get a group together to do the Warrior Dash there are several options... June 2/3 in Logan, OH which about an hour SE of Columbus or July 28/29 in Mt Morris, MI which is near Flint or Oct 6 in Gaston, SC... I'd prefer to the one in OH or MI...

    Kartheryne - Wolf Whistle at the collar bones!!!

    If anyone care, here is my modified P90X schedule. Then repeat x 3 and be done just before Christmas in 84 days... Lets see how long I stick to it :) Thanks again to Kerry for the idea on how to modify and still get my running fix...

    Week 1
    9/26 Monday: Chest/Back
    9/27 Tuesday: Run (2-4) and Ab Ripper X
    9/28 Wednesday: Shoulders/Arms
    9/29 Thursday: Run (2-4) and Ab Ripper X
    9/30 Friday: You Pick! Kenpo, Cardio Interval,
    Cardio X, or Plyo (if you're feelin' crazy).
    10/01 Saturday: Long Run (6-8)
    10/02 Sunday: Rest or X Stretch

    Week 2
    10/03 Monday: Back/Biceps
    10/04 Tuesday: Run (2-4) and Ab Ripper X
    10/05 Wednesday: Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
    10/06 Thursday: Run (2-4) and Ab Ripper X
    1007 Friday: You Pick! Kenpo, Cardio Interval,
    Cardio X, or Plyo (if you're feelin' crazy).
    10/08 Saturday: Long Run (6-8)
    10/09 Sunday: Rest or X Stretch

    Week 3
    10/10 Monday: Legs/Back
    10/11 Tuesday: Run (2-4) and Ab Ripper X
    10/12 Wednesday: UML
    10/13 Thursday: Run (2-4) and Ab Ripper X
    10/14 Friday: You Pick! Kenpo, Cardio Interval,
    Cardio X, or Plyo (if you're feelin' crazy).
    10/15 Saturday: Run (2-4) and Ab Ripper X
    10/16 Sunday: Rest or X Stretch

    Week 4
    10/17 Monday: Core Synergistics
    10/18 Tuesday: Run (2-4) and Ab Ripper X
    10/19 Wednesday: Kenpo X
    10/20 Thursday: Run (2-4) and Ab Ripper X
    10/21 Friday: Cardio X
    10/22 Saturday: Long Run (6-8)
    10/23 Sunday: Yoga X
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey girls....do you know what you can eat in any of the 365 restaurants in Brugge? Flemish stew, rabit cooked in Belgium beer, vegetarian lasagna and fries. I swear to gawd that every. Single. Restaurant. Serves the exact same menu. I kid you not.
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    AAAHAHAHA I thought that the thread finally slowed down because there was only one extra page since I’d last checked in, but no, it’s because we have a whole ‘NOTHER thread with pages and pages of goodness! Hehe you girls are great!
    Okay let me catch up :)

    Katheryne – Okay wow that sounds like some nutty stuff you deal with. At least when you do man the phones you get to share weird stories like that with us :) And I LOVED your NSV! Yay for collarbones!

    Hosanna – Wooooowie sounded like a crazy weekend. I hope you’re finally feeling better. I love the way you feel when you drink red wine and you’re all warm and cuddly and feel absolutely brilliant, but I hate when you have too much and end up in situations like that! It’s a sharp drop from that pleasurable, sophisticated buzz and over the edge to puke city :( On the UFC note – I’ve met “Rampage” before! He was partying in Honolulu last year over 4th of July weekend and we all were dancing it up at Apartm3nt. I had no idea who he was though, until people starting coming up and asking to take pictures with him haha. With Isaac – I feel like it’s harder to lose weight when your significant other isn’t along for the ride. My husband brought home a crapton of candy the other day and I made him bring it right back to work. You can’t eat peanut M&M’s in front of me and expect me to not want any! Ugh, going to drink some water right now. Okay I’m back. I actually started writing my replies on a word doc as I read through the thread, then I copy/paste the whole thing so I don’t lose it. Holy crap – caterpillar having a seizure – that is probably the most awesome thing I’ve read!

    Maureen – Welcome!

    Sarah (WnT) – Sorry to hear that your friend isn’t improving :( I’m still praying for her and her family. Good job on sticking to your exercise and calories during this tough time. Hope you enjoyed date night with the hubby :) You will do awesome in your race, you’re already running those distances and you have a great, positive attitude!

    Bahet (sorry I didn’t catch your name!) – Hope you’re feeling better soon.

    Natalie – Get back on the horse girl! You can do it! Think about how good it feels to record a loss the next time you feel like bingeing, and drink water instead!

    Rachel – They have Andy’s Frozen Custard in Alaska??? I thought it was a Missouri thing? I tried some two years ago when we were in St. Louis (because it was in the travel guides of things to do) – so good! Okay okay anyway, how are you doing with your running goals? You can just run that deliciousness off!

    Megan – Thanks for the pizza and chocolate milk advice. Mmmm I really want some chocolate milk. And some frozen custard. Aaaaack Tasha stop! Okay drinking water now…

    Victoria!!! YOU MUST LOG!!! And take care of your knee! And thanks for the P90x sched… I might actually be able to do something like that. Okay, that is all :)

    Rikki - Yaaaay! Congrats on your loss! YOU CAN DO IT! And BOOOOO TO DEPLOYMENT. Oh lady, I feel your pain. I’m hoping that something disqualifies him so that he can stay with you. If he ends up going, feel free to lean on me. My hubbs is going for his SIXTH Middle East deployment in May, we can commiserate together.

    Shellster – Welcome!

    Hailie – HUUUUUUGS! How’d your Philosophy test go?

    Kendal – Great job on meeting your exercise goals! I usually gain weight when I’m strength training, but lose inches, so don’t rely on the scale for that! Lean muscle weighs a little more but takes up less room and burns lots more calories when you’re not doing anything – we like it :) But that cake link… whyyyyyy???? At least there are no pictures, thank goodness. That Red Velvet Cheesecake recipe sounds amazing. I’m going to go drink some water now… Okay I’m back. Warrior Dash is insane, my parents do it and Tough Mudder and all those crazy kinds of races – they’re overweight too but pretty much nuts. You will have a blast!

    Kristina – You are awesome. That is all.

    Nava – Well I’ll say it again, your puppy is adorable. She looks kinda like a bichon frise (which is bred from poodles, I think). My friends just got a bichon a few months ago and I am pretty sure that it IS the cutest dog in the whole wide world. I try NOT to think that, because I love all dogs, but this dog is like… I go all googley ga-ga over him. Seriously. He’s insanely cute. And your dog is a lot like him. As for Ben & Jerry’s, I would never be able to eat a single serving unless I BOUGHT it in single servings. They come in those little indiv cups for around a dollar. It’s more expensive that buying a pint, but much much better for my self control. And who wants a whole tub lying around, begging you to eat it??? It’s much better to only have a limited amount of bad stuff on hand. Only a few flavors come in single servings though: Chocolate Fudge, Mint Chocolate Chip, Cherry Garcia, maybe one other. I’m only going to buy it once a month, for *those* times. You know :) Sounds like you had a nice relaxing weekend – perfect for post-birthday madness hehe. However, now I’m reading that you’re sick! Feel better, and make some low sodium chicken soup! Hugs!

    Bobbie – Housework is a workout in itself! Great job on the loss!

    Jessi – Glad you’re feeling better! Congrats on the loss this week! Keep it up girl!

    Qofsheba – Family time is awesome, I’m so happy you had a good time with your son! What’s he doing in Singapore?

    Navallez – Still did a great job losing – keep it up - you’re still on track to make your goals! :)

    Amy and Lacey – Hi girls! Still super jealous but happy you’re having fun! I love the trains in Europe :) Good luck with your meeting, Lacey!

    Spacegrass – Welcome! I can’t stand artificial sweetener either, it gives me a headache! We just have to use the real stuff sparingly ;) You CAN reach your big goal – try setting mini-goals to help get you there!

    Fi – Keep up the good work and good luck on the LSAT!

    Pam – Wooohooo that sounds like the best kind of 5k to start with! Glow in the dark stuff and fireworks?!? You’ll be great – good luck!

    Crystal – Haha I’m really NOT a crazy exerciser, I was just feeling really “off” and trying to get rid of it. I’m glad you’re getting used to the Chantix – we’re here for you! Finish up those diaries – make them private if you want, but you’ve gotta complete them so that YOU know what’s going on with you. You can do it!

    Apryl – Sorry to hear about your bf, but good job on your loss!

    Jenn – Wooooohoo power to you for your no sweets challenge!

    Sarah (rain) – Awesome job on recouping – you’re getting back into the groove with a vengeance way to go!

    Mer – Welcome!

    Okay as for me… Sunday I had a great weigh in and then I went to a friend’s birthday barbecue at the beach and completely screwed myself by eating what I estimate to be well over 1000 calories. I did cardio and abs when I got home but still felt - Bleh. Monday was better, I ate pretty well and we had an awesome kickball game against a really tough team. We tied, even after an extra inning, but we’re still technically undefeated so I’ll take it ;) Today I’ve been trying to catch up to the boards lol but I have a ton of work and studying to catch up on. If I get my work done in time I’ll get my exercise in.

    Have a great week everyone! Be back in a few days to check in!
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Away on business again. Bump!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Nava- I totes had your weight on my spreadsheet... will all the cutting and pasting I had to do, I must have missed you perhaps. Don't worry-- I've got your weight down, and my apologies again!

    Trivia tonight for me which means not great eating.

    I'm totes down for a warrior dash next year. I'd go for any of them, as the SC one is one state away from the parents, so I would maybe be able to swing that one as well.
  • kmturtle3
    Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap.


    Yesterday I had to drive to the southwest side of Chicago to pick up some flooring for a customer... I left the store at 7:30 in the morning and got back a little before 6. That was my whole day of work. So today has been a LOT of catch up. But a day in the car without work drama? I'll take it.

    I'm not going to try to catch up with everyone, because I am totally overwhelmed.

    Sarah, YOU GOT THIS. You know you can run the 13.1 miles. You've already done it. And as far as pace goes? Just vow to give it everything you've got - mind and body combined. If you do that, then you've done your best. And that's all that matters. And mroe than likely, you'll hit your goal time. Just have confidence in your abilities. We all do.

    Victoria, I'm diggin' your modifications to my modified P90X schedule. Looks fun. I may have to steal it a bit to get me from October until P90X 2 comes out in December. Then I'll rock P90X 2 over the cold winter months, and then after that, we'll see what happens.

    Kristina, you really are fan-freaking-tastic for keeping up with all of us. How are YOU? You posted a loss this week, which is awesome - you're on your way back down!

    Kendal, the badge thing sounds sweet! I would love that! And good call on the holidays being not so far away.... time to buckle down and get ready!

    Amy and Lacey, I miss you guys. I hope you are having fun but I'm ready for you to be back.

    Pam, that 5k sounds super fun! And you will totally own it. Running is such a mental sport. Go into that race knowing you can do it, and you will. Mind over matter!

    That's all I can think of right now.... .... ... as for me, weekend was good. Saturday... Saturday I ran 12 miles. It was the hardest run yet. I made the mistake of running a route that made me go 6 miles in one direction, then turn around and run the 6 miles home. Mentally, I just struggled with that SO much - knowing that I was going to stop, come about, and come right back. Plus I was tired. And my legs were still sore from pushing my 5 mile run on Thursday. It was seriously 2 hours and 4 minutes of thinking "Just don't stop, just don't stop. One foot in front of the other, one foot in front of the other." I'm still really proud of it. Because WHOA 12 miles. This week I'm going to taper down a bit, and then next week a bit more. I may not have signed up for the Detroit 1/2, but on October 16 I will run the 13.1 miles at race speed. I want to see how fast I can go.

    Saturday after the run we went to the Michigan Ren Fest. OMG so much fun. We did tarot card readings, smoked some hookah, shot bows and arrows... ... I also bought a jingly gypsy belt thing made out of Egyptian coins that hangs low on my waist/butt. Its totally sexy and weird and something I would have never even considered buying, or trying, because it wouldn't fit around my waist. I didn't even think about whether or not it fit when I tried it on. It was an awesome moment. I'll try to get you guys a pic.

    Sunday was just some yoga X and hangin' at home watching the Lions be awesome. Yay Detroit sports. Plus Gears of War 3 is out for XBox, so that has consumed an awful lot of my time. :blushing:

    Warrior dash next summer in Michigan? I might be up for that!
  • jessicae1aine
    Kendal - I think that's awesome. :D I'm all for badges; mind if I steal them for my blog when you finish them, too?

    Katheryne - Yay for your NSV! :D That's really awesome.

    Lacey - That's funny. :P I hope you're having an awesome time.

    Tasha - Thanks! :) How many sports do you play? O.o
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    It's funny you guys mentioned Warrior Dash. I'm totally thinking about joining here in MN! I already have 2 possible people joining me that I know IRL. Plus 1 fellow MN I met on here who is most likely doing it for sure.
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    It's funny you guys mentioned Warrior Dash. I'm totally thinking about joining here in MN! I already have 2 possible people joining me that I know IRL. Plus 1 fellow MN I met on here who is most likely doing it for sure.