Healthy for the Holidays Challenge - 9/06 - 11/22



  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I'm 189 today. A little thinner today! Keep up the great work everyone!
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    Weigh in today 152.3 so 1.5lb loss

    I found carbs a challenge altho my numbers are not that high. 100-150 each day. Being vegetarian seems to make it more challenging. I enjoyed the exercise part of the challenge - thank you
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    H4H SW 156.2
    9/13 154.6
    9/20 153.4
    9/27 153.0
    H4H GW 150

    down 0.4 lb. this week. I had changed my weekly loss goal to 0.5 lb., so that's very close.

    Fall blew in with a vengeance this weekend, so I'll have lots of yard work (raking leaves and lawn restoration) to keep me moving for exercise.

    Hooray for all the "losers" this week!
  • I weighed in this morning and was up 0.6 pounds. I was disappointed, but not shocked. I spent the weekend away at a women's retreat, where all the food was included, and even though I made better choices than I would have in the past, I still went WAY over my calories. I'm going to try the lower carb challenge again this week because I really think that will help me. Working towards a big loss this week!
  • weigh in at 179.4lbs

    SW: 186.6
    Week 1: 183.6
    Week 2: 180.2
    Week 3: 179.4
    GW: 171
  • Starting Weight-9/6/2011: 232
    9/13/2011: 228.2

    I can't find my post from last week-swore I posted. It was late at night maybe I didnt click right lol
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Hi Kids!!!
    Hope you all had a fabulous week!

    ****************************************WEEK 4 CHALLENGE*****************************************

    My thought this week is something different.....

    Food: 2 parts...
    The tried and true, try something NEW this week...either some food item you've never had, or something old done in a new way. For example, I went bargin grocery shopping the other day, in the produce department. Saw some Chayote Squash on sale for FIFTY CENTS!!! What the heck is chayote squash, I said to myself. But hey, for fifty cents, I'll try it! Come to find out, it's great for you, very versitle, AND I found a ton of recipes for it!! Which brings me to the second part....
    Post a favorite recipe!!! If everyone does this, even just ONE RECIPE, we'll all have like, FORTY new recipes to add to our collection!!! You can post just one, or one every day...the more the better :bigsmile:

    Exercise: It's change of seasons time, and for many of us, that means the winter is coming, the light is leaving us earlier, and the Seasonal Affective Disorder is just around the corner! So try something FUN to chase those oncoming winter blues away!
    Play with the kids outside, hit the park and throw the football around, DANCE around the house (ahem, Angela, I haven't seen that from you lately :wink: ) The challenge part is this: Log a 3,500 calorie burn for this week!! Big fun burns to chase those blues away!!!

    Have a great week, have FUN and I can't wait to try all of this delicious food that is going to be posted!!!!

    :heart: Leslie
  • 1erica60
    1erica60 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi! I'd like to join this challenge if I may!? I enjoyed being with a lot of you on the Fit 4 Fall challenge! At the end I was pregnant but at 12 wks I lost the baby:sad: . So...I'm back to join you all in weight loss! Which in the long run will be better for me and baby when we try again. CW-210 GW-199
  • Hi! I'd like to join this challenge if I may!? I enjoyed being with a lot of you on the Fit 4 Fall challenge! At the end I was pregnant but at 12 wks I lost the baby:sad: . So...I'm back to join you all in weight loss! Which in the long run will be better for me and baby when we try again. CW-210 GW-199

    So, so sorry to hear about your loss! Glad you found us again! We're here to support you every step of the way.

    I've added you to the group spreadsheet. Bookmark it and check in anytime.
  • TOM for me and a close friend committed suicide this week. I have to do better than this I know I can.

    So, so sorry to hear about your loss, too! I'm very impressed that you're still here with us.
  • patty9013
    patty9013 Posts: 230 Member
    CW: 194.5
    I know that is up from last week. But I was so sick and found out on Wednesday that I was dehydrated and was given IV fluids. So that is why my weight was down last week and up this week but still not bad. I haven't logged in my foods since last Saturday night. Wednesday was the 1st day I really felt like eating and have ate pretty light since.
    Stomache bug bad bad bug!!
    Trying to get back on board this week.:drinker:
  • 1erica60
    1erica60 Posts: 63 Member
    Thank you, Helen, for caring and for adding me!!
  • 1erica60
    1erica60 Posts: 63 Member
    I forgot... my NSV is to really work hard and lose at least 2 inches on my waist and hips!! That's probably far-fetched:laugh: but I want to try!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Awesome challenge Leslie and yes I've been having fun with it lately. I've been doing crazy dancing every other day on my strength day. Yesterday I did belly dancing. That was way cool but glad no one was watching me lol. Let's kick butt this week!!!!
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Oh, and here's my last week's summary.....

    Just was having one of those weeks...meh, it happens. And now I'm in TOMville, so there is no way I'm using today's weight, since I 'gained' FOUR POUNDS while I was SLEEPING!! hahahahahaha

    So, I'll use my pre-TOM weight of 190...up one from last week. But I'm brushing that off, and by, um, Thursday, maybe, I'll be back at it full force!
  • Oh I'm on the spreadsheet!! Thank you! I'm so excited to do this! Do heart rate monitors show you calories burned? Just curious. I LOVE playing games on my kinect so I was thinking I could maybe stick a hrm on and count calories that way? That would fit in with the challenge I think.

    Also, what is TOM? Sorry...
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Oh I'm on the spreadsheet!! Thank you! I'm so excited to do this! Do heart rate monitors show you calories burned? Just curious. I LOVE playing games on my kinect so I was thinking I could maybe stick a hrm on and count calories that way? That would fit in with the challenge I think.

    Also, what is TOM? Sorry...

    That would TOTALLY fit in with the challenge :bigsmile:
    And TOM is Time Of Month :sick:
  • SW 179.5
    9/13 180.5
    9/20 180
    9/27 180

    GW 170

    I have been resting my knee. It was irritated when I planted my garden and was not getting better when I was exercising. I have been busy, too. I am lucky that I haven't gained wt. Celebrated my Husband's birthday. I am going camping this weekend and hopefully will get some exercise walking and riding my bike. I hope to get some rest as well. Hopefully, my next weigh-in will reflect a loss.
  • Checking in...

    CW 151.8

    I had a .2 gain this week. Small gain but it's a gain. i will work that off plus some this week. I have done 3 days of bootcamp and walking.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Oh I'm on the spreadsheet!! Thank you! I'm so excited to do this! Do heart rate monitors show you calories burned? Just curious. I LOVE playing games on my kinect so I was thinking I could maybe stick a hrm on and count calories that way? That would fit in with the challenge I think.

    Also, what is TOM? Sorry...

    TOM = time of the month. something no one is all that fond of (unless like me the last thing you could possibly take right now is preggers) :tongue:

    HRM does count calories burned. It's worth reading reviews, asking around for opinions. I know lots of ppl on this message board use them, and there are often other message boards running with discussion about HRMs. I have a garmin HRM, which is amazing b/c it not only tracks cals burned, but also distance and mapping. It runs on satellite and in amazing, but it's waaaay more than most people want/need, but I bought it years ago when I was part of a running group. I think I've heard chatter from some of the ladies here about the Polar one. Feel free to chime in gals!