Who else is starting in the new year?

mondevert6611 Posts: 3 Member
edited January 3 in Health and Weight Loss
Who else is starting (or restarting or reaffirming or whatever) a diet and fitness plan at the beginning of the new year? Me, I'm back to counting calories, daily exercise, and a new gym membership after taking it easy and steadily gaining since last summer. I'm at 189.8 lbs this morning and would like to get down to 169.8. I'd also like to get my VO2 max (aerobic fitness) score on my Apple Watch over 30 again. How about you?


  • ErikaC1725
    ErikaC1725 Posts: 11 Member

    Start weight on 1/2 was 219.4. I have three goals for the year: 199 by April, 175 in July and 160 for December.
    Non scale goal is to see my Fitbit score up in the blues and greens and my resting heartrate back below 60.
  • SamanthaBCope
    SamanthaBCope Posts: 1 Member
    Me! I first started my fitness journey in October of 2022. I was going to the gym and I was loving it. Unfortunately it became too expensive and I had to stop. I was able to come up with the money to get an elliptical but by the time I got to the store to get one after weeks of trying I was out of habit. I needed to build my endurance again and using the elliptical was difficult for me especially because it's not meant for a tall person. My legs are bowed in a way that my feet can't touch when my knees are straight. If that makes sense, so whenever I use my elliptical my knee keeps hitting the middle bar and my foot keep sliding over like it's going to fall off the machine.

    I have been able to maintain not drinking soda which is a big thing for me since I used to drink between 4 to 8 liters DAILY.

    I really struggled this past summer. Every time I had a non-scale victory like maintaining a lower calorie diet or succeeding a couple days of intermittent fasting. I would be proud of myself until I looked at the scale. My weight was fluctuating and at a stalemate. After a couple weeks of trying to motivate myself to keep walking everyday and including all these healthy habits I had started I just couldn't get below 240 lb. I would get right on the cusps and then my weight would shoot up.

    For my mental health I had to take a break. Right before Christmas I had a very bad toothache. The dentist told me I need three teeth removed. Because of my insurance I'm still waiting to get that taken care of. But the pain is so bad I can't chew. I started a partial liquid diet because I need actual substance. And I take Aleve before I have lunch just so I can manage the pain enough to have an actual meal one today. I started drinking carnations breakfast essentials twice a day if I use a straw the pain isn't as bad. When I first started the partial liquid diet I would have a grilled cheese with tomato soup for lunch so I could drink the soup with a straw too. The pain is less which means the nerve is dying but it also means I can eat a little bit more.

    Because of the timing of everything and the fact that New Year's was coming up and I knew I was definitely going to be losing weight due to my restricted diet. So I decided to restart my fitness journey. I even ordered some kettlebells to assist in my workouts. I read that adding weights to your workout can boost your metabolism. Plus I love receiving packages because I'm a dork. So it was something to look forward to and be excited about and help me stay motivated.

    I didn't wait until New Year's because of the whole idea of revolution or anything like that. It just so happened to be good timing for bad situation.

    10 days ago I also established a daily routine. Before that because of the tooth pain I had gotten used to being in bed all day watching TV. Even before that I have times when I become depressed and I just am not productive.

    Since I started this routine there's only been one day when I didn't follow it in the last 10 days. When I do it has amazing results. I have 16 alarms set everyday. I have a set time when I clean and two set times when I do a half hour of exercise. Doesn't matter what I do at this point because I'm still establishing the routine I just want to do some form of physical activity twice a day. I also have three set meal times and I haven't been snacking. Because I'm always busy between meal times following this schedule I haven't even been hungry or eating out of boredom. It's working, I've lost 5 lb since I started. It has also lifted my depression.

    My goals for the year: My current weight is 230 lb I would like to be at 199. By May 5th Cinco de Mayo. My niece's birthday.
  • ErikaC1725
    ErikaC1725 Posts: 11 Member
    @SamanthaBCope i started a group for those who are trying to reach 199 or lower. There’s not many of us in there yet… come join us!
