
  • tolkienite
    tolkienite Posts: 204 Member
    Hello. I'm a little late so am starting with my weight from yesterday (aka the first day post-New Year I had access to my scales again).

    January 4: 182.6
    January 7:
    January 14:
    January 21:
    January 28:
  • Arose719
    Arose719 Posts: 49 Member
    evasultan wrote: »
    How’s everyone doing? Trying to bump up the water -
    Seeing some solid progress. I have really changed up the way I eat and think about food this time. I’m very hopeful! Good luck!!
  • Arose719
    Arose719 Posts: 49 Member
    I would like to participate. I'm late, so no way to lose 10lbs, but I will post how I've done anyway. :lol:

    So glad you’re showing up still! We’re just a few days in. Can’t wait to hear how you do!
  • evasultan
    evasultan Posts: 28 Member
    Weigh-in tomorrow!!!
    Post either how much you’ve lost this week and your current weight (if you want)
  • LornaDiane1
    LornaDiane1 Posts: 7 Member
    Current Weight: 213.6

    December 31: 214.6
    January 7: 211.2
    January 14:
    January 21:
    January 28:

    Total pounds lost for the month of January 2024: 0.0
  • Sdun1112002
    Sdun1112002 Posts: 38 Member
    Current Weight: 209 really excited to get this goal.

    December 31: 209
    January 7: 211 well that’s the wrong direction 😩
    January 14:
    January 21:
    January 28:

    Total pounds lost for the month of January 2024:

  • BillyAZ
    BillyAZ Posts: 76 Member
    Morning All,

    A strong start to the new regime…and rewards well above my expectations. Not resting on my laurels though - pushing on for the whole month!

    December 31: 217.3
    January 7: 205.9
    January 14:
    January 21:
    January 28:

    Total pounds lost for the month of January 2024: 11.4
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 506 Member
    Good morning everyone, it's a snowy day here in Boston with up to 7 inches expected. Looks like I gained a bit over the past week but I haven't been very active and I did drink alcohol on Friday (and also had a large meatball sub):

    DEC 31: 146.2
    JAN 07: 146.4
    JAN 14:
    JAN 21
    JAN 28:
    JAN 31:
    Total weight lost in January: 0 lbs. (so far).

    I plan to be very careful this week so I can pick up the peace and lose at least one pound by next Sunday.

    Best to all! 💕
  • evasultan
    evasultan Posts: 28 Member
    So weighed myself throughout the week and I was less than this morning -but I do feel lighter even though I’m just recording a -0.4pd weight loss. Need to stay focused! Btw, drinking more water has been a real game changer for me for digestion and energy.
    Good luck to all for this week! Keep in touch right here! Eva

    December 31: 0
    January 7: -0.4
    January 14:
    January 21:
    January 28:
  • tolkienite
    tolkienite Posts: 204 Member
    January 4: 182.6
    January 7: 177.4
    January 14:
    January 21:
    January 28:

    Total pounds lost for the month of January 2024: 5.2

    This has surprised me, but I'm finally refocusing on my nutrition and exercise for probably the first time properly since 2020, so I suspect at least some of this is water weight and general fluctuation. Still really pleased though!
  • Tomorrowtheday
    Tomorrowtheday Posts: 2 Member
    Current Weight: 165 lbs

    December 31:
    January 7:164.6
    January 14:
    January 21:
    January 28:

    Total pounds lost for the month of January 2024:

  • Arose719
    Arose719 Posts: 49 Member
    edited January 8
    Starting Weight: 243.8lb

    December 31: 243.8lb
    January 7: 235.0lb
    January 14:
    January 21:
    January 28:

    Total pounds lost for the month of January 2024: 8.2
  • debster2u
    debster2u Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you hosting the challenge. Count me in!

    December 31: 205.4 lbs
    January 7: 202.5 - headed in the right direction!
    January 14:
    January 21:
    January 28:

    Total pounds lost for the month of January 2024:
  • marafrieda
    marafrieda Posts: 14 Member
    after several OPs and menopause I have gained so much weight! I have not been this heavy since I was pregnant 16 years ago! I feel ok about myself but not the way I feel moving. So thank you for the support and accountability. Looking for buddies as well.

    Current Weight: 83,3 kilos, 183 pounds
    Goal weight: 70 kilos, 154 pounds

    January 3: 83,3 kilos, 183 pounds
    January 9: 82,5 kilos 181 pounds 🙂
    January 17:
    January 24:
    January 31:

    Total pounds lost for the month of January 2024:
  • LornaDiane1
    LornaDiane1 Posts: 7 Member
    Current Weight: 213.6

    December 31: 214.6
    January 7: 211.2
    January 14:208.2
    January 21:
    January 28:

    Total pounds lost for the month of January 2024: 5.4
  • Sdun1112002
    Sdun1112002 Posts: 38 Member
    Current Weight: 209 really excited to get this goal.

    December 31: 209
    January 7: 211 well that’s the wrong direction 😩
    January 14: 211 I am happy I have stoped gaining I’ve been able to get out and walk the last couple days so I’m hopeful to get things going in the right direction now!
    January 21:
    January 28:

    Total pounds lost for the month of January 2024:

  • Sdun1112002
    Sdun1112002 Posts: 38 Member
    Current Weight: 213.6

    December 31: 214.6
    January 7: 211.2
    January 14:208.2
    January 21:
    January 28:

    Total pounds lost for the month of January 2024: 5.4
    You are doing great keep up the great work!
  • 36Gabriella12
    36Gabriella12 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Everyone! Getting my act together a bit late as well. But at least I have 2 more weeks in January. Hoping all the support works this time!

    Current Weight: 144

    December 31:
    January 7:
    January 14: 143
    January 21:
    January 28:

    Total pounds lost for the month of January 2024:
  • BillyAZ
    BillyAZ Posts: 76 Member
    Morning All,

    Slow and steady progress over the last week to consolidate the good first week of the month. I fully expect to drop below 200 this coming week albeit my goal for January remains <200. As soon as I get past the 200, I’ll set a new weekly and monthly target.

    December 31: 217.3
    January 7: 205.9
    January 14: 202.2
    January 21:
    January 28:

    Total pounds lost for the month of January 2024: 15.1
  • 36Gabriella12
    36Gabriella12 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm still new to discussion groups. After you've made your individual post, how do you reply to a certain individual whose profile looks similar to your own?