Women 200lb+, Let's Rock 'n Roll this January!!!



  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 73 Member
    Sharon age 42
    SW 230
    Jan SW 193
    Feb GW 187
    UGW 150 (will reassess once this goal is reached)

    1/01: 193.0
    1/8: 189.0
    1/13: 185.6
    1/14: 185.6
    Total month loss: -7.4lbs😮🤯😳🥹
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,377 Member
    edited January 15
    Good morning everyone!

    Despite going over calories yesterday :neutral:, I weighed lower than my average, so my average went down again and my expenditure went up. I love this process of finding out how many calories I CAN have, as opposed to how many I can't.

    ETA stars:
    ⭐ duolingo: ✅
    ⭐ weight loss calories: ❌
    ⭐ logging in grams: ✅
    ⭐ reading:✅
    ⭐ exercise routine: ✅

    The garage is coming along nicely! I'm not ready to show pictures yet, but I'm starting to do the fun stuff- put up mood lighting and think about decor and mirrors. :) In fact, I've already ordered a bunch of lighting and the mirrors, so. Lol.

    I should finish the flooring before putting up the pole, but I'm missing some underlayment, so I have to wait on getting some more- my mom has some scraps that will fit, as opposed to buying another $50 roll.

    While I'm waiting, though, I can do the wall related stuff (lighting and mirrors) and get the shed organized so I can get the miscellaneous crap out of the garage and into the shed where it belongs. So that will be today, as well as food prep for the week.

    I also made the tea cookies yesterday, the thing is, these are... fine. As cookies. But they're pretty, is the thing. So now I have to find a butter cookie recipe that will hold its shape that I actually like, lol. These are meant to be one a day while I'm at work, with tea.

    So today! Shed cleanout leading to garage final cleanout, meal prep, picking up decor and mirror stuff, going to the gym, and then finally sleep. It's plenty to do, lol. Dinner tonight will be chicken coconut curry, dealing with the leftovers from roast chicken yesterday.

    @mmatcha_latte You're doing amazing! Don't worry about tagging, it's just something I like to do, haha. And there will absolutely come a time when I don't have time- just not yet.

    @sharon81 you're hanging in there with that new low. :smiley:

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 73 Member
    edited January 15
    Sharon age 42
    SW 230
    Jan SW 193
    Feb GW 187
    UGW 150 (will reassess once this goal is reached)

    1/01: 193.0
    1/8: 189.0
    1/13: 185.6
    1/14: 185.6
    1/15: 187.2 (I don't know what this is about?!?) Bodies are weird!!
    Total month loss: -5.8lbs😮🤯😳🥹

    📌Weekly goals:
    Add more activity into the day to day- I worked on staying active in those times I could. I worked on some squats, planking, crunches, and a few other moves I don't know the names of as well as using a 3 lb weight for my arms.
    Be at calorie deficit 6/7 days.
    last week I was under 6/7. - I was able to get up to and over 1000 calories most days last week which was a small goal I had.
    Hoping tomorrow proves today to be a glitch. Almost 2lbs in 1 day is absurd!! LOL Trying to walk it off. 🚶‍♀️
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,206 Member
    edited January 15

    @itladyee that 10k steps are hard to hit every day. I remember when I was actively tracking my steps, with a small effort I could get to 7k-8k, it had to be a bigger effort every day to get to 10. There have been some studies... let me see if I can find them... here's reference to one, that say that for health, 7k is as good as 10. So it's just if you're doing it for calories, would be why go for 10. You're doing really great at your less alcohol goal! Love that for you!

    My hierarchy goes: hands occupied, mind occupied, body relocated, smart snacking.
    I love that article also good to know! Thx. When working, especially during the winter, it's difficult.

    That hierarchy is awesome too. May I borrow it?
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,377 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    183 today for some reason. Probably shark week related. No big.
    ⭐ duolingo: ✅
    ⭐ weight loss calories: ✅
    ⭐ logging in grams: ✅
    ⭐ reading:✅
    ⭐ exercise routine: ✅

    My alarm didn't go off this morning because my phone decided to shut down, cool, I guess I snuck in an extra hour of sleep but I don't feel like it, haha. I feel so out of it today, going to have to watch myself around snacks.

    Gym last night was great, my favorite- all chair classes. And a new choreography I got to learn! Great times.

    Tonight, it's shoulder strengthening on the docket, to rehab this shoulder I tweaked last week, and for dinner I'll make pork and peanut dragon noodles, because today on our "every day is a holiday" calendar, it says Spicy Food day or something. Kiddo loves spicy food, so she's excited.

    I'm excited for a night at home where I do not feel pressure to work on the garage- it's not done, but on a work night, I'm not going to worry about working on it.

    Tag party:
    @CeCeFlyy nice! Well done on your goal and on being proactive about hobbies, I love crocheting as well. :smile:

    @sharon81 certainly water weight shifting around, keep on keeping on :wink:

    @itladyee absolutely, I post my ideas in case they resonate with others :smiley:

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 73 Member
    1/01: 193.0
    1/8: 189.0
    1/13: 185.6
    1/14: 185.6
    1/15: 187.2 (I don't know what this is about?!?) Bodies are weird!!
    1/16: 186.2
    Total month loss: -6.8lbs
    Down a bit this morning. Did very little yesterday. The bare minimum cleaning even left dishes in the sink 🤢 I hate when I do this. It makes everything that much more arduous when I get home from work and try to jump right into preparing dinner. Fortunately, tonight's dinner is salad for me (I've been craving a Greek salad for a week now.) and enchiladas for the boys so, super quick and easy. Hoping to start a "walk at home" video tonight. -2℉ this morning and that's just too cold for me. I need to get more activity in. This desk job is going to kill me.
  • skintight303
    skintight303 Posts: 53 Member
    sharon81 wrote: »
    Too excited not to share… starting today I think I may log my daily weight because so far, I’ve not been able to wait until Monday (my weigh in day) to report progress and I weigh myself daily anyway. Who knew that getting involved in the discussion groups would be so rewarding? Not me. I’ve been on MFP since 2009 on and off. Super serious about it since October of 2022 and only posted for the first time ever just before Christmas 2023. Anyway, all that to say that I’m down more than I ever expected this month… yay!!
    This morning the scale read 185.6!!!! I have not been this weight since I got married 20 years ago!!!

    Sharon age 42
    SW 230
    Jan SW 193
    Feb GW 187
    UGW 150 (will reassess once this goal is reached)

    1/01: 193.0
    1/8: 189.0
    1/13: 185.6
    Total month loss: -7.4lbs😮🤯😳🥹

    This is so incredible--your dedication is showing!!!!!!
  • skintight303
    skintight303 Posts: 53 Member
    Hello All!

    The long, MLK holiday weekend has my days all mixed-up and I didn't post on Friday!

    Hope everyone is having a good week. We had my husband's delayed holiday party over the weekend. I held strong and didn't have a drink. Turns out a few other people were also doing dry January--so we enjoyed some NA apple cider vinegar cocktails (delicious).

    It was a long weekend with the kiddos and we did make is out sledding again which has helped with my movement. No jogging though--its just to bitter cold in the morning/night.

    Still climbing those stairs at work :wink:

    Jan. SW: 194
    Jan. 5th: 193.2
    Jan. 12th: 189.2

    ****NOTE--I WAS down at 188.4 on Sunday, but was 190 this morning. As many of you have said--bodies are weird.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,377 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    A little down from my high yesterday, so now 182.4, I have a feeling we'll continue downward. I didn't get a chance this morning to check my expenditure numbers (my bluetooth scale automatically puts my weight in MacroFactor for me).

    I spent yesterday cleaning and cleaning and cleaning, but I did manage to do my shoulder strengthening exercises. It's so hard to motivate myself to work out by myself, haha. But I did it.

    I backed myself into a corner with eating at work, because I brought in cookies for everyone and then ate a couple too many. Still logged everything, it's fine. I'm in for the long haul, this is going to happen occasionally. I just need to be real with myself when it does.
    ⭐ duolingo: ✅
    ⭐ weight loss calories: ❌
    ⭐ logging in grams: ✅
    ⭐ reading:✅
    ⭐ exercise routine: ✅

    tag party time!
    @sharon81 you're doing just fine. I understand the desk-centered blues, haha, that's me too. I end up taking a "lap" around the building whenever I get up to use the bathroom, I should start adding one set of stairs to it a 'la @skintight303

    @skintight303 weight can't go down all the time, goes up sometimes, that doesn't mean you're not making progress, it just means that you might have more water or something in process. You're doing great.

    Tonight, I'm making my egg roll skillet for dinner, and either it's my rest day and I have to do exercise on Friday before the hockey game, or I do it today and take Friday as my rest day. We'll see.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 73 Member
    1/01: 193.0
    1/8: 189.0
    1/13: 185.6
    1/14: 185.6
    1/15: 187.2
    1/16: 186.2
    1/17: 186.2
    Total month loss: -6.8lbs

    Slow and steady I guess. I was finally able to have my Greek salad and it was so good! I did cave tho and had a small piece of the enchilada bake that I made my hubby and son. It was pretty good with sour cream and homemade guacamole.
    As I was sitting at work yesterday contemplating my day's meals and snacks. I thought, "I bet my vanilla Greek yogurt would be yummy with a little peanut butter in it. Let me tell you, it was exactly what I wanted texturally and taste wise. It was so good. 1/2 cup vanilla Greek yogurt with 1 TBS peanut butter. I felt like I was eating peanut butter cheese cake. 🍰
  • skintight303
    skintight303 Posts: 53 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe Thank you for the encouragement! What you say is SO true and very easy to forget. :wink: I started using Happy Scale and it is very helpful to see the trend line instead of focusing so closely on the specific number. My coworkers must think I take a long time in the bathroom--but I'm determined to get those steps in!

    @sharon81 your progress is exceptional and I would not call this SLOW, but most definitely steady!!
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 73 Member
    edited January 17
    @skintight303 I see your point :smile: Overall this month it has been pretty fast progress, but the last few days have been slower, and I know that is how it goes typically for me, the plateaus are longer than I want. In a perfect world I'd lose .1 or .2 a day. Not looking to lose whole pounds per day although if not unhealthy would be awesome. HAHA!! You are also doing so well! I love the accountability this group has given to me. I record honestly even though when I had that almost 2lb gain, I wanted to ignore this group altogether, but I didn't, and I am so glad that I have you and everyone else in here 🥰🥰
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,377 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Didn't hit my target calories yesterday, but I didn't go over maintenance, woop woop. Weight 182, so continuing to come closer to what my average is. I did find out that pizza rolls I made for my kid as a snack- they're not as good as I remember them being :lol:

    ⭐ duolingo: ✅
    ⭐ weight loss calories: ✅
    ⭐ logging in grams: ✅
    ⭐ reading:✅
    ⭐ exercise routine: ✅

    There was some stressful interpersonal stuff happening with me last night, so I took the night to rest- to sit on my chair and knit and watch cooking videos and not move much, and I needed that. It was good. That means I'll have to do exercise before the hockey game Friday, but that's fine. By Friday, the stressful interpersonal stuff will be resolved.

    Tonight, gym night- an angry girl weights and cardio class, think Alanis Morissette, and splits class. Egg roll skillet for real this time- yesterday I ate curry leftovers, which were great.

    Tag party time:
    @sharon81 I am HERE for peanut butter in anything, I'm going to have to try that!

    @skintight303 lol WHERE DID SHE GO??? Everyone knows I'm taking a lap, haha, they pass me in the hallway doing my little stupid walk for my stupid mental health, lol.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 62 Member
    I was sick friday- sunday. But, now i am much better. I am excited for weigh in tomorrow. Hope I lost some. I have got to the point I cant not walk outside now to icy and to cold. So now it is treadmill time. Not a big fan of the treadmill. With that being said, I was feeling run down last night and didnt get on the treadmill. Today is a new day.
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 73 Member
    edited January 18
    1/01: 193.0
    1/8: 189.0
    1/13: 185.6
    1/14: 185.6
    1/15: 187.2
    1/16: 186.2
    1/17: 186.2
    1/18: 184.0 (so.... we're just going to fluctuate back and fourth with this almost 2lbs to just over 2lbs.) Insanity, but I'll take it!
    Total month loss: -9lbs
    @kristinwoods919 I hear you on the cold! It's been bitter cold up here in the U.P. 😉 Glad you're feeling better!!
    @CupcakeCrusoe Me too! I freaking love peanut butter and hubby hates the smell 😂🤣

    Last night we had Maple Balsamic pork medallions https://thewanderlustkitchen.com/easy-pork-medallions-maple-balsamic-sauce/ with roasted sweet potatoes. https://julieseatsandtreats.com/roasted-sweet-potatoes/ So good! I also splurged on my new dessert love, Yogurt and PeanutButter!!
  • sarah12277
    sarah12277 Posts: 212 Member
    Age 47
    Height 5'4"
    SW 249 3/2020
    CW 230
    GW for January 225
    UGW 145

    1/01: 230.0
    1/10: 231.7
    1/15: 229.4
    Total month loss:

    Weekly goals:
    -At least 2 day at gym - 1 cardio, 1 strength
    -64 oz of water each day

    We had a surprise on Monday. One of the dog breeders had reduced their pricing. She matched the same as what we would have paid the wannabe rescue the week prior. She was in our city so we got the one I was eying. Now puppy training.

    Work is stressful for trying to get things done when I'm the only one in the grouping to get assigned tasks and get the prep work done.

    Last week I did get to the gym. This week not so much but light on food a tad. Extreme cold warnings stopped me a bit. Now a storm coming this evening so I best try to get there tonight.
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 62 Member
    1/01: 236.6
    1/05: 228.1
    1/12: 225.4
    1/19: 223.4

    I am so excited for my progress I may hit my new goal after all
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 73 Member
    1/01: 193.0
    1/8: 189.0
    1/13: 185.6
    1/14: 185.6
    1/15: 187.2
    1/16: 186.2
    1/17: 186.2
    1/18: 184.0
    1/19: 184.0
    Total month loss: -9lbs
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,377 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    182.2 this morning, which is just about average,which makes sense, considering I haven't been very close to my target cals, slowing loss way down. Still, because I've been logging everything, my expenditure calories went up a bit more this morning, now I'm in the mid-1800s and still climbing. Shark week still hasn't commenced, and I want it over at this point- I feel awful and bloated.

    ⭐ duolingo: ✅
    ⭐ weight loss calories: ✅
    ⭐ logging in grams: ✅
    ⭐ reading:✅
    ⭐ exercise routine: ✅

    Tonight is hockey night! $2 beer and hot dogs! So I'll have a hot dog and a beer later, I had dunkin' this morning, lol, but a nice healthy planned salad for lunch (so easy- a turkey burger I cooked this weekend, with some premade salad kit- those kits are tasty).

    Gym last night was great- as usual, I didn't want to go, and I was so glad I went anyway. This always happens. The girls at my gym are too fun and supportive and great.

    As for workout before the game, I've got a pole conditioning thing on the schedule, but I haven't been able to put up my pole, what with the flooring mishap. So I think I'll do chair conditioning instead, to get ready for my chair acrobatics class next wednesday.

    Tag party time:
    @kristinwoods919 glad to hear you're feeling a little better, and you're rocking it!

    @sharon81 oooh, I love a roasted sweet potato. I should make more pork- it's pretty inexpensive where I live.

    @sarah12277 !!!!! NEW PUP?!?!?! CONGRATULATIONS! Can we see a picture? 🥺🥺🥺

    Have a great day everyone!