Women 200lb+, Let's Rock 'n Roll this January!!!



  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,379 Member
    edited January 23
    Good morning everyone!

    Weight about average today, it's fine.

    I did make myself do a whole splits class yesterday, and I'm glad I did- felt good to stretch out the ol' hamstrings. Other than that, I was a lump on the couch knitting, as dinner was leftovers. :lol: Had a nice chat with some friends, too. Tonight's dinner is tortellini with sausage, a favorite of the house. Tonight's workout will either be shoulder strengthening or chair conditioning for my chair acrobatics class tomorrow. We'll see what hits me.

    I've been reading, doing my duolingo, and following my workout plan, and logging all my food. The only inconsistency is weight loss calories, but I can't be bothered to be too bothered by it right now. I'm not going crazy over, but I do need to be more consistently around target. It's hard because target feels so low, especially since MacroFactor is still figuring out my expenditure numbers.

    I made a plan to get with my brother to play Lorecana after I get to open my reward, so something to look forward to for sure.

    ETA today's scents! Pumpkin Mead and Honey Cakes: pretty much just powdery honey at this point, and Honey, Sweet Orange, and Orange Blossom: Vaguely sweet citrus, but fading very quick.

    Anyway! Tag party time!
    @kristinwoods919 you're here, and that's what counts in the long run. Keep going. :smile:

    @HarleyQueen71 we've got a runner! I ran exactly one half marathon like 8 years ago, it was quite peaceful, the training for it. Just long distances, pounding the pavement. Welcome!

    @RavenStCloud :open_mouth: oh no! I hope it's all fixed now, how awful!

    @CeCeFlyy now you know I'm always here for the #girlmath, haha, it's practically free per wear per foot! hahahaha. I'm like you, I need chocolate on a regular basis, otherwise I binge.

    @skintight303 I also see a lot of weight retention around my cycle, which is why I mention shark week so much, haha.

    @sharon81 I see what you did there "squeaky" clean :lol: You're doing great, and weight loss is a range. You can lose more or less, it's not a on or off situation, but about finding how slowly or quickly to lose weight to work with your life. :smiley:

    @t4nn1e welcome to the best thread on mfp! I don't friend anyone, since I only come here for the forums (I use MacroFactor to log my food instead of MFP), but I'm happy to chat here!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 64 Member
    @CeCeFlyy Have you tried adding something to your water to make it easier to drink? I have a cirkul and that helps when I dont want plain water.
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 77 Member
    SW: 230 (10/22)
    UGW: 150
    New Feb 1 GW: 183
    1/01: 193.0
    1/8: 189.0
    1/13: 185.6
    1/14: 185.6
    1/15: 187.2
    1/16: 186.2
    1/17: 186.2
    1/18: 184.0
    1/19: 184.0
    1/20: 184.0
    1/21: 185.2
    1/22: 185.2
    1/23: 186.0
    Total month loss: -7 lbs
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 64 Member
    I cant seem to kick this sickness I have. I started a course of steroids this morning to help. hopefully i can work out and not eat everything in sight.
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 77 Member
    edited January 24
    SW: 230 (10/22)
    UGW: 150
    New Feb 1 GW: 183
    1/01: 193.0
    1/8: 189.0
    1/13: 185.6
    1/14: 185.6
    1/15: 187.2
    1/16: 186.2
    1/17: 186.2
    1/18: 184.0
    1/19: 184.0
    1/20: 184.0
    1/21: 185.2
    1/22: 185.2
    1/23: 186.0
    1/24: 185.2
    Total month loss: -7.8 lbs

    TMI: For some reason, I can't seem to go to the bathroom regularly, which has only ever been a problem when I switch my diet to lots of fresh veggies, salads, etc. I have been eating "normal" food just less of it and haven't changed anything except for a pre and probiotic. Uggg. I think this is why the craziness. I have a fiber supplement in my shopping cart for Friday but in the past they've caused worse bloating and pain than the constipation. I just wan to be back to my "Regular" self. lol.
  • mariem120702
    mariem120702 Posts: 0 Member
    Hi everyone. I've kind of used this app here and there. That was years ago. Now that I am 228 lbs (recently lost almost 20lbs since the start of my journey... somehow) I know I need to change something. Let me tell you some info about me:
    40 yrs old
    Recovering binge eater
    M.E. warrior (disabling chronic illness I was dx with in 2020)
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,379 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Where to start- today's weight was lower than average, but as the two previous were higher than average, my average is staying the same. Expenditure continues upward, so now my weight loss calories are 1600, which is a much friendlier number for me.

    Wednesday chair acrobatics was hard, but I'm glad I did it. I ended up taking my rest day yesterday, and boy did I need it. I've got bruises all over from chair acro and everything hurt yesterday. So I took a rest, it was great, I got some good sleep, and I feel great this morning.

    Tonight, splits work at home, Friday night is pizza and beer night, (we'll see about the beer, and we'll see whether I don't want to change the pizza to something else, too, but it does mean I don't have to cook) and the rest will be relaxing. Oh, and grocery pickup. Hopefully Aldi has the satin pajamas I saw, because I have another set of them, and I love them. I'm not going to the gym tomorrow, so I'm probably going to do shoulder strengthening, as I tweaked the shoulder again at chair acro on Wednesday.

    Anyway! Tag party time!
    @kristinwoods919 I had never heard of a cirkul before, interesting! Like a keurig but for water. I hope you get better soonest.

    @sharon81 look at you kicking butt and taking names!!

    @mmatcha_latte :star: straight sizing BABYYYYYYY :star: welcome to the club! We have XL t-shirts!

    @mariem120702 welcome to the best thread on MFP. I'm so glad you're here. I also used to binge all the time, and still get the urge sometimes. We've talked a little in this thread about our strategies to combat it. One of my best strategies is just to BE BUSY with something I love doing. So I have so many hobbies, haha.

    Have a great Friday everyone!
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 64 Member
    So this weigh in didnt go well. But with this horrible cough and the steroids, its been rough.

    1/01: 236.6
    1/05: 228.1
    1/12: 225.4
    1/19: 223.4
    1/26 225.4

    I will hopefully be able to get back on track and loose these 2 pounds again.
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 64 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe It is like a Keurig for water. Its a water bottle that you change the lid to that is different flavors.
  • dutchgirl188
    dutchgirl188 Posts: 33 Member
    Happy New Year! I was in this group last month and I am happy to be here again!
    I am 37 years old, 5'11" and currently 208.8 lbs. I will weigh in every Friday.
    I started MFP on 10/27/23 and I have lost 15 lbs since then. Each mini goal I hit I will reward myself (pedicure or new outfit, etc.)
    My goals are to lose about 2 lbs per week, track and weigh my food every day, go to the gym 3-4 times per week where I will speed walk 1 mile on the indoor track and do weight lifting for 45 min split into back/biceps, legs/abs, and chest/triceps.
    I wish all of you so much success! 💓
    CW: 208.8
    1st Goal: 208.0
    2nd goal: 198.0
    3rd goal: 185.0
    4th goal: 172.0
    UGW: 165.0

    1/ 5: 208.4. A small loss, but better than nothing! A non-scale victory: I have gone down 3 notches on my belt since October!

    1/12: 205.4 Ahh! I am so happy that I met my first goal! I am going to get a pedicure 🤗

    1/19: 203.6 I have now lost 20 lbs total since I started MFP. I am so happy!

    1/26: 201.6. I am so close to being in the one hundreds. I can't wait! I bought a new pair of work pants 2 sizes smaller (thinking that they probably wouldn't fit yet) and they fit perfectly. That made me so happy!

    I hope you all are doing well. I love to come on here and read about your progress. I love the tag parties! This is such a wonderful and encouraging group ❤️
  • skintight303
    skintight303 Posts: 53 Member
    So this weigh in didnt go well. But with this horrible cough and the steroids, its been rough.

    1/01: 236.6
    1/05: 228.1
    1/12: 225.4
    1/19: 223.4
    1/26 225.4

    I will hopefully be able to get back on track and loose these 2 pounds again.

    @kristinwoods919 You are doing GREAT!! Look back at that weigh-in less than 4 weeks ago. More than 11 pounds ELEVEN POUNDS!! I know it is so hard--but try to zoom out to the big picture. Amazing progress.
  • skintight303
    skintight303 Posts: 53 Member
    @dutchgirl188 Great work! You should be so proud. Those NSV (belt notches, smaller pants) must feel so good. Way to go :smiley:
  • skintight303
    skintight303 Posts: 53 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe I love hearing about your creative ways to get movement in! I have started in on the workout video bandwagon and am sore (and loving it).
  • carley_marie83
    carley_marie83 Posts: 59 Member
    Weigh in #3:
    Starting weight: 97.9 kilos - 215.4lbs
    Current weight: 97.1 kilos - 213.6lbs
    Change: -.800 grams - -1.76lbs
    Total lost: 2.2 kilos - 4.8lbs

    6th: 99.3 kilos - 218.4lbs
    13th: 98.6 kilos - 216.9lbs
    20th: 97.9 kilos - 215.4lbs
    27th: 97.1 kilos - 213.6lbs
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,379 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    My scale chose this morning to tell me both low battery and then die immediately. :cry: usually it gives me a warning low battery before it stops working. Ugh. So we're going with the average from yesterday.

    Saturday weigh in day!
    35 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150
    2024 goal weight: 155!
    SW 2024: 182.7

    🎉 January Goals!🎉
    🎉 January GW: 180
    1/6: 182.3 (-0.4)
    1/13: 182.2 (-0.1)
    1/20: 182.1 (-0.1)
    1/27: 182.0 (-0.1)

    ⭐Stick to weight loss calories 7! days! a week!❌ 5/7
    ⭐Log everything in grams✅
    ⭐Read 2 books✅✅
    ⭐Set up my home pole and take pictures for you all of my home gym in my garage - I have to finish the flooring first, haha. If you give a mouse a cookie, etc. But my parents are dropping off the underlayment today! So maybe today it will get finished!
    ⭐Do not deviate from the workout plan!✅

    daily stars:
    ⭐ duolingo: ✅
    ⭐ weight loss calories: ✅
    ⭐ logging in grams: ✅
    ⭐ reading:✅
    ⭐ exercise routine: ✅

    So today: going to the asian grocery in the lead up to lunar new year, going to clean the house, work on the garage, and then do a splits class (I did shoulder rehab yesterday instead of splits). Dinner tonight - we'll play it by ear. My freezer is full of things, I can find something to make. I just have to log it before I eat it, whatever it is. And save up some calories today to give me a lot of room.

    Tag party time!
    @kristinwoods919 @skintight303 is right, more than 10 lbs is incredible for a month.


    @skintight303 some of these workout videos are no joke, haha!

    @carley_marie83 you're doing really great, congratulations!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,290 Member
    Goal Check 1/26

    Exercise - 6x a week ✔️
    Water - working towards 64 to 100 ounces daily (had a tendency to land around 48 this week > Gotta get back to 64.

    Week 1 = 32 +✔️
    Week 2 = 48 +✔️
    Week 3 = 63 + 4 out of 7 days (so far). Lots of bathroom visits :(
    Week 4 = 80 +
    Week 4 = 63 + closer to 48 :(
    Week 5 = 63 +

    Better Nutrition *Work in Process ✔️
    Good Choices, But... One bad day this week...

    Less Alcohol * Work in process. Currently doing dry January with 2 exception days. Make that 3 but still doing well✔️

    1/1, 1/6, 1/23 had Alcohol. All else AF 24/27

    Get back to 10,000 steps a day (minimum) 🚫

    Struggling here. Averaging about 7,000. Hit 8,000+ a couple of times this week. Still working!!!

    My Mantra:

    🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!

    Saturday Weigh In

    1/01: 223.6
    1/06: 219.0 (4.6) 😎 (fluff weight)
    1/13: 217.4 (1.6)
    1/20: 215.4 (2.0)
    1/27: 215.8 (+.4) Unfortunately, due to my one bad day!

    Total month loss so far: 7.8

    Monthly Tracking
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 64 Member
    I was able to get back on the treadmill yesterday for 30 minutes. I set a time for how long I want to walk for, and just think when I want to give up you want to hit your mini goal by April. If I dont think like that on the treadmill I will want to quit. My goal Is to do 30 minutes everyday this week.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,379 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Weight's a little up today, unclear if it's real or not, we'll see. That ticked my average up and expenditure to stay steady.

    I'm making my plans for next month, and I think I'll promise myself a weekly reward for average going down, and the same reward for the month of exercise adherance, that way if it doesn't, not a huge deal, but a little more incentive for me to keep to my calorie target.

    @itladyee you've still go this, ups are temporary as long as you keep up the habits! :smiley:

    @kristinwoods919 you can do it!

    Have a great day, everyone!