

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,112 Member
    Good afternoon my friends.
    I had a good day at the bank getting things changed around. Now I've got a pot of chili simmering away. I was watching the geese wobble about outside like soldiers in a field. Now they have disappeared. Must be a stealth mission, usually they are very loud at takeoff.

    Well it's a quiet afternoon here. I need to either find something productive to do, or just take a nap. I think we have rain coming which makes me feel subdued.

    Hope you all have a good day!

    Annie in Delaware
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Hope ya'll are having a good day 86bqx1pdmaal.jpg
    Hopefully i got the right 2 pictures of mr Miles at daycare,they got eggs from the chickens this morning..I went back to sleep for a bit and then got dressed..
    I love watching all creatures on PBS
    Ordered the Real James Herriot a memoir of my father..
    So I will start reading that tonight.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 1min 15sec, 90elev, 3.01ap, 79ahr, 95mhr, 6.09mi= 580c
    Strava app = 747c
    Walk home to gym- 11.16min, .53mi= 57c
    Strava app = 65c
    Slow incline treadmill jog- 23.15min, 5.2sp entire jog, incline @1 1st 1/2mi, incline @2 2nd 1/2mi, incline @3 3rd 1/2mi, incline @4 last 1/2mi, 128ahr, 157mhr, 11.38min mi, 2mi= 239c
    Walk gym to store then home- 14.45min, 3.27ap, .80mi= 78c
    Strava app= 99c

    Total cal 954

    New shower door is being installed.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    edited January 31
    Good morning ladies!

    Machka decision making is different in every family. Maybe I'm biased because both my mother and father had dementia. My mother was diagnosed Alzheimer's but my father is not diagnosed. My father also has undiagnosed depression which may fade as he grieves. But he between that and his hearing, he needs help with decisions. I guess there are very few cases where the patient is totally capable or the family is totally informed and unbiased. Everything is a compromise.

    We are going to the bank today to wade through paperwork.

    Everyone have a marvelous day!

    Annie in Delaware

    Agreed. And those are some of the points I have been arguing/discussing during these consultations.

    It's not a clear-cut, black and white issue.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    Kylia - I have completed an Advance Directive to state my wishes if I am no longer able to speak for myself. My doctor has a copy and both my sons. I do not wish for any medical intervention if I am not expected to make a complete recovery. That includes antibiotics. Of course, I hope to be able to make my own decisions for as long as possible. That includes not going into a home. I also support and campaign for assisted dying for terminal illness, and incurable suffering. I'm with you. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    I'm aiming for the letter from the King! 😀
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,627 Member
    Pip Love it!
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    Slept in this morning- LOVED the quiet. Dh worked a graveyard shift then went to his mom's. He came in an hour after I woke up. I had gotten up, fed all the cats inside, cleaned up their messes then laid back in bed to do the morning nebulizer treatment(about to start week6 of this-usually only lasts 5 weeks so hopefully it will clear up completely pretty soon)
    Dh came in and laid down before I got out of bed the second time and fell right to sleep, with three cats on or next to him. He is still sleeping so still very quiet.
    Raining good now and will the next two days. It was sunny and a warm 77 on my drive from mom's on Sunday-tank top weather. Today, back to fleece/CuddleDuds again. LOTS of hot tea.
    I will stay home until time for class tonight.

    We have our second show to sell our 3D printed things on Sunday. We are sharing the booth with his friend so not sure how much room we will have. I am sure it won't be as much as I would like(booth is small to start with) Would love to do a show and have our own table but not sure when we will do that.
    We have enough printed to fill a 6'table easily. I just finished bagging and pricing the last of what we printed and got it all written down so we know how much we have- will be able to see what sells and what doesn't

    woops- wrote this a few hours ago- forgot to submit it.
    Heading to class now- rain boots on

    Have a great evening ladies

    Napa Valley,CA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) I'm home from my evening walk with my friend. Nice weather and longer light in the evening meant that we hardly needed our flashlights.

    :) Here is the link to the new thread for February
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,358 Member
    Kylia-we cross posted-so sorry to hear elderly family situation. I fought for my mom to be able to make her own decisions. My brothers want her to continue chemo (and she was done) and go back to her house (she chose hospice). When two of the three argued with me band said "don't you care about her?" I told them yes I did-and I supported because it had been her life and would be her death. It may have been different if she had not been completely coherent. I think sometimes we think of our pain at loosing them and not their pain in staying. I think it is really important for us to take the time to make our choices known and to honestly talk with loved ones about theirs.

    Annie-what a relief having banking straightened out must be. I had a list of things after my husband passed and I swear I thought it would take forever.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
    Tracey: 🥰 🥰 the card. You certainly have a way with the hand crafting. Great attention to detail.

    Lisa: Bravo for getting the application in. 🤞 for a positive result.

    Rita: 🫶the doodle art. Very soothing colours.

    It’s a bright calm day here. Planning to go to Shakespeare Study Group after lunch.

    My eczema is much improved. I had it redressed on Tuesday and am waiting for an appointment time for tomorrow and next Tuesday. If they can’t fit me in I will,have to change the dressings myself, which I’m not looking forward to.

    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • anmlmzdiet
    anmlmzdiet Posts: 179 Member
    Your Birthday Card is beautiful.

    Stunning Little Bibi

    Migraines. Don't get me started. I'm so tired of treatments that don't work, and now I'm out of medicine till I go back and see the neurologist again. He was suggesting Botox last time I was there. I'll let you know if/when I go. I'm pretty stubborn about not wanting to go to doctor's appointments.

    Thank you for the insight, I hear Mt. Dew is even higher in caffeine than Dr. Pepper in, which is supposed to be 25% higher than Coke according to someone on one of my other feeds.

    I am trying to keep up, but I guess you're right. I should worry more about checking-in. 😟

    More on Elder Care note: I would have put this next part as a spoiler, but I don't know how.
    After reading many of these posts, I had been waiting to weigh-in on the topic of managed end-of-life care. and after reading your post, I decided this was a good place to put it in.

    I have a 97-year-old grandmother who now seems to be waiting to die and has already said, "No," to some simple procedures. I think she is saying no because she is scared of dying from something small. She has recently developed a large marble sized lump just under the jaw area, above her neck. She says she doesn't want to do anything about it. One of her other granddaughters recently died while going in for a port cleaning of her dialysis equipment and breathing equipment. (I hope that makes sense, I am not an expert on all that was wrong with her, and sometimes I'm like, "What's a port, and how is she talking with a breathing tube?") Anyway, Grandma says, "I know it's coming; I'm just not going to worry about it." In reality, I think she's more worried about it than she's ever been, now that my cousin has died.

    I just hope I make sense at age 97, and we are all hoping she makes it to 100. We're talking it up to her, and keeping her spirits high. However, no one plans to prolong her life just so she can reach 100. I'm not arguing with her about her lump; it's her lump. She's a big girl, she's had a few mini strokes, she knows what's up. However, it does not mean that we'll let anything go. We all want her around as long as possible, but it's her choice.

    My mother on the other hand, and I've talked here before about her craziness and her less than motherly behavior, is out of her mind. She is not rational, and does not make good decisions for herself. My cousin goes to her appointments with her, and talks to her doctor. My sister used to go with her when she was alive; that wasn't productive since they both were concerned about how many drugs they could get and what type. Right now, my cousin keeps a close eye on my mother's drug use. She needs creative care. Someone who can outsmart her. Example (No lectures here; we keep medical personnel in the loop, so no killing the messenger; just sharing an experience): One day, she was complaining about how she "might" just die and no one would care if she took too many pills. (Again, we got this.) Of course, all her pills are locked up, and she gets her meds like she would in the hospital. So, little chance of her doing anything about it, right? My cousin then tells her that she can't die from any of the pills she is taking, she can only get sick: and wouldn't you know it she reaches over takes out several pills that she had squirreled away and says, "Fine, you might as well take these then."

    OMGosh! She is just so difficult. This is a woman who doesn't not need to be making her own choices. I'm all for end of life rights, truly I am, but half the time she does things and turns around a week later and says she would never do a thing like that. Once you're dead, you're dead; there's no coming back later and saying that's not what you meant. So, I my feelings are mixed. If I understand the Australian law correctly, having only read about it here, I think it may be too one sided. And, maybe the US laws are too permissive. Further, what about those who want assisted passing due to long term illness or for any reason for that matter? I don't have the answer, just more questions.

    Your weather is coming my way. Soon to be soaking wet here in NV too. 😊

    Chili; Yummy!

    I've pretty well got over the soda addition at this point. I'm not as miserable now, but my insomnia is back. While getting off the soda, I slept more than I had in recent years. I thought maybe my insomnia was related to my soda intake, but here I am...up again. It's okay; I like to type at night. I hadn't been able to work my way to getting through all the posts during my detox either. Next is to get off sugar as much as possible, I think that I'm not just affected by soda but the sugar too.

    I know I didn't get to everyone, but I'm still learning how to manage that. I'll get to more later.

    Michelle in NV (Where we should be having rain at 2:00PM is CA leaves us any.) :D

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,529 Member
    edited February 1
    @anmlmzdiet , Michelle in NV and anyone else stopping here, come join us in February! And don't worry about getting to everyone, very few of us do or can, we just do what we do. No one's offended if you don't comment, cross my heart:
    The February link is: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10908717/women-ages-50-for-february-2024/p1?new=1

    Bookmark it, and we'll see you there...

    Lisa in AR

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
    Love your doodles Rita! That would make a lovely tea towel. Or silk scarf. I would wear it! :D

    John's passport hasn't arrived yet, but the day is not over.

    Zoom went well. My friend B has a stepdaughter in Edinburgh, and they went over there to stay the night and babysit the dog and teenager. They found a very dirty, very, very untidy house, which stank of dog. Her husband wrote a careful email afterwards, but there doesn't seem to be much reaction. Difficult to know what to do in those circumstances. :* Not good for the teenager.

    Love you all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Thank you very much Heather! I never thought to make a scarf out of it! I think I’ll look into that! I pondered cards but didn’t decide until I read your post this morning! Sounds like a good thing to do! I was my first try at that kind of thing. I was happy with it and may try something like it again!

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
    Hope ya'll are having a good day 86bqx1pdmaal.jpg
    Hopefully i got the right 2 pictures of mr Miles at daycare,they got eggs from the chickens this morning..I went back to sleep for a bit and then got dressed..
    I love watching all creatures on PBS
    Ordered the Real James Herriot a memoir of my father..
    So I will start reading that tonight.

    Allie Amazing! I had that same tablecloth in the pic with Miles when I lived in CT! Small World! I need a new one, I may look for one similar!

  • anmlmzdiet
    anmlmzdiet Posts: 179 Member
    Having trouble posting in February, checking if I can post here.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member

    @anmlmzdiet ... I don't recall commenting on how often you check-in here. Maybe got me confused with someone else? As Lisa said ... you check in when you can. I'm posting here in case you're still checking on this month's thread.

    The new thread is The February link is: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10908717/women-ages-50-for-february-2024/p1?new=1

    Once you get onto February click on the outlined bookmark. It should turn blue and that way you'll be able to find us.

    Beth near Buffalo