What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,809 Member

    When someone first starts or resumes lifting, water weight will increase as part of the healing process, and last for the first few days/weeks of the lifting program. But if you've been faithful to lifting, a single session will rarely cause any appreciable change.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    I'm taking a long time to get back into a consistent exercise groove. That said, I have been consistent with my 2x/week yoga practice the last few weeks, and that feels good. My strength work is coming along ok as well.

    Right now, my cardio fitness needs lots of work. Last night I joined our weekly tri club ride on Zwift and got my *ss kicked. I noticed right away that there were only 6 riders, since the ride was an "unbanded" format. That means that if you don't keep pace with the group, you get dropped. At about 12 minutes into the ride, it was my turn to "pull" at the front of the group. I had to push 225-235W to lead the group and that is at the outside edge of my ability even when fully trained. So it was WAY beyond my current fitness. I held up for a few minutes, then dropped off the back and let the group go. I did finish the 70 minute ride, but it was a stiff reminder that I have lots of work to do.

    Guess I'll have to ride more than once a week to catch up. :)

  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,605 Member
    edited February 2
    A hike and a swim.

    I planned to go hike with a friend for his first day of retirement. He has to be near home to take care of an elderly dog that needs meds every four hours. I thought we'd do a little six mile loop that goes up a gravel road through the school forest to a local peak. I figured since it's a road, it would be clear from all the storm damage. He decided that he just wanted a day to settle for his first retirement day. Sounded good to me. It was a gorgeous day, and I still wanted to hike, so I was just going to go anyway.

    On the way out of my neighborhood, I ran across two friends. She said trails in the local forests weren't bad. I stopped to get mail, dropped a book at the library, and decided that since I'll go out with my friend next week, I'd go to another local trail that has great views but I had left a few weeks ago because even the trailhead was already in a cloud. That day I hiked another area nearby.

    That trail is very short. Just a couple miles. I can add more miles in either direction if I want. But I did something different. On the way up, I saw parking at the trailhead down near the bottom. I stopped there to save the gasoline from driving way up to the upper trailhead. It's a nice trail to the top - a little more than eight miles round trip.

    I stopped just before the last little loop to the top to eat an orange in case it was too windy up top to stop. It was. I took in some views and kept walking. I saw rain moving in, so instead of stopping in a sheltered area to enjoy a delicious beverage I brought with me to celebrate the first day after January, I just hiked out. It only rained a little bit. Not enough to even pull out my rain gear. But the sun was still shining from an angle, so I got rainbows.

    The gym isn't too far out of the way from the trail, so I figured I'd go get a steam. I went in, put on some "swim trunks" and walked out by the pool to the steam. There was only one lane occupied. I wasn't planning to swim, but there was ONLY ONE LANE OCCUPIED. I went back to the locker room, put on my swimming pants and grabbed my gear and got in a half hour swim. I mixed up my strokes, and even realized I'm able to swim a bit better than I used to be able to.

    Then it was time for the steam I came for. I waited until my stopwatch said 22:22 and left. I got a quick shower and went the sauna because - why not? I turned the stopwatch back on until it said 31:31, rinsed off, got dressed, and that was it.

    I for sure wasn't sore from the weights yesterday, so that's good too.

    I'm planning to meet some folks tomorrow morning to do a little mild whitewater. I'll take a canoe. I know the trip organizer paddles an inflatable kayak. I'm not sure who else will be there. It's a very short drive, and even though it's very mild whitewater, the river is beautiful.

    Yep. Another good day.

    Hiking mid-week is awesome, especially in the winter. It was surprisingly crowded down near the parking area and lower trails. Once I got past the first mile and up into the forest, I saw almost nobody else. I love that. It's what keeps me away on weekends. Unfortunately, there are some people who feel exempt from the rules or entitled in some way and just ignore the signs that tell people that they can't ride their bikes on the unpaved portion of the trails from October until May. Another group felt exempt from the signs up near the top that ask people (and their furry friends) to stay on the trail and explain why. A group of adult women with a bunch of very young girls couldn't be bothered and were not only off trail climbing one of the native oaks but also just running wild across the meadow that is actually a rare and surprisingly fragile habitat. I really dislike people sometimes. There's an easy access from up top, and that's where those folks came from.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 999 Member
    edited February 2
    I lifted last night. It was my first lifting session in a while. I use free weights, which I keep in my shed. I had a bunch of miscellaneous nonsense in my shed recently, whilst my kitchen was being rebuilt. The kitchen is now done, so I can use the shed again. (@mtararoot , I have virtually no experience with machines, which is why I have no opinion on your workout).

    Since it's so long since I've lifted, I decided to start light. I'll do a linear progression until things get heavy.
    • Squat 3 sets of 5, 60 kgs
    • Overhead military press 3 sets of 5, 20 kgs
    • Deadlift 2 sets of 5, 80 kgs
    • Hangboarding, 6 second repeaters on 10 mm ledge

    That last one is pretty solid; my fingers are probably stronger than ever.
  • spider_mark51959
    spider_mark51959 Posts: 2,830 Member
    shoulders and legs
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,809 Member
    Lower Hypertrophy

    Squats 4x15
    BB Step-Ups 3x12
    Leg Extension 3x12
    Lying Leg Curl 3x12
    Calves Extend 4x15
    Cable Crunch 4x10

    Wasn't feeling it today, and my knee gave a warning twinge during my squat warmup sets, so I ended up doing my working sets/reps at about 2/3 of my desired weight.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,605 Member

    I had my first paddle of 2024. It was good to be back on the water!

    I got out my whitewater canoe and joined a friend for a nine-mile paddle on a local river. It's no more than Class 2 whitewater. The water was up, but not dangerously so. We had a nice time. We saw the sun. We got some rain. We saw Acorn woodpeckers, squirrels, hooded mergansers, wood ducks, hawks, jays, and lots of trees.

    I got a few pictures where we were floating through areas between rapids.




    This river doesn't get paddled much. It's been years since I've been. I used to lead a trip there every year on December 25. We would do a longer section starting upstream from where we started today and ending at the same location.

    I think there's several reasons it doesn't get much use. First, access is awful. The put-in wasn't bad. There's another access that isn't bad that's about a mile downstream. Then the next place to get out is very difficult. My partner was in an inflatable kayak, and he could get close enough to shore to step out. My canoe wouldn't fit in that eddy. The water was more than waist deep. I was wearing a drysuit, but to try to hop out of the canoe would have capsized it. It took me between five and ten minutes to get to a place I could actually get out.

    Another reason, I think, is that the whitewater is pretty mild. For people seeking big rapids, this isn't the place. That said, the whitewater is enough that people without skills to navigate it would have trouble - to say the least. There's also always the possibility of a log jam to portage around. Most of the time, the river is far away from any road. I think that's nice. It's in an interesting geologic setting. Much of it is twists and turns with a steep rocky slope on the outside of the bends, almost like a canyon wall. On the opposite side is a riparian gallery forest that floods annually. There are native oak trees all the way to the shore.

    We paddled under two large trees spanning the river that eventually will be issues. One sooner than the other. There were other places where there was some wood in the river, but there was always a clean line through. We had no portages.

    We stopped for lunch along the shore where there's a land trust property I sometimes hike on. Super bonus - there was a picnic table! How fun. I'll post another club trip for a weekend so people who still work can go. We had sun and rain. We had cool but not cold temperatures. I only had one layer of thermal underwear under my drysuit. I stayed warm enough. I hate to be too hot, but one more layer might have been fine. I had finger-less neoprene gloves that I swapped out for full gloves at lunch. After that I couldn't use the camera on my phone. I also put on a helmet liner. Then I stayed nice and comfy.

    It really is a nice river. I bet the fish would bite if I had a rod and reel.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,863 Member
    Yesterday, Thursday, just a casual 3-mile-ish walk with a friend. For not-quite-unknown reasons, I was feeling fatigued, so that's all I did.

    Today, back to stationary bike because I didn't quite have the energy for machine row, plus I wanted to catch up on some videos from my visual journaling online course. It was the usual 15k + 3' CD, 106W average overall, 74% Z3 and remainder below.

    Ideally, I'll get in at least one more minimalistic strength workout this week, but my upper right arm is oddly uncomfortable. I suspect that and Thursday's fatigue are mainly because of a shingles (Shingrix) vax on Wednesday, but I'm not sure the arm isn't a little bit of fuss from my tendency to shoulder nerve impingement, so I'm holding off on the strength workout. Maybe tomorrow.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,809 Member
    Heavy snow storm overnight lasting until about 3pm today, finally stopped long enough for me to go outside and shovel the drive so I can get to church tomorrow. Thick, heavy, solid, wet snow about 8-9 inches deep, got both cardio and a strength workout in at once. Took well over an hour to clear, and while normally I only report half my time on MFP, this time I think the calorie burn was accurate!
  • Addi_bq
    Addi_bq Posts: 3 Member
    I’ve been weight lifting during the week for 50 min a day. Then I’ll do 2-3 hours of sports every day. Getting involved in a sport helps me a lot or do fun activities instead of sticking to just the gym. This helps a lot with burning fat with cardio instead of just gaining muscle.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,863 Member
    Stuck to stationary bike again so I could work on catching up on watching my visual journaling tutorial videos. (I'm behind already in a year-long series, and it's only February!)

    Same ol' 15k + 3' CD, around 40 minutes, 110W average including the CD, 74% Z3 (right up to the border of Z4, but not over) so moderate intensity steady state.

    Thinking I'll call that enough for today, watch some more videos. :D
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 999 Member
    edited February 4
    I got my first two scuba dives of the year in. It was just in a quarry, so no yoi exciting.

    The air temperature was nice (12 centigrade), but the water was a distinctly bracing 5C. Two dives, both shallow (15m max), both around 45 minutes.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,809 Member
    Upper Power

    Bench Press 5x5
    Cable Row 5x5
    Machine Decline Press 5x5
    Machine High Row 5x5
    Seated BB OHP 5x5
    Cable Woodchoppers 3x10 (High, Cross, Low)
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,605 Member
    A couple dives to clean things in the aquarium.

    The hot water was out in our area of the aquarium, so we filled the tank with cold water to rinse our gear and had to walk downstairs to get warm water to warm up our hands. The exhibits were about 57° F. I have 5mm gloves, but my fingers are numb when I'm done, especially if it's a low-effort job, like running the siphon in the colder exhibit.

    We got a lot done, so that's good.

    I'll still get in a walk. No vigorous exercise after diving, although we are so shallow it probably wouldn't matter.
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 395 Member
    mtaratoot wrote: »
    A couple dives to clean things in the aquarium.
    Your post made me think of the book Remarkably Bright Creatures--I read and loved it this past summer (one of the main characters is retired and works at an aquarium; the other protagonist is in an exhibit in the aquarium).
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 395 Member
    I spent the weekend at Subiaco Abbey with a few friends: we got in a 45 min. walk or so on the abbey grounds yesterday, accompanied by a light drizzle.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,809 Member
    Lower Power

    Rack Pull 5x5
    BB Hip Thrust 5x5
    One-Leg Press 5x5 <superset> Leg Press Calf Extend 5x15
    Roman Chair Knee-Ups 4x20
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 999 Member
    Lifting. Carried on my linear progression from very light weights. (Squat 70 kgs, deadlift 90 kgs, bench 40 kgs, loads of hang boarding).

    Monday Climbing. I was in terrible form and fell off everything. My attempt at a bay hang was fun, though - I'd never even tried one before. (You hang upside down from your legs with no handholds.)
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,605 Member
    "Four-S" workout.

    It had been long enough, and even though it was a nice day I went to the gym for a strength workout. It was mostly productive, although there were a few movements I opted not to do a third set. It's fine.

    I hadn't planned to swim, but before I went down from the workout floor, I looked through the windows at the pool to see only a single lane occupied. Well, I can't pass that up, so I put on my swimming pants and went out. My favorite lane was still open - still only one other person in the pool. I didn't warm up in the steam because I didn't think the empty pool would last. I was right - five minutes after I started, the pool was full and people were waiting. Bonus. I swam about a half hour and 50 lengths - 1250 yards. I think it may have been more; I try to count, and sometimes the number in my head is higher than what my device says.

    Twenty minutes in the steam was oh so relaxing.

    Then a shower & shave and ten minutes in the sauna.

    I was thinking "Four S", but now I see there were six: Strength, Swim, Steam, Shave, Shower, Sauna. Number seven would have been going to the grocery for some needed Shopping mostly for dried beans and produce.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,809 Member
    *snort* You just reminded me of going through military basic training, where the drill sergeant would wake us up at an ungodly hour and proclaim we had three minutes to "*beep*, shower and shave" before getting into marching formation outside to begin the day.