Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 250



  • jspecies11
    jspecies11 Posts: 1,062 Member
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,985 Member
    edited February 6
    SW: 180.7
    • Tue 02/06:181.4;+.7lbs
      ~ I’m technically behind a day in my “reflections” so I’m just copy/pasting what I wrote out previously
      ~ My plan for round 250 is to eliminate drinking alcohol on a nightly basis.
      ~ Try to get more into old school Keto, and for one meal a day I’ll allow myself to have a Keto processed food item. ie. Keto hot dog buns, keto slimfast snacks, I’ll pick one meal to eat these items.
      These adjustments should also help with our food/beverage budget🤔** Bonus!! **
      ~ Also started a step challenge with my dad and brother. This should help me with getting back into my daily walks again
    Stayed Below SW 179🩷=Yes 🖤=No
    (Tue > > > > > > > > Next Thu)
    • 02/07
    • 02/08
    • 02/09 Fri ~ 4th Day
    • 02/10
    • 02/11
      *MiniGoal: Under 177
    • 02/12 Mon ~ 7th Day
    • 02/13
    • 02/14
    • 02/15 Thu ~ Last Day
    Prev Days(Cliffs notes in RED):
    • SW: 180.7
      ~ My plan for round 250 is to eliminate drinking alcohol on a nightly basis.
      ~ Try to get more into old school Keto, and for one meal a day I’ll allow myself to have a Keto processed food item. ie. Keto hot dog buns, keto slimfast snacks, I’ll pick one meal to eat these items.
      These adjustments should also help with our food/beverage budget🤔** Bonus!! **
      ~ Also started a step challenge with my dad and brother. This should help me with getting back into my daily walks again