

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,614 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,873 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,089 Member
    Deb__23 wrote: »
    I want to say sorry for the late reply yesterday was not my day
    A BIG thanks to Barbiecat and Machka9 my cal intake is 1200 but with walking It is up to 1800+I can not eat that lol so I decided to forget the cal for I am not hungry or filling faint
    and the foods I eat are healthy so this keep going forward and not stress about it . :)

    Are you entering your exercise?

    When I enter my exercise, I choose a slow, low amount and round my time down. So 1 hour of walking works out to 200 calories. For me to burn 600 calories while walking, I would have to walk 3 hours.

    I found that when I understated my exercise, MFP didn't demand I eat a certain number of calories. And if I did happen to misjudge the number of calories I consumed onceinawhile, that was OK because I probably made up for them.

    M in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,306 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,089 Member
    Machka - No, I've never smoked. I suspect I have some artery narrowing in the pelvic area. This causes the thigh ache and the intermittent claudication. I have been watching lectures by vascular surgeons. The prognosis is OK provided I do the walking to claudication exercises. That is the treatment at the vascular clinics. And many personal testimonies. To see what is really going on I would need an arterial ultrasound and a CT scan.
    The waiting list over here for any treatment is completely ridiculous, but I will battle on. People are waiting years.
    That October 22 consultation was entirely by phone and resulted in a blood test and then nothing. No follow up. I have emailed the doctor I saw last week, but have heard nothing back yet. She did not do a physical exam. I will ring again on Wednesday if I don't hear. The system is broken and in a mess. I will persist.
    I have normal sugar and chloresterol levels, but i do have high blood pressure. The main factor is genetic. My father had a similar thing, and my brother, although he is diabetic.

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Sorry ... sort of assumed that growing up when you did in the UK, just about everyone smoked. :blush: Well done on avoiding that!

    Lots of appointments here are done via the phone these days ... modern times.
    At least you do get to talk to an NP ... if I can't get into my regular doctor, I see an NP at an after hours clinic. She can send me for Xrays and all sorts. And I find the NPs to be quite personable.
    You'll be able to tell the NP what you think is going on and ask for that ultrasound and CT scan.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,089 Member
    Lanette - I don't have swelling as such, although my ankles swell occasionally. The claudication is in my left thigh, on the inner thigh. Otherwise, I am just in uncomfortable pain on walking. And moderate pain at night, but some nights are worse than others.
    I have always had 'thigh aches', even as a teenager, cold feet, hate standing, and been a terrible walker. I just thought it was 'me'. I would still think that, if the claudication hadn't come back. I first had it 20 years ago.
    I have a non aligned patella, which meant my left leg became very weak. I went to a private sports physio and she helped me hugely. I still do those exercises every day. I used to dance, because I loved it, but latterly in pain.
    Probably, quite a lot of me is furred up! I walked in the house this afternoon, because I was waiting for the cleaner, for 15 mins, including some backwards. :D Not enough to bring on claudication, but tomorrow is Bea pick up. I always get it then. It truly is agony and brings tears to my eyes. No one can understand another's pain. My husband doesn't understand, despite wanting to be sympathetic.
    The instruction is to walk to the pain, rest, and continue. Pain, rest, continue. I will take my little chair with me.
    Over time I should be able to walk further without claudication.

    And thank you for your lovely review. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Heather - do you have chiropractors in the UK? A doc that does spinal adjustment? Just wondering if a major nerve is pinched or irritated in your leg/legs and the problem is up in your spinal column? Sometimes they can remedy pain problems.

    Maybe a physical therapist - I think you call them physiotherapists - could help too. You probably need a referral from an GP. I think you were looking into that (maybe you did already?)

    Just a thought.

    Lanette B)

    The physiotherapists here are great! They can order scans and all sorts too. Even though I have to pay more to see a physiotherapist than a doctor, I tend to go to physiotherapists for a lot of things.

    I am planning to go see a pelvic physiotherapist soon. I do have to check if I need a referral - sometimes that's required, but it might not be required because I've seen her before.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,089 Member
    Machka - My son was diagnosed, finally, with something similar and was given prism glasses. He said it's the reason he never learned to drive and got motion sick when being driven by others. It hadn't been recognized for many years, but he's in glasses all the time now and says he doesn't know how he saw at all without them. Pelvic pain is a huge part of why I'm seeing the gyno this morning, will be interested to hear the results of your pelvic physiotherapist.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Now that you mention it, I often struggle with motion sickness when on the bus or when someone else drives me. Maybe new glasses will help that too!

    I want to ask my pelvic physiotherapist about Pudendal Neuralgia.

    (and heaps more)

    M in Oz

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,093 Member
    I think my next snack adventure will be Cole slaw. It looks like one of those foods where it can be slathered in fat and sugar, or can be made quite low calorie. And cabbage keeps for a long time.

    So if a cup of chopped cabbage is twenty calories, the dressing should be about eighty calories per 2 tablespoons. I will have to shop for that. I think I want to buy the dressing because I'm lazy and I want it to last longer in the fridge.

    Annie in Delaware
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,661 Member