❤️⭐️February Daily Weigh-in and Logging Challenge⭐️❤️



  • andreajlnhe
    andreajlnhe Posts: 249 Member
    Hi All!!!

    So I slacked off last the last two or so weeks of January.... I stopped logging and checking in, and ate a lot more freely; however I did not gain. This is good.
    This is the month that I'm hoping to reach my goal weight, whatever that is, LOL. I'm starting the month at 126.8 pounds; my goal will probably be somewhere around 123-125. I'm hoping to know when I get there. Just to have a concrete goal to shoot for, let's say it's 124.

    Original starting weight: 160 lbs
    Goal for February: 124.0 lbs

    February 1: 126.8 💗 I logged
    February 2: 128.0 Hopefully just a temporary gain from our big meal last night.
    February 3: 128.2 💗 I logged
    February 4: 127.8
    February 5: 126.6 💗 I logged Phew!!
    February 6: 127.8 💗 I logged OK, this first week of February is just going to suck as far as weight loss goes.
    February 7: 127.0 💗 I logged
    February 8: 126.8
    February 9: 127.2 💗 I logged
    February 10: 127.6
    February 11: 128.0
    February 12: 127.8
    February 13: 127.4
    February 14: 127.0
    February 15: 127.2
    February 16: 127.6. 💗 I logged Ugh, I'm looking at my log and I remember yesterday was 127.2, and the day before was 127.0. I got off somewhere in my log. [***EDITED on 2/24: I see I left out February 13 in my list. Corrected it!!!**] Anyway, I have not yet rediscovered my motivation. Every morning I wake up super motivated, and then it always goes out the window somewhere between 2:00-6:00 PM. I'm kinda happy with my weight so there's some complacency there too. But I really do want to lose a few more pounds. And I need to get back to exercising. Reassessing my goals here in the middle of the month: I'm not going to be so concerned with losing x amount these last two weeks. My goal now is to just pre-log every morning or the night before. Every night or in the morning, to pre-log the following afternoon/evening.

    February 17: 126.8 💗 I logged Pre-logging, herbal tea, and protein powder are my friends.
    February 18: 126.8 💗 I logged
    February 19: 126.2 💗 I logged Finally, my weight is below my starting weight of the month.
    February 20: 125.4 💗 I logged Yes! 🎉🎉
    February 21: 124.8 💗 I logged This is a new low for me. 🎉
    February 22: 125.2 💗 I logged
    February 23: 125.6 💗 I logged Scale, go back down again! LOL.
    February 24: 124.8 💗 I logged 🎉
    February 25: 124.8
    February 26: 125.6
    February 27:
    February 28:
    February 29:
  • KountryKat
    KountryKat Posts: 130 Member
    Hello, it's nice to meet you all! My name is Kat and I'm 32, 5'1". My goals for February are mindfulness around food, mini-exercises throughout the day, and no logging(I get way too competitive with myself and burn out!). SW: 123 | UGW: 110 | No specific goal weight for Feb., just to see consistent downward movement! I'm excited to join you all and stay accountable!
    2/8: 122.6
    2/9: 121.6
    2/10: 121 I'm assuming the water weight is off and now the real work begins. Happy weekend everyone!
    2/11: 120.8
    2/12: 120.8 I worked out all throughout the day and even did some work outside which got me sweating, so I'm pretty disappointed in the stagnation. I am feeling some muscle growth though so the soreness isn't for nothin'!
    2/13: 119.4 This ended up being an inadvertent rest day. I'm still tired and sore, but feeling a bit more ready to get back to it. I hope everyone has a great day!
    2/14: 119.2 Happy Val/Gal-entine's Day!
    2/15: 119.0 Well I've been very consistent the past few days haha! If that keeps up it'll make predicting timelines pretty easy.
    2/16: 118.2 @jm216 Happy Birthday! Tomorrow I'm going on an *all day* drive and shopping trip so I'm trying to make a plan since I'll need to keep my energy up. It may need to end up being a "cheat day"...
    2/17: 118.4
    2/18: 118.8
    2/19: 120.0 Hello again, it's been a busy weekend! I'm feeling incredibly frustrated because I spent nearly 5 hours laboring outside yesterday only for the scale to keep going up. I only seem to lose when I do my mini-exercises, but when I'm actually active all day working hard - nada. We'll see if I can get back on schedule tomorrow.
    2/20: 119.2
    2/21: 118.8
    2/22: 118.4
    2/23: 117.8
    2/24: 118.2
    2/25: 118.2
    2/26: 119.0 Today is my first day back in the office after teleworking for a month meaning I’ll need to establish a totally different routine that works. I prepped lots of healthy food to bring, but I’ll miss my workout breaks. Hopefully my body adjusts to working out at night!
  • StirredIntention
    StirredIntention Posts: 227 Member
    Hey friends! My name is B - I live with my husband and two kids and work in community mental health. I've never not struggled with my weight, so I'm focusing on long term habits so I can live a longer and more active life with my family.

    Monthly Habits:
    Log all my food 🥙
    Work out 3x/week 🏃‍♀️
    8 glasses of water💧
    Self Care Activity 🧶

    Sept weightloss: 6.7 lbs
    Oct weightloss: 3.1 lbs
    Nov weightloss: 2.3 lbs
    Dec weightloss: 2 lbs
    Jan weightloss: +1

    1: 🥙🧶💧excited to start a new month!
    2: 🥙🧶💧
    3: 🥙🧶 Had a remote girl's night with some college friends ❤️ Enjoying the weekend and trying out some new meal prep recipes
    4: 🥙🧶💧🏃‍♀️ I've been playing around with some new recipes. I made a cinnamon roll coffee creamer with only 110 calories for 1/3 cup (I like my creamer with a side of coffee lol) and a bang bang chicken bake for lunch.
    5: 🥙🏃‍♀️
    6: 🥙
    7: 🥙💧🧶
    8: 🥙💧🧶🏃‍♀️
    9: 🥙🧶
    10: 🥙🧶
    11: 🥙
    12: 🥙🧶 trying a new lunch prep recipe and making diy snack packs of turkey pepperoni and string cheese
    13: 🥙
    14: 🥙🧶
    15: 🥙🧶 Having a flare up of a chronic illness. Reminding myself that rest is productive ❤️
    16: 🥙🧶
    17: 🥙🧶
    18: 🥙🧶 Spent a restful weekend puttering around the house. Ready to take on a new week.
    19: 🥙🧶💧
    20: 🥙🧶
    21: 🥙🧶💧
    22: 🥙🧶
    23: 🥙
    24: 🥙🧶💧🏃‍♀️
    25: 🥙🧶💧I somehow threw my back out and man oh man do I wish I had a chiropractor on standby...
    26: 🥙🧶💧🏃‍♀️ my back is still out of sorts so I saw a chiropractor and then took a very slow walk with my patient 14 year old.
  • m_lazarides
    m_lazarides Posts: 13 Member
    I’m Laz. 33 years old. Melbourne.
    89kgs/196lbs on 11th of Feb. Maintenance calories = 2,900 per day.

    Feb 2024 Daily Goals:
    - Track 100% of intake 📱
    - 200g of protein 🍗
    - Calorie deficit 0-500 🥗

    Sun Feb 11th ❌❌❌
    Mon Feb 12th ❌🍗❌ - Super Bowl beers and snacks. Back on track tomorrow
    Tue Feb 13th 📱🍗🥗 - 88.0kgs/194lbs. Dehydration from Super Bowl beers?
    Wed Feb 14th 📱🍗🥗 - 88.5kgs/196lbs 💪🏼😁
    Thurs Feb 15th 📱🍗❌ - 87.3kgs/192lbs 😮 Worked from home, wife’s bday (cake and whiskey) + previous 2 day deficit.
    Fri Feb 16th 📱🍗❌ - First real blowout. 4,200 calories consumed. Back on it tomorrow
    Sat Feb 17th ❌🍗❌
    Sun Feb 18th ❌🍗❌
    Mon Feb 19th 📱🍗🥗 - Back on track after a few blowout days. Trend? 2-3 deficit days then 2-3 blowout days? Scales tomorrow might tell the story.
    Tues Feb 20th ❌🍗❌
    Wed Feb 21st 📱🍗🥗 - Back on it. Need to be more disciplined. Not enough days in deficit
    Thurs Feb 22nd ❌🍗❌
    Fri Feb 23rd 📱🍗🥗
    Sat Feb 24th ❌🍗❌
    Sun Feb 25th ❌🍗❌
    Mon Feb 26th 📱❌🥗
    Tues Feb 27th 📱🍗🥗
  • sammcc7907
    sammcc7907 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi , I’m Sam (Samantha) 53yrs, 5ft 4 and from Adelaide in South Australia

    Starting weight - 85kg (eek) - 187lbs ( 8/1/24)
    Goal weight - 65kg - 143lbs
    January loss 1.2kg - 2.6lbs

    Feb 22 - 84.1 kg here we go again 🤣
    Feb 23 - 83.9 kg - a pretty relaxed day and finished off with steak, mango salsa and a red wine. Our son just told us he is going to propose to his partner while they are on holiday next week. So excited after all the medical worries with our daughter
    Feb 24 - 83.7 kg - nice 10k walk around a local reservoir
    Feb 25 - 83.5kg - 8km walk by the beach
    Feb 26 - 83.4kg
    Feb 27 - 83.4kg - not the best food choices today. No doubt the scales will reflect this
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 973 Member
    Jude, 66 YO, 5' 2". Highest weight 165, lowest 115. Looking to change my relationship to food to one that's healthy and sustainable.

    February goals:
    * pay attention to my nutrition to make sure I'm eating the correct calories and nutrients
    * continue to weigh/track/log as I did in January- it's working well for me

    SW: 138.6
    GW: 136ish

    week 1:
    2/1: 138.6
    2/2: 139.2
    2/3: 138.6
    2/4: 138.6
    2/5: 137.2
    2/6: 137.2
    2/7: 136.8
    week 2:
    2/8: 136.8
    2/9: 136.8
    2/10: 136.8
    2/11: 136.8
    2/12: 136.8
    2/13: 136.8
    2/14: 136.2
    week 3:
    2/15: 136.2
    2/16: 137.0
    2/17: 136.2
    2/18: 136.2
    2/19: 135.0
    2/20: 135.0
    2/21: 136.2
    week 4:
    2/22: 136.2
    2/23: 135.0
    2/24: 137.0
    2/25: 135.0
    2/26: 134.2
    2/27: 135.0