
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,998 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    My Gerd is acting up something fierce..
    Ugh.. oh well hopefully it will pass..
    Talked to my brother this morning.. he is up in N.H. this weekend..
    Little girl up in the window this morning..
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,387 Member
    Drkatiebug-my hair started doing that prior to covid. Hormonal changes can impact hair. Too bad that isn't the worst side effect of menopause!
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,147 Member
    I have not completely caught up for March but am taking lunch to a friend.

    Debbie: I am in a lower economic area, but I dropped cable and pay around $120 for fast speed internet and a landline.
    Then I have a Fire Stick or Amazon Fire Cube and I add and drop streaming services at my pleasure and as my budget

    I am still feeling much better which makes me realize how poorly I was doing. This morning I have walked already and am about to go to lunch. Hopefully this afternoon, I will do yoga and get back to decluttering!

    Rosemarie from GA

    Mil has to have the upgraded cable package because of her Japanese station she watches most of the time. She didn't want to pay for internet because she doesn't feel she is using it. She thinks the cameras are there for dh to spy on her or "for the dead people to come to her". The cameras are there so he can check and make sure she hasn't fallen or what ever. A little peace of mind for him if he is at work in the middle of the night, he can check the cameras and see that yes, she is sleeping in her recliner and she is ok. She has the medic alert necklace that we pay for and refuses to wear it($25 a month for it to sit on the counter)

    I didn't go over there this morning- just wanted a break- I got my 6 of 5 days exercise already this week.
    Dh went and bought her the prime rib dinner for her birthday yesterday. The "friend" was still there. MIL didn't eat the dinner and gave it to the "friend"- Dh is so mad. He went out of his way to get it for her, she gives it to this lady, and then this morning, she is mad because the lady took her food(after she gave it to her-another of her mental traps). He told his mom he is not buying food like that with our money just for her to give it away. It is bad enough when it is little things but not a $45 or so dinner. We don't even get that for ourselves on our birthdays.

    Storm seems to have just about stopped- at least the gale force winds from the past two days have died down-Wind advisory is over as of 15 min. ago.

    Going to go to Ace and pick up some seeds- use my $5 coupon for my birthday- has to be regular price item which I never buy much of anything for myself and not at full price.
    Then strawberries at 99cent store then home.
    Need to keep all these printers going. Dh has another show this coming weekend. Going up to Sac. Spending the night at his friends so no hotel costs so they are staying two nights-will be home Sunday night. Will be a very quiet birthday weekend for me. It is Friday but he will be so busy packing everything and getting last minute things done all day, I have my daycare girl for the afternoon so, at most, we will get a quick lunch before I pick her up. He will be going to his mom's while I still have her then come home, load up and leave.

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,147 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Thanks, Barbie, Lisa and Heather for your remarks about my spiritual journey. What I love best about this group is our diversity, yet ability to respect each other’s choices and paths.

    Totally random: I have heard of the so-called chemo perm where women who previously had straight hair, lost it during chemo, then had it grow back curly. Have any of you experienced a sudden curliness to your hair when you haven’t had chemo? My hair used to be totally fine and straight. In my older years, I’ve always worn it in a short bob of some type and would use a round brush and blow dryer to give it volume. One lazy day recently I let it dry naturally and discovered it had gotten quite wavy. My hairdresser gave me a sample of some leave-in cream to scrunch into my wet hair and let it dry naturally. It’s not kinky curly, but it is definitely wavy where it used to be straight. One of my friends said she had heard of Covid doing this. Really? This is the weirdest thing to me. I haven’t decided if I like this look better than my smooth bob, but I am trying it out, especially on days when I’m just staying home.

    My hair didn't get curlier after covid(not that I could tell-it is super curly as it is)BUT it did FALL OUT- lost half of it. Because of the length and being very curly, it was hard to tell but when I washed it I could really tell. Dr. told me to get Rogain- used the Amazon brand for a year. It came back but still not what it was, and it was never very thick to start with. Dr said it was stress- lost my dad the day before I got sick but others have said they lost a lot too. Just a different side effect than some people get.

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,585 Member

    February summary: better than January ;}
    Feb average weight 132.5, lighter than Jan by 0.5 lbs
    Average steps 6439, better than Jan’s 5077
    PT, Hebrew, meditation never even started, will drop Hebrew, meditation and focus on PT exercises.
    Dedicated time with Joe, readings, BP, consistent line dance class, dog group, bone broth, vitamins ok. Dropping chair yoga.
    less sugar than mfp allows-303 g. CI<CO-87%
    March plan – better than February.
    Move -average more steps than May (7778), twice weekly line dancing, daily-ish basic PT, play with and walk dogs, every other day 2 sets dumbbells, criss-cross with abs, hip openers, seated twist and block ab lifts.
    Fuel better: less sugar, CI<CO, dailyish vitamins and bone broth.
    Live NOW: dailyish time with Joe, dogs, readings. Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections

    Happy Birthday, Vicki!
    Today’s gratitude: Snow!!! Lovely excuse to stay in all day, maybe in nightgown ;).
    Yesterday was a wild ride. First Joe surprised me with a jar opening tool and an electric can opener. Then made the trek north of Gold beach to check out Doggy daycare. Guy is fine, pleasant, kind. Indoor kennels (with outside potty space) look ok but not luxuriously warm. Casserole-a-thon went ok with just Pastor, his wife and me. She left to meet with the “Martha’s” who are standardizing communion setup and let them know it was my birthday. They insisted on taking me out to lunch. Glad I accepted, tho’ it made for a little stress, we do get to talking! Was late picking up the pooches and there was no way I’d be on time for chiro appointment in Harbor. Fortunately chiro’s office was without power and she had to cancel ;}. Then T suggested we postpone my bday beer and vegan nachos as she was almost deluged at Freddie’s, and again, I thankfully agreed. Joe had the woodstove going full force so house was warm and cozy when I got home from Gold Beach. Promptly took a nap. All in all a very good birthday.
    Heather stunning museum! Ah that blood pressure test on ankles and wrist, my MD calls it an ABI test and I hate it. All those mechanical blood pressure testing devices HURT. I always ask nurse to do with old fashioned manual cuff but the ABI test has to be electronic. Yuck. “...action creates momentum” was in a discussion yesterday about no matter how much I/we resent “having” to do X, if we have nothing to do we get blue. Doing X always feels better than the blues.
    Annie what you said about not bashing the other tools. What works for one does not work for all. Added you to the Katla note. Brava for increasing your times!
    Welcome @jgmmk5fdjj Carla from Ohio! That’s quite an id ;)
    Thanks Machka. The ultrasounds I had for clots were much more comfortable than the ABI mechanical cuffs ;)
    Betsy, Evelyn, Carol, Tina, pip, Rebecca, you’re in the Katla note. Thanks!
    Lisa being able to stretch before running to the bathroom, I count that as a win.
    Margaret added your pic to the Katla note. If not ok let me know and I’ll take it out. Are you in MN?
    Kelly you’re in. Is MI your general locale? Well done on the 15 lbs lighter and toned body!
    Rita you’re in. Sorry for the confusion, you’ll find me in your friend’s list as “auntiebk”
    7 months sober? Hooray!!!
    Dia_R conVERY gratulations on being 7 lbs lighter than last month. Sounds like your MD is supportive. :heart:
    Annie Penn Foster didn’t sound like a good investment. Well done for continuing to research. Community college certification and possible grant or scholarship? Well done!!!
    Allie sure hope you can get some help with your sleep, it’s crucial to feeling good enough to move around and do things. sMiles’ smile says it all!
    @linder4866 good to see you pop in. Would you remind me of your (nick)name and general locale?
    Kay, got it, thanks! And thanks for sharing your reflections.
    Dia_R glad Kim and Lisa already replied. Could hear your frustration.
    Rosemarie sounds like you’ve found a good solution to the news situation. Wonder if my library has a subscription to The Economist. ;) Hurrah for feeling better!
    Welcome @javaplace ! Would you let us know what to call you and your general locale?
    Rebecca have I thanked you lately for your soup concoctions? They inspire me.
    Tracey good luck with PowerPoint. Not my fave… What a tragedy for the company and the community ((hugs)).

    Carol, Annie, Lanette, Margaret, Rosemarie, Machka, Tracey, et al, thanks all for the bday wishes!
    3/1: Move mins- wii:0 PT:0 d:0 x&a:0 dogs:0 Steps:6677
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=0 CI<CO net=686 vits=1
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, ptT, ptS, check out doggy daycare, casserole-a-thon. Wt:132.9

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    March: Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.

  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 969 Member
    edited March 2
    I have a question for the cooks and bakers (and anyone else who has an opinion on the topic)! I am getting a new oven/range. Mine is very old and like most things of the sort, the newer models probably have a lot of handy bells and whistles that I'm not aware of. What do you all love and/or hate about your oven/ranges?

    What are your repair experiences with which brands?

    I find the options a bit overwhelming at the moment.

    Thanks in advance!

    Tina in CA
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,793 Member
    Tina - I kinda love our Samsung gas range, after two years with it. It had mixed reviews, but I've been very happy with it. I loved the "proofing" function which keeps the oven a steady 95 degrees to proof bread. I haven't baked bread for a long time, now, but when I was a lot, it was great--made proofing much more predictable. It took a lot of experimenting, but we've finally figured out what works for the air fry function, and it means we don't have to have a separate electric air fryer on our limited counter space.

    The oven also cooks more evenly than any I've ever had in a lifetime of baking, I don't have to turn cakes or bread or cookies around halfway through, and the temperature is spot on. Last with the oven, but not least, I finally used the self-clean function, which scares me for a gas oven for some reason, and I was very happy with it.

    As far as the range top, it's got a middle burner for a griddle that we never use, but it has one burner that we use all the time (there's always one). Best design I've seen, as it has an inner ring of flame and an outer ring. Very efficient and quick for a gas stove.

    This is, I think the current version, or very close to it. Good luck - we felt like it was a stab in the dark, but have been happy with it. I have not, by the way, hooked it to my wi-fi, still haven't found a reason to do so!