Lose 10 lbs by April 15th, 2024- focusing on a healthy lifestyle and enjoying life!



  • tatilove1988
    tatilove1988 Posts: 330 Member
    Welcome new people, this is such a great group!

    What is your first language @Paz922? Your English is excellent. Congratulations to you and @tatilove1988 for resisting temptation!

    I did not stick to two slices of pizza BUT my win for yesterday was checking the menu in advance, choosing what to eat, sticking to it and planning my other meals around it so for the first time since coming back here I was actually under my calorie target 🥳

    Challenges though: working out what to wear to go out really made me see where those extra pounds are sitting 😔

    Today I am grateful for blue skies, hoping to go for a run later and ... drumroll ... it's that day of the week:

    Starting weight- 170.6 (highest ever 😟)
    Goal weight by April 15- 160
    Overall goal (I see some people have added this, so to let you know it's more than 10 pounds here too, this is hopefully just the start)- under 150

    2/29- 169
    3/3- 167

    Not a bad start, but my problem is always sticking with it, really hoping groups like this can help me with that.

    Wow! You did great! Going in already knowing what your options are reduces the chances you’ll get something you shouldn’t. I’ll try that next time
  • tatilove1988
    tatilove1988 Posts: 330 Member
    angiev44 wrote: »
    I would like to join challenge.

    3/3- 157 pounds
    Goal- 130 pounds

    I am grateful my daughter is coming home to visit on Friday for 10 days. I am grateful for my pets. I am grateful for my job. I am grateful for my husband.

    Lean turkey chili- one package 99 percent fat free ground turkey breast. Brown in pan with cooking spray. Add chili seasoning. Add 3 cans diced tomatoes (fire roasted), can black beans, can kidney beans, mix in can of fat free refried beans to thicken. Serve warm with crackers. Can add hot sauce to increase spice.

    I make this every weekend so I can eat it through the week. Lots of protein and fiber and very filling.


    You must be so excited about your daughter coming to visit. She’s away at uni?

    You chili recipe sounds delish! I’ll have to try it sometime.

  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    edited March 4
    Welcome to the new team members! I am very excited to get to know you all.

    It is great that we are here to support and motivate each other during this journey.

    @Milsy777 Welcome, Amelia. I feel your beautiful energy as a kidney transplant survivor. God does miracles! I love that you are so motivated.

    @phreekles7 , Welcome! It is great that you are planning your healthy meals. There is nothing worse that not having the right foods at home and then eating our kids or others people’s foods. My daughter is baking so much lately! I just went grocery shopping and have my go-to snacks.

    @mighttybunky, Great with dinner last night. That is terrific that you were under your calories for the day! I am from Latin America 😊

    @tatilove1988- Thank you for sharing the link! They have great recipes.

    @Angiev44- Welcome! I will try your recipe. Thank you for sharing it with us. It is key to have good protein during the day.

    I am so grateful for the beautiful sunny day and a very peaceful walk with my husband.

    Wins- I logged my food and have healthy foods for the week.

    Challenges- Trying to avoid eating the sugar in the house. It is not easy but I know is not good for my health. Also, I feel motivated that we are all doing this together!

    I will weight tomorrow.

    Have a wonderful week everyone! We can do this together! 💪🌈🌼


  • mightybunky
    mightybunky Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks @tatilove1988! That smoothie thread is great, thank you for posting it.

    I did my run - WIN - despite the CHALLENGE of how, ahem, figure-hugging all my running kit is just now. All part of the wake up call I guess.

    Grateful today for a new week, hope it's a good one for everyone!

  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    @mightybunky Great job with your run👏👏

    How is everyone doing?

    I will post more tomorrow. It has been a busy day. I logged my food, went to gym, and had all my water. It was a great day😊

  • phreekles7
    phreekles7 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks you all for the motivation - we got this 💪

    Ive been mostly sticking to my calorie goals but sneaked in some chocolate yesterday. I've had a really crazy busy few days and I'm an emotional eater so always feel like a need a "treat" to keep myself going.

    Does anyone have any tips for avoiding emotional eating?
  • mightybunky
    mightybunky Posts: 90 Member
    @phreekles7 I wish I knew, I have 20+ pounds of emotional eating weight to lose. Can you fit some chocolate within your calorie goals and really enjoy it when you do?

    @Paz922 glad to hear about your great day. Are you a Spanish speaker? Buenos dias! My Spanish doesn't go much further than that, your English puts me to shame.

    Grateful today for the support on this journey. Win is that I managed a 1200 calorie day yesterday, with exercise, and didn't feel starving. Challenge is that I am out to lunch today and no online menu to plan from, but I have worked out this morning and will do my best 💪🏻
  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    edited March 6
    Hi everyone!

    @phreekles7 I've been an emotional eater since I was a child. I am more conscious about it now but it is still very challenging. I realize that I overeat at night if I am tired and have not had enough food during the day.

    The key for me - having healthy foods at home, not skipping meals, exercise, water and lots of proteins. If I want to keep eating, I have a yogurt, glass of water and leave the kitchen ASAP. I also mediate and practice self compassion. I am not looking for perfection. It is ok to have the extra food portion if you are really enjoying it.

    @mightybunky It is awesome that you workout in the morning! I am so glad you feel the support of this group. I also feel motivated that we are all in it together. I have been in the US for a long time. However, I feel that my spoken English is better than when I write. 😊

    I am grateful for catching up with a very good friend from 7th-8th grade. We found each other after 30 years since last time we spoke.

    Wins- Went to the gym, logged my food and had my water for the day.

    Challenges- I may have to look into the total calories for the day. My objective is 1,400 but I am wonder if that is too many calories. I was able to lose weight with 1,400 and 1,500 in the past but my metabolism has changed as I am 54. 😄

    Starting weight- 164
    Goal weight by April 15- 154
    Total weight objective- 145

    2/18- 162 (with the flu)
    2/25-162 (I did not gain the weight I lost with the flu)
    3/6- 161 (I am happy with a 1 lb loss because I am not starving and does not feel like a diet)

    Keep posting even if are not having a great day. We all know how that feels. We can do this!!💪🌼

  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    I just had Peanut Butter after seeing a text from my daughter telling me she was harassed by someone during her vacation. She is ok now. My emotional eating tips did not work tonight! 😊
  • mightybunky
    mightybunky Posts: 90 Member
    I am so glad your daughter is ok @Paz922 ! Sometimes life will make you eat things you didn't mean to, the key is not to let it knock you off track.

    Today I feel pretty low - I ate and drank too much yesterday and I'm feeling like it's ridiculous to think I will ever lose 20 lb and be slim and fit again. But I will stick to my workout and eating plan and tomorrow is another day.

    1,400 calories sounds ok to me - the 1,200 day was a one off knowing I was likely to go a bit off track yesterday. You're aiming for a similar weight to me. I've changed my settings to lose 0.25kg/0/5 lb a week, and that gives me a calorie goal of 1550 which I can just about do most days, I was finding 1300 too restrictive. Combined with exercise it seems to work ok for me, but it's still early days so I might need to rethink once I've lost the first few kilos.

    Onwards and upwards <3
  • Yukie_OP
    Yukie_OP Posts: 276 Member
    Hi coming in a bit late , but would like to join if possible.
    Quick Bio: Been apart of MFP for a few years now. Have lost and gained through the years, but for the last 2 years, I've been focusing on my professional development at work which involves a lot of study time and sitting. Still juggling work and study with personal/family life (married and have a elementary age daughter plus raising my teenage niece).

    What I am grateful for…good weather and sunshine (I'm in soCal), I have a short lunch break (30min), but I prioritize a lunch walk - I truly enjoy these walks especially during this spring-like weather (sunny but breezy).

    Wins- i cleared my sink of all dishes even though it was a rushed morning (sometimes is the small things).

    Challenges - I wake up early (4am) to send off my husband with his coffee and lunch, my challenge is staying up! My weekday intent is to walk on my treadmill while I read/study (goal is 1hr), in this early morning time. Last week I did 4 out of 7 days. So far this week it has not happened.

    Highest starting weight - 151 (12/25/2023)
    Current weight- 146
    Goal weight by April 15- 135

    3/3- 146
  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    edited March 7
    Hello everyone

    Unfortunately, I have an issue with my hands and I was advised by my doctor not to text or use the computer until we know the cause of my symptoms. I am using the audio feature on my phone to type. I will try to post as much as possible.

    I feel so motivated by all of you, and I also want to make sure that I am posting even if I did not have a great day. I am doing so much better since we started this group. I am committed to lose the 10 pounds with all of you even if it takes us a little bit longer.

    @mightybunky every day is a new day and it is important to have fun and enjoy our friendships. I am confident that you will lose the weight and that is why we are in this group to support each other. How was your day yesterday?

    @Yukie_OP Welcome! I am glad that you are joining this group.

    We can do this! 💪😊


  • mightybunky
    mightybunky Posts: 90 Member
    Hi @Yukie_OP , great to have you here. You're doing well so far this year!

    @Paz922 I hope your hand issues get sorted out soon, that sounds really difficult.

    I am doing better thanks, scale currently ticking down about 0.1kg on average each day, which would get me to that 160lb figure right around 15 April if I can keep it up.

    Win - I swapped my hot chocolate after swimming this morning for a ginger tea, that's 300 calories saved right there.

    Challenges - warming up after the swim (but I love it really).

    Grateful for the beautiful sunrise.
  • Yukie_OP
    Yukie_OP Posts: 276 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Grateful for: today is my 2nd day streak of waking early (& staying up), to walk on the treadmill (while reading/studying), so I'm feeling good.
      * all checked off so far
    • Lemon Water
    • Treadmill walk (at least 35 min)
    • Log meals

    @mightybunky - Where do you swim? I love swimming, wish I could do more of it. It's been ages since I go into to a lap pool. But summer is around the corner so beach & lakes trips are on the horizon.

    Happy Friday!
  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    edited March 9

    Happy Saturday,

    @mightybunky It is awesome that you were able to swim in the morning. I’ve always wanted to go swimming or take a class at the recreational center in my town but I think of getting cold and taking a shower afterwards. They have low impact classes three times a week and I now feel motivated by you to go at least once this week.

    @Yukie_OP It is great that you’re able to study while on the treadmill! Great job on keeping with your goals for the day. I used to drink lemon water and I think it does make a difference. Do you think it makes a difference using real lemons versus lemon juice in a bottle?

    I am grateful for the beautiful tall trees I can see through my window even though it’s cold and cloudy.

    Wins- I went for a long walk in town yesterday even though It was cold. It felt good being outside.

    Challenges-I have been feeling down because of my hands, but I cannot let that interfere with my goal to lose the weight. I have a treadmill at home so I will walk for at least 45 minutes. I’m also going to dinner tonight and I will look at the menu beforehand and eat protein before I go.

    Thank you for posting and sharing about your successes and challenges.🌼


  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    edited March 9
    I walked for an hour on the treadmill just now . I usually don’t walk more than 45 minutes. We can do this😊

    It is so easy using the voice feature on my phone to type. This is the first time I do it. I have an accent in English and it recognizes probably more than 95% of my words!! I believe life is about learning how to embrace new challenges which makes you grow. 😊🌼🌈
  • Yukie_OP
    Yukie_OP Posts: 276 Member
    @Paz922 - my neighbors have lemon and orange trees, so they frequently stock me with lemons, I've never used a lemon concentrate, so i can't say if it would be much different. And I'm not sure i notice benefits to the lemon water just yet, but it does help my brain wake up given that i have my coffee later with breakfast.
  • Yukie_OP
    Yukie_OP Posts: 276 Member
    Saturday overview:
    Lemon water, study time and yard work in lieu of treadmill - my fit tracker recognizes it's hard work, so I'm good with not doing anything extra today. I'm exhausted!

    Grateful for a clear, sunny day which allowed us to clear up the front yard- the grass and weeds were getting out of control. Also, my cherry Blossom tree is starting to bloom again.

    Challenge: my daughter wants Farmer Boys for dinner- a burger chain with yummy chili cheese fries, fried zucchini, house-made ranch and burgers. I'll try to remind myself to try sensible portions.

  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    Yukie_OP wrote: »
    Saturday overview:
    Lemon water, study time and yard work in lieu of treadmill - my fit tracker recognizes it's hard work, so I'm good with not doing anything extra today. I'm exhausted!

    Grateful for a clear, sunny day which allowed us to clear up the front yard- the grass and weeds were getting out of control. Also, my cherry Blossom tree is starting to bloom again.

    Challenge: my daughter wants Farmer Boys for dinner- a burger chain with yummy chili cheese fries, fried zucchini, house-made ranch and burgers. I'll try to remind myself to try sensible portions.

    That's is beautiful!
  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    Yukie_OP wrote: »
    @Paz922 - my neighbors have lemon and orange trees, so they frequently stock me with lemons, I've never used a lemon concentrate, so i can't say if it would be much different. And I'm not sure i notice benefits to the lemon water just yet, but it does help my brain wake up given that i have my coffee later with breakfast.

    Those are nice neighbors! :)