Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 251



  • pammyNNP
    pammyNNP Posts: 72 Member
    Ready to start my second round! Thanks @quiltingjaine for another go around the block.
    End of round 250: 239
    2/16: DNW
    2/17: 239.2
    2/18: 240.0
    2/19: DNW
    2/20: 239.4
    2/21: DNW
    2/22: 239.6
    2/23: DNW
    2/24: 239.1 – OMG apparently my body *really* likes to be this weight.
    2/25: DNW

    Random stuff about me:
    I am 59 years old this month (ouch). I currently live in Texas with my hubby and crew of kitty babies. I am a neonatal nurse practitioner and work 24hour shifts in a busy NICU. If it looks like I disappear on random days…that’s why! About 10 years ago I lost 135 pounds. Never made it to goal but just sort of leveled off at ~200 pounds. Over time I gained back nearly 50. Working on getting back at least to my low weight of 200. I would like to eventually make it to 150 where I think I would be comfortable.
    Previous rounds:
    SW RND 250: 244.5
    EW RND 250: 239
    RND weight -/+: -5.5lbs
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,027 Member