Best Date you've ever been on?



  • Mine was with a tall dark handsome cowboy and we went out on his ranch riding horses. We rode for an hr or so then stopped by these trees where he got off his horse and went behind the tree and brought out some yellow roses and a picnic lunch he had made for me that he had put there earlier . Was soooo romantic, we sat there and talked til the next morning.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    mine we went out to dinner and then played some pool together. Then went and sat and just talked and hung out it was simple and nice.
  • alapoint89
    with my husband because he was the first one to take me out on a date. chillies and movie
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Adventure quad biking around the greek island of corfu, followed by amazing dinner at little restaurant + live band, finish with making out on a deserted beach while there is an electrical storm happening on the horizon. Sounds like a movie, really happened, best date ever, it was a first one too! :P
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Mine was simple too. We ordered some food and curled up on the couch and watched some movies. It was our second date and it was great!

    Everyone knows what "Lets watch a movie at my place" means.

    Dirty girl. ;)

    :laugh: That did not happen, kinda wished it would have! LOL!
  • jibnut
    My boyfriend and future husband and I on the date he asked me out on. We went snowmobiling on Valentines day. It was awesome. His starter rope broke and he had sled problems and my sled was perfect. It was hilarious, and then we went snowboarding at Mt. Baker (with the sleds, its called snowmobile skiing). So there was no one out there, and it was dumping snow. Perfection in my eyes
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    Mine started with a wonderful dinner at an amazing restaurant overlooking the ocean and then a drive further up the coast to an area with no street lights overlooking the ocean again to sit and watch a meteor shower. It was very romantic and an awesome view.
  • MadPanda75
    MadPanda75 Posts: 73 Member
    For me, my best date, was a dinner at Chili's that ended up being 4 hours. We just really connected and the convo kept rolling! Then we went to the bar for me to try out an amaretto sour ( which is fantastic!) and we were bombarded by a drunk guy who kept talking to us, we thought it was hilarious.

    It may not have been anywhere fancy or anything special...but the person really made it WORTH WHILE! That was my best date night ever!