What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,586 Member
    Lower Power

    Rack Pull 5x5
    BB Hip Thrust 5x5
    One-Leg Press 5x5 <superset> Leg Press Calf Extend 5x15
    Roman Chair Knee-Ups 4x20
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 995 Member
    I went climbing on Monday. My heart wasn't really in it; I think I pulled a muscle in my right leg on the 25 mile hike on Sunday. It meant i didn't really commit to any of the jumping moves .

    I went swimming today; 1 km. It was nice; I think my leg injury has recovered.

    I do weigh myself daily; I've never noticed any particular correlation with anything other than high salt can increase water weight.)
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,504 Member
    Ten mile hike with about 2150 feet of ascent.

    I saw almost nobody. There was heavy rain on the drive to the trailhead - a city park on the other side of town. I hoped to get my hike in between squalls. There was only one vehicle in the parking area. I only saw a couple other folks. One was near the top on a gravel bike going on one of the forest roads as the trail crossed it. Later I saw two women hiking up from near the end of my hike. I added on a little extra hike to get a view, and I saw two people walking up that side of the hill.

    Nice day. It did rain a little bit, but I never had to put on my rain pants.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,687 Member
    edited March 13
    After yesterday's bike ride, late, I remembered that I was loosely committed inside my own head to another C2 challenge, to (minimum) machine row 5K or stationary bike 10K for 25 days in March. I'd already missed a day other than my normal weekly rest day. Now I can only miss my regular rest days for the rest of the month. Oopsie. I won't die of shame if I don't do it, but I'd prefer to accomplish it.

    It was Spring again today (68 F, 20 C), but after tomorrow the rest of the week looks more Winter-like again (close to freezing overnight, rain during the day). Tomorrow I won't have time to ride outdoors even though it'll be decent weather

    So today was weird.

    I took a short bike ride, just a bit over 10 miles, taking it easy on the hills (only 5' Z3). Then I came home, ate a sandwich, and stationary biked 10k (90 W average, 97% Z2 and nothing above.)

  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 224 Member
    Workout: 10 miles run
    Weigh In: 107.9 lbs
    Nutrition: Unacceptable (Good/Acceptable/Unacceptable/Terrible)

    1. Read entire Bible starting New Testament. min 1 chapter/day. (Luke 1)
    2. Reach 104.0 lbs by 3/20/24
    3. Punch in 30 minutes early every day (be an Loving teammate).
  • drv123
    drv123 Posts: 63 Member
    edited March 13
    mtaratoot wrote: »

    Does anyone else notice scale weight DROP after a strength training session? More important perhaps, if so, why do you reckon that's happening?

    I saw this post last night and figured since I had planned a strength session this morning and I usually do morning stuff fasted it'd be a good test. I'm assuming any change on the scale is sweat/exhaled but since I wasn't planning on too much cardio it'd be interesting either way.

    This morning was:

    9 minute warm up jog
    3 sets cable lateral raises
    2 sets cable crossover flies (didn't like the setup so did machine flies later)
    5 sets bench press
    4 sets of dips
    4 sets of machine flies
    4 sets cable rope tricep extensions

    I drank 1/2 a bottle of water and this took about an hour. Weighed myself before and after and was down 0.7 lbs.

    If I remember I'll try it again when I do some real cardio, I imagine I'll sweat more but also drink more water so it won't really make a difference.

    EDIT: just realized you meant the day after. Well let's see tomorrow!
  • prettytoxic
    prettytoxic Posts: 122 Member
    I'm just about to head to the gym for leg day!

    Today's plan is
    Leg Press
    Leg extension
    Leg Curl
    Squats using smith machine
    RDLs using smith machine
    Then finishing with adductor/abductor
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,687 Member
    edited March 14
    As predicted, I didn't have time to fit in an outdoor activity in daylight today, and I was tired by the time I got home, so I did just the 10k+3' stationary bike thing so I could get in the minimum challenge meters.

    Stuck with the recent Z2 theme, so 29' and change that was 88% Z2 and nothing above. Given how tired I was, I thought it might be a slog, but I held the target heart rate (close to 120 bpm which is about 67% HRmax) and averaged 93W. Bodies are weird. (I think I'll go to bed early, though. :D )

    Weather was gorgeous, not as windy and 68 F (20 C), sunny. I got to enjoy a little of it while running errands, and did sit for a bit with a latte at a outdoor table (in short sleeves!) - not your typical Michigan mid-March activity. I don't pay much attention to steps, but Garmin says I got more than twice the step goal it gave me today . . . most of it indoors, unfortunately.
  • drv123
    drv123 Posts: 63 Member
    An update on the little strength training experiment above: down a half pound over pre workout weight from yesterday. Ultimately meaningless in the grand scheme of things with weight fluctuating due to all kinds of things but there we are!

    Today’s exercise will be either a run on the treadmill or time on the stair stepper at the gym. Cardio day either way.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,586 Member
    Today is supposed to be my second upper-body day of the week, but we're hunkered down to wait out the blizzard...six inches so far, another foot expected today. If there's a break in the snowfall, maybe I'll get a "workout" of shoveling the drive.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,504 Member

    Yeah - looks like Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona are all getting a late-winter blast. I do NOT miss shoveling snow. That's one of the best things about PNW rain. The next few days will be great, so I'll get in a few days of hiking.
  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 224 Member
    Workout: 10 miles run
    Weigh In: 107.7 lbs
    Nutrition: Acceptable (Good/Acceptable/Unacceptable/Terrible)

    1. Read entire Bible in order starting w/ New Testament 1 chapter/day. (Luke 2)
    2. Reach 104.0 lbs by 3/20/24
    3. Hit all timemarks 5 minutes early. (1p/9p/11p/10a)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,687 Member
    Rainy and cold, not a great day for biking on the trails . . . plus there's that challenge thing I'm still hoping to complete this month. So more stationary bike, 23,969m pseudo-meters according to the bike.

    I went back to 60'+3', shooting for Z2 (there 98% of the time; the rest below), using the usual "stay close to 120bpm" strategy. If I start seeing 122/123, I back off the intensity until I drop back below 120 again. Consequence is slightly higher power early to get to target heart rate quickly, then dropping power back more often near the end to counter cardiac drift.

    This isn't as attention-hogging as it might sound: I was watching art journaling video lessons again throughout the ride. :D
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,504 Member
    Great hike with a different friend than usual. My normal Thursday buddy had a vet appointment. Another old friend contacted me to see if I'd gone out yet. Nope. Working on job application. They drove an hour to my place, and we went to a private property that's a land trust with amazingly maintained trails.... I didn't have a single spot of mud on my pants. About seven miles and change with some hills about 1500 feet of gains overall. Nice views. My friend didn't think they had it in them, but we just kept going up to get the best view. Same place I've been visiting from a different side. This walk/hike is more sunny and less under the canopy. It was so sunny and... warm enough I could have worn shorts. Oh well. Nice day for sure!
  • justgirl81
    justgirl81 Posts: 224 Member
    Workout: 6 miles crosstrainer
    Weigh In: no weigh in
    Nutrition: Acceptable (Good/Acceptable/Unacceptable/Terrible)

    W/o: 5 mile walk
    Weight: 106.9 lbs
    Nutrition: Good

    1. Read entire Bible in order starting w/ New Testament 1 chapter/day. (Luke 3)
    2. Reach 104.0 lbs by 3/20/24
    3. Hit all timemarks 5 minutes early. (1p/9p/11p/10a)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,687 Member
    Another day of 60'+3' stationary bike, 99% Z2 and remainder below, averaging 87W and totaling 23,930 stationary pseudo-meters. I have 12 challenge days completed (minimum 10k bike or 5k row), need 13 more by 3/31, should just make it if I don't skip anything other than scheduled rest days. We'll see.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,504 Member
    I just did a couple short walks. One of them was out on the coast. Gorgeous day. The other was close to home; I went out to meet friends for a pint. Basically a rest day.

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,586 Member

    Squats 4x15
    Incline Bench Press 4x8
    BB Row 4x10
    Seated BB OHP 3x10
    Cable Crunch 3x10
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,504 Member
    I am kind of surprised that I'm about to call this a "short" run, but that's how I'm thinking of it now. Crazy stuff.

    I ran 3.33 miles and set three new personal records - fastest 5K, 1 mile and 1K. It wasn't by much, but it was a bit faster than before. There should be an asterisk though. My old records were trail running, and today I was on pavement. Pavement is faster.

    Even more exciting, Garmin says today's run increased my VO2-Max to the "Excellent" category which puts me in the top 20% for men aged 50-59. Wow. They claim my "fitness age" is 27. Wow.

    I still have the rest of the day to enjoy the weather!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,687 Member
    I shoehorned in a quick 10k+3' stationary bike (Z2 and below again) before rushing off to meet a friend for lunch and on to watch our team win round one of a college conference hockey playoff. (Yay!)

    I probably should've machine rowed today, and at higher intensity, but I wasn't feeling like that was going to fit well with the rest of the day. Oh, well.