Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 254



  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,043 Member
    You're welcome. I found this also Sheila, @SheilaBoneham Erythromelalgia.
    I have an autoimmune condition and get flare ups of this burning, but it's not that often and it's not this condition. Worth a read.

    https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/erythromelalgia/#:~:text=Erythromelalgia is a rare condition,and avoiding triggers can help.
  • itstheballroomblitz
    itstheballroomblitz Posts: 24 Member
    🍀🐥🌷The start of spring to motivate us

    Snow last week and 70 degrees today! Time to start thinking about wardrobes that fit in warmer weather. Hopefully I will see a half pound loss this go around… which will put me in the 130’s!

    SW RND 254. 131.5🍀

    3/17. 132.8. Ouch… too many social events lately! They finally caught up to me!
    3/18. 132.6
    3/19. 132.2
    3/20. 132.8
    3/21. 132.3.
    3/22. 132.1. It’s a slow stumble back down, but down is a great thing.
    3/23. 132.1
    3/24. 131.9
    3/25. 131.6

    🍷 Cheers! #jammyredwine
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,405 Member
    @SheilaBoneham I’m so sorry you are struggling with your feet, but let me encourage you to think about a different pain relief medicine. My mother took Aleve every day for her arthritis. It ended up destroying her kidneys or that’s what the doctors blamed it on. That is what eventually killed her. Just at least check with your doctor first.