Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 254



  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,086 Member
    UTMom81 wrote: »
    @SheilaBoneham I’m so sorry you are struggling with your feet, but let me encourage you to think about a different pain relief medicine. My mother took Aleve every day for her arthritis. It ended up destroying her kidneys or that’s what the doctors blamed it on. That is what eventually killed her. Just at least check with your doctor first.

    Thanks, @UTMom81 . You’re correct, Naproxen can cause kidney damage, but my doctor and my reading say that taking it only at night for a limited period is fine. I’m convinced I had (maybe still have) a systemic inflammation that was causing or contributing to several issues, including pain and depression. I had a very stressful two years (22-23) and I’m sure the stress caused or exacerbated my issues. The sources of the stress are much gone except for memories, and I think I'm regrouping well. I feel MUCH better since I started the naproxen, and have begun weaning off it to see how I feel. Sadly, most pain killers have side effects used long term or at high doses, so sometimes it’s a balance. I appreciate your concern! ❤️
  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,086 Member
    You're welcome. I found this also Sheila, @SheilaBoneham Erythromelalgia.
    I have an autoimmune condition and get flare ups of this burning, but it's not that often and it's not this condition. Worth a read.

    https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/erythromelalgia/#:~:text=Erythromelalgia is a rare condition,and avoiding triggers can help.

    Thanks, @tiabirdie56 . I don’t have this, thankfully!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,459 Member
    Thank you, @itladyee !
    74 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 148.0
    UGW: 140.0
    03/15 - 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    03/16 - 149.5 at 8:30 a.m. ...brunch at DDD's for my b'day!!
    03/17 - 149.0 at 8:10 a.m. ...5.41 miles in 108 mins to the post office and back!
    03/18 - 150.7 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    03/19 - 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then reading
    03/20 - 151.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 5.26 miles in 106 mins...trainer sick
    03/21 - 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    03/22 - 148.3 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...trainer's family sick
    03/23 - 149.7 at 8:30 a.m. ...Tax stuff
    03/24 - 150.4 at 7:45 a.m. ...5.28 miles in 111 mins to the post office and back
    03/25 - 149.8 at 7:45 a.m. ...4.94 miles in 99 mins to the ruins. Trainer's family is sick
    03/26 - 147.6 at 7:20 a.m. ...cleaned house
    Good luck everyone!
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,358 Member
    Hi, I'm Charissa, back for another round. I will keep coming back and I will get this thing right, sooner or later. Hopefully sooner!

    Thank you, QuiltingJaine, for keeping us focused in 2024!
    So here we go 2024... my motto -
    🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!
    Eat well 🥗to Live Well 🚢✈️🧳
    Note to Self: Alcohol kills weight loss as the focus is burning alcohol calories and not fat calories!

    Goals this round:
    - Tracking/Under Calorie Budget 🍎
    - Macros - hit Protein ✅
    - Water - 64oz minimum > trying hard for 80💧
    - Closing my rings M-F🚶🏽

    Same goals...

    Stats and Previous Rounds
    63 y/o female
    OSW 2022-03 230.3
    1SW 2023-01 221.8
    1SW 2024-01 223.4

    HW: 230.3
    CW: 216 as of 3/16/2024

    2023 Round History
    2023 EOY Results = 1.6 Gain

    Round 210/1 SW: 221.8 EW: 220.6 Loss 1.2 Total Loss 1.2 (01/02/2023)
    Round 211/2 SW: 220.6 EW: 218.6 Loss 2.0 Total Loss 3.2
    Round 212/3 SW: 218.6 EW: 216.6 Loss 2.0 Total Loss 5.2
    Round 213/4 SW: 216.6 EW: 219.8 Gain -3.2 Total Loss 2.0 Yikes!
    Round 214/5 SW: 219.8 EW: 219.4 Loss 0.4 Total Loss 2.4
    Round 215/6 SW: 219.4 EW: 216.9 Loss 2.5 Total Loss 4.9 (3/2/2023)
    Round 216/7 SW: 216.9 EW: 219.5 Gain -2.6 Total Loss 2.3
    Round 217/8 SW: 219.5 EW: 217.4 Loss 2.1 Total Loss 4.4
    Round 218/9 (9) SW: 217.4 EW: 221.7 Gain -2.6 Total Loss .1 (4//2023)
    Round 219/10 SW: 221.7 EW: 220.9 Loss 0.8 Total Loss .9
    Round 220/11 SW: 220.9 EW: 218.9 Loss 2.0 Total Loss 2.9
    Round 221/12 SW: 218.9 EW: 213.4 Loss 5.5 Total Loss 8.4 (5/1/2023)
    Round 222/13 SW: 213.4 EW: 216.9 Gain 3.5 Total Loss 4.9
    Round 223/14 SW: 216.9 EW: 214.5 Loss 2.4 Total Loss 7.3
    Round 224/15 SW: 214.5 EW: 214.0 Loss 0.5 Total Loss 7.8
    Round 225/16 SW: 214.0 EW: 213.6 Loss 0.4 Total Loss 8.2
    Round 226/17 SW: 213.6 EW: 214.7 Gain 1.1 Total Loss 7.1
    Round 227/18 SW: 214.7 EW: 212.7 Loss 2.0 Total Loss 9.1
    Round 228/19 SW: 212.7 EW: 213.8 Gain 1.1 Total Loss 8.00 * Holiday, 6 days vac- last home weigh in
    Round 229/20 SW: 213.8 EW: 215.2 Gain 1.4 Total Loss 6.6 A bit of a setback
    Round 230/21 SW: 215.2 EW: 213.8 Loss 1.4 Total Loss 8.0 simply lost what I gained
    Round 231/22 SW: 213.8 EW: 215.1 Gain 1.4 Total Loss 6.7
    Round 232/23 SW: 215.1 EW: 215.1 Loss 0.0 Total Loss 6.7
    Round 233/24 SW: 215.1 EW: 217.4 Gain 2.3 Total Loss 4.4
    Round 234/25 SW: 217.4 EW: 214.7 Loss 2.7 Total Loss 7.1
    Round 235/26 SW: 214.7 EW: 214.5 Loss .2 Total Loss 7.3
    Round 236/27 SW: 214.7 EW: 216.0 Gain 1.3 Total Loss 6.0
    Round 237/28 SW: 216.0 EW: 217.4 Gain 1.4 Total Loss 4.4
    Round 238/29 SW: 217.4 EW: 214.6 Loss 2.8 Total Loss 7.2
    Round 239/30 SW: 214.6 EW: 216.8 Gain 2.2 Total Loss 5.0
    Round 240/31 SW: 216.8 EW: 216.8 Gain 0.0 Total Loss 5.0 ~ Vacation and didn't weigh so just going to leave it here even though its not right🙂
    Round 241/32 SW: 216.8 EW: 220.2 Gain 3.4 Total Loss 1.6 at least I know why....
    Round 242/33 SW: 220.2 Can't find my scale and totally missed reporting this round
    Round 243/34 SW: 220.2 EW: 216.4 Loss 3.8 Total Loss 5.4 .
    Round 244/35 SW: 216.4 EW: 218.8 Gain 2.4 Total Loss 3.0 .
    Round 245/36 SW: 218.8 EW: 223.4 Gain 4.6Total Gain 1.6 .
    2024 Round History
    2024 YTD Results = 4.4 Loss
    I restarted my counter for 2024 since 2023 was basically a wash ....
    TTLY = This time last year

    Round 246/37 SW: 223.4 EW: 219 Loss 4.4 Total loss 4.4 .
    Round 247/38 SW: 219 EW: 218.4 Loss 0.6 Total loss 5.0. TTLY 3.2.
    Round 248/39 SW: 218.4 EW: 216.4 Loss 2.0 Total loss 7.0 TTLY 5.2.
    Round 249/40 SW: 216.4 EW: 217.2 Gain 0.8 Total loss 6.2 TTLY 2.0.
    Round 250/41 SW: 217.2 EW: 218 Gain 0.8 Total loss 5.4 TTLY 2.4. (Anniversary x 2 dinners, Superbowl
    Round 251/42 SW: 218 EW: 216.8 Loss 1.2 Total loss 6.6 TTLY 4.9
    Round 252/43 SW: 216.8 EW: 216.4 Loss 0.4 Total loss 7.0 TTLY 2.3
    Round 253/44 SW: 216.4 EW: 216.0 Loss 0.4 Total loss 7.4 TTLY 4.4
    Round 254/45 (9) SW: 216.0 EW: 220 Gain 4.0 Total loss 3.4 TTLY .1
    Goal Weight
    Goal Weight #1 213 Achieved on: 3/31/2024 :)
    Goal Weight #2 203
    Goal Weight #3 193
    Goal Weight #4 183
    Goal Weight #5 173
    Goal Weight #6 163
    Goal Weight #7 153
    Goal Weight #8 143

    🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!! Eat well 🥗to Live Well 🚢✈️🧳

    SW: 216.0 end of round 253
    Dates = Weight ; Comments regarding prior day.

    3/17 DNW
    3/18 216.8
    3/19 220.2 It all caught up with me. Friday was good, so Sat morning was really good. Saturday was kinda bad, Sunday was really bad and Monday was kind of bad again. All coupled with Rest on Sunday, No gym on Friday and Monday due to maintenance and it got cold again so I couldn't get the extra walk in. On track for good today. I've got to undo this damage. OMG
    3/20 218.2 That's better. Now I need to see that reduction one more time to get back on track. But I did note 3 bad days so I'm going to need 3 good days to break even and then 3 more good days to get to where I want to be. So much fun in store!!! What I love is it's all so very transparent. Do the work (exercise + quality/within calorie range) get the results!
    3/21 218.4
    3/22 218.4 I think I need a mental reset... That All or None mentality is creeping in.
    3/23 218.2
    3/24 219.0
    3/25 220.0 ~ @chapter_3 You have included some powerful posts as of late that I need to go back, read, reflect and take action. I left home today thinking I need to regroup, as I alluded to a few days ago. Total self-sabotage, but not necessarily before an accomplishment. Mine is usually two-fold and comes in waves. .... I've done really well for a while, then something (usually an event) takes me off course and I struggle to get back on ...and eventually get to all or none mentality. The other is stress related...things on my mind for which I can't do much about or am not ready to do anything about...and for a moment in time, I stop caring. I've introduced some awesome exercise habits that have kept me going through this time but exercise isn't enough. Thank you for sharing.
    3/26 220.0 ~ old habits....pizza....all kinds of bad this round.

    It's usually the events (i.e., burger night @ my favorite pub) that sink my progress,too. I don't let them stop me, though. I just get upset that it takes me 2-3 "good days" to erase 1 "bad day". It's tough sticking-to-the-plan 100% of the time.
    I simply declared a break this week. I actually got sick on Tuesday evening and that was my signal to just rest for a few days.
  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 632 Member
    edited March 28
    R255 -25th

    RND 255 130.0lbs
    We will be out of town 5 days this round. Active vacay & mindful of choices. (Beach walking 2x per day!)

    Let’s Go! 💪🏻🙌🏻⚡️

    3/27 ⚖️130
    Just want to report my 🎾 team won 🏆 our division yesterday and we are headed to state at the end of April. It’s just plain fun. I was EXHAUSTED after the match. As captain, it’s impossible to not be emotionally invested. Last night I was so hungry. Ate a burger with bacon & cheese. No bun. Scale approved this morn but will probably show up tomorrow. Crazy. Will drink tons of 💦 today. Sunrise walk now, then catch up with life today. Yes, will 🙆‍♀️🤸🏼📿🏋️‍♀️. Will do it all!

    NSV: Since I went out of my regular eating patterns yesterday, I’ll follow up with plenty of water today. It’s a helpful habit.

    3/28 Yesterday I got sidetracked it was as if I had a worm in my brain devouring every rational thought. I had planned all of my workouts -and the moment I started thinking about my tennis team going to state, I didn’t stop thinking about it for 14 hours… THAT is an unhelpful habit!
    Today- Headed out the door for my morning walk then a full day, preparing to head out of town before daybreak tomorrow! I was so wrapped up in my thoughts I forgot to eat yesterday… Seriously! (Not helpful either!)
    3/29 ⚖️
    3/30 DNW
    3/31 DNW
    4/1 DNW
    4/2 DNW
    4/3 DNW
    4/4 ⚖️
    4/5 ⚖️

    About Me & Health Journey
    Spoiler @ end ⬇️

    R255 Focus-Healthy & Fit:
    1. Gain muscle lose fat 🏋️‍♀️- only DOING will ensure success. In it for the long-haul.
    2. Continue “commitments” & reading/working “Habit Mechanic”. Important that my “to dos” become habit. Bringing book on vacay
    3. Identify unhelpful habits and extinguish.
    4. Jump rope before/after vacation.
    5. Mindful & Grateful

    To do:
    1. Habit Mechanic - minimum 20 min per day.
    2. 🙆‍♀️Daily Stretch 10-15min
    3. 🤸🏼🏋️‍♀️4x/wk FT 20-30 min
    4. 🚶‍♀️8-10k+ minimum
    5. 📿 ⬆️ jump rope
    6. 💦 70-80oz
    7. 💓Z2 60 min 5x per wk
    8. NSVs - launch new helpful habits
    9. MACROS: thru 4/15: S.S.T.Th :10gC, 109gP, 75gF, M.W.F 10gC, 129gP, 30gF
    10. Stay mindful & grateful.

    About me, WOE & Health Journey
    F65, 5’6” married, MawMaw Proud. Clean Ketovore 🥩. Track macros, kcals, all exercise and NSVs. HW 172lbs in 2010.

    WOE since 7/2023: Whole Foods. No processed foods. Animal-based proteins. EGGS, Beef, pork, chicken, seafood, venison and grass-fed whey protein. I count macros & kcals - always will. (Since portion control is my issue). Keto is high-fat but I’m now leaning lower healthy fats with leaner proteins. I had paralyzing IBS for 20 years. My mother was diagnosed with celiac’s disease in her 50’s. Following her lead, I eliminated wheat, oat, barley, and rye several years ago…. Dairy? Hard cheese, HWC and butter - an occasional Greek yogurt. Vegetables destroy my digestive system… I love vegetables, but when I splurge, I pay for it for a few days… I do enjoy berries, lemons, limes. Avocados are my weakness. Enjoy a piece of dark chocolate on occasion. Generally, I eat btw noon and 6 pm. (IF18/6). Alcohol? Used to be a social drinker and would enjoy a good martini/scotch or Paloma at home while cooking dinner. NO MORE. Root of many evils. Primarily, the destruction of will power and the enemy of optimal choices. I’d rather journey toward my best-self. I haven’t given up alcohol completely, but I enjoy it sparingly on special occasions. This is me. I finally feel terrific.


    I have ALWAYS been ON a “diet” since at least high school. I have never been comfortable with my body - NEVER EVER- no matter my weight.

    Pre- college: 125-130lbs
    College- up to 160lbs one year… graduated @130lbs.
    Many different diets each decade!
    1990 (Age 32) - Avg.135/140 lbs (my son was born 1988)
    2000 (Age 42) -Avg 145 -160
    2010 (Age 52) - HW 172 lbs in 2010. 130lbs by end of 2014.
    2020 (Age 62) 130-135lbs
    7/2023 (Age 64) 145lbs
    1/2024 (Age 65) 130lbs

    UGW = 129-130lbs
    ⬆️SMM: 100lbs +
    BF% : 23%

    Aug 14, 2014 @ 157lbs (down 15 from heaviest of 172lbs in 2010), I decided to take serious control of my health. I lost 30lbs by 11/15/2014. Weight @ 128-132lbs through the end of 2020. Six years!

    Another 🎢 Roller Coaster Begins….

    2020 through 2021, I fluctuated 132-140 lbs. Always self-conscious.

    8/1/ 2022 crept up to 142lbs.
    Dropped to 128lbs again by 10/30 - held 130lbs till 2/1/23.

    2023 Back ⬆️ 145lbs by July 15! 15lbs BOOM! Enjoyed eating & margaritas way too much. My nutrition has always been somewhat healthy BUT portion control is/was THE issue. Started tracking again 7/15/23. Joined “Just give me 10 days” R231 in beginning of 8/2023. Here we are @ 130ish determined to…. STOP the 🎢 & be in the
    📣#bestshapeofmylife 📣

    The yo-yo is exhausting & unhealthy. Takes up way too much brain space.

    I learned MY choices created an emotional 🎢 roller coaster with yo-yo weight and fitness. My forever goal is to be healthy & fit & maintain approx. 130lbs & IN SHAPE - to enjoy my “Senior” years to my fullest.

    While active with 🚶‍♀️& 🎾 it’s clear a ST 🏋️‍♀️🤸🏼routine was absent. Strength & balance are 💯most important now. Time to incorporate ST 🏋️‍♀️ 🙆‍♀️🤸🏼as my TRUE focus. I want healthy/fit choices to be my first nature.

    Cumulative Round Results
    7/15/23 SW 145lbs
    R231 - R 247, lost 15lbs to 130.
    Avg loss 1lbs per Round. Painfully SLOW.
    Jan/Feb: Ticked up to a steady 132ish. Happier@129-130.
    (I was in “maintenance” for 4 to 6 weeks & slowly ticked up.)
    130.0 on 3/26/24

    “Fit & Healthy” - striving to continuously improve my strength for an active quality of life. Let’s go!
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 2,887 Member
    Round 255
    March 27 – April 5, 2024

    62 year old female, 5’5”. I am married, semi-nomadic (we live in three states, Mass, Maine, Florida).

    SW WW Sept 29, 2001 - 168.8 (initially lost 29.8, became staff, then weight up and down 18 years with low of 126.8)
    SW MFP Sept 14, 2020 – 153 (lost 40, then stress took off another 2.2 lb with low of 120.8, then stress became gain)
    SW MFP Jan 1, 2023 – 146.6
    GW Maintaining between 124 - 126

    Continuing to figure out maintaining, and to work on best nutrition and exercise.

    Harry and Han are our cats, who travel with us. Have two “kids”, who are very much adults, a DGS, and second GS on the way. We have two parents, 87(mother), 85(MIL) still with us, and I have logically been needing to help them more as they age. I got my act in gear during COVID, somewhat inspired by NOT becoming my parents. I lost 30 lbs and was exercising daily. Unfortunately, I am an “all in or not” person. Hubby and I seeing our family home and downsizing distractions, plus medical incident with my father and all their new needs, became an excuse (father has since passed and I am DPOA, Personal representative AKA executor, trustee, and oversee the majority of my mother’s care). A year and a half later, I gained 25 lbs and lost all my athletic improvements. I need to figure out balance and how to make health be a daily priority for life!

    Round 126 153.0 equivalent 9/14/20
    Round 127 149.2 9/24/20
    Round 128 147.2 10/4/20
    Round 129 145.8 10/14/20
    Round 130 144.4 10/24/20
    Round 131 142.2 11/3/20
    Round 132 139.4 11/13/20
    Round 133 137.2 11/23/20
    Round 134 136.4 12/3/20
    Round 135 132.6 12/13/20
    Round 136 132.0 12/23/20
    Round 137 132.0 1/2/21
    Round 138 131.0 1/12/21
    Round 139 128.2 1/22/21
    Round 176 138.2 1/26/22 Harry 10 lb 14 oz Han Solo 11 lb 13 oz
    Round 177 134.8 2/5/22
    Round 178 137.0 2/15/22 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11 oz
    Round 181 138.2 3/17/22 Harry 10 lb 14 oz Han Solo 11 lb 10.5 oz
    Round 182 137.8 3/27/22 Harry 10 lb 14.5oz Han Solo 11 lb 12.5 oz
    Round 183 133.4 4/6/22 Harry 11 lb .5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 13 oz
    Round 184 136.0 4/16/22 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11lb 12.5 oz
    Round 185 136.8 4/26/22 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11lb 13 oz
    Round 186 136.0 5/6/22 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12.5 oz
    Round 187 137.8 5/16/22 Harry 10 lb 14.0 oz Han Solo 11lb 11.5 oz
    Round 188 135.8 5/26/22 Harry 10 lb 10.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12 oz
    Round 210 146.6 1/01/23 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12 oz
    Round 211 144.4 1/11/23
    Round 212 146.6 1/21/23 Harry 10 lb 14 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11 oz
    Round 213 143.4 1/31/23 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 10.5 oz
    Round 214 142.4 2/10/23
    Round 215 140.0 2/20/23 Harry 10 lb 12 oz Han Solo 11 lb 6 oz
    Round 216 138.0 3/2/23 Harry 10 lb 11.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 6.5 oz
    Round 217 136.0 3/12/23 Harry 10 lb 15 oz Han Solo 11 lb 6 oz
    Round 218 134.0 3/22/23 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 7.5 oz
    Round 219 133.8 4/1/23 Harry 11 lb .5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 9.5 oz
    Round 220 131.4 4/11/23 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11 oz
    Round 221 130.0 4/21/23 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11.5 oz
    Round 222 128.2 5/1/23 Harry 10 lb 15 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12.5 oz
    Round 223 128.4 5/11/23 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11 oz
    Round 224 127.2 5/21/23 Harry 10 lb 14 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11.5 oz
    Round 225 125.8 5/31/23 Harry 10 lb 12 oz Han Solo 11 lb 9.5 oz
    Round 226 124.2 6/10/23
    Round 227 125.8 6/20/23 Harry 10 lb 8.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12.5 oz
    Round 228 125.8 6/30/23 Harry 10 lb 13 oz Han Solo 11 lb 13.5 oz
    Round 229 125.8 7/10/23
    Round 230 122.6 7/20/23
    Round 231 125.0 7/30/23 Harry 10lb 10.5 oz Han Solo 12 lb .5 oz
    Round 232 123.6 8/9/23 Harry 10 lb 10 oz Han Solo 12 lb 2.5 oz
    Round 233 125.8 8/19/23 Harry 10 lb 10 oz Han Solo 12 lb 1.5 oz
    Round 234 125.8 8/29/23 Harry 10 lb 10.5 oz Han Solo 12 lb 1.5 oz
    Round 235 127.2 9/8/23
    Round 236 127.4 9/18/23 Harry 10 lb 6.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11.5 oz
    Round 237 126.4 9/28/23
    Round 238 124.4 10/8/23 Harry 10 lb 3 oz Han Solo 12 lb 1 oz
    Round 239 124.2 10/18/23 Harry 10 lb 1 oz Han Solo 12 lb 0 oz
    Round 240 125.0 10/28.23 Harry 10 lb Han Solo 11 lb 14 oz
    Round 241 127.8 11/8/23
    Round 243 127.6 11/28/23 Harry 10 lb 1.5 oz Han Solo 12 lb .5 oz
    Round 244 129.0 12/7/23 Harry 10 lb .5 oz Han Solo 12 lb .5 oz
    Round 245 129.0 12/17/23
    Round 246 129.4 12/27/23 Harry 10 lb 1 oz Han Solo 12 lb 2 oz
    Round 247 128.6 1/6/23 Harry 10 lb 3.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 14 oz
    Round 248 127.0 1/16/24 Harry 10 lb 8.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 14.5 oz
    Round 249 128.6 1/26/24 Harry 10 lb 10.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 14 oz
    Round 250 125.8 2/5/24 Harry 11 lb .5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 15 oz.
    Round 251 127.2 2/15/24 Harry 11 lb 1.5 oz Han Solo 11 ln 15 oz
    Round 252 128.0 2/25/24 Harry 11 lb 5.5 oz Han Solo 12 lb
    Round 253 128.6 3/6/24 Harry 11 lb 6.5 oz Han Solo 12 lb
    Round 255 127.8 3/26/24 Harry 11 lb 8 oz Han Solo 12 lb .5 oz

    SW: 127.8


    3/27 – 126.4 Lots went on in the round that I missed, but I will not bore you all. Glad I am back! :) Handled DH’s 63rd birthday well, yesterday. Glad to see the scale agreed. The prior two days, I had eaten appropriate calories but had gained each of those days. Yesterday, similar calories, but weight came back down. I know if I were not tracking, I would be tempted to tailspin due to seeing those “ups”.

    The “boys” (my cats) are still getting weighed regularly. If you see in my history, Harry was dropping weight (not eating and vomiting) and spent a bunch at the vet. Anyhow, I’ve got that turned around. My goal was 11.25 lbs. I overshot now with him and am now watching that he does not go higher. Han Solo, my rescue that was found at 7 lb, I always have to watch his weight. Grateful for microchipped pet feeders.

    3/28 – 126.4 Had a basic day. Tracked everything, but I am not pushing myself for losses, even though I would love one or two more pounds off. The good thing is that I living well, though tracking, and for the most part and am staying steady.

    3/29 –
    3/30 –
    3/31 –
    4/1 –
    4/2 –
    4/3 –
    4/4 –
    4/5 –
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Round 255 Wed Mar 27 2024 ~ Fri Apr 5 2024
    Round 255
    Mar 27 2024 ~ Apr 5 2024

    My name is Tish.
    Age: 67
    Height: 5'7.5"
    USW: 260
    2024 Start Wgt: 205 (Jan1)

    CW: 202.4
    RG: 96ozs to 128ozs water


    ▪︎Day1▪We•Mar 27 -¤DNW

    (Tu•98gProt▪︎86gCarb▪︎112ozs water)

    ■Day2▪Th•Mar 28-¤DNW

    (We•91gProt▪︎65gCarb▪︎139ozs water)

    ▪︎Day3•Fr•Mar 29-¤

    (Th•gProt▪︎gCarb▪︎ozs water)

    ▪︎Day4•Sa•Mar 30-¤

    (Fr•gProt▪︎gCarb▪︎ozs water)

    ▪︎Day5•Su•Mar 31-¤

    (Sa•gProt▪︎gCarb▪︎ozs water)

    ▪︎Day6▪Mo•Apr 1- ¤

    (Su•gProt▪︎gCarb▪︎ozs water)

    ▪︎Day7▪Tu•Apr 2-¤

    (Mo•g Prot▪︎gCarb▪︎ozs water)

    ▪︎Day8▪We•Apr 3 -¤

    (Tu•g▪︎Prot▪︎gCarb▪︎ozs water)

    ▪︎Day9▪Th•Apr 4 -¤

    (We•g▪︎Prot▪︎gCarb▪︎ozs water)

    ▪︎Day10▪Fr▪︎Apr 5-¤

    (Th•gProt▪︎gCarb▪︎ozs water)

    Intermittent Fasting

    *Round End Weights*
    {Mar 19~Round 34- lost 2.8 lbs~215.8}
    {Mar 28~Round 35 - lost 2.4 lbs~214}
    {Apr 7~Round 36 - lost 1 lb~212}
    {Apr 17~Round 37 - lost 5.6 lbs~206.4}
    {Apr 27~ Round 38 - lost 1 lb~205.4}
    {May 6~ Round 39 - lost 3.4 lbs~202}
    •••Transition Round⬇•••
    {May 17~Round 40 - lost 3 lbs~199}
    {May 27~Round 41 - lost .8 lbs~198.2}
    {Jun 6~Round 42 - lost 2.6 lbs~195.6}
    {Jun 16~Round 43 - lost 1.4 lbs~194.2}
    {Jun 26~Round 44 - lost 1 lb~193.2}
    {Jul 6~Round 45 - no loss~193.2}
    {Jul 16~Round 46 - lost 3.6 lbs~189.6}
    {Jul 26~Round 47 - lost 1.4 lbs~188.2}
    {Aug 5~Round 48 - lost 1.8 lbs~ 186.4}
    {Aug 15~ Round 49 - lost .8 lb~ 185.6}
    {Aug 25~Round 50 - lost 3 lbs~ 182.6}
    {Sep 4~Round 51 - .4 lb gain~ 183}
    {Sep 14~Round 52 - lost 2 lbs~ 180.8}
    {Sep 24~Round 53 - lost 1 lb~ 179.8}
    {Oct 4~Round 54 - lost .8 lb~ 179}
    {Oct 14~ Round 55 - gain .8 lb~ 179.8}
    {Oct 24~Round 56 -lost 3.2 lbs~176.6}
    {Nov 3~Round 57 - gain 1.6 ~178.2}
    {Nov 13~Round 58 - gain .2 ~178.4}
    {Nov 23~Round 59 -lost1.2 lbs~177.2}
    {Dec 3~Round 60 -gain 3.4lb~180.6}
    {Dec 13~Round 61 -lost 3.4 lbs~177.2}
    {Dec 23~Round 62 - lost 2.8lbs~174.4}▪2019▪

    {Jan 2~Round 63 - gain 2.8 lbs~177.2}
    {Jan 12~Round 64 -lost 1.2 lbs~ 173.2}
    {Jan 22~Round 65 - gain 1 lb ~174.2}
    {Feb 1~Round 66 - loss 1.4 lb~ 172.8}
    {Feb 11~Round 67 -gain 2.4 lbs~175.2}
    {Feb 21~Round 68 - loss .6 lb~174.6}
    {Mar 3~Round 69 - gain .4 lb~175}
    {Mar 13~Round 70 - lost 3.2 lb~171.8}
    (Lowest weight 171.2~March 17, 2019)▪RETROSPECT▪This is the point when I looked too bony to myself. I purposely wanted to gain back 10lbs. I'd lost 89lbs in a little over a year, but I thought it was too fast, even though it didn't seem fast during the process!

    {Mar23~Round 71 - gain .4 lb ~172.2}
    {Apr 2~Round 72 - gain 2.6 lbs~ 174.6}
    {Apr12~Round 73 - gain 3.6 lbs~178.2}
    {Apr 22~Round 74 - lost 2.8 lbs~175.4}
    {May 2~Round 75 - gain 1.8 lbs 177.2}
    {May 12~Round 76 - lost 3.2 lbs~ 174}
    {May 22~Round 77 - gain 4 lbs~ 178}
    {Jun 1~Round 78 - lost 2 lbs~176}
    {Jun 11~Round 79 - lost .2lbs 175.8}
    {Jun 21~ Round 80 - gain .2 lbs~ 176}
    {Jul 1~Round 81 - gain 1.4 lbs -177.4}
    {Jul 11~Round 82 -gain .8 lbs -178.2}
    (*Round 82 • LIFE STRESS ROUND* gains begin)

    {Jul 21~Round 83 - gain 2.8 lbs-181}
    {Jul 31~Round 84 -loss 1 lbs - 182}
    {Aug 10~Round 85-gain 1.6 lbs-183.6}
    {Aug 20~Round 86 - gain .6 lbs - 183}
    {Aug 30~Round 87- gain .6 lbs -183.6}7 1.2 lbs -184}
    {Sep 29~Round 90 - lost .8 lbs -183.2}
    {Oct 9~Round 91 - gain .4lbs~183.6}
    {Oct 19~Round 92-lost 1.8 lbs 181.4}
    {Oct 28~Round 93 -gain 1.6 lbs~183}
    {Nov 8~Round 94 -lost .4lbs~182.6}
    {Nov 18~Round 95 - gain 1 lbs~183.6}
    {Nov 27~Round 96 -lost lbs~183.4}
    {Dec 8~Round 97 - gain 1.8 lbs -185.6}
    {Dec 18~Round 98 - 185.6}
    {Dec 25~Round 99 -185.6}

    {Round 136 - 215 EW}Dec 31 2020(1/01)
    {Round 137-209.8 EW}Jan 11 2021
    {Round 138- 209.5 EW}Jan 21 2021
    {Round 139- DNW EW}Jan 31 2021
    {Round 140- EW}Feb 10 2021
    {Round 141- 211 EW}Feb 20 2021
    {Round 142- 215 EW}Mar 2 2021
    {Round 143- 215 EW}Mar 12 2021
    {Round 144- 215 EW}Mar 22 2021
    {Round 145- 214.3 EW}April 2 2021
    {Round 146- DNW EW}April 11 2021
    {Round 147 - 216 EW}April 21 2021
    {Round 148 - 216.3 EW}May 01 2021
    {Round 149 - DNW EW}May 11 2021
    {Round 150 - 216.7 EW}May 21 2021
    {Round 151 - DNW EW}May 31 2021
    {Round 152 - 216.2 EW}June 10 2021
    Round 153 - 215.6 EW}June 20 2021
    Round 154 - 216 EW}June 30 2021⬅
    Round 155 - 212.6 EW}July 10 2021
    Round 156 - 209.4 EW}July 20 2021
    Round 157 - 208.8 EW}July 30 2021
    (???? is diet break)
    Round 158 - 206.6 EW}Aug 9 2021
    Round 159 - 204.6 EW}Aug 19 2021
    ????Round 160 - 202.6 EW}Aug 29 2021
    Round 161 - 200 EW}Sep 8 2021
    Round 162 -196.8 EW}Sep 18 2021
    Round 163 - 198 EW}Sep 28 2021
    Round 164 - 197.6 EW}Oct 8 2021
    Round 165 - 195.2 EW}Oct 18 2021
    Round 166 - 197.6 EW}Oct 28 2021
    Round 167 - 197.4 EW}Nov 7 2021
    Round 168 - 198 EW}Nov 17 2021
    ~illness spanning next 4 rounds~
    Round 169 - DNW EW}Nov 27 2021
    Round 170 - 188.2 EW}Dec 7 2021
    Round 171 - 189 EW}Dec 17 2021
    Round 172 - 191 EW}Dec 27 2021
    Round 173 - 193.6 EW}Jan 6 2022
    Round 174 - 194 EW}Jan 16 2022
    Round 175 - 196 EW}Jan 26 2022
    Round 176 - 197.8 EW}Feb 5 2022
    Round 177 - 199 EW}Feb 15 2022
    Round 178 - 199 EW}Feb 25 2022
    Round 179- 205 EW}Mar 7 2022
    •March 15, 2002- 202.5lbs
    Round 180- 203 EW}Mar 17 2022
    Round 210- 210.4 EW}Jan 11 2023
    Round 211- 211.7 EW} Jan 21 2023
    Round 212- 212.5 EW} Jan 31 2023
    Round 213- 215 EW} Feb 10 2023
    Round 214- 212 EW} Feb 20 2023
    Round 215- 211.8 EW} Mar 2 2023
    Round 216- 212.6 EW} Mar 12 2023
    Round 217- 209.3EW} Mar 22 2023
    Round 218- 208 EW} Apr 1 2023
    Round 219- 206.8 EW} Apr 11 2023
    Round 220- 202.9 EW} Apr 21 2023
    Round 221- 203.7 EW} May 1 2023
    Round 222- 203 EW} May 11 2023
    Round 223- 202 EW} May 21 2023
    Round 224- 201.6 EW} May 31 2023
    Round 225- 200.3 EW} Jun 10 2023
    Round 226- 199.6 EW} Jun 20 2023
    Round 227- 199 EW} Jun 30 2023
    Round 228- 198.1 EW} Jul 10 2023
    Round 229- 196 EW} Jul 20 2023
    Round 230- 195 EW} Jul 30 2023
    Round 231- 195 EW} Aug 9 2023
    Round 232- 196 EW} Aug 19 2023
    Round 233- 193.5 EW} Aug 29 2023
    Round 234- 195.5 EW} Sep 8 2023
    Round 235- 196.8 EW} Sep 18 2023
    Round 236- 196 EW} Sep 28 2023
    Round 237- DNW EW} Oct 8 2023
    Round 238- 196 EW} Oct 18 2023
    Round 239- 198 EW} Oct 28 2023
    Round 240- 198 EW} Nov 7 2023
    Round 241- 199.5 EW} Nov 17 2023
    Round 242- 199 EW} Nov 27 2023
    Round 243- 199 EW} Dec 7 2023
    Round 244- DNW EW} Dec 17 2023
    Round 245- DNW EW} Dec 27 2023
    Round 246- 204 EW} Jan 6 2024
    Round 247- DNW EW} Jan 16 2024
    Round 248- DNW EW} Jan 26 2024
    Round 249- 205 EW} Feb 5 2024
    Round 250- 203.5 EW} Feb 5 2024
    Round 251- DNW EW} Feb 15 2024
    Round 252- DNW EW} Feb 25 2024
    Round 253-206.5 EW} Mar 17 2024
    Round 254- 202.4 EW} Mar 26 2024
    Round 255- EW} Apr 6 2024