
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,290 Member
    edited April 2
    Always remember on goals: Measure the gain and not the gap. Look at what you did right and then do better next quarter. Like in a race, improve your time just a little bit.

    @trooworld What's one action step you can do this quarter to stop gaining?

    @cbabie You got on the treadmill. That's an improvement. So what's the easiest way to tone your muscles. I know you need easy right now.

    @fabgeekmom You remind me of someone that has a black belt. I was listening to a podcast about Getting Things Done. (a book by David Allen-it's a whole productivity system) The host was saying that in karate there are different belts. As people get better at doing katas and such they move up belt colors. In productivity as we get better with our routines and habits we move up until we have mastered it. It made me think of this journey of weight loss. We all start out as white belts and then some of us get stuck on yellow or green but we can keep on practicing the skills that will take us to black.

  • Crowegirl49
    Crowegirl49 Posts: 5 Member
    So far so good. I’m liking this program back to tracking every morsel! Got too lazy on WW.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,290 Member
    @Crowegirl49 We crossposted. I'm glad you joined our group. Yes I have slacked off on tracking lately. Back to it.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,482 Member
    @cbabie We had a couple of days of that with a lot of wind and rain. I'm glad it's gone now lol. Good job with the treadmill! Thanks.

    @theslightedgeforever That's a good point about goals. My action step is to track and aim for under my daily calories. But I also need to drink more water. That is key for me: it keeps me from being so hungry all the time.

    @Crowegirl49 I think it gets easier the more you do it.

    Hi all. Eating has been bad the last two days. But I did track it. Way over. I had my 4th visit with the bariatric surgery dietician. It's a new one, the old one quit (she was worthless, really). This one seems better like she cares. She spent more than 8 minutes with me, about 20 minutes. I only have 2 more sessions with her but I think I will get more out of those two sessions with her than I have had for the 3 I met with the old dietician.

    Water yesterday: 12 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,635 Member
    Morning all,
    I didn't get back on the treadmill, it was a day. Today, I want to do hand weights for my arms. So trying to plan my day after I get this typed. I am forgetting to do so many things, mostly because I never "take" time to sit down and do my brain dump. I used to be faithful with that. Eating was not good at I said it was a day and I said why not take a sliver of cake...why not then also have that ice why not was my day.

    @theslightedgeforever I plan to sit down and put a time line on goals I want to make this month and this quarter. I can't believe that my lifes routine will be changing again come May (schools out). LOL. So what belt level are you? LOL

    @trooworld I am glad you like this nutritionist better. I think Water is the key it's good for our skin our tummys and our bladders. LOL. I think the rain and wind are gone now. (at least I hope so)

    @Crowegirl49 I am not sure it's being too lazy as it is boredom. I think when we do something new we like it, and then as we get to doing it for so long it just becomes something we mindlessly do and we want to be challenged. I haven't been tracking in so long, it's really not about being lazy or hard, it's I just have tracked for so long I don't want to do it anymore...EVEN though I know it's how I lose weight. So I need to challenge myself..LOL

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 572 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Thanks for the compliment. @trooworld It’s good that the dietitian was more helpful than the previous one. @cbabie I hope your day was productive. Sometimes it only takes one small step….Hi, all. DH and I went to Sam’s Club this morning. We got a lot of good stuff. I haven’t exercised yet so I will workout on my bike. Tonight is family dinner. An easy one: burgers on the grill, frozen French fries and salad.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,290 Member
    @trooworld What did you learn this week from your dietician? You made me laugh out loud about worthless comment. Yaaay on your tracking

    @cbabie Instead of an all at once brain dump, can you record as you go? I have an app that I talk into and it sends it straight to my Trello inbox. What if everytime you were sitting on the toilet you processed your inbox. Lock the door, put on headphones and that's your office time for a moment. Sometimes that's the only quiet time you get. Sometimes not. I had a child who would beat on the door saying Mommy Mommy Mommy. But I trained him not to do that. You don't bother me, I won't bother you. Have you done your hand weights? Belt level. I'm probably stuck on yellow. You will always have seasons of life til you die. So the trick is to plan out your ideal day/week for in-school time. Plan your ideal day for no school time. You can do this by using a different calendar for each one and then just refer back to the one that is needed so you don't have to reinvent the wheel each time. You can do little necessary tweaks about the time you will begin a new season.

    @fabgeekmom Grilled burgers sound so good. How was the bike workout?

    I forgot to mention hubby and I walked the mall yesterday. Wasn't much but something.
    I got my quarterly goals all set out til the end of June. On each one I noted....

    Refer to your goals? How far did you get? What worked? What didn't work?
    What will you.....

    Keep doing-
    Start doing
    Stop doing
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 572 Member
    @theslightedgeforever The bike workout
    was good. I listened to an audiobook while pedaling. Good job on the walk.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,482 Member
    @cbabie I'm sorry about your day. Were you able to fit the hand weights in yesterday? I agree with you on the water thing. :D I'm glad the rain and wind are gone. It was beautiful here yesterday.

    @fabgeekmom Yes. Dinner sounds nice and easy.

    @theslightedgeforever I told her I was having trouble getting water in. She said after the surgery, I could use artificially sweetened things like Crystal Light and Gatorade Zero but I couldn't use anything carbonated. She said some people try to add the carbonated water back in after surgery but very few people can: only 4 people out of all the people she's seen over the past 4 years have been able to. These are not the typical dietician visits most people think of: these are to get me ready for surgery and life after surgery. LOL she totally was worthless! All she ever said to me was, "You will be able to eat like that after your surgery". Every time. :D Good job with the walk and goal setting.

    Hi all. I am going to have another gain this week, I already know it. I've been over on calories all week so far. My husband made Chicken Panang (a Thai curry) last night. It was really good. I drank more water yesterday. My goal is to match, or beat it, today.

    Water yesterday: 65 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 572 Member
    @trooworld The curry sounds good. Too bad about the weight gain. Hi, all. I’m lazy this morning. I’m just finishing my coffee and have done my morning puzzles. We’re going swimming today. Dinner is salmon. I think it’s going to rain this evening so we’ll have to air fry it. I bought a big piece so we’ll have leftovers for lunch tomorrow.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,635 Member
    Morning all, no I did not get the weights in. In fact I felt miserable all day, the baby didn't take a nap until 5:30pm and then I had a hard time getting him in bed...Yes I am glad yesterday is gone. I still have that bruise on my cheek and I still can't open my jaw very would think it would keep me from eating..LOL. NOT!!! Baby girl and I talked about healthy eating yesterday, we are going to both try to do better.

    @trooworld Maybe a miracle will happen and you will maintain or lose..LOL. I say don't speak it. :). Glad you enjoyed dinner!

    @theslightedgeforever I laughed at your comment about an app that takes you to trello...I thought of course she does, she is so organized...I think you stole that gene from me, I used to have it. LOL. Good for you on the walk and yes anything is better than none.(like me). Giving your advice some thought, thank you for sharing ideas.

    @fabgeekmom Oh how fun to do morning puzzles, I am assuming more like word or maze puzzles? My DD and I have a puzzle (pieces) started and it just sits, we never seem to have a quiet moment in this house to work it. I am so glad they invented air fryers...what would we do without them. Kind of like when dishwashers came out..LOL

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 572 Member
    @cbabie Sorry you had a bad day. It’s a good idea for you and baby girl to work together to eat healthier. I know what you mean about air fryers. I can’t imagine not having one. By puzzles I mean word puzzles. I do several crossword puzzles during the day. My favorite is the Spelling Bee on The NY Times app.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,290 Member
    @fabgeekmom What audiobook were you listening to? Great job on your bike I like word puzzles and word games. I play Words with Friends everyday with a friend of mine. She beats me every single game but I do it strictly for the challenge of making words.

    @trooworld You are doing much better on your water. Good for you.

    @cbabie What if you were to give baby boy two of his toys that he could hold in each hand. Then he could imitate you while you do hand weights. His attention span is really short so you might only get one set in but better than not doing it at all. In certain things I'm organized and then in certain things I'm not. Because I'm neurodivergent, I've learned that I have to be extremely structured to get anything done. But then on the other hand I can get so distracted I don't follow my structured plan and end up doing NOTHING. But I'm getting better. A work in progress. I'm just finding different tools to help me along.

    I made chicken chow mein tonight and got in lots of good vegetables. My garlic press broke and I bought a cheap one at Dollar Store. That is worthless. So I heard about using a lemon zester for garlic and it worked really good.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 572 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I was listening to Studies at the school by the sea by Jenny Colgan. It was the fourth and last book in a series. The chicken chow mein sounds good. Too bad about the garlic press. I’m glad the lemon zester worked.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,482 Member
    @fabgeekmom It was good. Sounds like you had a nice day yesterday.

    @cbabie Oh I'm sorry you felt miserable yesterday. Is the bruise from the dental work? Yeah, those types of miracles have happened in the past, who knows?

    @theslightedgeforever Thank you! I love chow mein. I use a lemon zester/microplane for garlic. I've never used a garlic press. Which do you like better?

    Hi all. I did beat my water from yesterday by 10 oz, so that's good. We are having pasta tonight (One-Pot Cheeseburger Pasta), so my weight is definitely going to be up tomorrow.

    Water yesterday: 75 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,635 Member
    Morning, here is the link to the breakfast burritos. I don’t do the hasbrowns. I am doing this on my phone, hope it post right

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 572 Member
    @trooworld Good job on the water. Enjoy the pasta. Hi, all. It’s cold and dreary here. I worked out on my bike. I went grocery shopping. The store I shop at has a senior discount on Thursdays. It’s 5% which isn’t a lot but helps. Our hair dresser came to the house and cut our hair. Lunch was a salad with leftover salmon. I made baked oatmeal for tomorrow morning: 1 ripe mashed banana, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon dark cocoa powder and 1/4 cup steel cut oats, baked at 350 for 35 minutes. Tonight my son is making Shepherds Pie.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,290 Member
    @fabgeekmom I looked up your book. That sounds like a really good series. Every little discount is good. Your baked oatmeal sounds good.

    @trooworld I like garlic press better because it's quicker. But I'll probably keep using the zester because it works and I won't have to spend the money on another press. Yaay on your water

    @cbabie Thanks or sharing the recipe.

    I have tracked last two days and did a 20 min Leslie Sansone video and 29 min walk with hubby. I challenged myself to exercise ONE day. Yaaaay! So now I will exercise for TWO days.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 572 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Good job on tracking and exercising! Wow, 2 days!
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,477 Member

    Almost the weekend after this busy week!