100 day Challenge April 10 – July 17.24



  • DarinGettingFitNow
    DarinGettingFitNow Posts: 423 Member
    Hi Folks! My name's Darin, and I'm an almost-45 year old woman from Holly Springs, North Carolina, USA. I've done a past 100 days challenge before and did really well with it (then regained the weight) so wanted to rejoin and try again.

    Day 08-04/17—175.2 another partial day at work today due to migraine, and I’m retaining water. Blergh. Between the two not feeling great. At least got out and walked, and I meditated today. That’s something.
    Day 09-04/18—175.2 migraine’s eased up and have stabilized with the weight. Now hopefully start to see a downward trend? Meditated again and was very moderate with lunch and breakfast. Will try to maintain for dinner.
    Day 10-04/19--
    Day 11-04/20--
    Day 12-04/21--
    Day 13-04/22--
    Day 14-04/23--

    Week 2 Goal: 173.7
    Week 2 actual weight:
  • the_reflex
    the_reflex Posts: 129 Member
    My goal is to be proud of my weight loss.

    Day 01 80.1 kg, I did my planned exercise but I overate a little bit (I'm tracking my intake), since I started tracking I've eaten out 4 times and I need to compensate for those times. I read "most people who lose weight will regain it within 5 years", I checked my old numbers and I'm 3.5 kg under what I weighed 5 years ago. I guess I'm in that category. I talked to my partner about my weight loss (something I'm trying to do less often).
    Day 02 80.0 kg, I ate below my ideal which should help me recover from previous overeating. I did my exercise sessions.
    Day 03 80.1 kg my eating is on track for the last 3 days but I need to recover from the previous 9 which averaged too high. I exercised and that's on track too. Disappointed that the scale is headed in the wrong direction but...
    Day 04 79.4 kg a big loss today. I did a lot of walking, I had sugary food for the first time in 8 days. I overate. Recently there have been 6 days when I overate a lot, I had sugary food 5 times. Coincidence?
    Day 05 79.8 kg just a normal day where I am good, no overeating and exercising is as required
    Day 06 80.4 kg I started two personal challenges, I had some sugary food because I won't be having sugary food for a while, so on Tuesday I gained...
    Day 07 80.6 kg my eating and exercise went well, still need to recover from the overeating episodes, maybe in 2-3 days that will happen
    Day 08 80.4 kg I had some treats and food I don't usually have, that's a negative, on the plus side I'm still exercising as I intended
    Day 09 80.3 kg I have a cold so I only managed half my exercise today, that's fine, eating was good.
    Day 10 80.2 kg
  • NetiOne
    NetiOne Posts: 56 Member
    Day 08-04/17-- 155.4

    Day 09-04/18-- 155

    Day 10-04/19--

    Day 11-04/20--

    Day 12-04/21--

    Day 13-04/22--

    Day 14-04/23--

    Week 2 Goal: 153
  • noynoyavery
    noynoyavery Posts: 365 Member
    Start weight 83kg
    Challenge 1sw 82kg end 75.3kg -6.7kg
    Challenge 2 sw 76.3 kg end
    Challenge 2 Week 1 end 75.8kg

    Day 08-04/17--forgot weight.

    Day 09-04/18--76.4kg

    Day 10-04/19--75.8kg

    Day 11-04/20--

    Day 12-04/21--

    Day 13-04/22--

    Day 14-04/23--

    Week 2 Goal: 75.3kg
    Week 2 actual weight:
  • mxrdsbpzbh
    mxrdsbpzbh Posts: 53 Member
    Hi, I’m Elise. I’m 62 and 5’5” . I live in Southeast Michigan.
    This week we celebrated my husband’s birthday and I made him a most delicious carrot cake that I had too much of. We’ve also ate out quite a bit. I’m restarting again today and trying to be honest with myself. I lose weight when I exercise and eat right. I gain weight when I don’t. I’m going to bust out my Skinnytaste cookbooks, and walk with my grandkids today at Greenfield Village.
    Week One Start: 244.2
    Week One End: 243.6
    Week One Goal: 242.2

    Week Two:
    Day 8 - 4/17: 245.5
    Day 9 - 4/18:245.1
    Day 10 - 4/19:244.4
    Day 11 - 4/20:
    Day 12 - 4/21:
    Day 13 - 4/22:
    Day 14 - 4/23:

    Week Two Goal: 243.5
    Week Two End:
  • tinathescreamer
    tinathescreamer Posts: 520 Member
    Day 08-04/17--64.9 kg

    Day 09-04/18-- 65 kg.

    Day 10-04/19-- 64.8 kg.

    Day 11-04/20--

    Day 12-04/21--

    Day 13-04/22--

    Day 14-04/23--

    Week 2 Goal: 64.7 kg.
    Week 2 actual weight:
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 962 Member
    Jude, 67 YO, started 1/1/24 at 147; goal weight 125
    Was going to skip this round, but the scale warned me not to, so here I am!

    Thank you so much @deepwoodslady for setting up this round- it's good to be here again!

    Starting weight 1/1/24: 147
    Goal weight: 125

    previous weeks:
    Day 01-04/10–130.2

    Day 02-04/11-- 127.8

    Day 03-04/12-- 127.8

    Day 04-04/13-- 127,8

    Day 05-04/14– 129.0

    Day 06-04/15-- 127.8

    Day 07-04/16-- 126.8

    Week 1 Goal: 129
    Week 1 actual weight: 126.8

    Day 08-04/17-- 128.8

    Day 09-04/18-- 127.8

    Day 10-04/19-- 126.8

    Day 11-04/20--

    Day 12-04/21--

    Day 13-04/22--

    Day 14-04/23--

    Week 2 Goal: 127ish
    Week 2 actual weight:
  • NetiOne
    NetiOne Posts: 56 Member
    Day 08-04/17-- 155.4

    Day 09-04/18-- 156.4 Yesterday: up at 4:00 AM for work. I only had coffee until 4:00 PM. This was not a planned fast it was due to being so busy and stressed at work. Got home with pizza in hand around 7:00ish “for my husband” and ate 2 pretty big slices, chips, 1/2 a bottle of soda then walked 2 miles with the dog but finished off the night with a piece of cake. 🫤 I’m pretty discouraged today. Heading to the market to make some mindful choices. Today is really my day 1.

    Day 10-04/19--

    Day 11-04/20--

    Day 12-04/21--

    Day 13-04/22--

    Day 14-04/23--

    Week 2 Goal: 153
  • evane3324
    evane3324 Posts: 7 Member

    Day (1):14/4/24:140kg
    Day (2):16/4/24:141kg
    Day (3):17/4/24:140.6kg
    Day (4):18/4/24:140.9kg
    Day (5):19/4/24:
    Day (6):20/4/24:
    Day (7):21/4/24:
  • Ladytuesday
    Ladytuesday Posts: 114 Member
    Starting weight in January:199 lbs
    Goal weight:150 lbs

    Day 01-04/10—175.9 lbs
    Day 02-04/11—174.3 lbs
    Day 03-04/12—174.3 lbs
    Day 04-04/13—173.3 lbs
    Day 05-04/14—171.0 lbs
    Day 06-04/15—171.0 lbs
    Day 07-04/16—171.0 lbs

    Week 1 Goal: 172.0 lbs
    Week 1 actual weight: 171.0 lbs

    Day 08-04/17—171.0 lbs
    Day 09-04/18—170.9 lbs
    Day 10-04/19—170.6 lbs
    Day 11-04/20--
    Day 12-04/21--
    Day 13-04/22--
    Day 14-04/23--

    Week 2 Goal: 168 lbs
    Week 2 actual weight:
  • Anya_000
    Anya_000 Posts: 725 Member
    Start Weight: 139.2
    Final Goal Weight:134

    Yikes! I'm heading in the wrong direction! I've been stressed at work and the first thing to go for me is self care. I will get back on track.

    Day 08-04/17—139.6
    Day 09-04/18—139.6
    Day 10-04/19—140
    Day 11-04/20--
    Day 12-04/21--
    Day 13-04/22--
    Day 14-04/23--

    Week 2 Goal: 139
    Week 2 actual weight:
  • Lynn__W
    Lynn__W Posts: 1,014 Member
    edited April 19
    I'm focusing on regaining fitness and losing wt so I can achieve my physical goals for this summer; KVR bike 80km, and "do the Grouse Grind" in Vancouver, BC., as well as multiple kayak paddles. I'm a 5'1" active senior from B.C., Canada, who totally believes that boundaries set by ourselves, society and family, are can be pushed. A year after retiring in 2019, although far from being bored, I felt there was “more”. Since then I’ve been working 3 days a week at a local Assisted Living Seniors Home.

    Day 01- Wed Apr 10th: 175 30 min on bike; 5# wts aggravated sore shoulder so only 1 set of 12 for 3 movements.

    Day 02-04/11 -- 176.4 Insomnia, only slept 4 hrs. finally just got up. Weigh in is skewed b/c already had lg glass of water. 7 hr road trip for appt 3 ½ hrs north.

    Day 03-04/12 -- ?? can’t remember. Was early and didn’t write it down. Long 16hr day as we traveled to a funeral, then did a couple of other quick stops. A high carb day as I gave myself permission to have 3 bunwiches during our travels, then a sourdough dinner roll to go with my whiskey to relax down before bed.

    Day 04-04/13-- 175.6 Expecting a wt bounce in the next day or two after yesterday’s extreme carb day. Now to totally focus on achieving some wt loss goals so I won’t feel like the old fat lady at the next ‘event’. 😉 I’m okay with that, it was/is what it is, but that doesn’t mean it has to be forever.

    Day 05-04/14-- 177 (5:30am), Worked

    Day 06-04/15-- 176.8 Worked. Snowing in the evening ☹ **sheesh**

    Day 07-04/16—176.2 Just a skiff of snow but more’s falling this morning. Good grief!! Leg muscle seized when getting into car in a.m.; “touchy” all day. Right now the struggle is getting real. Sore, tired, feeling ‘stooped’;
    As evening progressed, I reflected on “where I am at right now and Where I Need to get back to”. Dug out old WW “Success Handbook”; Listed 10 strengths; Set a new “Step to Success” goal ~ Food journal, not just recording foods, but using it to plan my next meal or snack.

    Day 8, Apr 17th: 174 WW “Success Handbook” reminds me that “Motivation is a circle”. Top of circle is your most highly motivated state. As your drive starts to slip, it moves down and around to the right, like the nands on a clock. At the bottom of the circle is a less motivated state, where you may experience a plateau and start to disengage.
    At the 9:00 or 10:00 position, this is an all-out unmotivated state. You may not care what happens anymore. May be gaining weight, losing hope, and perhaps even thinking about ending your wt loss journey. But the point is that even when you are feeling the least motivated, you are never too far from the highly motivated state.
    The low point of motivation is very close to the high point, 12:00. That’s because the low point my trigger something – like weight gain, and in my case, pain and discomfort, -- that can kick you right back into the highly motivated state. So those times that you feel the worst are actually helping you get to your goals.
    You can move around the circle in either direction; if you sense your motivation sliding down to 3:00, 4:00 etc, you have the power to nudge your motivation back up to the top of the circle.
    I’m back at 12:00!!

    Remembering that “A football game is won one play at a time, not one long pass and run to the goal line”. It’s like my QB has been badly sacked and “we’re down”. But the game is not over. Time for a new game plan, and to begin a slow march to goal, one play / choice/ day at a time.

    Day 9, 18th 174 Was having a rough day trying to over ride cravings. Logged into 'my' WW zoom meeting and all they did was talk about food, food, and more food!! Then conversations went over to those wonderful Splenda and MiO flavorers ( both of which I've stepped away from; actually had a really adverse reaction to using MiO water enhancer last year). Previously meetings have helped but this one just left me upset and dismayed. Remember in-person meetings having the same affect; would walk in to meeting feeling balanced, in control, but then after hearing much conversation about chocolate and desserts, by the end of the meeting I'd kill for a dessert, or two! Did okay thru hubby's BD supper but over indulged in butter tarts. on the plus side, I did 3 sets of weights and some stretching.

    Day 10, Friday Apr 19th. 174.2 Goal today is 12 water, <23 WW points, weights, cardio and some stretching. We're invited out for coffee this afternoon but those dastardly mini quiches and sausage rolls, plus an assortement of sweets, plus the butter tarts DH wants to bring, make resisting SO hard. Thinking about not going b/c I need a really clean, on plan day to get these numbers down into the 160's. Clothes aren't fitting well :(

    Week 1 Goal: 172 not going to happen. Would be happy with anything less than 174
    Week 1 actual weight:
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,741 Member
    Thank you, @dawnbgethealthy !
    I'm in!
    74 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 145.0
    UGW: 140.0
    Day 01 - 04/10 - 147.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing!!
    Day 02 - 04/11 - 148.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 5.47 miles in 109 mins to the post office
    Day 03 - 04/12 - 146.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 04 - 04/13 - 146.8 at 8:30 a.m. ...total rest day
    Day 05 - 04/14 - 147.3 at 8:10 a.m. ...5.47 miles in 105 mins to the post office and back
    Day 06 - 04/15 - 145.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then made soup. My trainer is sick
    Day 07 - 04/16 - 146.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.35 miles in 104 mins to the post office and back
    Week 1 Goal - 147.0
    Week 1 actual weight - 146.2
    Day 08 - 04/17 - 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then dropped off one of our cars for service
    Day 09 - 04/18 - 149.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing!!
    Day 10 - 04/19 -
    Day 11 - 04/20 -
    Day 12 - 04/21 -
    Day 13 - 04/22 -
    Day 14 - 04/23 -
    WEEK 2 Goal - 149.0
    Week 2 Ending Weight -
    Accumulated Loss or Gain -
    Good luck everyone.
  • mxrdsbpzbh
    mxrdsbpzbh Posts: 53 Member
    Hi, I’m Elise. I’m 62 and 5’5” . I live in Southeast Michigan.
    This week we celebrated my husband’s birthday and I made him a most delicious carrot cake that I had too much of. We’ve also ate out quite a bit. I’m restarting again today and trying to be honest with myself. I lose weight when I exercise and eat right. I gain weight when I don’t. I’m going to bust out my Skinnytaste cookbooks, and walk with my grandkids today at Greenfield Village.
    Week One Start: 244.2
    Week One End: 243.6
    Week One Goal: 242.2

    Week Two:
    Day 8 - 4/17: 245.5
    Day 9 - 4/18:245.1
    Day 10 - 4/19:244.4
    Day 11 - 4/20:243.3
    Day 12 - 4/21:
    Day 13 - 4/22:
    Day 14 - 4/23:

    Week Two Goal: 243.5
    Week Two End: