πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€***APRIL 2024 WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE***πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€



  • NonnieDoiron
    NonnieDoiron Posts: 162 Member
    April Start Weight: 191.6 lbs
    April Goal Weight: 184.6 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 155 lbs

    April 1: 191.6 lbs
    April 8: 194.2 lbs
    April 15: 195.8 lbs
    April 22: 198.9 lbs
    April 29:
    April 30:

    Yeah, this is so not happening this month. πŸ™ So discouraged by current circumstances and life events. I’m super depressed and hate how these things take over my life and nobody seems to care. I want to crawl into a hole right now.
  • Daryl87M
    Daryl87M Posts: 19 Member
    April Start Weight:253.4
    April Goal Weight:245.2
    Ultimate Goal Weight:215

    April 1:253.4
    April 8: 249.2
    April 15: 249.0
    April 22:248.2
    April 29:
    April 30
  • Linette1234
    Linette1234 Posts: 8 Member
    April Start Weight: 66,15kg
    April Goal Weight: 65kg (-1kg of fat)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 61kg

    April 1: 66,15kg (33,2% BF / 6 VF)
    April 8: 66,05kg (32,9% BF / 5 VF)
    April 15: 66,10 (32,8% BF / 6 VF)
    April 22: 65,95 (32,8% BF / 6 VF)
    April 29:
    April 30:
  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 666 Member

    April Start Weight: 349.6
    April Goal Weight: 335/330
    Ultimate Goal Weight: between 220-260 ( I'm not picking. lol )

    April 1: 349.6
    April 8: 344.4
    April 15: 342.2
    April 22: 338.4 ( back in the 330's woohoo! πŸŽ‰πŸ’ƒπŸ»)
    April 29:
    April 30:

    Total weight loss:
  • 19KCMama
    19KCMama Posts: 122 Member
    edited April 22
    April Start Weight: 155.6
    April Goal Weight: 153.0

    March 31: 155.6
    April 8: 157.6
    April 15: 157.2
    April 22: 155.8
    April 29:
    April 30:

    Almost back to where I ended March.🀞🏼🀞🏼 hoping the next week brings me even a small loss for April.
  • enlightenme3
    enlightenme3 Posts: 2,616 Member
    Female, 5’7”
    HW: 181 pounds (Dec 30, 2019)
    April Start Weight: 135.6 pounds
    April Goal Weight: 130-135 pounds
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130-135 pounds

    April 1: 135.6
    April 8: 136.6
    April 15: 138.0
    April 22: 137.8
    April 29:
    April 30:

    Total weight loss/gain to date this month: + 2.2 pounds
  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    Female, 5’7”
    HW: 181 pounds (Dec 30, 2019)
    April Start Weight: 135.6 pounds
    April Goal Weight: 130-135 pounds
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130-135 pounds

    April 1: 135.6
    April 8: 136.6
    April 15: 138.0
    April 22: 137.8
    April 29:
    April 30:

    Total weight loss/gain to date this month: + 2.2 pounds

    You've come so far! That's fabulous!
  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    April Start Weight: 191.6 lbs
    April Goal Weight: 184.6 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 155 lbs

    April 1: 191.6 lbs
    April 8: 194.2 lbs
    April 15: 195.8 lbs
    April 22: 198.9 lbs
    April 29:
    April 30:

    Yeah, this is so not happening this month. πŸ™ So discouraged by current circumstances and life events. I’m super depressed and hate how these things take over my life and nobody seems to care. I want to crawl into a hole right now.

    @NonnieDoiron I don't have a fix for you. I can say make time for yourself or learn how to say "no", but without walking in your shoes, it's not my place. You have to decide those things for yourself. That said, I've had lots of downs. I've sat in hospitals with $10 to my name surrounded by junk in vending machines. I've been left $20 to feed the family for a week while my now ex went to work out of town. I've had family drain me emotionally to where I just wanted to curl up in bed and stay there forever. It is tough to put yourself first. It is even tougher to ask for help. But no one is going to do it for you. Find one small thing you enjoy. Maybe a craft or an activity. Carve out some regular time for yourself to do that. Even if you just start with 15-30 minutes, it is time for you!
  • NonnieDoiron
    NonnieDoiron Posts: 162 Member
    @MsElphaba thank you. Making time for me and the things I like to do has always been the last of my priorities. After the husband okayed it, I quit work and was looking forward to putting energy and effort into me, my health, my faith, my being. Then, my MIL who lives with us ends up in the CV ICU (still in the hospital). Had a couple other really stressful and time consuming things happen. Then last week, my husband informed me I have to back to work.

    I have a Teams interview with a company today I used to corroborate with while working with my last employer. They all but begged me to go to work for them when I quit my last job, so I’m pretty confident I’ll be employed soon. But, I REALLY don’t want to go back to work. But, I feel like I have to because my husband has been retired from the military for 14 years, is 100% disabled (mostly mental), and his field of work normally takes him away from home. It’s just completely discouraging and depressing. I finally had a chance to really prioritize me, and it gets taken away.

    If I do get the job with this company I’m interviewing with today, the position will be 100% telework. That is about the only positive I can find other than the fact I had the networking to get the job so quickly in the first place.
  • rainorion
    rainorion Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, my Name is Rhonda. I'm a bariatric patient who is still struggling with her weight. I'm trying to get back on track and use my tool properly. I'm looking for accountability.

    Highest weight: 256lb
    Lowest after sleeve: 179lb
    Back up to 216lb
    April Start Weight:216
    April Goal Weight:210
    Ultimate Goal Weight:150

    April 1: 216
    April 8: 212
    April 15: 207
    April 22:
    April 29:
    April 30:
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,142 Member
    edited April 23
    @NonnieDoiron I can see another positive in your situation: you say the company really wants you. That puts you in a position to negotiate! Ask for a part-time position, or even a creative deal like "every other Friday off," or extra paid vacation days. If they really want you this should sweeten the deal for both parties.
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,142 Member
    April Start Weight: 193.1 lbs
    April Goal Weight: 186 lbs (1.7 lbs/week)
    Long-Term Goal Weight: 140 lbs by November 30, 2024

    April 1: 193.1 lbs
    April 8: 190.4 lbs
    April 15: 190.6 lbs
    April 22: 192.6 lbs
    April 30:

    Weight lost this month: 0.5 lbs

    No exceptions. No excuses. πŸ₯‘
    πŸ’ Discipline is self-love. πŸ’–
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,352 Member
    edited April 24
    April Start Weight: 137
    April Goal Weight: 135
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130

    April 3: 137
    April 10: 139
    April 17: 138
    April 24: 138
  • agedgraycat
    agedgraycat Posts: 22 Member
    58 yr old female

    Heaviest weight: 183
    April Start Weight: 165
    April Goal Weight:162
    Sept 1 Goal weight: 150
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140-145

    April 1: 165
    April 8: 164.4
    April 17: 162.4
    April 24: 162
    April 29:
    April 30:
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 557 Member
    When I bring back basic meals incorporating lean protein of chicken, shrimp, vegetables, and eggs, my body seems to respond positively. Also cutting out wine most days is a big benefit. Weight was up after a big lunch and goodies with friends, so most likely water weight due to sodium. I am very sensitive to that!

    April Start Weight: 145.9
    April Goal Weight: 143
    Goal Weight: 140 by 10/24
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 136

    April 1: 145.9
    April 2: 144.4 (loss after 5 weeks)
    April 8: 146.9
    April 15: 146.4 (post vacation)
    April 18: 145.5
    April 22: 147 (post Mexican restaurant)
    April 29:
    April 30:
  • Stepawayfromthetable
    Stepawayfromthetable Posts: 18 Member
    April Start Weight:158.0 (PMS & ate very salty food)
    April Goal Weight:145.0
    Ultimate Goal Weight:125

    April 1:158.0
    April 8:155.6 (had horrible food over the weekend and did not workout like usual, meal prepped all last night and ready for this week)
    April 15:153.2 (had a cheat meal yesterday-bigger than it should have been, slacking on working out)
    April 23:151.0 - not working out enough the past few days.
    April 29:
    April 30:
  • DeterminedGirl08
    DeterminedGirl08 Posts: 26 Member
    Trying to lean up and gain muscle for summer. I was maintaining around 120 lbs but I have increased my lifting weights and hunger has increased. I put on 5lbs. I think some of that is water retention since I got off a prescription diuretic.

    April Start Weight:125
    April Goal Weight:118
    Ultimate Goal Weight:115

    April 1:125
    April 8: 125
    April 15:131 (on vacation πŸ˜”)
    April 22:128.5
    April 29:
    April 30:
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,448 Member
    Thank you, @enlightenme3 !
    I'm Chris - 74 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 148.0
    UGW: 145.0

    April 01: 148.9 at 8:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    April 08: 147.3 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    April 15: 145.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then made soup. My trainer is sick
    April 22: 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    April 30:
  • ronicaw57
    ronicaw57 Posts: 115 Member
    Female, 6 ft.
    [MFP Highest Weight: (8/20/18): 264.4]

    April Start Weight: 159
    April Goal Weight: 157
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 155-160 (Maintenance)

    April 1: 159
    April 5: 158.8 (-0.2 lbs)
    April 12: 158 (-0.8 lb)
    April 19: 157.5 (-0.5 lb)
    April 26: 157 (-0.5 lb)
    April 30:

    I walked at the free indoor track at the community center. I can definitely feel the difference in my fitness. The center also has an exercise room with bikes, treadmills, weight machine, etc. I am still doing Leslie Sansone videos. I am still tracking my food each day.