Every. Day.



  • krabuck
    krabuck Posts: 39 Member
    Day 12 for me
    258.6 (-0.2)

    Today was weigh in day for me, happy to see the number go in the right direction... little by very little haha. Thanks so much for everyone's kind and supportive words. I was feeling down because someone at work made a discouraging comment to me about having signed up for a 5k that my company is participating in. Trying to rise above and put it out of my mind.

    Today's goals
    stick to planned meals and snacks
    complete C25K week 3 day 2
    show myself that I can do hard things (and while showing myself, maybe others will see too)
  • Awegg05
    Awegg05 Posts: 168 Member
    Day 39: no weigh in

    I'm having a bad mental health day - I'll check in tomorrow! Have a good day, all!
  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 89 Member
    Yesterday was good. We had a work luncheon and I ate sparingly before that; then at the luncheon I stuck with the mahi mahi and one small slice of pork loin, roasted corn, salad, a small scoop of red potatoes that I did not eat, and a dinner roll. I had a glass of iced tea and a water. I felt very satisfied for a couple hours, actually.

    And then I went skating with my friends after work for 2 hours! I burned a ton of calories, and decided to have a nice glass of chocolate milk (2% organic and Hershey's syrup) at home after, because I'm an adult! MFP says I could still have like 1400 more calories due to all the ones I lost skating; but I couldn't conceivably eat those right before bed. I stuck with the chocolate milk instead.

    Feel good today. :)
  • wewillbskinny
    wewillbskinny Posts: 125 Member
    208.9 lbs -SW
    194.4 lbs - 1.1 lbs
    -14.5 lbs total

    Hello all.

    @Awegg05 I hope your day gets better as it goes on. You did great on your challenge loosing the highest percentage of weight. That is an huge accomplishment!

    @krabuck Shame on your colleagues for making you feel bad. Just ignore them, then you can show them when you complete the 5K. Keep up the good effort!

    @kaferine69 Sounds like you did a great job on your meal selections at your luncheon. And, two hours of skating! What a great day for you. 🙂

    @jan110144 Wow so many concerts in such a short time. That is so cool that you were able to do that. Hopefully the weather cooperates for you so you and Abby can enjoy those walks. 🙂

    Have a nice day everyone.

  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    edited April 27
    The last concert of the year was super. Now nothing until fall🙁 Today pretty much a down day. Nothing on my agenda except walks and some chores around the house. Should even have time to read and maybe a movie tonight. Dog will be happy that i am not running off to something tonight. Speaking of tonight ... I am having mystery meat for dinner. Literally. I was organizing the freezer this week and came across a frozen "something". I usually label things I put in freezer. Not this time. Will be fun to figure out what I am cooking ... or not.

    @krabuck "was feeling down because someone at work made a discouraging comment to me about having signed up for a 5k that my company is participating in." ... this really made me angry. People can be such jerks. I think it is WONDERFUL that you are doing this!!

    @aweggo05 Hugs. I hope today is better for you.

    @kaferine69 Sounds like you had a great day. Skating sounds like fun.

    @wewillbskinny Congrats on your weight loss. You are doing great!
  • krabuck
    krabuck Posts: 39 Member
    Day 13
    257.2 (-1.4)

    Thanks again for the kind words. I think a lot of people don’t realize the things they are saying… trying to give that person grace along with myself. About to head out for a jog and keep pushing.

    @jan110144 so curious to hear about how the mystery meat turns out! …I probably need to clean out my freezer

    @kaferine69 I loooove chocolate milk!

    @Awegg05 hope you’re feeling better 💛
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    edited April 28
    Mystery meat solved. It was a package of tamales that my friend's daughter in law brought for Christmas. I was given a package and stuck it in yhe freezer. TOTALLY forgot them. Very different from any I ha e ever had. Very surprised to find a whole chicken leg inside! Unfortunately, did not care for it. At least met my goal of trying something new every week!

    Other than that, an uneventful day. Off to help at a fund raiser this morning. Tomorrow having HVAC system replaced.

    @krabuck you are doing a great job in being consistent in your 5k prep. When does this take place?
  • wewillbskinny
    wewillbskinny Posts: 125 Member
    Day 28
    208.9 - SW
    194.6 lbs. +.2 lbs
    -14.3 lbs total

    Hi all.

    I am a bit busy juggling schedules around here to cover taking care of my Mom. My husband is out if town until Wednesday. He left Friday morning. Then looking forward to the BIG DAY on Thursday. My younger daughter is graduating. She has been studying for her Nurse Practioner degree. WooHoo!!! So very proud of her and her tenacity.

    Yesterday I had a bit of a slip up and went over calories with some salt and vinegar chips. Oops. Back on track today.

    @krabuck keep up the good work. Your weigh-ins look great!

    @Awegg05 Hope things are looking a little better for you.

    @jan110144 That is so funny. 🤣 A whole chicken leg in the tamales! At least you tried it. There's that.

    Have a nice day everyone.
  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 89 Member
    Happy Sunday, everyone!

    Monitored my calories carefully yesterday so that I would participate in my husband and I's weekly hot pot meal. We do it every Saturday and it's our date night ritual. We purchased a convection burner, a dual sided hot pot pot, and visit the Asian market every week to grab our favorite meal items.

    Typically I will have a pork or mushroom soup base on my side with some ginger and garlic paste and add water & broth. I include broccoli and mushrooms as my veggies, and add shaved pork belly, shaved ribeye, and pork & beef balls in there for protein. I also usually have a whole cube of ramen with it. It can be a very large carb and calorie sink if you're not careful, so the past two Saturdays I have carefully configured all the totals and made some moderations. I tried a sweet potato rice noodle last Saturday that comes in at 70 calories a serving (instead of the 190 calories for HALF a serving of ramen!) and stuck with two pork and beef balls, and a double helping of broccoli and mushrooms instead. Yesterday I tried a different noodle (buckwheat) that had comparable calories to the sweet potato ones, but they tasted AWFUL! Like soggy cardboard! I ended up ditching them and going with half a serving of ramen instead and lowered the meat intake.

    Today I had avocado on toast topped with balsamic glazed caramelized onions for lunch and I got in 30 min of outdoor biking! It was very windy today, so I had to push myself to get that 30 min in. I'm recovering now with some chocolate milk and water. Husband is making homemade shepherd's pie tonight and I'm looking forward to that!
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Not much going on for next couple of days since I will pretty much be stuck at home while they replace hvac. Everything moving forward wonderfully with intuitive eating. (Actually dislike that term ... find it totally NOT intuitive, at least initially). A little struggle staying away from the scale this morning, but I am moving to weighing in just once a month ... so not til June 1.

    @wewillbskinny a HUGE congratulations to your daughter (and to you ... behind successfuk students are always parents (or other adults) who value education and effort.) That is a very challenging degree and certainly a profession where we need many more. The one thing I really like about intuitive eating. BTW, is that there us no concept of "slips" ... just choices.

    @kaferine your weekly Hot Pot ritual sounds lovely. So does the avocado toast!
  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 89 Member
    jan110144 wrote: »

    @kaferine your weekly Hot Pot ritual sounds lovely. So does the avocado toast!

    I'm finding myself really infatuated with the avocado toast. It's really filling, the balsamic glaze is lovely, and I feel satisfied for hours, which is a struggle with work meals & snacks. At work it feels like I am eating something every 2 hours or so.

    This morning I weighed myself to get an accurate number for the Big Doctors Appointment on Thursday, even though I decided to move my weigh-in days to Fridays. I'm down to 256! It's really strange seeing the number fluctuate so much. Some days I am over 260, some I am 5 less. Bodies are weird!

    Hope everyone has a nice Monday.

  • Awegg05
    Awegg05 Posts: 168 Member
    Day 42

    Hi guys! Feeling much better after a crazy couple of days. Hoping to get my mind (and body) back on track!
  • krabuck
    krabuck Posts: 39 Member
    Day 14
    258.2 (+1.0)

    Good morning! Ready for another week of commitment.

    Goals for the next few days:
    stick to planned meals and snacks
    continue C25K, hopefully start week 4 this week
    keep the kitchen clean - I've noticed how this relates to staying on track for me, when my kitchen is clean I am more likely to cook and meal prep!

    @wewillbskinny thank you!!! Not too worried about the fluctuation today!! I agree with @kaferine69 that bodies ARE weird haha

    @jan110144 the 5k is this Saturday 5/04. Last year I told myself that this year I would do it. I know I will not be able to run the whole thing, I am good with walking and jogging some. Just excited to be participating!

    @Awegg05 glad you're feeling better!! You got this!
  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 89 Member
    krabuck wrote: »
    keep the kitchen clean - I've noticed how this relates to staying on track for me, when my kitchen is clean I am more likely to cook and meal prep!

    My husband and I split chores - he is in charge of the kitchen. But yesterday I while I was making the avocado toast, I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher for him, since I was in there anyway. And in the evening, he prepped my lunches for the next few days and portioned out snacks for me! I agree, it does make it easier to meal prep if you don't have to first deal with other unpleasantness first!

  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Good morning! Yesterday was pretty boring. Stuck inside most of the day while they installed my new furnace and because it rained most of the day. Did manage to get two walks in for Abby between the showers. Installation continues today with the air conditioning install. Last day of month 1 today. Since I am stuck inside most of the day again, it is probably a good time to focus on my progress to date and what I want to focus on/change for May.

    @kaferine69 Good luck on your doctor's appointment. Yep ... bodies insist on just doing their own things. The scale is a really a challenging way to measure success in the short time because of these weird fluctuations. I try to focus on consistency and consider it a win every day that I do what I plan to do. I trust the process and am pretty sure that if I do what I need to do every day, it will all work out in the end. In the end, there is no quick fix and consistency over a considerable length of time is the only answer I have found.

    @Awegg05 Glad you're feeling better. Hopefully things will slow down a bit for you soon. You are definitely going through a really stressful, busy time. Be gentle with yourself!

    @krabuck Like your weekly focus! I tend to like things orderly and find it easier to stay focused when they are. Never thought of it quite this way before ... Not sure if the orderliness helps to stay on track or if disorderliness is one of the first signs that I am slipping.

  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 89 Member
    Do any of you own kitchen scales for measuring food quantities? We do have one, but we're realizing that it's kind of small. Any plate size on it covers the numbers. We're looking for one that has a wider surface area so it can hold a plate and still be able to be read.

    Even though my weight has been fluctuating so much, I can tell my measurements are changing more. Yesterday I wore a blouse and slacks to work that normally are roomy, but yesterday I felt like I was swimming in them. Today I have on tighter slacks and they feel like they are fitting a little better. And... my rolls seem a little more manageable. I'm counting these things as success!

    Yesterday was a stressful work day. A lot of stupid office drama. I let the stress follow me home and consequently made poor food choices. Had a half sub on wheat instead of a wrap, and had a slice of chocolate cake. My husband brought it to my attention that I always feel sluggish the next morning after an evening of carbs and sugar, so he (nicely) insisted that I do some stationary biking at home before bed to try to help alleviate that. I was grumpy at him about it, but I did it anyway. And I'm not feeling so bad today.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,636 Member
    kaferine69 wrote: »
    Do any of you own kitchen scales for measuring food quantities? We do have one, but we're realizing that it's kind of small. Any plate size on it covers the numbers. We're looking for one that has a wider surface area so it can hold a plate and still be able to be read.
    Temporary expedient until you get a new one: Put a bowl on the scale as a riser.
    Even though my weight has been fluctuating so much, I can tell my measurements are changing more. Yesterday I wore a blouse and slacks to work that normally are roomy, but yesterday I felt like I was swimming in them. Today I have on tighter slacks and they feel like they are fitting a little better. And... my rolls seem a little more manageable. I'm counting these things as success!

    Yesterday was a stressful work day. A lot of stupid office drama. I let the stress follow me home and consequently made poor food choices. Had a half sub on wheat instead of a wrap, and had a slice of chocolate cake. My husband brought it to my attention that I always feel sluggish the next morning after an evening of carbs and sugar, so he (nicely) insisted that I do some stationary biking at home before bed to try to help alleviate that. I was grumpy at him about it, but I did it anyway. And I'm not feeling so bad today.

  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 89 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    kaferine69 wrote: »
    Do any of you own kitchen scales for measuring food quantities? We do have one, but we're realizing that it's kind of small. Any plate size on it covers the numbers. We're looking for one that has a wider surface area so it can hold a plate and still be able to be read.
    Temporary expedient until you get a new one: Put a bowl on the scale as a riser.
    Even though my weight has been fluctuating so much, I can tell my measurements are changing more. Yesterday I wore a blouse and slacks to work that normally are roomy, but yesterday I felt like I was swimming in them. Today I have on tighter slacks and they feel like they are fitting a little better. And... my rolls seem a little more manageable. I'm counting these things as success!

    Yesterday was a stressful work day. A lot of stupid office drama. I let the stress follow me home and consequently made poor food choices. Had a half sub on wheat instead of a wrap, and had a slice of chocolate cake. My husband brought it to my attention that I always feel sluggish the next morning after an evening of carbs and sugar, so he (nicely) insisted that I do some stationary biking at home before bed to try to help alleviate that. I was grumpy at him about it, but I did it anyway. And I'm not feeling so bad today.

    Oh, that's a good idea! Thank you for the suggestion!
  • krabuck
    krabuck Posts: 39 Member
    Day 16

    Happy to be on the other side of 2 weeks!! Happy to be starting a new month and leaving poor health choices behind with April. I caught myself daydreaming last night about how good I could feel at the end of this month if I just stick to it. I also was thinking about how much has already changed in 2 weeks as I was tidying up the kitchen last night to cook for lunches the rest of the week and prep breakfasts, after I had come back from a jog! Not that long ago I could not imagine having that motivation…

    Today’s goals
    Stick to planned meals and snacks
    Walk on my lunch break
    Keep the kitchen clean

    @jan110144 the clean kitchen is kinda like which came first - the chicken or the egg 😆😆 is Abby your dog?

    @kaferine69 it’s an amazing feeling to notice changes like clothes fitting more comfortably! Such a motivator! Great job! Your husband sounds like a great supporter!
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    @kaferine69 Feel for you re work stress. Life is so much simpler being retired. Most of the stress I encounter now is totally self-imposed. It is definitely a challenge to find non-food ways to handle it.On the positive ... isn't it exciting to begin to feel the differences in how clothes fit? :) Good for you!

    @Krabuk Yes, Abby is my dog. Best walking partner ever. Always ready to go! "Reminds" me if it is time to walk and I have made no moves to putting on shoes or getting the leash :) "I caught myself daydreaming last night about how good I could feel at the end of this month if I just stick to it." Visualization is wonderful! And yes ... you CAN stick with it. Just remember, all you have to do is be consistent. Perfection is not necessary.