

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    edited April 29
    Went to a Bells Concert at my church with a friend yesterday. They ringers were outstanding. She had never been to one and it was on her list to experience it. Wonderful time.

    She had just watched a documentary on Netflix on the gut. I had just listened to Robert Lustig on The Quit Sugar Summit so much of our chronic disease is related to our guts and the food (non food as in many over processed foods) we ingest. He might be one of my modern day heroes. Because getting a medical degree he also studied law so he could understand law language. He worked to see that real food was brought back into schools. In 1971 the food service was handed over to corporations like McDonald's to bring food to our children. His group Eat Real.org worked to change that and bring real not processed food into our schools. He is also working with those in charge of SNAP to take soda pop off the menu. Pop right now can be bought with snap vouchers.

    My friend and I had such a great discussion...both her video and the Robert Lustig interview discussed what sugar, grain, and processed foods do to the gut.

    According to Robert if you are low in energy eating sugar will make it worse...the fructose in sugar inhibits your mitochondria (they are your power source) It also contributes to what he called browning reaction ie aging. If you have a steady diet of a high sugar diet it will age you 7X faster. Fructose also hits your reward center in your brain which leads to addiction. The food industry knows this and uses this to their advantage. He did talk about fruit because it is high in fructose. The difference is it is high in fiber which protects you from the fructose. Your good gut bacteria also needs the fiber for food. Juice on the other hand without the fiber the fructose becomes a problem.

    His big three for health is protect your liver with fiber no toxins (fructose, alcohol, heavy metals), Feed your gut fiber, and support your brain (no fructose and omega threes reduce omega six(oils like corn.)

    Tracey love the painting!!!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,510 Member
    edited April 29
    Today’s gratitude: Joe taking Tumble for a Harris Beach Campground walk by herself. He’s been taking Shadow and leaving Tumble heartbroken. It’s way past her turn. When he came back he commented on not smelling any bacon or coffee. Not many campfires. Lots of big, fancy, expensive rigs. Hmm.
    Margaret :love: your painting and wow, you’re looking GOOD!
    Rori ((hugs)) for Mars. Do you take him with when you travel?
    Teri had to google the Dawn Chorus walk. Do you identify the birds or just immerse yourself in the sounds?
    Heather, Max in that hat, handsome! Hope your son has a baseball bat . . .
    Tracey so much for you to be proud of, completing your practicum, Kaitlyn’s spokesperson opportunity. Very well done!
    KJ ((hugs)) and prayers for your sister, Sister in law, friend but most of all your grand neice. So glad your Son in law is coming. Sounds like they’re planning to move before he secures a job there? Whooshing good vibes for the interview.
    Lisa and others to KJ but especially Rebecca about lending an ear, not avoiding a person with an illness. Inspiring.
    Lanette “Josephine the plumber” :laugh: You are an inspiration!
    Allie ((hugs)) and prayers continue.
    Michele ((hugs held extra long)) Such a hard time for your friend, her family and you. ((hugs))
    Flea you are an inspiration! I have no debilitating issues and can’t even make myself disturb the accumulated dust. Annie sorry your back’s sore. Motion is lotion ;}
    Lisa thanks for the info on images in mfp. It sure is a pain, but I’m relieved it’s not due to recent updates on my laptop :devil: Will check out the support forums later. Egg’s shower made me giggle, sorry Egg!
    Whew, caught up. Time to get back to PT exercises in far too long.

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    April: Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,902 Member
    Today is a good day to have Shrimp Scampi. Well, we don’t have any shrimp so DH is making tomato sauce with tuna fish over pasta. Close as I’m gonna get!!


    RVRita, NM
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    Afternoon all
    Took Doris out to run errands today..
    Tracy will be seeing her OB on Thursday.so we shall see what goes on from there and then the testing and all on the 8th.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,902 Member
    Ps… I did not edit the conclusion or much of the story, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes in grammar or spelling…..

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,385 Member
    MFP Weekly Check-in 4-29-24

    Debbie in Napa Valley, CA - 151.4 this morning. Nice to see it going down 2 lbs since last time. Thought it was going to be up a bit or the same because of all the salty food at dinner last night. Plus, walked a bit less this week.

    Sue in WA State - It has been a pretty good week. I was able to maintain my weight at 220. I made it to water exercise 2 times and have been keeping up with yoga and strength and balance exercises. I want to concentrate on getting more fiber into my diet this next week and keep trying to get more water daily.

    Rita in Roswell, NM - Up from last week. Getting serious as of today. Just been blah about caring for myself lately. No reason, just yucky. Might be the wine I added to my diet per the ER docs suggestion.

    Lanette in SW WA State - Celebrating weight holding steady in lower end of range, loss of inch in my waist. Navigating walking without reinjuring foot, and incorporating some walking with weights again. Example- slow Farmer’s walk with 8# in each hand.

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Hope everyone had a good weekend.
    The show in Vacaville went better than expected. Started out a bit rocky. Dh stood around, on his phone, feeding the cats, piddling around while he watched me load everything into the car. When I was done he just got in the car and sat waiting for me.
    We had very low expectations for the show- Mr. Pessimist didn't think we would sell even $100 for the 5 hrs. I was a little more optomistic and hoped for $200- ended up just over $300. Last year we were selling just his vintage toys(all new in the box) and we had one customer and sold $100.

    Did chores around here after I got home from church- all the ones that I am the only one that does them.

    Today, went and walked MIL's dog- they got into another fight so he was yelling at her and cussing, she was being her normal witchy self. All this because last week she fell down her front stairs because she wanted to pick up some veggies a neighbor left(not sure who is doing it)-we have told her to leave them and we will get them when we get there. Dh is there at 10Am and 4PM every single day. She said she didn't know when he was coming so tried to get them. He tried to take her to the dr that day but she said no, she didn't need to. NOW she is mad because he didn't take her and there are no appointments with her dr and she doesn't want to see urgent care doctors. Part of this is because neither of us went over there on Saturday so this is pay back- happens every time he misses one day. Normally I go over but I went to the show to help.

    We came home and he went to his room, still in a bad mood so I went outside to work in the front in my green house- I wanted the quiet- about 15 min later, here he comes, wants to know if I want to go shopping at Black Friday(we were supposed to go after his mom's but he didn't want to go-totally fine with me)-told him no. He goes and gets the weed eater and starts doing the lawn, right next to me-. Gave him a dirty look when I was getting hit in the face and arm with the stuff from it. He got mad. Seriously- He does this when we do his mom's yard too. He doesn't seem to notice or care that I am getting hit and covered with dirt/grass/rocks etc..

    Anyways. I stayed outside and got the last of my starts moved from my kitchen table to in my little green house. It is HOT in there- had to come inside.

    Now need to figure out lunch. 1:30PM and I have had 2 cups of tea so far.

    Glad I have class tonight.

    Napa Valley,Ca
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    Annie in Delaware, in regards to your Dad mowing when he really shouldn't, if it were me, I would hire a service. Ask them if they want the mower you have now as well. If your Dad doesn't have access to a mower, then he can't mow. Less stress for everyone.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 3min 31sec, 3.0 ap, 71elev, 80ahr, 108mhr, 6.13mi= 618c
    Strava app = 752c
    Walk home to gym- 11.24min, .52mi= 56c
    Strava app = 65c
    Treadmill jog- 33.06min, 5.4sp, 6.4sp on choruses, 147ahr, 171mhr, 5k= 340c
    Spin bike at gym- 26min, 12-13gear, 130ahr, 146mhr, 6.5mi= 265c
    Walk gym to store then home- 17.54min, .82mi= 90c
    Strava app= 101c

    Total cal 1369

    1st full 5k this year, its been awhile

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    Debbie- I don't know how you put up with it all..
    Got the laundry done,,and tomorrow just chilling out.
    It was close to 80 today.. got my tax bill for state taxes 988.00 ugh..have to come up with that somehow.
    Hair appt on Thursday.
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,342 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,036 Member
    So sorry for the health concerns many of you have for yourselves, your family and friends.

    M in Oz
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Worked then we had our end-of-season bowling party. I know that I overate, especially some of the desserts. Brought my own veggie burger, put tomatoes and onions on it along with the mustard. Fruit and cheese with that. But I did have some of the cakes, unfortunately, most were store bought (which I really don’t care for). Picked up the dog crate, ceramics tonight

    Allie – we have one of those aluminum collapsible drying racks at the condo. For home I got one that is a wood frame.

    Thank you, everyone, for your sympathies for my friend. It’s so sad to realize that the last time I will ever see her was at the time of Bryan’s wedding and we stopped there.

    Looks like I’ll need to make another macaroni and cheese casserole for the ceramics birthdays tomorrow. So I grated the cheese and unwrapped the Velveeta.

    Rita – you kept me on the edge of my seat! Fantastic story. You are such a great writer

    Debbie – good haul selling those things

    Michele NC