Women 200lb+, Let's Find A Way This May!!!

🌼 Hello, ladies! We've made it to May. One more month until summer!

🌼Will you be trying anything new this month? Or is it back to the tried and true methods that have been working for you so far this year?

🌼What are you looking looking forward to this May? Is there anything you're worried about for the rest of spring?

🌼And what is one thing you'd like to remind yourself (and others) not to worry about or stress over this month?

🟡If you've never been here before, please know you are welcome to join at any point in the month. All you have to do is post something, and then BAM!, you're one of us.

🟡In this group, we post our weekly and monthly goals and provide support and motivation to each other as we share our triumphs and our struggles. This group is all about accountability.

🟡All are welcome and, if you think you belong here, you do! No matter how much you currently weigh or how you measure (or don't measure) your weight, we'd love to hear from you.

🟡Victories, both scale and non-scale, are great to hear about, but, conversely, we know that weight loss isn't all sunshine and roses. If you're going through a rough patch, please feel free to be honest and vent your heart out. The struggle is real and we're all here to support each other!

🌼Let's find a way to make this May the best month of 2024 yet! 🌼


  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi I'm Kristin. I am 41 years old. I only weighed in Friday so I didnt weigh in today.
    I plan on training for my 4 mile at least 4 days a week. The 4 mile is at the end of the month. So with that being said. The weather is looking much better here. With the diet and exercise my goal is 10 LBS. I know a big goal. There is 5 weigh in Fridays for me.

    Starting weight April26- 220.7
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 83 Member
    42 years old
    SW&HW (10/2022) 230lbs
    Jan 1 Starting weight: 193.0 lbs
    April 1 SW: 183.2
    CW 5/1: 184.6 - Up 1.4lbs this month overall instead of down. To be honest, I haven't been as strict as I have been in the past. I don't make any food a food I "can't" have, because in the past I have always deprived myself of things I really wanted that weren't "healthy" and then I fail because when I do finally give in, I really give and then I throw in the towel. Since I started this journey in 2022, I have not withheld any kind of food, sweets, carbs, you name it, EXCEPT, high calorie drinks like soda and specialty coffees and the like. That all being said, I have allowed myself to overindulge too many times and for me it's not even the junk food that gets me, it's dinner. I am good all day, keep calories low because I know that dinner will be a higher calorie count in my home and instead of having 1 serving, I have 2 or 2 and a half and then on top of all of that, I am not exercising enough. I HATE organized, planned exercise, but I just do not get enough movement in my day to day, so I HAVE to bite the bullet and get to the dreaded exercise. The problem is that I never end up seeing the "Extra" results, like more energy or enjoying it once I get going with it. It's not terrible once I get started but I still hate it!
    GW 155
    LW 180.2
    Weigh in day is Wednesday.
    Total loss to date for 2024 - 8.4lbs
    Total loss to date overall - 45.4lbs
    May 2nd GW: 179.0 lbs - I did not meet this goal.... We'll shoot for this for June 1st.

    🌼Will you be trying anything new this month? Or is it back to the tried and true methods that have been working for you so far this year?
    Tried and true + walking/exercise 3 days a week

    🌼What are you looking looking forward to this May? Is there anything you're worried about for the rest of spring?
    My son is graduating at the end of the month!! I am worried that the stress will get to me and keep me from my goals.
    🌼And what is one thing you'd like to remind yourself (and others) not to worry about or stress over this month?
    Don't stress over a messed up day or couple of days, just keep logging and keep getting up and starting over! EVERY DAY!
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 506 Member
    sharon81 wrote: »
    42 years old
    SW&HW (10/2022) 230lbs
    Jan 1 Starting weight: 193.0 lbs
    April 1 SW: 183.2
    CW 5/1: 184.6 - Up 1.4lbs this month overall instead of down. To be honest, I haven't been as strict as I have been in the past. I don't make any food a food I "can't" have, because in the past I have always deprived myself of things I really wanted that weren't "healthy" and then I fail because when I do finally give in, I really give and then I throw in the towel. Since I started this journey in 2022, I have not withheld any kind of food, sweets, carbs, you name it, EXCEPT, high calorie drinks like soda and specialty coffees and the like. That all being said, I have allowed myself to overindulge too many times and for me it's not even the junk food that gets me, it's dinner. I am good all day, keep calories low because I know that dinner will be a higher calorie count in my home and instead of having 1 serving, I have 2 or 2 and a half and then on top of all of that, I am not exercising enough. I HATE organized, planned exercise, but I just do not get enough movement in my day to day, so I HAVE to bite the bullet and get to the dreaded exercise. The problem is that I never end up seeing the "Extra" results, like more energy or enjoying it once I get going with it. It's not terrible once I get started but I still hate it!
    GW 155
    LW 180.2
    Weigh in day is Wednesday.
    Total loss to date for 2024 - 8.4lbs
    Total loss to date overall - 45.4lbs
    May 2nd GW: 179.0 lbs - I did not meet this goal.... We'll shoot for this for June 1st.

    🌼Will you be trying anything new this month? Or is it back to the tried and true methods that have been working for you so far this year?
    Tried and true + walking/exercise 3 days a week

    🌼What are you looking looking forward to this May? Is there anything you're worried about for the rest of spring?
    My son is graduating at the end of the month!! I am worried that the stress will get to me and keep me from my goals.
    🌼And what is one thing you'd like to remind yourself (and others) not to worry about or stress over this month?
    Don't stress over a messed up day or couple of days, just keep logging and keep getting up and starting over! EVERY DAY!

    Overall, you've made great progress!

    I think walking is great exercise, particularly outdoors. If you find yourself delaying this goal, start out small (like 15 minutes). I think you'll find it doable, and you can increase at leisure.

    I agree with you 100% about overeating days, just get back on the horse! Reflect back on why you overate and figure out a way to jump this barrier. I'm a (former) late night (after dinner) eater too. I find brushing my teeth immediately after dinner and keeping my mind/hands busy with something relaxing, helps. My particular thing is adult coloring books. There are a lot on Amazon, its easy, fun, and not too expensive.
  • readgal89
    readgal89 Posts: 20 Member
    34 years old
    Starting weight today: 244
    Goal weight: Under 200
    Final Goal Weight:160ish

    Goals for May:
    Strength train every day.
    Walk 10,000 steps every day.
    Log my food every day.
    Take ACV and Cinnamon every day.

    🌼Will you be trying anything new this month? Or is it back to the tried-and-true methods that have been working for you so far this year?

    ACV and Cinnamon is something I have taken in the past to help me lose weight. I personally don't enjoy them by themselves, so I thought about investing in some supplements. Right now, I am putting some ACV in my water and not taking cinnamon at all because all the ways I know to eat cinnamon also includes sugar or carbs. Any ideas on this?

    🌼What are you looking forward to this May? Is there anything you're worried about for the rest of spring?

    I hope to fit into a size XL dress that I have. I can physically get into now, but it is way too tight around my belly and arms. Hoping that by June/July it will fit better. So, I hope that May will be very successful month.

    🌼And what is one thing you'd like to remind yourself (and others) not to worry about or stress over this month?

    I have been asked several times by people much smaller than me how I am losing weight and I confide my weight or clothes size with them, and they always feel bad because they are at my goal weight but are not happy and worry I will be offended. But I just tell them I can't compare myself to them. And they shouldn't feel bad. We should just cheer each other on.
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 265 Member
    Check in May 1st

    SW: 236.2 (4/18/24)
    LW: 231.8
    Monday weigh in

    Goals for May:
    Walk 30 min / 3x per week
    Log daily (and honestly)
    Measure my food when I am at home
    225 on the scale

    I have been able to stay focused the last 12 days (since my doctor visit). When I scheduled my follow up in July she asked if I wanted a virtual visit and I said no I need to step on the scale over her so I am accountable. Looking forward to seeing how much I can accomplish by that visit.

    Having friends over for dinner on Saturday. I need to stay mindful of my eating. I will make sure my salad serving is larger than my pasta serving is.

    Struggling with getting enough water in so I have added one flavor packet a day in. It gives me something to look forward to.

    Hope you all have a great day.
  • danikat15
    danikat15 Posts: 113 Member
    I was here a long time ago. Lost a bunch of weight after my grandfather passed away and then just put most of it back on. We're taking our kids to Disney Land this summer for the first time ever and I want to be able to walk around with less pain.

    So here I am!

    GW: I don't have one. Just want to be healthier and feel better.

    🌼Will you be trying anything new this month? Or is it back to the tried and true methods that have been working for you so far this year?
    -I'm trying to get back to what worked for me the last time I lost but not as rigid. I'm allowing myself graces.

    🌼What are you looking looking forward to this May? Is there anything you're worried about for the rest of spring?
    -I need it to be summer break like now. This school year has been STRESSFUL!

    🌼And what is one thing you'd like to remind yourself (and others) not to worry about or stress over this month?
    -I mean, I'm reminding myself not to step on the scale every day and stress over it. But I can't give that same advice to someone else because that's what held me accountable before. So. I guess do what's best for you.
  • krabuck
    krabuck Posts: 42 Member
    May 1 check-in

    42, 5’10
    Evolving snack queen

    SW: 269
    CW: 256

    Switching to Sunday weigh-ins


    Personal May Goals:
    249 on the scale… even just a flicker
    Complete C25K
    Log every day

    🌼Will you be trying anything new this month? Or is it back to the tried and true methods that have been working for you so far this year?
    Pretty much doing the same things this month, only switching up my weigh in day to Sunday to help keep me accountable on Saturdays when I’m home alone with the snacks.

    🌼What are you looking looking forward to this May? Is there anything you're worried about for the rest of spring?
    Looking forward to how good I will feel on 5/31 if I just stay consistent all month.

    🌼And what is one thing you'd like to remind yourself (and others) not to worry about or stress over this month?
    Stop stressing over how far you have to go. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, you are putting in the hard work that will get you to your goals. Don’t give up!!
  • katrose1985
    katrose1985 Posts: 45 Member
    krabuck wrote: »
    May 1 check-in

    42, 5’10
    Evolving snack queen

    SW: 269
    CW: 256

    Switching to Sunday weigh-ins


    Personal May Goals:
    249 on the scale… even just a flicker
    Complete C25K
    Log every day

    🌼Will you be trying anything new this month? Or is it back to the tried and true methods that have been working for you so far this year?
    Pretty much doing the same things this month, only switching up my weigh in day to Sunday to help keep me accountable on Saturdays when I’m home alone with the snacks.

    🌼What are you looking looking forward to this May? Is there anything you're worried about for the rest of spring?
    Looking forward to how good I will feel on 5/31 if I just stay consistent all month.

    🌼And what is one thing you'd like to remind yourself (and others) not to worry about or stress over this month?
    Stop stressing over how far you have to go. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, you are putting in the hard work that will get you to your goals. Don’t give up!!

    Nice to see another tall lady here!!! You got this!
  • katrose1985
    katrose1985 Posts: 45 Member
    Hey there!
    My name is Kat! I’m 38 from Minnesota and I’m here on MFP for the 2nd time. I lost 50+ lbs back in 2018 after my first was born and now I need to do it again after my second baby was born in January of 2022! I’m determined and excited for a transformation!


    I love to walk, hike, garden, bike, home workouts and run for exercise. I just started back running yesterday after a 5 month break and one mile was TOUGH, but I have a goal to run a full marathon when I’m 40 (in 2years) so I’m taking it slow and steady! Back in 2019 I was running ALL the races and ran my first 1/2 marathon…I want that ability back!

    I’ll weigh in on Sundays and I’m very happy to have found y’all!!1c9cht5kc6ud.jpeg
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,385 Member
    edited May 2
    Good morning everyone!

    A little higher on the scale, but I also feel sore from the gym a couple days ago, so it's possible it's water retention. I keep waking up thinking it's Friday and then being bummed when I remember it's not, haha.

    Today! I was supposed to go to the gym tonight but it was cancelled, so that means gym night at home for me. The nice thing about that is, no hourlong- hour and a half long commute time (that is for both ways, not each way).

    Video games last night was great, kept me from snacking. This morning I once again didn't need a sweet with my coffee, although the donuts were calling my name as I was driving to work. I didn't answer! I need to deal with my sugar thing at some point. White knuckling it forever is not going to work. I'm not even sure how one deals with it permanently. I have such a huge sweet tooth. Currently drinking some blueberry brunch tea with artificial sweetener that's almost scratching the itch.

    Tonight for dinner, babby wants chicken nuggets, while kiddo, unprompted, wanted teriyaki chicken. Lol. At least the nuggs are easy. The teriyaki chicken, not as much, when I haven't prepped any. But I do love teriyaki chicken... maybe I'll stop at Aldi on the way home and see what we can do. Teriyaki chicken on cauli rice would be an excellent dinner.

    Tag party time:
    @lisakatz2 look at you go! Congratulations on the progress!

    @sharon81 it's so hard to find exercise we like. It took me several iterations, and even now I give it real thought. Some thoughts! When I wanted to run as my exercise, I gamified it by using things like the app "Zombies, run!" which is an audio game in your earbuds with a storyline about being a post-apocolyptic runner, really great and recommend. I might have to re-download that for walks, actually... there are other things like that, I know the same company (Six to Start) made a walking equivalent I did for a while. Or some people like to do the LOTR themed walk to mordor. I did that one. Just found out there's an app. I really need to start walking again. :) Especially since I'm about to get a fitbit next week! So if you have one, we can do challenges (I think- it's been years since I had one).

    Or sometimes just trying something new and different for exercise, like that bungie cord stuff, or belly dancing, or rock climbing, or, of course I advocate, pole fitness. ;)

    @readgal89 As far as cinnamon goes, I put it in anything sweet or curry. So oatmeal, every time. Curries, a little bit every time. Currently I'm eating eggs for breakfast and chicken and cauli rice for lunches, so not as much chance for me to do that. Oooh, I could put it in a protein shake...

    @CeCeFlyy girl I was thinking about you around carnival time!! Did you get to wear your fabulous costume? Welcome back- we've all been there, falling off and getting back on the wagon. I've done it a lot myself. ;)

    @jenbroussard71 it's good that you're thinking ahead for your dinner party. That is the best way to do it.

    @danikat15 I remember you! Welcome back! I love the idea of giving yourself grace while shooting for comfortable movement on your vacation, that would be so motivating for me, too!

    @krabuck c25k is so good, and finishing it gives you such a sense of accomplishment.

    @katrose1985 another 1/2 marathon finisher, hello! I really want to go for the marathon as well someday, right now I just don't have the time to dedicate for the long runs. Welcome! Your son is so cute!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 506 Member
    Thanks cupcake, I'm really jazzed about my progress too. Now my plan for myself is not to gain on my upcoming trip! I think losing may be ambitious, but if I keep on logging (which I plan to do) I believe it will keep me on track.
  • 40poundsnow
    40poundsnow Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning 2May,
    This is my first time posting. I’ve enjoyed reading the support and encouragement. Thank you all for posting.
    56yrs old , weight 207, 5ft 2. Getting ready for total knee replacement end of June.
    Doctor said recovery may be a little better and quicker if I lose weight. I want to lose weight
    To improve my health overall.
  • danikat15
    danikat15 Posts: 113 Member

    @danikat15 I remember you! Welcome back! I love the idea of giving yourself grace while shooting for comfortable movement on your vacation, that would be so motivating for me, too!

    Hey! I remember you too! And yea, unfortunately, the older I get, the more pain I get in my hips and knees so just getting weight off is the ultimate goal. I don't even want to put a goal number out there because I should have been ecstatic with how far I got the last time. This time I just want minimal knee pain running to different rides :D

    Also, the older I get the more I realize just how much mental health is attached to it all.