Women 200lb+, Let's Find A Way This May!!!



  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 71 Member
    A little slow start this month. But a loss is a loss.

    May 3- 220.5

    It’s supposed to storm here today and my head feels it. Stupid headache. I am hoping I can kick this headache.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,385 Member
    edited May 3
    Good morning everyone!

    Staying a bit higher, but still lower than the average.

    So, about that chair practice last night, haha- Kiddo came home asking us to sponsor her for a two mile run at school, and I told her two miles is a lot. So I mapped it out, and told her she should try it. I ran with her so I could see her the whole time. She made it 1.3 miles before she gave up, much longer than I thought she would. So that was my exercise last night, after not running in years and not in a sports bra. :lol:

    Today is a jazz dance class at the gym, only one class tonight, but that class is 2 hours long, lol. I'm starting off today watching My 600-lb life and drinking my coffee, weird choice but it's Trash TV Friday, I guess.

    I just want work to be over with today so I can get the weekend started, haha. I'm so excited to get my Fitbit next week that I've set up the app on my phone already in anticipation. I've also downloaded a "Walk Middle Earth" app, because Fantasy Hike is only for iPhones, dang, and I downloaded The Walk, from Six to Start. I've also got a spreadsheet, if anyone wants to tally up our mileages and compete.

    Tag party time!
    @lisakatz2 I think not gaining on a trip is doable, what with trips usually being more active than we are in our day to day. That's how it usually works out for me, anyway.

    @40poundsnow welcome! I've followed a couple people on here at fatsecret in the same spot- those that were successful with their weight loss before knee surgery did have an easier time.

    @danikat15 it really is so mental! Everyone talks about the minutia more than the mindset, but the mindset is so important. I saw I have a friend request from you, but I don't log here, I use MacroFactor, I'm only here for the forum, so being my friend here doesn't do anything, haha. I'm still supporting you from this here forum! And if you want me to peep your food diary I love snooping, lol.

    @jessicaex_oh your picture and username makes me think of Xanga, there used to be a blogger on the subsite lovelyish named Jessica. My handle on Xanga was Wait_by_Moonlight. Anyway, time for weird internet subcultures. Back to you! I absolutely know how it is with kids and extracurriculars on top of school on top of having a job, brutal. I hope you can find that time for yourself in their baseball practice times or something, I know it's so hard, but you can do it! Welcome!

    @katrose1985 that looks so good! :yum:

    @girlinkaz744 CONGRATULATIONS! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 HELLO 160S HERE TO STAY!

    @kristinwoods919 Progress is progress! I know that's right!

    Have a great Friday everyone! TGIF!
  • readgal89
    readgal89 Posts: 20 Member
    34 years old
    Starting weight:268
    1st Goal weight: 200
    Final Goal weight: 150-160

    May 3: 241
    May 6:
    May 13:
    May 20:
    May 27:

    I lost a pound!!

    I did also figure out that I can make a hot tea with cinnamon. It is a little messy the way I am doing it with my ground cinnamon. But I think it is great. Some recipes call for cinnamon sticks, which is easier to work with and may be fresher. I love cinnamon in oatmeal, but I was trying not to eat carbs. And I don't want any added sugar if I can avoid it, which I would need in oatmeal. I will try to add some cinnamon to a recipe the next time I use curry as @CupcakeCrusoe suggested, but I don't use curry in my cooking very much. I bought some for one recipe not too long ago, but have not reached for it since then.
  • katrose1985
    katrose1985 Posts: 45 Member
    Today is day 3 of using MFP and logging food. I’m surprised by how much I’ve been underrating and now I see why I’m so tired, hangry and depleted all the time not to mention the extreme bingeing when those emotions/feelings get too intense. Weighing and measuring and tracking can be a pain in the butt, but I can already feel the positive impact of being more intentional with my health. I needed this.

    @girlinkaz744 WAY TO GO! You are GOALS!🥳

    @danikat15 feel free to add ME! I need friends on this journey!!🙌🏻

    @CupcakeCrusoe i love that you’re daughter is doing that! How old is she?! My son (5 at the time) wanted to run a 1 mile Halloween race so we trained for it and ran it together! It was incredible seeing his face when he got that medal! 🏃‍♀️

    @kristinwoods919 GO SISTER!!! 🤩

    Also, anyone here feel free too add me! I don’t have any on here yet and everyone here seems like my people!
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 655 Member
    Good morning. My scale jumped 4 lbs this week and idk if it’s due to taking a steroid—let’s hope so. I have finally gotten my allergies under control and I guess 3 lbs is ok if I’m going to feel well moving forward.

    I am scheduled for knee replacement this summer and trying to stay active w/o too much pain. So after 2 weeks of no jogging, I did some jogging and walking on a turf trail yesterday and I am *not* suffering more this morning. So that is great news. I’m hoping to be able to jog a very slow 2 miles 2 times a week or at least every 4 th day up to surgery—I don’t want to lose all that I have before surgery. Walking and even biking don’t seem too bad, and as long as I’m careful I think I’ll be ok. It’s important to my sense of well being too so I can’t just stop until my knees are both replaced.


    Age 65
    SW 210 (1/27/24)
    CW 207
    GW 180

    I was down to 203 last eeek, for the whole week. I’ll get there again.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,385 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Saturday weigh in days
    35 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150
    2024 goal weight: 165
    SW 2024: 182.7

    🌻 May Goals!🌻
    🌻 May GW: 178

    🟡May SW: 181.4
    5/4: 183.2

    🟡Practice for performance at least 3 days a week✅
    🟡Stick to weight loss calories 7! days! a week!✅
    🟡Log everything in grams ✅

    This weigh in is not fun! But I haven't been consuming weight-gain calories, so I'm just going to keep trucking. Shark week is any minute now, and I'm sore from the gym yesterday, so we'll see how we're doing.

    An oldie but a goodie, thread heads remember this one:

    Today! We're going to an asian festival around us, and I'm currently making cinnamon rolls for the girls for breakfast. I'll be doing splits and chair training later. I've had the most intense cinnabon craving lately, so while the weather is cool outside, and I don't have the gym this morning where I have to leave, I decided I'd try out a recipe. I can never quite get that good inside texture, but hope springs eternal. :lol: I will, of course, log appropriately, and adjust my day in response. I just find that when I ignore cravings for too long, I'll just eat more things that aren't scratching an itch, then eventually scratch the itch, so I'm going to go ahead and skip that middle bit. :lol:

    My fitbit is supposed to come today! I cannot wait.

    Tag party time!
    @readgal89 for your tea, maybe you could make like... a cinnamon paste, instead of dry cinnamon, might help with mixing it in.

    @katrose1985 it really is so freeing to know that if you log it, you know how well you're doing with weight loss. I can tell what results I should expect based on my food logs, which is great. My older kid is 8! She does a lot of gymnastics as her primary exercise, so running was a shock to her system, haha. That's such a sweet story about your son's medal :heart:

    @mkculs13 I'm so glad to hear that jogging didn't hurt your knee! Exercise makes weight loss go easier.

    Have a great Saturday, everyone!
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 71 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe My son loves to run. there is no way I could keep up with him. He is in track and soccer and he is running a 4 mile at the end of may and hoping to beat his time from last year. (33 min flat) He is 11, no one in his age group beats him. So keep encouraging your daughter to keep trying. My daughter who is not a runner but decided to do track she is improving every week. I usually ride my bike if they want to run. I would love to be able to run with them by this time next year.
  • Jensmakingprogress
    Jensmakingprogress Posts: 207 Member
    edited May 4
    43 years old
    ReStarting weight: 225 (May 2024)
    Goal weight: 175
    Final Goal Weight:145

    Weigh-in Fridays
    5/3 224

    Goals for May:
    -Log every day
    -Close all of my rings 5 days a week
    -Walk or exercise at least 30 min a day
    - May goal weight: 213

    I’m new to the group and looking forward to the accountability. My family is going on a cruise in July, so my first small goal is to lose 20 pounds over next two months. I struggle with remembering to log my food, so any advice on how you remember or tricks to make it faster is welcome!
  • vanzeem15
    vanzeem15 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm just starting today! My goal for May is to get 10,000 steps and log all my food!
  • girlinkaz744
    girlinkaz744 Posts: 35 Member
    @jenhuey01 I feel you on the logging taking forever at the beginning! Hang with it and eventually it becomes a habit. You’ll learn how many calories are in different meals, have certain combinations of logging that come more easily, and will just develop a “sense” for how many calories you’ve consumed in a day (if you stick with it consistently!!). So I guess my advice is don’t worry and stay the course!!

    When I’m in maintenance mode and eating a familiar food, I actually don’t log but I just weigh because I have a rough tally in my head of about how many calories I have available for the day. Not to say that works for everyone, but that has helped me!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,385 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Weigh in today was about where it was yesterday, and/but I woke up to shark week, so I know that always does weird things to my weigh ins.

    Today will be the first day with my fitbit all day! It's cool that it tracks my sleep! I've got my walk planned for as soon as the sun gets up, and I'll use my little walk story app, and then do my chair conditioning, and that way hopefully get all my exercise done before everyone gets up today, that way I can't put it off if we get busy. :smile:

    Happy cinco de mayo! Dinner tonight at my house is going to be taco meat, pico, guac, and taco potatoes, with the option for my fam to add it into a tortilla. Not for me, though.

    Tag party time!
    @kristinwoods919 that's so cool that you've got that kind of competition inside the house! I love that. :heart:

    @jenhuey01 a cruise, how exciting! welcome! I am most successful logging when I prelog for the day. It can happen a lot of different ways, but the way I do it, especially for the work week:
    While I'm meal prepping, I'll log my portions for each day as I go, so then I've got my coffee, breakfast, lunch, and work snacks logged for every day. Then as the week goes on, I log my dinners before I eat them, and any after-dinner snacks. That helps me to 1) know how much room I have for dinner every day, but then 2) takes most of the work out of logging, since most of the day is logged already.
    Doesn't work for everyone (some people don't meal prep), but I found even when not prepping, if I pre-log a general idea of what I want to eat the next day, logging ends up easier.

    @vanzeem15 welcome! looking forward to hearing more from you!

    @girlinkaz744 my phone isn't allowed on me at work, so sometimes I'll make a tally on a post it just so I remember to log it later, haha!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • krabuck
    krabuck Posts: 42 Member
    42, 5’10
    Evolving snack queen

    SW: 269
    CW: 256.8

    Switching to Sunday weigh-ins

    5/05: 255.8

    @CupcakeCrusoe I love a good trash tv Friday! …or Monday, or Tuesday.. Thursday.. 😆
  • katrose1985
    katrose1985 Posts: 45 Member
    edited May 5
    Sunday weigh in!!!

    May 5- 200.0 🥳
    May 12-
    May 19-
    May 26-

    Down 2.4 lbs so far this month! Feeling great and focused on taking great care of myself. When I feel like emotional eating I reach for self care instead. I did feet masks, painted my toenails, shaved my legs, yoga, landscaping, reading and even coloring this past week whenever I was noticing boredom or emotions that would usually lead to unnecessary eating.

    Something I did for the FIRST TIME EVER yesterday was pre-log some cocktails I wanted to have with hubby last night so I could enjoy them and not go over my calorie goal. In the past I’d always start having drinks AFTER my day was complete and then feel guilty etc while going WAY over my calorie goal then saying F it and over eating, over drinking and giving up on all of it. I enjoyed the drinks and don’t feel at all bad or like I need to “start over” today!

    I also started running again this month! I logged 3 total miles running and 4 miles walking so far. My goal is 15 miles each this month. I even started taking my boys with me!

    @krabuck way to go on your loss!🤩🙌🏻

    @CupcakeCrusoe we’re doing tacos today too! Have you tried the Xtreme Wellness tortillas? They’re great for low carb/cal taco nights! 🌮

    @vanzeem15 WELCOME!!!!!👏🏻

    @jenhuey01 My food scale and a notebook sit right on my counter where I can see them. A lot of times I’ll weigh foods and write down the grams then log later or after the meal. You’ll get the hang of it! My diary is open if you need ideas/tips/inspiration etc. Feel free to add me as a friend! I used MFP after my first was born to lose 50+ lbs so I feel confident now in how it all works!

    @kristinwoods919 that’s so cool your kiddos are active like that! That’s a HUGE reason why I’ve never given up on my goals to be athletic, I wanna do ALL the things with my boys when they’re older!

    @mkculs13 keep going sister! It’s so hard when you’re in pain. I’ve got an angry right knee that drives me nuts and I hate when it flares up. Remember that weightloss is 80% nutrition so even if ya can’t crush those miles you can take great care of yourself with food, water, rest and self care!

    Keep going everyone! Your posts are so motivating and encouraging!


  • girlinkaz744
    girlinkaz744 Posts: 35 Member
    34 years old
    Starting weight: 222 (Feb, 21)
    Lowest weight: 154 (Sep, 21)
    Re-starting weight: 195 (Feb, 23)
    Goal weight: 165-168

    May 3: 168.1
    May 6: 169.9
    May 13:
    May 20:
    May 27:

    Sigh, the dip down was indeed a false alarm but hey, I’m still in the 160’s (barely!). I’m also pretty sore today from some aggressive workouts the last few days, so my guess is my true weight is somewhere in between the last two weigh ins. I want to get down to 165ish before I up my calories, so I still have a little ways to go.

    I am noticing that I have tons more energy now! It’s funny because compared to the last time I lost weight, I had much less to lose this time, so I thought that I wouldn’t feel the results as dramatically. But no, I’ve been feeling an significant uptick in my energy, my desire to workout, how I feel when I look at myself in the mirror, etc. Last night after work I even went on a walk (even though I didn’t “have to” for my workout schedule) because I wanted to do that instead of watch tv. I guess this really is my goal range, a range that’s good for me and my overall health and well being!

    You guys are doing amazing!!! Keep up the good work!!
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    Hello everyone!! Just found this thread today and would love to join. I've been a user of MFP since 2011, off and on. My journey has been quite the rollercoaster. Currently I have hired a coach to help me reach my goals. I want to lose fat and gain muscle, however long it takes. For me, this isn't about the destination, it's about the journey!
  • Pamelyb
    Pamelyb Posts: 231 Member
    Hello. I'm new!
    I am 52 years old and starting at 257.
    Monthly goal is 5-8 pounds. Target weight is currently 150, but honestly I'd be tickled pink to see 198!!
    My issue: I hate prepping and cooking. I need quick grab and go food, or I fall off the apple cart rather quickly. Also, every tooth in my head is a sweet one. I can manage that, if I don't let myself get too hungry.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,385 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    My weight is staying irritatingly stable, but it's shark week. I did 13k steps yesterday! Amazing. I did my chair stuff too, and I feel sore today. So... there's that.

    I went on a baking spree yesterday, making a no-bake lemon pie and Earl Grey tea cake. I'm taking both to work today, that stuff's not going to be in my house, lol. And I'm going to take in the rest of the cinnamon rolls, my coworkers will love me today, :lol: But both recipes turned out well, I tried a bit of the lemon filling and I took a corner off the cake this morning. They're both very good. (The lemon pie is so easy- 1 can condensed milk and .5 cup lemon juice, mixed together and put in a graham cracker crust!)

    For today! After work, I'll do my little walk for my little mental health (and the storyline!), then my chair conditioning and practice. I think dinner tonight will be the chicken cobbler from tiktok. Or maybe pasta and sausage. We'll see whether I want to stop by the store to get the biscuit mix and rotisserie chicken today.

    Tag party time:
    @krabuck girl I'm still watching the show! Trash TV every day!

    @katrose1985 it's so nice to have a treat already logged, isn't it? Takes all the illicit-ness out of them so they feel better. I love that your running is a family affair, that's so fun!

    @danikat15 yoooo I'm downloading that Finch app right now, it looks so cute!!!

    Have a great Monday, everyone!
  • CeCeFlyy
    CeCeFlyy Posts: 27 Member
    🌸Weekly Check In • 5/6🌸

    SW: 237
    LW: 236
    CW: 236.8
    GW: 165

    One thing I want to improve from last week:

    Less caffeine during my fasting hours. Making a goal of 1 cup of caffeine a day.

    One thing I enjoyed from last week:

    🌸Being back in my community 😊

    🌸I did hit 233 Friday morning and that felt nice. But, I went out drinking and had a fair amount of salt & sugar over the weekend. Hopefully it’s just bloat and with some water I’ll be back down by Wednesday.


    🌸 I pulled out my hot gurl/ summer clothes over the weekend. Happy to report they still fit, and some were actually loose.
    🌸 My sleep has been amazing!
    🌸 Personal reflection & accountability. I was reflecting on why the scale might be going up and I think it’s the spoonfuls of extra crunch PB I’ve been eating as my snack. Or, it may be lack of water. I’m going to avoid PB today and see what happens.

    May Goals:

    🌸 2 week IF streak, I found an app that keeps me on track. ✔️
    🌸 7-8 Hours of sleep a night
    🌸 229 on the scale

  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,385 Member
    @jensup tagging you in here! Let us know more about you!

    @CeCeFlyy hot gurl clothes I know that's right!!! Peanut butter gets me too, sometimes :lol: