Losing 20 in your 20's! (CLOSED)



  • misslouisee
    misslouisee Posts: 73 Member
    YAY!! Welcome to our family tree, plantgrrl!! <3

    Challenge for the week - Something cute...
    Go for a walk/jog/run around your neighborhood or wherever you want... But NOT at the gym & take a picture of something beautiful. some kind of flower, bush, tree, birds, kids playing, what have you... Post it here, or somewhere..

    Maybe we can gain inspiration from this.. To enjoy the simple things in life. :D

    Really love this challenge! Will definitely do this! I actually prefer running outside rather than gym anyway and Autumn is my favourite time of year, so good excuse to enjoy it! x
  • paulahhhh
    Really love this challenge! Will definitely do this! I actually prefer running outside rather than gym anyway and Autumn is my favourite time of year, so good excuse to enjoy it! x

    I prefer it, as well. Plus, you burn more IMO.
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    Finally checked the forum! Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I'm gonna try hard here. I'm on team Green Grapes. Go Grapes! I've been having a bad week, head cold and prepping for week long trip to Paris, France in 10 days, so probably up on Thursday. :( I won't be able to log a weight on 10/13, but I'm gonna walk like a champ in Paris and eat well but not 'til I explode and see how it goes. Then, when I get back it'll be hard core through January (when I turn 30).

    Thanks for having me! I'm gonna work hard to make the team proud. :)
  • Nikki881
    Okay, is it just me, or do the weeks seem to be FLYING by?? Tomorrow is Wednesday, and then it's time to weigh-in... didn't we just do that? Crazy!!!
  • misslouisee
    misslouisee Posts: 73 Member
    Finally checked the forum! Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I'm gonna try hard here. I'm on team Green Grapes. Go Grapes! I've been having a bad week, head cold and prepping for week long trip to Paris, France in 10 days, so probably up on Thursday. :( I won't be able to log a weight on 10/13, but I'm gonna walk like a champ in Paris and eat well but not 'til I explode and see how it goes. Then, when I get back it'll be hard core through January (when I turn 30).

    Thanks for having me! I'm gonna work hard to make the team proud. :)

    Welcome! Lots of luck with this challenge, hope you feel better soon as well!

    Ross, would it be okay if plantgrrl is away for 10/13 to log her weight the same as her previous week weight so we can still get results done?
  • mummyv811
    Okay, is it just me, or do the weeks seem to be FLYING by?? Tomorrow is Wednesday, and then it's time to weigh-in... didn't we just do that? Crazy!!!

    I TOTALLY AGREE!!!! How is is weigh in tomorrow already?! :noway:

    Welcome to all of the newbies and good luck to everyone this week! :happy:
  • cmiles23
    cmiles23 Posts: 234 Member
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Hi all you gorgeous fruits!

    Sorry for being so quiet on our forum this week - I'm still here!!

    Last week was maintenance, hoping for something good on the scale tomorrow. Oh, and i'll try and get a picture of something puuuuurrrty on my run tonight!!

    Hope you're all keeping well

  • LemonSocks
    LemonSocks Posts: 238 Member
    Good morning, all! I don't know where this week has gone. I swear it was Friday just yesterday.

    This week is a no change for me. After the past two weeks only being half pound losses this is not very good, BUT it was my birthday weekend so it's better than a gain. Now uni has started back up, it's time to get back on track properly.

    So yesterday I bought a new exercise bra, two pairs of jeans in my actual size (which means I can finally chuck those ugly, bigger sized ones I'd been wearing) and a pair of jeans one size down as some motivation (which is my goal size). I also bought my first pair of running shoes. I've never owned any before so I'm super excited about this. And on top of all of this, my boyfriend wants to 'bulk up' so we are going to join a gym together when he gets paid (1-2weeks time). I can feel the motivation flooding back now, so I am aiming for a proper loss next week.

    I hope everyone is feeling motivated too, and good luck with your weigh ins today! :D
  • Rioschica
    Rioschica Posts: 30 Member
    Ok something is up and I can't add my weight again! I am using my husbands laptop because mine died. So can someone please add my weight for me again? 150. Thanks!

    Also, I will be out of town next week on vacation, but I will be back for weigh in on Oct. 13th. Just letting you know Ross...maybe just add my weight from this week for next weeks weigh in?

    Good luck everyone on your weigh ins this week! Go BANANAS!!!!
  • misslouisee
    misslouisee Posts: 73 Member
    Wish I could lose more than these tiny amounts each week!!! Grrr! Well that's 1/4 of a lb down this week lol wish it was more. But for those who measure in stones and lbs (or if you're UK) then you'll understand that it's actually a great week, as that 1/4 of a lb put me UNDER 12 stone, which is great :)
  • mummyv811
    Congrats misslouisee! That must feel fabulous! :happy: And belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to LemonSocks! :flowerforyou:

    I lost 1/2 a pound this week and I am very close to being in the 150's! Going to really push it this week and hopefully be there next Thursday! BRING IT ON!!! :laugh:

  • misslouisee
    misslouisee Posts: 73 Member
    Oh, I am on holiday next week but I get back on Thursday (in evening UK time) so will update then or Friday morning, just an early warning! But I am still here and keen :D
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    Lost 0.2 this week, which is fine because I was eating sick people food most of this week (hot noodle soup) and had a pint of ben and jerry's earlier this week. I'm hoping as I start to feel less icky for this coming week, so I'll be able to get back to the gym. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • NMandaMarie
    NMandaMarie Posts: 234 Member
    Well, I lost a pound, but I'll be honest and admit it's the same one I found last week. :ohwell:

    I know why I haven't lost: I'm not eating enough, not drinking enough water, not getting enough sleep, and not excerising. I've had NO motivation. :grumble: I just want to be under 200! :sad: Quick, someone send me your motivation, stat!!
  • healthyhappy123
    So disappointed in the darn scale this morning! I'm up .4 lbs grrrr. I thought I was doing well, especially since I've changed up my workouts and have been pushing myself harder. I'm not going to get too down though because I just started TOM last night and I also think I'm gaining muscle. Just frustrated that I'm not helping out my teammates! Hope everyone has a great day today!

    Rio- that sounds like a good plan to me. I'll do it right now so I don't forget!

    Plantgrrl (Katie)- I will do the same for you when you are away on 10/13.

    Paulahhh- Loving the challenge! Will be sure to complete it once it stops raining!

    Thanks for the heads up everyone!

  • cmiles23
    cmiles23 Posts: 234 Member
    lost .8 of a lb............. I was really hoping id be down from 131 to the 129's since I peeked at the scale tuesday and was at 129.7....... but I have faith that next week I will be....... so determined right now!!!!!!!!! Nmanda- i go up and down all week, you can do this i ahve faith in you!

  • BttrflyKisses925
    BttrflyKisses925 Posts: 43 Member
    SW: 260.8

    challenge SW: 248.8

    CW: 245.4 - 3.4 lb loss :D

    please let me know if I did the spreadsheet thing right lol
  • boyslie72487
    boyslie72487 Posts: 181 Member
    Well I stayed the same. Can't blame the scale, I blame my bum foot and lake of motivation :explode: I've also been more concerned on my fiance's weight lose journey that I haven't really been taking care of myself. However he is down 8 lbs so I'll give myself a small pat on the back :wink: can anybody suggest some exercises I can do that don't involve standing or walking? Congrats to lose who lost and to those who gained or stayed the same, there's always next week! Go Peaches!!!!
  • paulahhhh
    Since I've been doing my running outside, instead of inside a gym... AND it's been super hot lately... I found my "secret" as to losing more. I sweat more under the heat, and I run faster.

    I thought I hit a plateau earlier this week, but I said "*kitten* that!" Ran my *kitten* off ;] -4.7 since last week.