

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 466 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Good job on the walk and tracking. Too bad about the AC. Enjoy your group call and happy Mother’s Day.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,090 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yes, I didn't know it until I moved to Southern California. The meal was really good! Wow, a frito taco salad sounds good. That sounds like good food. I hope you enjoy it.

    @theslightedgeforever That's interesting, I didn't realize it either! For Mother's Day in Mexico, here's some info I found:
    "Why May 10? Because back in the day, the 10th of the month was “pay day” in Mexico, meaning that everyone could afford a little extra to buy mom a gift or take her out for a fancy meal."
    "Often, children gather outside the house on the morning of Mother’s Day to serenade mom with a song. “Las Mañanitas” is a favorite tune, with appropriate lyrics that translate to “Because today is your day, we’ve come to sing for you.”"
    It looks like it's celebrated very similarly to the US: flowers and gifts and a feast.
    Great job Friday. That's sweet about the song your kids sing you. Too bad about your AC, I couldn't sleep without ours.

    Hi all. Happy Mother's Day to you if you are a human mom, a dog mom, a cat mom, or just a mom in some other way! We plan on going to the zoo's early hours for members this morning and walking around a bit. We may go to one of the city's many dog parks later today. That's about it. Oh, food last night was really good. I only had one serving and I tracked it as best as I could.

    Water yesterday: 12 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,414 Member
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 466 Member
    @trooworld Good job on food choices and tracking. I plan to do the same tonight. I really wish people wouldn’t prepare so much food as it makes it so hard. But I know that I have to adjust. I bet the zoo was fun. Hi, all. I just got off the bike. There were 2 Peloton workouts that were Mother Day related. It’s so much fun to pedal to good music! I haven’t seen my children yet but I got lots of nice messages and funny memes.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    @fabgeekmom I hope you had a good Mother's Day meal. Any meal we don't have to cook I think is a good one. lol I know when I go to a gathering with lots of food, I take spoonfuls but then when I enter everything in I can't believe the calorie count. For a while I was looking at everything and picking my 3 favorite things to eat and then just enjoyed a regular portion. But of course I always had someone coming up why didn't you try MY (fill in the blank). I learned to say, I'm kind of full right now maybe later. Yaaay on your bike

    @trooworld I love that history on Mexican mother's day. So sweet. Good job on tracking what you could.

    @gemwolf110 Such a pretty graphic with such a nice meaning. Yes, all kinds of moms out there.

    Yesterday: 61 oz water, stayed with in food boundaries and was a rest day for exercise.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,090 Member
    @gemwolf110 Thank you and Happy Mother's Day to you!

    @fabgeekmom Thank you. Yes, it is hard. The zoo was a lot of fun. Good job with the bike. Music makes a big difference!

    @theslightedgeforever Yes, it's interesting. I was talking about Mother's Day with my Spanish tutor yesterday and she didn't realize that our Mother's Day was not the same day as hers. Thank you. Great job Saturday!

    Hi all. I hope you had a great Mother's Day. The zoo was fun, I was able to stay for 2 hours before my knee started bothering me enough to leave. That's longer than most times lately. My favorite part of the zoo yesterday was seeing the keepers weigh the meerkats, they tricked them into getting on the scale by putting a treat on the scale and feeding the others treats at the same time so that they wouldn't get on the scale, too. My other favorite part was seeing a couple of keepers walking a porcupine. We went to breakfast after that and I did not make a healthy decision. I had a Spanish lesson after that and then we took the dogs to a dog park where they enjoyed running around with a few other pups their size (it was a park only for small dogs). We came home and sat on the porch for a while before I made dinner. By the end of the day, I had walked 9,846 steps and my foot did NOT hurt so yay!

    Water yesterday: 20 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    edited May 13
    @trooworld Yaaay on all those steps you got and a bonus is that your foot didn't hurt. Woohoo. I love the pics. I love meerkats but then I liked that porcupine too. I need to come visit your zoo. Ever since I read that book about giraffes going to the San Diego Zoo I've wanted to go see it. The pugs are so cute. Especially that last pic with the tongue out.

    I gained 0.3 this week. So onto next week.

    Water 70 oz
    Food: I was 23 carbs over and 125 cals under
    Exercise: 19 min treadmill 21 min outdoor walk 11 min stretching

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 466 Member
    @trooworld I loved the pictures of the zoo and your dogs. That was great that your foot didn’t hurt. Occasionally we eat a meal that is not he’s and that’s ok. @theslightedgeforever Sorry about the weight gain. Luckily it wasn’t much. And you’re exercising so that’s good. Hi, all. I had a great Mothers Day yesterday. My children gave me some scented candles and a subscription to Storyworth. Every Monday I get an email with a question to answer and in a year I get a book with my responses. I’ll give it to my granddaughter. I ate too much last night. Everything was good and I’m over it now. Tonight my son is making steak fajitas. He’s marinating skirt steak in pineapple juice, soy sauce and garlic.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,593 Member
    Afternoon all, Well last week was a bust for various reasons, but here I am ..this is the last week of school and I am jumping up and down. LOL. It really breaks up my day to go there at 7:45, get home at 8:15, then back again at 10:45. I will enjoy the leisure. LOL

    @fabgeekmom So glad you had a wonderful mothers day. It was good you enjoyed the food and are over it. LOL. Steak fajitas sound yummy!!

    @trooworld Glad you got to enjoy the zoo for a couple of hours..looks like your pugs were tuckered out too. LOL. I could never work at the zoo feeding the animals..I am a scaredy cat!!

    @theslightedgeforever Sorry about the gain, but it's not much and you have been working out..maybe you have gained a little muscle?

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 466 Member
    @cbabie I understand your happy anticipation of school being out! I remember feeling that way when my children were in school. I hope this week will be better than last.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,090 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Yes! Thanks. Yes, you do...our zoo is amazing AND we are getting back giant pandas, some time this year. I read that book, too, recently and loved it. Thanks, I love my little furry babies! Sorry about your gain. Good job Sunday.

    @fabgeekmom Thanks! Yes, I'm very pleased about my foot. Thanks. I'm glad you had a good Mother's Day. Storyworth sounds cool. I love fajitas. I usually make chicken fajitas in the air fryer. Is he making yours on the grill? The grill would be even better.

    @cbabie Yay for the last week of school! Yeah that would break up a person's day. My pugs WERE tuckered out, they enjoyed themselves lol. I would be afraid to feed the big guys or the snakes and spiders.

    Hi all. We had the teriyaki chicken burgers last night and they were so delicious, I highly recommend that recipe. We didn't even add any optional Yum Yum sauce or mayo, just had it as is: I had a migraine yesterday, I had it over the weekend off and on, but it seems so much worse when you have to sit and concentrate on something. I went home early and shut the blinds, took some medication, and took a nap with the hopes that it would do what it usually does: get rid of the migraine. But no, I woke up with it still. I feel a little better today but I can tell it's still there.

    Water yesterday: 64 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,593 Member
    Morning all, went for a walk as the sun went down. Ate okay, but could have been better. Tonight we are having Salmon...which I can't stand, but it's a favorite with the family. LOL

    @trooworld I hope your migraine goes completely away. Those are for sure no fun. I think there weather here adds to the tendency to get headaches, My adult child woke up with one this morning.
    Recipie sound yummy, thanks for sharing.

    @fabgeekmom I am sure it will be better, every day is one day closer to no school..LOL. I hope you are having a good day today too!

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 466 Member
    @trooworld I hope you are feeling better. The chicken burgers sounded good @cbabie Good job on the walk. I’m going to have salmon later in the week. Hi, all. I had a busy morning. I went on a short walk and then went to the pharmacy to pick up some prescriptions and then to the grocery store. I found out that they gave me someone else’s prescription so I had to return it and get the correct one. Ugh! After lunch my cousin came over and we had a nice visit. She brought me some chicken meatballs that I put in the freezer for another time. Tonight we are having crab legs for dinner.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,090 Member
    @cbabie That sounds like a nice walk. Did you go by yourself or with the kids? I love salmon lol. Thank you, it's still there a bit. Yeah weather is definitely a trigger for me.

    @fabgeekmom Thanks, a bit.Oh gosh, that sounds like a busy day. Too bad about the mix-up with the prescription. That was nice of your cousin. Yum, crab legs!

    Hi all. My migraine is mostly better but there is a ghost of a migraine still there threatening to come back. At least I was able to work all day yesterday. Food was okay, I had breakfast in the cafe at work which I have given myself permission to do once a week. I had a scramble.

    Water yesterday: 64 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,593 Member
    Morning all, I didn't go for a walk yesterday, it was a crazy day. I was exhausted for some reason. Today I have so far eaten on task..but you know the late night always gets me. We are going bowling tonight, so no need for a walk... :)

    @trooworld It will be nice, when your migraine is completely gone. Scramble is could have had dougnhuts..LOL

    @fabgeekmom Oh that stinks about the's nice you have family that can come over for a visit. I have family here, (my husbands side) but we don't really see each other and that is really probably a good thing. LOL

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    @fabgeekmom That Storyworth sounds neat. I'll have to look into it. My mom filled out a book like that. I was the opposite and couldn't wait til school started.

    @cbabie Too bad you couldn't go to a gym after dropping her off and do some cardio and weights three times a week. Do some errands or just go to a coffee shop and read a book with any remaining time. Gaining muscle would be nice or holding a bit of water since I have increased it so much. My body might be saying save all you can, we might not get this much again. Bowling sounds fun. You also have our side of the family in your area.

    @trooworld I heard about the giant pandas. That's exciting. Yaaay on your increase in water. I'll add the recipe to my list. I hope your migraine goes away.

    Last night I had a girls night watching a movie at someone's house. We saw Mother of the Bride. It was a sappy feel good movie. I thought I did well on my snacks til I entered them in. I should have been entering as I ate or preentered. I even gave up dinner so I'd have extra calories but still went over. Lesson learned.

    Had dentist appt and cleaning this morning. Ouch. I even put on some relaxation music to help my anxiety. I thought I had a big cavity but it's just part of the filling.

    Food-Over 485 calories
    Water-68 oz
    Exercise-12 min treadmill 35 min strength training

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 466 Member
    @trooworld Glad your migraine is better. I hope it completely goes away. It was good that you could work. The scramble sounds good. @cbabie Enjoy your bowling. Exercise is fun when you find something you like. Keep up the eating on plan. @theslightedgeforever It looks like you learned a lesson about tracking. It helps! I like to pre track. I don’t always eat as I tracked but I eat less than I would otherwise. Hi, all. Today was a swimming day. I got everything ready for dinner so all I have to do is pan fry some chicken burgers and cook frozen French fries. I mixed some sun dried tomatoes, chopped onions, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper in some low fat ground chicken. I am loosely following an ATK recipe but left out the melted butter. We’re going to eat the burgers with goat cheese and balsamic glaze.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,090 Member
    @cbabie Bowling, I haven't done that for years. I hope you had fun! Yes, it will be nice when it's fully gone (it's still there). Yes, I could have had donuts! LOL

    @theslightedgeforever Yes, I can't wait. Thank you. Sorry about going over. You had good intentions. Cleanings always hurt me even though I'm pretty good with my dental routine. Sorry about the anxiety. Good job with the water and exercise!

    @fabgeekmom Thank you. Yes, I'm glad I could go to work. Good job with the swim. The burgers sound good.

    Hi all. My migraine is still there but I can go to work, it's not too bad. I heard on the news the weather person said that there are still electromagnetic disturbances in the atmosphere and I really think that is why I still have this migraine. We spontaneously got a pizza last night. I did not do well with it but only went over by something like 68 cals.

    Water yesterday: 64 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    @fabgeekmom I agree with you on pretracking. Problem is in a situation like I had didn't know what I was going to be served. She initially said popcorn and then when we got there there was a whole spread. Next time I can take a moment once I'm there and look and choose and enter them into my food diary before putting them into my mouth.

    @trooworld Glad your migraine is manageable. Next time like me, you can pre-enter your pizza and decide how many slices you can eat before going over. It's good you kept it to 68 cals though.

    Food-under 1 calorie
    Water-85 oz
    Exercise-30 min hill program on treadmill 12 min stretching

    I'm going to be working next week on increasing my intensity in my workouts so I can have more Zone 2 minutes. That seems to be where the magic happens. I can get them on my hill and sprint programs but not just regular walking on my strength training days.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 466 Member
    @trooworld I agree that weather affects us. My joints can testify. Good job on the pizza. You didn’t go over much and I’m sure you enjoyed it. @theslightedgeforever That is hard when you don’t know what is being served. You’ve got the right idea for next time. You’re doing a good job on food and exercise. Hi, all. The weather is nice today so I went for a walk. I’m sitting outside now and just enjoying the nice weather. We had chicken burgers from last night for lunch. I saved calories by eating mine on a high fiber wrap. Tonight my son is grilling salmon with an orange glaze. We also have salad and corn on the cob.