Thin for the Holidays Group



  • TokiDokiGirl12
    TokiDokiGirl12 Posts: 73 Member
    @Debs- such an awesome NSV!!! Great job!!! I love that feeling! :happy:
  • TokiDokiGirl12
    TokiDokiGirl12 Posts: 73 Member
    Hello everyone. Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!!!

    I weighed in this morning at 182......up a little but not quiet a lb. Its all due to TOM.....Uggghh. Im going to continue drinking my water, eating right, and try to incorporate more exercises and I know I will see a drop at next week weigh in. Look forward to hearing from you all! Enjoy your day/week!

    You're doing awesome and on your way to reaching your Halloween goal. TOM is definitely hard to track with all the water weight :) Have a great week!
  • TokiDokiGirl12
    TokiDokiGirl12 Posts: 73 Member
    Just wanted to say that I hit my Halloween goal of 155 today!! Yippee!!! I think I'm going to have to re-adjust my goals but it makes me feel great to keep on track. I have always tried quick diet fixes and they never worked. This time, I'm eating the right foods, exercising and happy with my steady progress! Thanks everyone for all of your support and we will finish the year strong!!! :) ***HUGS***
  • @tokidokigirl: Thank you!! :). And congrats to you for reaching your Halloween goal already!! That is fantastic work!! :D
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    @tokidokigirl: Congrats on meeting your goal early! =D =D =D
  • Weekend was cool.

    I weighed in Saturday (I forgot about it Friday, lol) and I was down 4lbs! Which is cool, but seems a bit much for me. I think my scale is lying to me. But I can't afford a new one the one have will have to do since I bought it already :P.

    Bit of an NSV weekend too. Less than a month ago, my boyfriend made me buy a size 16 jeans. I tried them on when I bought them and well, to no surprise, they didn't fit me. I forced them buttoned but that was it (no zip possible lol). Then this Sunday I tried them on out of curiosity, and SWEETNESS they actually buttoned and zipped. They were a little snug, but they still fit!! I'm still pretty psyched about it lol. This just makes me happy. When I got those jeans I bought 2, but one was a size smaller than 16 I think cause those wouldn't go past my thighs lmao. But I can't wait to see my progress in those. I thought I would be discouraging, but it's not. It makes me want to work harder to wear my other jeans!! Lol. *mega-nerd*

    Way to go and congrats on the 4lbs. It may be true. Sometimes the scale don't move and then later, boom, it finally catches up. LOL. Good job on those jeans. They will be falling off of you in no time!!!
  • FINALLY!!! I've lost 1.5lbs since my last weigh in. I've been avoiding the scale and on Monday I weighed myself and it was still the same, but today down 1.5! :) Now I don't regret eating that twix bar last night!

    Way to go. BTW- I love twix bars too!!!
  • Is this group still open?

    You can jump in. Please post your goals.
  • Just wanted to say that I hit my Halloween goal of 155 today!! Yippee!!! I think I'm going to have to re-adjust my goals but it makes me feel great to keep on track. I have always tried quick diet fixes and they never worked. This time, I'm eating the right foods, exercising and happy with my steady progress! Thanks everyone for all of your support and we will finish the year strong!!! :) ***HUGS***

    That is amazing!!! Great job!
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Hello Ladies!! How is everyone doing? Well it October, time to kick it up for Halloween goals. I am still having a hard time just losing a pound or two. Man these last 10 pounds are a killer to get off! Everyone have a great day and week.:smile:
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,175 Member
    I'm hoping to have a good month!
    Weight is still 146.4 pounds.
  • Hello Ladies!! How is everyone doing? Well it October, time to kick it up for Halloween goals. I am still having a hard time just losing a pound or two. Man these last 10 pounds are a killer to get off! Everyone have a great day and week.:smile:

    Hello!!! Im going great. I did not weigh in this week so I am hoping to see at least a 3lb lost on Monday. Yes, its time to kick it up for October. Good luck losing and enjoy your week as well!
  • I'm hoping to have a good month!
    Weight is still 146.4 pounds.

    You can do it!!!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,175 Member
    Thanks. Weighed in today 149.2 lbs. Gained back 2.8 lbs. I hate being "on the road"!
  • Woo!! I am down 4lbs this week!! Finally! Took me two weeks for that. Lol. Just that much closer to my Halloween goal. I can't remember what I said that was gonna be, I left my paper with my goals at work, haha. But I think I need maybe less than 10lbs to go. I think I can do it! :P
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    I weighed in yesterday at 143.2! Thats a little over a pound away from my Halloween goal. :happy:
  • Woo!! I am down 4lbs this week!! Finally! Took me two weeks for that. Lol. Just that much closer to my Halloween goal. I can't remember what I said that was gonna be, I left my paper with my goals at work, haha. But I think I need maybe less than 10lbs to go. I think I can do it! :P

    Great job!!!
  • I weighed in yesterday at 143.2! Thats a little over a pound away from my Halloween goal. :happy:

    Way to go!!!
  • I weigh in this morning at 182.4.....I am up 1 lb. I got to lose 4.2 lbs before Halloween. I got to kick it in gear to reach that goal. Game face on!!!

    Hope everyone enjoy their week!
  • Hello.................

    Where is everyone? I know the weather is beginning to change and so is the time (uggggh) but don't give you yall. We have come to far. Only a few more months left to go. I am struggling to meet my halloween challenge but I am not giving up yet. I am going to post some daily exercises I am going to try and do everyday or at least 4 days a week. You guys are welcome to join if you like. It will be a mixture of abs, strength, and cardio. Since I don't go to the gym, I got to kick it up to get this weight off.