What book are you reading?



  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,344 Member
    edited April 21
    Just read LE Modesitt Jr's Quantum Shadows. I usually like his stuff. This one, less so. Better than his Spellsong Sorceress books but it is likely toward the bottom on my ratings list.

    Also read The Cold Eye by Laura Anne Gillman and Starter Villian by John Scalzi.

    The Scalzi is hilarious. He usually is. This one (and Kyjou Preservation Society [sp]) are really terrific. All of his stuff is (though, some people don't like profanity and his books may need some sort of warning).

    I think I'd read the Gillman before, it's worth reading, especially if you've read, and liked Silver On the Road. I was thinking this was the third book, which I haven't read but it's the second. Very Weird West (American Wild West + Magic + Monsters). This series reminds me a little (setting wise) of Territory by Emma Bull, which I liked a lot.
  • tuddy315
    tuddy315 Posts: 11,383 Member
    edited April 24
    And Then She Was Gone by Rosalind Noonan; also reading Lust Killer by Ann Rule
  • AdahPotatah2024
    AdahPotatah2024 Posts: 1,260 Member
    edited April 28
    The Great Depression: A Diary
    Benjamin Roth, James Ledbetter (Editor), Daniel B. Roth (Editor)
    In the early 1920s, Benjamin Roth was a young lawyer fresh out of the army. He settled in Youngstown, Ohio, a booming Midwestern industrial town. Times were good - until the stock market crash of 1929. After nearly two years of economic crisis, it was clear that the heady prosperity of the Roaring Twenties would not return quickly.
    As Roth began to grasp the magnitude of what had happened to American economic life, he set out to record his impressions in a diary - a document that would grow to span several volumes over more than a decade. Penning brief, clear-eyed notes on the crisis which unfolded around him, Roth struggled to understand the complex forces governing political and economic life. Yet he remained eager to learn from the crisis. As he wrote of what is now known as the Great Depression, "To the man past middle life it spells tragedy and disaster, but to those of us in the middle thirties it may be a great school of experience out of which some worth while lesson may be salvaged."
  • Yourmomsproblem
    Yourmomsproblem Posts: 144 Member
    A court of frost and starlight
  • Hoax89
    Hoax89 Posts: 214 Member
    edited April 28

  • tuddy315
    tuddy315 Posts: 11,383 Member
    The Tattooist of Ausehwitz by Heather Morris
  • itchmyTwitch
    itchmyTwitch Posts: 4,019 Member
    While I chaperone my youngest at his warhammer thingy
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,344 Member
    The Lady in the Glass by Anne Bishop. I mostly like everything she's written, so this anthology is no different.

    Betrayals by Kelley Armstrong. I don't generally like her stuff, swore I was done reading her books and got sucked in. Still don't like her and am appalled by her basic lack of human anatomy function (severe concussion = severe pain, no sexy kissy cuddles when suffering from severe concussion, stab wound, recent (successful) CPR, and possibly hypothermia). And I'm not halfway through it.

    Magic Tides by Ilona Andrews--more a novella--which I liked a lot. They always make me laugh.
  • jbs116
    jbs116 Posts: 758 Member
  • jbs116
    jbs116 Posts: 758 Member
  • tuddy315
    tuddy315 Posts: 11,383 Member
    edited May 27
    jbs116 wrote: »

    I have enjoyed all of his books that I've read. I just recently finished American Black Widow and The Amish Wife. I've also read this one.
  • LilithReigns
    LilithReigns Posts: 225 Member
    Posting here because I am not currently reading anything but would love some suggestions. So if you see this and care to reply please do :)

    I prefer thrillers/suspense, interesting historical, and fantasy.

    but I also have a weakness for self help books and romance!
  • itchmyTwitch
    itchmyTwitch Posts: 4,019 Member
    Posting here because I am not currently reading anything but would love some suggestions. So if you see this and care to reply please do :)

    I prefer thrillers/suspense, interesting historical, and fantasy.

    but I also have a weakness for self help books and romance!
    Atomic Habits for practical advice without a lot of crazy

    Night Circus for a beautiful environment
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
  • R3d_butt3rfly_
    R3d_butt3rfly_ Posts: 1,559 Member
    Finished Do You Want to Know a Secret by Freida McFadden a few weeks ago and moved on to The Ex by her as well. I'm stuck on this author atm but I think after this one I'm done...maybe.
  • AdahPotatah2024
    AdahPotatah2024 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I am on a book buying ban til I read all the books I already have on the shelves...first one is Gertrude Stein "Three Lives"
  • AdahPotatah2024
    AdahPotatah2024 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Posting here because I am not currently reading anything but would love some suggestions. So if you see this and care to reply please do :)

    I prefer thrillers/suspense, interesting historical, and fantasy.

    but I also have a weakness for self help books and romance!

    John Cowper Powys!:D
  • Traquette
    Traquette Posts: 41 Member
    Currently listening to "Disparue à cette adresse" (Take your breath away) by Linwood Barclay
    Audiobooks are great for running ! I'm getting to the end, it's entertaining but I find the style very repetitive.

    My bedside book of the moment is "Pandemia" by Franck Thilliez... SO picked it for me because I loved some other books from the same author, but I'm having a hard time getting into it so far...
  • AdahPotatah2024
    AdahPotatah2024 Posts: 1,260 Member
    The Year of Less by Cait Flanders...I hope she'd be okay with the fact I bought her book for 25 cents at the library. 😬
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,344 Member
    I just finished Illona Andrews Clean Sweep and Ine Fell Sweep. I'd read the next if I could find it. I re-read half of Magic Triumphs a few days ago (figured I would read a few pages and could put it down...forgot how much I enjoyed it).