🌷 Just Give Me One Month - May 2024 🌞



  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 350 Member
    May SW – 57.0kg
    May Start Waist – 77.5cm

    Mini Goals May:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 1kg in weight
    3. Lose 1cm from my waist (will measure at the end of the month)

    1 May – 56.8kg
    2 May – 56.8kg
    3 May – 56.7kg
    4 May – 56.7kg
    5 May – 56.6kg
    6 May – 56.8kg – Sunday night wine uptick.
    7 May – 56.6kg
    8 May – 56.5kg
    9 May – 56.5kg
    10 May – 56.5kg
    11 May – 56.6kg
    12 May – 56.6kg
    13 May – 56.5kg
    14 May – 56.4kg
    15 May – 56.3kg
    16 May – 56.2kg
    17 May – DNW - away
    18 May – DNW - away
    19 May – DNW – away
    20 May – 56.3kg
    21 May – 56.1kg

    Had a lovely walk in the sunshine yesterday. Slept much better last night and cough is less annoying but I feel totally devoid of energy. I have lots of stuff to do so have made a list in order of priority and am going to set my phone on 30 min alarm to get me off the sofa and tackle each task in turn. Once each is done, then I’ll reset the alarm. That is the plan. First alarm set.
  • kebass01
    kebass01 Posts: 67 Member
    3/27: 172.2
    4/1: 168.0
    GW for end of may: 150
    GW for 6/14: 145
    UGW: 128

    5/1: 159.2
    5/3: 158.8
    5/5: 158.0
    5/7: 157.4
    5/9: 157.0
    5/11: 156.4
    5/13: 156.0
    5/15: 155.4
    5/17: 155.0
    5/19: 154.0
    5/21: 153.4

    Ugh so sore. Got an inflatable pool and a splash pad for the little one Sunday and my hamstrings are feeling it. Did my 60 minute treadmill yesterday, but I was gassed and my heart rate showed it on my watch. I took it easy and ran less just to listen to my body. Trying to stay tight on the calories to get to my end of may goals, it’s hard.
  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 214 Member

    Heaviest Weight: 210 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165
    May Goals:
    Continue to recover from Knee surgery and build leg strength
    Get in cardo and strength training 4 times per week
    Get scale closer to 200 by end of month.(whatever that number might be as long as its not going the other way)

    May 14 208.6
    May 15- 209
    May 16- 208
    May 19 __too afraid to get on the scale

    *Did not weigh on those days missing above

    May 20- 204.3 (shocked at this number but cautiously optimistic and hoping it won't shoot back up

    May 21- 202.9-
    had a big workout yesterday, got really hungry by afternoon (between2-4pm), ate a lettuce wrap with sandwich meat and carried on into the evening with a number of farm chores. Had two cookies after a dinner of protein and veggie.

  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 566 Member

    Heaviest Weight: 221 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165
    May Goals: Walking 2-3 miles daily | Get to, and stay under, 205

    May 1: 211.5
    May 2: 210.7
    May 3: 210.9
    May 4: 210.5
    May 5: 211.5
    May 6: 211.9
    May 7: 211.5
    May 8: 211.3
    May 9: 212.3
    May 10: 211.4
    May 11: 211.8
    May 12: 212.7
    May 13: DNW
    May 14: 213.1
    May 15: 212.4
    May 16: 212.5
    May 17: 212.5
    May 18: 211.5
    May 19: 210.5
    May 20: 211.0
    May 21: 211.4

    Despite my left knee, I've been walking on the treadmill. I am going to take a rest day today and do chair exercise instead, to give my knees a break. Feeling mostly better since the weekend. I've been eating more rice due to my stomach, and that is registering on the scale. But I'm trying. I just wish I wasn't so hungry at night. I might need to up my protein with dinner.

    @HappyDonkey75 Welcome to the group! I hope you will find inspiration here and make some new friends in this journey. It's typical to see a weight drop in the beginning -- it tends to plateau or stablize after a few days. Salty food, irregular bathroom cycles, etc, all that can cause the scale number to go up for seemingly no reason. Just know that if your overall pattern is a lower number, you're doing ok. Some people use things like Weight Grapher (weightgrapher.com) to map their weight loss. MFP also has a graph you can look at to visually see your overall weight loss. Sometimes it's easier to see the progress over time with a visual.

    @SofaKween I hope you begin to feel better. Congrats on maintaining during travel - you did great!

    @kebass01 Enjoy the rest day, hopefully the muscles will be feeling better tomorrow!

    @Plasicage Enjoy your vaca. Hopefully as you said there will be more food choices where you're headed. You're doing great for two vacations in one month. Just keep going!

    @kellyswimmer We tend to go off plan on Saturdays, often something salty, and it really can take a couple of days for that to fade from the scale. It's crazy how much salt affects that number. Hang in there!
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 653 Member
    starting weight 12.09
    Goal weight this month 12.04
    Overall goal weight 9.10

    I am going to try to weigh every day

    06/05/2024 12.09
    07/05/2024 12.06 water loss
    08/05/2024 12.06
    09/05/2024 12.05
    10/05/2024 12.04 going out for a meal tonight so thinking weight gain over the weekend
    11/05/2024 12.04
    12/05/2024 12.05
    13/05/2024 12.05 been on track most of the weekend
    14/05/2024 12.04 wine last night celebrating middle daughter passed her driving test
    15/05/2024 12.04 need to cut out the wine
    16/05/2024 12.06 bad day yesterday. Husband took daughter to A & E yesterday (she is fine) but I ended up snacking instead of having a meal. Then he brought pizza back at 11.30 pm and I ended up having a slice and more wine
    17/05/2024 12.04 back down again
    18/05/2024 12.04
    19/05/2024 12.04
    20/05/2024 12.05 salty food yesterday. Although my target this month was 12.04 I would like to hit 12.03
    21/05/2024 12.05 still waiting for it to go down again
    22/05/2024 12.05 bit disappointed still to be a 12.05
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 566 Member
    edited May 22
    Heaviest Weight: 221 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165
    May Goals: Walking 2-3 miles daily | Get to, and stay under, 205

    May 1: 211.5
    May 2: 210.7
    May 3: 210.9
    May 4: 210.5
    May 5: 211.5
    May 6: 211.9
    May 7: 211.5
    May 8: 211.3
    May 9: 212.3
    May 10: 211.4
    May 11: 211.8
    May 12: 212.7
    May 13: DNW
    May 14: 213.1
    May 15: 212.4
    May 16: 212.5
    May 17: 212.5
    May 18: 211.5
    May 19: 210.5
    May 20: 211.0
    May 21: 211.4
    May 22: 211.2

    I skipped working out yesterday, gave myself a rest. I'll be back to chair exercises today. And I'm going to run errands and I'll get some walking around out during that as well. Have a great day, everyone!
  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 214 Member
    edited May 22

    Heaviest Weight: 210 | END OF MONTH Goal Weight 199.9 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165
    May Goals:
    Continue to recover from Knee surgery and build leg strength

    Get in cardo and strength training 4 times per week

    Get scale closer to 200 by end of month.(whatever that number might be as long as its not going the other way)

    (Beginning late)
    May 14 208.6
    May 15- 209
    May 16- 208
    May 19 _ DNW too afraid to get on the scale
    May 20- 204.3
    May 21- 202.9

    May 22 202.6- had to attend an event last night so I was worried about food and overeating. I had a protein shake ahead of time to quelch any feelings of being overly hungry and avoid lack of self control It worked because while there was a ton of food I did not feel overly tempted to eat bad things. I had one brownie and tasted a spoonful of another dessert. This is a big deal for me. Normally I would have had 2-3 desserts. I had one vodka drink as well. Feeling good about myself for this small win. and Scale is still moving in correct direction.

  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 350 Member
    Previous Months:-
    March SW – 60.5kg
    April SW – 58.8kg
    March Start Waist – 83cm
    April Start Waist – 81cm

    UGW - 54kg

    May SW – 57.0kg
    May Start Waist – 77.5cm

    Mini Goals May:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 1kg in weight
    3. Lose 1cm from my waist (will measure at the end of the month)

    1 May – 56.8kg
    2 May – 56.8kg
    3 May – 56.7kg
    4 May – 56.7kg
    5 May – 56.6kg
    6 May – 56.8kg – Sunday night wine uptick.
    7 May – 56.6kg
    8 May – 56.5kg
    9 May – 56.5kg
    10 May – 56.5kg
    11 May – 56.6kg
    12 May – 56.6kg
    13 May – 56.5kg
    14 May – 56.4kg
    15 May – 56.3kg
    16 May – 56.2kg
    17 May – DNW - away
    18 May – DNW - away
    19 May – DNW – away
    20 May – 56.3kg
    21 May – 56.1kg
    22 May – 55.9kg

    No idea why the sudden drop. Maybe it’s my body working harder behind the scenes to finally say goodbye to this cough. Improving every day, but I am so tired still.
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 653 Member
    starting weight 12.09
    Goal weight this month 12.04
    Overall goal weight 9.10

    I am going to try to weigh every day

    06/05/2024 12.09
    07/05/2024 12.06 water loss
    08/05/2024 12.06
    09/05/2024 12.05
    10/05/2024 12.04 going out for a meal tonight so thinking weight gain over the weekend
    11/05/2024 12.04
    12/05/2024 12.05
    13/05/2024 12.05 been on track most of the weekend
    14/05/2024 12.04 wine last night celebrating middle daughter passed her driving test
    15/05/2024 12.04 need to cut out the wine
    16/05/2024 12.06 bad day yesterday. Husband took daughter to A & E yesterday (she is fine) but I ended up snacking instead of having a meal. Then he brought pizza back at 11.30 pm and I ended up having a slice and more wine
    17/05/2024 12.04 back down again
    18/05/2024 12.04
    19/05/2024 12.04
    20/05/2024 12.05 salty food yesterday. Although my target this month was 12.04 I would like to hit 12.03
    21/05/2024 12.05 still waiting for it to go down again
    22/05/2024 12.05 bit disappointed still to be a 12.05
    23/05/2024 12.03 happy dance
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 350 Member
    Previous Months:-
    March SW – 60.5kg
    April SW – 58.8kg
    March Start Waist – 83cm
    April Start Waist – 81cm

    UGW - 54kg

    May SW – 57.0kg
    May Start Waist – 77.5cm

    Mini Goals May:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 1kg in weight
    3. Lose 1cm from my waist (will measure at the end of the month)

    1 May – 56.8kg
    2 May – 56.8kg
    3 May – 56.7kg
    4 May – 56.7kg
    5 May – 56.6kg
    6 May – 56.8kg – Sunday night wine uptick.
    7 May – 56.6kg
    8 May – 56.5kg
    9 May – 56.5kg
    10 May – 56.5kg
    11 May – 56.6kg
    12 May – 56.6kg
    13 May – 56.5kg
    14 May – 56.4kg
    15 May – 56.3kg
    16 May – 56.2kg
    17 May – DNW - away
    18 May – DNW - away
    19 May – DNW – away
    20 May – 56.3kg
    21 May – 56.1kg
    22 May – 55.9kg
    23 May – 55.7kg

    I think maybe the awful food whilst I was away has caught up with me as it’s the only thing that explains the loss. Climbing today - not feeling the love for it.
  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 214 Member
    Heaviest Weight: 210 | END OF MONTH Goal Weight 199.9 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165
    May Goals:
    Continue to recover from Knee surgery and build leg strength

    Get in cardo and strength training 4 times per week

    Get scale closer to 200 by end of month.(whatever that number might be as long as its not going the other way)

    (Beginning late)
    May 14 208.6
    May 15- 209
    May 16- 208
    May 19 _ DNW too afraid to get on the scale
    May 20- 204.3
    May 21- 202.9

    May 22 202.6
    May 23- 202.5- slowing progress.. hope I am not stalling
  • kebass01
    kebass01 Posts: 67 Member
    3/27: 172.2
    4/1: 168.0
    GW for end of may: 150
    GW for 6/14: 145
    UGW: 128

    5/1: 159.2
    5/3: 158.8
    5/5: 158.0
    5/7: 157.4
    5/9: 157.0
    5/11: 156.4
    5/13: 156.0
    5/15: 155.4
    5/17: 155.0
    5/19: 154.0
    5/21: 153.4
    5/23: 152.8

    Still going. Staying tight on the calories and trying to drink plenty of water. 8 days to get under 150. It will be hard, but we shall see. Did my workout yesterday and going to try to do a mile today after we go out for lunch.
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 566 Member
    edited May 23
    Heaviest Weight: 221 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165
    May Goals: Walking 2-3 miles daily | Get to, and stay under, 205

    May 1: 211.5
    May 2: 210.7
    May 3: 210.9
    May 4: 210.5
    May 5: 211.5
    May 6: 211.9
    May 7: 211.5
    May 8: 211.3
    May 9: 212.3
    May 10: 211.4
    May 11: 211.8
    May 12: 212.7
    May 13: DNW
    May 14: 213.1
    May 15: 212.4
    May 16: 212.5
    May 17: 212.5
    May 18: 211.5
    May 19: 210.5
    May 20: 211.0
    May 21: 211.4
    May 22: 211.2
    May 23: 210.9

    Scale gave me both 211.0 or 210.9. I went with the 210.9. I managed walking yesterday for 25 minutes, but I was in significant pain last night so I'll be going back to chair exercise today. I still had to get out and run errands early today so there was some walking, plus a blood draw ahead of next week's appts. A good hike from the medical center parking lot. Glad I had a decent tech for the draw. I hate bloodwork, and had to talk myself into going. <3

    @HappyDonkey75 All you can do is keep going. There are people on some of the MFP threads that have been going for years, losing .2-.4 lbs per month, but keeping at it they lost lots of weight over those years. Keep the faith that you're in this for the long term, and over time, the results will happen. You didn't gain it overnight, and you won't lose it overnight either. We're all doing this, so you're doing the right thing, and with us in this journey. You've got this! <3

    @kellyswimmer , @kebass01 & @SofaKween Congrats on the loss; keep doing what you're doing. :)

  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 653 Member
    starting weight 12.09
    Goal weight this month 12.04
    Overall goal weight 9.10

    I am going to try to weigh every day

    06/05/2024 12.09
    07/05/2024 12.06 water loss
    08/05/2024 12.06
    09/05/2024 12.05
    10/05/2024 12.04 going out for a meal tonight so thinking weight gain over the weekend
    11/05/2024 12.04
    12/05/2024 12.05
    13/05/2024 12.05 been on track most of the weekend
    14/05/2024 12.04 wine last night celebrating middle daughter passed her driving test
    15/05/2024 12.04 need to cut out the wine
    16/05/2024 12.06 bad day yesterday. Husband took daughter to A & E yesterday (she is fine) but I ended up snacking instead of having a meal. Then he brought pizza back at 11.30 pm and I ended up having a slice and more wine
    17/05/2024 12.04 back down again
    18/05/2024 12.04
    19/05/2024 12.04
    20/05/2024 12.05 salty food yesterday. Although my target this month was 12.04 I would like to hit 12.03
    21/05/2024 12.05 still waiting for it to go down again
    22/05/2024 12.05 bit disappointed still to be a 12.05
    23/05/2024 12.03 happy dance
    24/05/2024 12.05 the highs and lows of weight loss
  • jennigerding19
    jennigerding19 Posts: 282 Member
    MFP SW-234 (1/2017)
    Lowest weight 156 (4/2019)
    Restart mfp 211 (1/2021) 183 Dec 2021
    Second restart 192 (4/2023)
    I do weigh ins once or twice a week.

    Jan 1, Feb 1 193 sw
    Mar 1 194
    Apr 192
    May 194

    May 3 194. Had Taco Bell last night and am pms-ing so I’m bloated today. Hopefully will fall off over the weekend
    May 10 194 πŸ˜’
    May 17 194. Grrr but I guess better than a gain. Went to epcots flower and garden festival and tried lots of yummy food. It helps all the walking and really only try a bite of everything instead of a whole meal. Goal this week is to fill out mfp fully everyday.
    May 24 194 UGH. I have been putting in my data everyday this but it was a super stressful week at work so I didn’t workout but once and had a drink after work three days this week. Goal is to keep putting everything into mfp and to workout. :)

    Everyone you all are doing so great! Keep it up. I know it is hard and will be harder with summer and get togethers and bbqs with all the yummy summer foods.
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 566 Member
    Heaviest Weight: 221 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165
    May Goals: Walking 2-3 miles daily | Get to, and stay under, 205

    May 1: 211.5
    May 2: 210.7
    May 3: 210.9
    May 4: 210.5
    May 5: 211.5
    May 6: 211.9
    May 7: 211.5
    May 8: 211.3
    May 9: 212.3
    May 10: 211.4
    May 11: 211.8
    May 12: 212.7
    May 13: DNW
    May 14: 213.1
    May 15: 212.4
    May 16: 212.5
    May 17: 212.5
    May 18: 211.5
    May 19: 210.5
    May 20: 211.0
    May 21: 211.4
    May 22: 211.2
    May 23: 210.9
    May 24: 210.9

    @kellyswimmer I hear you. <3
    @jennigerding19 I'm sorry it's been a crazy week. <3

    Happy Friday, friends!
  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 214 Member
    Happy Friday Ya'll. I made it a whole second week of tracking food , sticking to my routine and continuing to drop. Feeling pretty accomplished.

    I am so appreciative to have this place to come to for words of encouragement and motivation. Having a place to go , be accountable to and see others are also walking through this journey makes me feel less alone in it. So thanks to all.

    @ManifestingToday thank you for the uplifting feedback. It means alot and very much appreciated.

    I saw a photo of myself from 2018 and gosh I looked so fit and young . Then I saw a very recent photo of myself and I nearly cried. I didn't recognize myself. I am feeling pretty shameful and embarrassed. I guess that alone is motivation enough to keep going and knowing I have to be in it for the long haul if I want to get back to that girl again.

    Heaviest Weight: 210 | END OF MONTH Goal Weight 199.9 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165
    May Goals:
    Continue to recover from Knee surgery and build leg strength
    Get in cardo and strength training 4 times per week
    [ Get scale closer to 200 by end of month.(whatever that number might be as long as its not going the other way)

    (Beginning late)
    May 14- 208.6
    May 15- 209
    May 16- 208
    May 19 _ DNW too afraid to get on the scale
    May 20- 204.3
    May 21- 202.9
    May 22_ 202.6
    May 23- 202.5
    May 24 -201.8
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 350 Member
    Previous Months:-
    March SW – 60.5kg
    April SW – 58.8kg
    March Start Waist – 83cm
    April Start Waist – 81cm

    UGW - 54kg

    May SW – 57.0kg
    May Start Waist – 77.5cm

    Mini Goals May:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 1kg in weight
    3. Lose 1cm from my waist (will measure at the end of the month)

    1 May – 56.8kg
    2 May – 56.8kg
    3 May – 56.7kg
    4 May – 56.7kg
    5 May – 56.6kg
    6 May – 56.8kg – Sunday night wine uptick.
    7 May – 56.6kg
    8 May – 56.5kg
    9 May – 56.5kg
    10 May – 56.5kg
    11 May – 56.6kg
    12 May – 56.6kg
    13 May – 56.5kg
    14 May – 56.4kg
    15 May – 56.3kg
    16 May – 56.2kg
    17 May – DNW - away
    18 May – DNW - away
    19 May – DNW – away
    20 May – 56.3kg
    21 May – 56.1kg
    22 May – 55.9kg
    23 May – 55.7kg
    24 May – 55.6kg

    Climbing was okay although they have changed all the routes and I have discovered I don’t like a challenge! Nice walk in the sunshine in the afternoon. Today I have a weights workout. Gotta earn the Friday wine :)
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 653 Member
    starting weight 12.09
    Goal weight this month 12.04
    Overall goal weight 9.10

    I am going to try to weigh every day

    06/05/2024 12.09
    07/05/2024 12.06 water loss
    08/05/2024 12.06
    09/05/2024 12.05
    10/05/2024 12.04 going out for a meal tonight so thinking weight gain over the weekend
    11/05/2024 12.04
    12/05/2024 12.05
    13/05/2024 12.05 been on track most of the weekend
    14/05/2024 12.04 wine last night celebrating middle daughter passed her driving test
    15/05/2024 12.04 need to cut out the wine
    16/05/2024 12.06 bad day yesterday. Husband took daughter to A & E yesterday (she is fine) but I ended up snacking instead of having a meal. Then he brought pizza back at 11.30 pm and I ended up having a slice and more wine
    17/05/2024 12.04 back down again
    18/05/2024 12.04
    19/05/2024 12.04
    20/05/2024 12.05 salty food yesterday. Although my target this month was 12.04 I would like to hit 12.03
    21/05/2024 12.05 still waiting for it to go down again
    22/05/2024 12.05 bit disappointed still to be a 12.05
    23/05/2024 12.03 happy dance
    24/05/2024 12.05 the highs and lows of weight loss
    25/05/2024 12.03 scales acting weird this morning started at 12 stone then 12.01 third time stepping on 12.03 so I took that weight
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 350 Member
    Previous Months:-
    March SW – 60.5kg
    April SW – 58.8kg
    March Start Waist – 83cm
    April Start Waist – 81cm

    UGW - 54kg

    May SW – 57.0kg
    May Start Waist – 77.5cm

    Mini Goals May:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 1kg in weight
    3. Lose 1cm from my waist (will measure at the end of the month)

    1 May – 56.8kg
    2 May – 56.8kg
    3 May – 56.7kg
    4 May – 56.7kg
    5 May – 56.6kg
    6 May – 56.8kg – Sunday night wine uptick.
    7 May – 56.6kg
    8 May – 56.5kg
    9 May – 56.5kg
    10 May – 56.5kg
    11 May – 56.6kg
    12 May – 56.6kg
    13 May – 56.5kg
    14 May – 56.4kg
    15 May – 56.3kg
    16 May – 56.2kg
    17 May – DNW - away
    18 May – DNW - away
    19 May – DNW – away
    20 May – 56.3kg
    21 May – 56.1kg
    22 May – 55.9kg
    23 May – 55.7kg
    24 May – 55.6kg
    25 May – 55.7kg

    Usual Friday night wine uptick.