
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Thanks Barbie - Happy June to us all!

    kim in n. california
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    Morning ya'll
    No I saved the chipmunk yesterday morning,he spent the evening under the fridge and then made a run for the border,with the cat and dog in hot pursuit, but he climbed up the screen on my slider,I shoed Alfie out of the way went out to the patio ,closed the patio door and the little guy was able to escape.
    So everything worked out..
    Ive been logging my food for a few weeks now ,and I plan on keeping up with it..but I just can't get the sleeping down at night..the cat,the dog its a mess.. so I end up falling asleep around 4 am to 8 or 9 and and groggy the rest of the morning.
    Heather- so glad the surgery is behind you and because you are good about exercising im sure it will be a speedy recovery..
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,913 Member
    Jenn - I need to make quite a few scrapbooks. Ive made a few scrapbooks, I need to do something for myself now. 😂

    Annie - I think talking to your therapist is best before opening anything wounds that you may have trouble closing.
    The seniors centre for your Dad will be such a help for you. You need those breaks even if you just stay home and nap.

    Heather - so happy to hear you are doing well.
    My grandmother’s doctor wanted her to have her hips done in her 70’s she didn’t think she would have too long to deal with the pain so chose not to. When she was 92 she told me how much she regretted that decision. If I’m ever offered I’ll be doing it.

    Lisa - I love that song. I feel you and I could sit and talk music, painting and probably much more for long periods of time.

    Lanette - I don’t know that there is a perfect healthcare system, I am mostly happy with ours here in Canada but it is in crisis right now and needs some help. If they started looking at whole health I think some costs would actually go down.

    Machka - interesting studies being done, I’m also following studies being done out of Queensland Brain Institute.

    Allie - I have bought a splint based on your recommendation a few months ago, it sure has made a difference with that. I also roll the bottle, and do calf exercises. I had it feeling better, but the practicum and being on my feet 6 hours a day has it all aggravated.
    Happy that you get that chipmunk out of there, they can cause a lot of damage in a short period of time. Even electrical fires.

    Debbie - I hope you have a nice visit at your mom’s. Has the roommate moved out yet?

    Terri - I can’t be trusted in a craft store either.

    Sue - Thank you. I download that app. I know I snore, I would like to find something that helps it. thanks for the info.

    Barbie - thank you so much for another month.

    Machka - I hope you have a mild winter.

    Beth - I hope you find the right place for your mom.
    That’s amazing how quickly the changes are happening with your hearing.

    Last night I made notes and then started watching a Netflix series and forgot to post it.

    Today is the first weekend that Rodger is working and I’m home. I have laundry started and will do some light cleaning. I wanted to go buy a gazebo canvas today but I think I best wait for next pay to do so.

    The rodeo is here this weekend, we are going to go this evening and walk around for a bit. We aren’t interested in seeing the actual rodeo, but there is a trade fair and midway. Since I’ll be walking this evening I’ll be lazy most of the day.
    It’s the only way I can keep my foot pain manageable. I wish it would heal, I miss being active.

    Tracey in Edmonton

  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    I don’t know how many saw my post yesterday, but everything has changed for the better! I stepped on something a while ago that was stuck in the bottom of my foot. Last week the bump started growing and hurting when I walked so I made a doctor appointment. Long story short, the doctor dug around and couldn’t get it out. I had an x-ray and we were waiting to see what was in my foot.Good news - her digging and fiddling must have gotten out, because the x-ray show nothing in my foot anymore! I still have the lump - but I can walk and even if it hurts - I know that nothing is being pushed deeper in my foot - because nothing is there! So that is a massive load off.
    I have neopathy in my hands and feet - so she is making sure I have enough D vitamin - and I do. So that’s good. I can just take 1 vitamin a day now. And I was taking my medication all wrong. So she changed the method I am taking it. So, over all a good visit even though I had to have my tetanus shot and my blood sucked. Just a chronic condition that I can manage.

    Heather - I’m glad everything went well! Keep us posted on your progress and recovery!

    Lisa & Machka - It must be the evergreens or city dirt then. It was too gross. I had lines hung up and everything. Hopefully I can hang laundry at our next place.

    Machka - That app looks pretty cool. Congrats on meeting your goals!
    - I have SAD - seasonal affective disorder. It’s very common in the PNW. I started sitting for 1/2 an hour in the morning under a light lamp made for SAD and drank my morning coffee and read the news, or whatever, and it really made a big difference. I don’t know if that would help you all or not. I also added a lamp to my office because I lost my window. Last winter I had a window and that was really great. I hate losing 3 + months SAD because of lack of sun. I feel for you.

    RVRita - good luck on your blood tests!

    Lisa - It took, I’m not kidding - 45 minutes to drive to the doctor’s office. Then it took 1/2 an hour to drive to the imaging center for the x-ray. It makes me feel silly that we would be concerned to live further out. But, if we call 911, we should have an ambulance in 7 minutes. It’s such a balance.

    Positive for today - I can keep exercising at my current level!
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 966 Member
    Thanks for the new month, Barbie!

    I don't have much to report. I'm ordering a bunch of new clothes and sending most back. Maybe 1 of 8 or so items works. Saves me money, I guess. Clothes shopping is painful these days and I never liked it to begin with.

    It's another gloomy day here in SoCal. Hope there's sunshine where you live.

    Tina in CA
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 966 Member
    Numer1ca wrote: »
    I don’t know how many saw my post yesterday, but everything has changed for the better! I stepped on something a while ago that was stuck in the bottom of my foot. Last week the bump started growing and hurting when I walked so I made a doctor appointment. Long story short, the doctor dug around and couldn’t get it out. I had an x-ray and we were waiting to see what was in my foot.Good news - her digging and fiddling must have gotten out, because the x-ray show nothing in my foot anymore! I still have the lump - but I can walk and even if it hurts - I know that nothing is being pushed deeper in my foot - because nothing is there! So that is a massive load off.
    I have neopathy in my hands and feet - so she is making sure I have enough D vitamin - and I do. So that’s good. I can just take 1 vitamin a day now. And I was taking my medication all wrong. So she changed the method I am taking it. So, over all a good visit even though I had to have my tetanus shot and my blood sucked. Just a chronic condition that I can manage.

    Positive for today - I can keep exercising at my current level!

    Great news on the foot!
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Thank you for the new month Barbie!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,581 Member
    Today’s gratitude: Barbie for the fresh start every morning… Thank YOU Barbie!
    As usual motivation flagged toward end of month. Will catch up with posts later.
    PT going down to once a week, mostly to keep me honest.
    Heather rejoicing to hear of your surgery and recovery. Your son wears shorts whle biking in the snow??? SMH!
    Margaret ((hugs)) for the loss off your friend.
    Lanette regarding your last good deed, “virtue is its own punishment” :devil:
    Pip :love: your patio and succulents arrangement.
    Sue wishing for your toxic tenant that she be healthy, at peace, and safely far far away… Thanks for the SnoreLab app tip.
    Allie the pic of Carmine with sMyles AND the story of the chipmunk’s salvation warmed my heart. Thanks!
    Terri you sound remarkably calm for having been without your phone for a week, then having to go through the factory reset. Brava! What is the “Juke”?
    Annie the senior center daycare is encouraging. Brava for walking with your Dad, even when he resists. Maybe other caregivers can help you find someone to Papa-sit when you need longer time.
    Beth so glad you have the joy of adapting so far ahead of the curve. Something to sweeten the bitterness of what you’re going through with your mom. ((hugs))
    Lisa in AR, had to lauch at something you said about humming birds being mean to each other. A big, beautifully colored stinker just drove off a tiny black/grey/white one. Whoops, a bigger dark just dive bombed the ruby/emerald one. Endlessly fascinating, though I’m frequently tempted to smack the agressors.
    Machka, Rita I am so with you about overcast. I can tolerate stormy or foggy days but plaing grey skies… yuck!
    Tracey :love: Jonah’s topic change :laugh:
    Tina I am so with you about shopping for clothes. Books now, that’s a whole ‘nother story.
    Belated welcome to @LisaSkuraton @Numer1ca Jean R in N, Seattle. Thankful for the good MD appointment.
    Rori, Kay, Vicki, Debbie and everyone I missed, know I read yoru posts and send my heart out to you.
    Had to google put a pillow on your fridge day, its to bring good luck. https://nationaltoday.com/put-pillow-fridge-day/
    May summary, fell back to March levels. Still really want to be leaner and stronger. Plan to huff and puff more often throughout the day and daily PT.
    average weight back up almost half pound to 133.3
    Average steps 6635 down from April’s 6875.
    PT Arms 19/31, Knees 48% Arms 61%
    Fuel sugar trended down a little in May but lots of room for improvement in total calories.
    Dedicated time with Joe, readings, BP, consistent line dance class, dog group, bone broth, vitamins.
    June plan – stronger than May.
    Move more than yesterday– daily: wii balance before breakfast, play with dogs after TT, PT either shoulders or knees if not both, walk dogs to average more steps than May 2023 (7778), twice weekly: line dancing;
    Fuel better than yesterday: daily vitamins and bone broth, same or more fiber, less sugar than yesterday.CI<CO.
    Live NOW: dailyish time with Joe, dogs, readings. Open heart and mind before mouth.
    BONG, timer went off, Joe’s back and it's time to get up off my butt and do the Wii balance games before breakfast.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD AHMOD
    June: Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 6min 52sec, 49elev, 2.88ap, 79ahr, 93mhr, .6.16mi= 582c
    Strava app = 755c
    Walk to car show and back- 1hr 23min 31sec, 29elev, 1.94ap, 87ahr, 110mhr, 3.53mi= 405c
    Strava app= 433c

    9.69 total miles

    Total cal 987

    No gym or spin today
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    Hi everyone. I have had a pleasant day, in warm sun. Did my usual local Saturday shop. Spent time catching up on my journal, and did the strength spreadsheet and May report for Sole Mates (the walking group I belong to)

    Beth: It’s great that you are doing well with the implants.

    Heather: Good to know that you are up and moving a little. My niece made me promise to ask for pain relief when I needed it, as she said that suffering in silence wasn’t helpful for recovery.

    Machka: Those photos are stunning. The upside of my recent enforced reset of my devices is that the clarity on the screen and the performance is greatly enhanced as Apple installed the latest operating system on bot iPhone and iPad.

    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    Machka - I hope you have a mild winter.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    They say it will be mild, but Rhody has a good, thick undercoat this year, so I wonder!

    I am hoping we'll get a decent amount of rain, but not so much that we're flooding.
    Numer1ca wrote: »
    Machka - That app looks pretty cool. Congrats on meeting your goals!
    - I have SAD - seasonal affective disorder. It’s very common in the PNW. I started sitting for 1/2 an hour in the morning under a light lamp made for SAD and drank my morning coffee and read the news, or whatever, and it really made a big difference. I don’t know if that would help you all or not. I also added a lamp to my office because I lost my window. Last winter I had a window and that was really great. I hate losing 3 + months SAD because of lack of sun. I feel for you.

    I also have SAD. Way back when, when I lived in Canada, I used to go to a tanning salon and spend time in the tanning beds regularly each winter. I would leave the tanning salon feeling great! They were such mood lifters. Of course, they've been banned now, probably with good reason. So I might have to look into a sun lamp.

    A few years ago I went to a 9 day fortnight - every other Friday off - and that helped a bit because I was able to be in our house which has 4 big windows in the living area, or outside in the garden if the weather was nice that extra day.

    I'm hoping this winter will be a bit better because, in addition to every other Friday off, I work from home one day each week. Even being able to sit right next to a large window helps.

    Our new house has a lot of windows too. That was a must for me!

    Numer1ca wrote: »
    Positive for today - I can keep exercising at my current level!

    Yay!!! :)

    M in Oz