Ages 70+



  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,474 Member
    Uh oh.... I've been trying to up my walking since my knee has healed. It left my leg muscles weak and in need of strengthening. I worked up to 2500 steps a day. Not a lot but was better than what I've been doing. So, Sunday I walked around the flea market and ran some errands to get my steps in and yesterday I was so tired I couldn’t do anything but lay around all day. Today I'm still tired. On top of that, I have a heart condition and started feeling a pressure sensation mid chest last night, took a nitroglycerin tablet and it went away. The Cardiologist changed my medication and said I’d need another heart catheterization if this continues (I have 2 heart stents from 9 years ago). So.... I think I need to back off a little. Not going to do much today and keep my little pills handy. He's on vacation and if I need a heart cath, I want it to be him. I’ve been thinking that if there’s a problem, they probably couldn’t restent me and I’d need open heart surgery. I’m not sure I’d want that but I guess it’s better than having a heart attack… but I could still die from the surgery. We really must appreciate every day we’ve been given because we don’t have an unlimited amount of time... And I think I need to take it easy today. The chores can wait.

    Rest up there will always be chores to do but you are more important.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    Options sorry to hear of your health issues. Hopefully having a rest day will help.

    Raining again today so no outdoor activities planned.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,479 Member
    @BarbMessimer Take care and rest. Every day is a new day. Very true Barb; to appreciate each day as it is given to us. Our time clocks are only wound once.

    Rainy days here and forecast for the next five.
    Lots to do inside. However the other day I crashed out for the majority of the day. My body needed a rest. I am finally realizing that I cannot do the activities (mentally and physically) that I used to do, not only years ago but even a year ago. This year I am feeling my age. Yesterday I felt more rest, though I feel I pulled a muscle in my rib cage; so today we are off to the Rec Centre. DH to get his workout; me walk and maybe hot tub.

    Have a healthy day everyone B)

  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    jonni82014 Hopefully your pulled muscle will heal quickly. Hot tub will be relaxing I'm sure.

    Cut grass yesterday and yard looks nice again. Hubby decided to cut the grass in our other yard after I had finished. I'm not able to do both yards in the same day as I find bouncing around on the lawn tractor for that long of a period too hard on my back. Glad he did it.

    Beautiful sunny day again today. Off to get groceries. Checked my garden and I see peas,lettuce and carrots are up. Will try to do a bit of hoeing in the coming days.

    BarbMessimer....Thinking of you. Hope you are doing well.

    Enjoy the day.
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,474 Member
    Hope things improve @BarbMessimer.

    Warm in the UK today
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    annliz23....Good morning. Enjoy your warm day!
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    annliz, so glad to see you here!

    Thanks, everyone for your concern. A heart catheterization was recommended, and I opted to leave the hospital and have it done by my #1 rated Cardiologist (who I've been seeing for 9 years) on Monday, June 10th. If there's anything wrong, I trust him. In the meantime, I'm not doing anything strenuous. I'll keep you updated.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,479 Member
    @BarbMessimer trusting your visit to the Cardiologist will go well. It is so important for all to have a team of positive, trusting people place and things in our life.

    @annliz23 Welcome back.

    Over the last couple of days I took a course of Tylenol every 6-8hours, the pulled muscle has subsided. I'm feeling well. I am at my happiest when the aches and pains that I feel, go away quickly.

    On another note my 11 year old grandson received a President's Education Gold Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence 2024 signed by the school board officials, and President Biden.
    Why I am mentioning this is because we are proud and, all of the times when we ask Z "how is school" "it's just.. OK" Meh. He would sooner go play, and mountain bike and talk circles around us about how much fun playing and mountain biking is. He is a quiet wonder. His older brother got the same award three years ago, he is a very serious and bookish young man. Just goes to show that different personalities can achieve the same thing.
    Children remind us of this. Pace ourselves we will get to the goal in our own way on our own time.

    DH has a Dr. appointment, tidy up the house,

    Smoked salmon and salad for dinner.

    Have a healthy day everyone B)

  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    BarbMessimer...I hope your procedure goes well on Monday and you have a speedy recovery.

    jonni82014...Congrats to your grandson. It is so wonderful to see our grandchildren (and children) make achievements in their lives.

    Just enjoying my second cup of coffee this morning then will be venturing out to the garden. Planning on doing a bit of hoeing as can now see my rows coming up. Always feel a bit of satisfaction when plants start popping up. Looks like another sunny but windy day.

    Enjoy your day.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    @jonni82014 ... I'm sure you're very proud of your grandson... What an outstanding achievement! He must have inherited some smart genes from you! Glad your muscle is better.

    @Joy1580vb ... I know how you feel about growing plants. I love working with my plumerias and seeing and smelling their pretty blooms. I care for them like they were my children... each one is special. I like to bring them in the house for decoration and to freshen the air.I9729ykkcgt0j.jpg
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    Update: Heart procedure can't be done on Monday. The office is working on rescheduling, but it'll be next week... might even be Wednesday. I hope so as I have a nice luncheon that's been on the books for a while for Tuesday and I'd like to be there. I'm feeling fine. Will keep my friends here posted.
  • ssfx50
    ssfx50 Posts: 7 Member
    Good morning, ladies. Just checking in to wish everyone a pleasant weekend. Very hot right now in Florida. I'm tending my beautiful flowers on my front and back deck, but otherwise staying in the air conditioning! I'm losing weight at a consistent and easy 1 to 1.5 pounds per week using calorie deficit only, so all is well on the weight loss front. As of this morning, I've lost 33 pounds (since January), so definitely good progress. I have 28 pounds to go to reach my goal, and I'm feeling very confident. My husband's descent into dementia as his cancer advances is challenging and really limiting my freedom, but we're handling it and getting through it a day at a time. All in all, no complaints, and life is good.
    Barb, I hope your procedure goes well. Take care of yourself. I have a heart condition too and all the monitoring and management is annoying but necessary.
    Joy, I'm right there with you. I have an eclectic assortment of potted and bedded plants--some vegetables but mostly flowers and ferns etc. My house and yard look like jungles. My plants bring me such joy by just sitting there being happy. I also have my three (big) dogs that remind me to enjoy life minute to minute. Dogs are such wise creatures and good friends.
    Jonni, grats to your grandson. I know how proud you must be. I have one granddaughter who just turned 13. She is the light of my life. We enjoy late night talks with LOTS of laughter. Good for the soul :)
    Have a wonderful day everyone and please keep sharing your ups and downs. I enjoy following along, even though I don't post often.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    BarbMessimer Absolutely beautiful pic of your flowers.

    ssfx50 Enjoyed reading your post. It sounds like you have a very positive attitude even though dealing with life challenges. I have two dogs that give me enjoyment also. One is a border collie/lab cross and the other is a little 18 pound poodle/terrier cross that was abandoned in our area and ended up in our yard so we decided to keep her. Pop in any time and let us know how you are doing.

    Cool here this morning and overcast. Covered my tomato plants last night and it got down to a chilly +3 C so glad I did. Did a bit of hoeing and will go out again this afternoon weather permitting. Everything looks like it is up except for potatoes. Nice to see my rows.

    Enjoy the day.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    @ssfx50 ... I enjoyed reading your post. So, you're in Florida too so you know what a heat wave we're having. My plumerias love it but my water bill might just break the bank. (It's due and I shudder to think what it will be.) Losing 33 pounds since January is outstanding! Way to go! If you're like me, I don't eat very often and since I limit how frequently I eat, I'm real picky about the food. I need the most nutrition I can get from the number of calories, so I only eat good healthy whole foods. I crave cold, crisp salads and have one every day, and how wonderful that you have a sweet granddaughter and a relationship that makes both of you happy. That's what life is all about!

    @Joy1580vb ... Thank you for the compliment on my flowers. My family has had Border Collies for years, and they're so special. My son has ADD and PTSD and his BC "Star" keeps him more stable. He adores her, spends lots of time throwing the frisbee with her, and she loves him to death. (She loves Grandma too... lol) Very smart!

  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    I'm down again today for a total of 8.5 pounds lost in 3 weeks. I'm really proud of myself and so encouraged to continue on with the food and the way of eating that's working for me. It took me 3 years to figure it out but I'm on the right track now. Everyone is different and once they find what works for the, just be consistent and follow their plan... for life. Wishing all my friends here success!
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    Hi everybody, so can I join this group? MFP has informed me that they are getting rid of their Newsfeed, which I liked very much because I didn’t have to be too chatty, just like peoples’ progress and occasionally comment. I am bereft! I’m definitely in this age group. Right now I’m maintaining but if I lost 17 more I could get down to my pre-pregnancy weight from 1986.That was a long time ago!
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    Hi everybody, so can I join this group? MFP has informed me that they are getting rid of their Newsfeed, which I liked very much because I didn’t have to be too chatty, just like peoples’ progress and occasionally comment. I am bereft! I’m definitely in this age group. Right now I’m maintaining but if I lost 17 more I could get down to my pre-pregnancy weight from 1986.That was a long time ago!

    Absolutely!!!! We have a nice group here of ladies within a similar age, and we understand the difficulties we face in losing weight and becoming healthier. I didn't start this group but I'm a regular poster. Post often and we'll root you on!
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    oceanmelody...Welcome to our group! So nice to see other like minded people dropping in.

    BarbMessimer...Well done on your continued weight loss. Your eating plan is definitely working for you

    ssfx50...You are doing amazing with your weight loss. I have 29 lbs to lose and it is coming off but very slowly.

    Looks like a beautiful sunny day today. Was overcast and rainy yesterday and actually turned the furnace on. Managed to get out to my garden and do a bit of hoeing before the rain started so pleased with that. The odd potato is starting to pop up. I'm hoping I'll be able to hoe in that area later today. I think the danger of frost is over with so will uncover my tomatoes for the last time and put my covers away.

    Making bread buns this morning as soon as I finish my coffee and get off of here.

    Enjoy the day.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,479 Member
    edited June 9
    Good morning

    @oceanmelody Welcome.
    We are a very positive group that encourages all to "do" whatever is necessary to achieve their health and wellness goals.

    Our family has had Golden Labradors for years. We do not have dogs now; however; we do have about six living in our immediate area. We have gotten to know one another quite well. Plus when we walk in the River Valley or our residential neighbourhood there is familiarity seeing the same dogs walking as well. One incident in the River Valley a well known dog bounded up to DH for a good pet and scratch. Animals are very therapeutic, loyal, good friends.

    My weight number is stable; I would like to release more.I am disappointed at the scale number.
    I am active. I do exercise frequently. I go to the Seniors Centre fitness room 2XWK and the Rec. Centre 3XWK. Free weights, Cable Weights, Stretches and Walking. I treat my workout routine as a job. Show up; get it done.
    Yardwork and housework included.

    Is it about the scale, shape or overall health markers? Probably all are involved however, I still focus on the scale number. I should step back and take a look in the mirror to see that my body shape is more defined in some areas. Except for the darn abdomen :D Rewire the brain.

    The temperature is cool. So the hardwood floors need a surface clean and a few loads of laundry.

    I will remember to take a time out. I wish I was close enough to smell the fragrance of the beautiful plumerias The fragrance of lilacs are wafting through the neighbourhood.

    Have a healthy day everyone. B)

  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    jonni82014...Don't let that scale number disappoint you. You are doing well with your exercise routine and the weight will come down. I wish I had a rec center close by but living in a rural area, I don't have access to anything like that. My exercise is mainly walking but during the summer I am quite active with yard and garden work.

    Got my dough rising in the oven for a couple of hours so going out to the garden. Have a Bosch Universal mixer so quick and easy to do. Recipe is a large one requiring 10 cups of flour and my mixer has no problem dealing with the volume.