Lose 5 pounds by Halloween Challenge



  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    I'm in. I actually hope to drop more than that, but yeah...I'm definitely in.

    My weight as of this morning: 214.2
  • I'm in :)
    SW: 175.5
    GW: 165

    I plan on counting calories and such on here and actually working out. Probably walking at night for the most part.Good luck everyone !
  • I'm in! Will post starting weight, etc. tomorrow :)
  • GymRatRaceRunner
    GymRatRaceRunner Posts: 160 Member
    I'm in. I'm currently in another challenge and to meet both that one and this one, I need to lose 5 more lbs by Halloween. lol
  • nyy03
    nyy03 Posts: 635 Member
    If anyone want to add me, feel free. :)
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    feel free to add me too, if u like
  • nwohler
    nwohler Posts: 55 Member
    This sounds exactly like what I need to get refocused! I've let exercising get away from me (I'm pretty good at being under my calorie goal), so this is perfect. I saw a few of you are starting 30DS, I think I will join you. I'll confirm my starting weight tomorrow :wink:

    Also feel free to add me as a friend, we could all use the support :flowerforyou:

    Good Luck!
  • Can I still get in on this? I haven't been part of a group yet...I think it would be good to have some others to bounce off.

    I'm currently at 140.2 lbs
    I'm doing Zumba 2-3x's per week, walking 2-4 x's per week, and I'm on day 4 of 30DS. I don't plan on changing anything up...since I just added 30DS and it is kicking my hiney!

    Thanks! Hope I can join :)
  • sissess
    sissess Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in. I've not been as consitent as I was last semester. But I'm ready to start losing, and get off the maintenence train. Right now my SW is 187 and I want my GW 180 by halloween. That's 7 lbs!!! That is what I averaged per month when tracking everyday and 60 of workout per day 6 days a week. I'm ready to get back on track to weight loss.
  • I'm in! I'll give my weight tomorrow morning (haven't checked it in a week...it has decided to plateau for the past several weeks). I've gotta shake something up...I'll let ya'll know tomorrow!

    Good luck to everybody!
  • divades
    divades Posts: 145
    Glad to see so many people up for the challenge! I know we can do this.

    Another thing that I am going to do differently for this next month is I am going to track EVERYTHING that I eat. I know that makes me think twice before I eat certain things. If I eat something I know I shouldn't, I usually don't post it. Holding myself accountable!!!
  • Gomez219
    Gomez219 Posts: 17 Member
    If anyone wants to add me, feel free. You can never have too much motivation!!! :)
  • brbetha01
    brbetha01 Posts: 179 Member
    I'm up for the challenge especially since the scale has started moving again. Here we go!

    SW: 139
    GW: 134 by Halloween (so I can dress up as something sexy!!!) :)
  • cfremon
    cfremon Posts: 44 Member
    I'm in! :D

    Starting Weight: 190.8
    Goal Weight (for 10/31): 185.8

    Currently I've been doing a lot of blues dancing and ballroom dancing (typically three to five times a week, for upwards of 3 hours in an evening), but in the last few weeks I've skipped a few nights of dancing.... and, this is the part that's killing me, I've let my diet slide entirely.

    For this challenge, I'm going to be getting back on track with my diet, and keeping up my dancing throughout the week. I've also just recently started a stone carving class, so on Wednesday nights I'm going to be getting about 3 hours of standing up and swinging a hammer.... dunno how much that'll help or not, but it's at least something.

    If anyone wants to add me, feel free! :)
  • Count me In!!!! I need some motivation.

    SW: 168
    CW: 157
    GW: 150 by 10/31/2011
    GW2: 140 by 11/31/2011
    UGW: 130 by 12/31/2011
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    I'm in! I'm going to post my weight once I weigh in tomorrow, but I'm likely going to strive for 6-7 lbs instead of 5.
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    Can I still get in on this? I haven't been part of a group yet...I think it would be good to have some others to bounce off.
    I'm currently at 140.2 lbs
    I'm doing Zumba 2-3x's per week, walking 2-4 x's per week, and I'm on day 4 of 30DS. I don't plan on changing anything up...since I just added 30DS and it is kicking my hiney!
    Thanks! Hope I can join :)

    congrats!! you look amazing.
  • definitely up for this!
    currently around 138 lbs but my scales are pretty dodgy
    also, when is the best time to weigh yourself? in the morning i'm usually 138, but by the evening i can be up to 142 or worse :s
    it's driving me CRAZY
    aiming to run 3 miles every day this week, aswell as walking to and from college (just under 2 miles each way).
    have taken up yoga, is FANTASTIC, highly recommend it!
    anyway good luck everyone xxx
  • definitely up for this!
    currently around 138 lbs but my scales are pretty dodgy
    also, when is the best time to weigh yourself? in the morning i'm usually 138, but by the evening i can be up to 142 or worse :s
    it's driving me CRAZY
    aiming to run 3 miles every day this week, aswell as walking to and from college (just under 2 miles each way).
    have taken up yoga, is FANTASTIC, highly recommend it!
    anyway good luck everyone xxx

    I weigh in the morning after my morning tinkle butt naked. Same time, same status.

    However, I will occasionally (read usually) weigh myself at night too and it is generally 3-4 lbs more than morning weight. Therefore, I have a morning weight and an evening weight....weird I know. But, I don't stress out over the number and really only track the morning weight once a week.
  • jtn27141
    jtn27141 Posts: 13 Member
    I am definitely in! I am having the same dilemma. I find I hold myself accountable when I participate in things like this. It is so hard to do it on your own.
    My current weight is 130.8
    My goal weight is 125
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