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Women 200lb+, Let’s Have A Jazzy June!!!



  • girlinkaz744
    girlinkaz744 Posts: 35 Member
    34 years old
    Starting weight: 222 (Feb, 21)
    Lowest weight: 154 (Sep, 21)
    Re-starting weight: 195 (Feb, 23)
    Goal weight: 163-168

    June SW: 166

    June 5: 165.1
    June 10:
    June 17:
    June 24:

    I’ve been maintaining for a solid month now! Hooray. I’m really happy with where I’m at and continue to focus on building muscle through exercise instead of losing more weight. When I lost weight in 2021, I was so afraid that I would gain it all back if I stopped that I ended up dropping down to something that was too low (for me). This time, I am committed to staying in the 160’s but just working on building muscle.

    This month is CRAZY for me at work. I work for a nonprofit that organizes events for teenagers with disabilities and summer time is camp season! I’ll be putting on 7 camps in the next 2 months. The good thing about camp season is that I’m usually far too busy running around to eat very much. The bad part is that logging food or intentional exercise is unrealistic because I end up working about 18 hours a day while at camp. But, it’s all part of playing the long game.. this is part of my life and a season of my job and since maintaining a healthy weight is part of my lifestyle, I need to know how to do it when life is crazy!

    The important part of me is to weigh in every day that I’m at home. That helps me track trends and stay on top of things. If I step away from the scale for too long, it starts to be a “thing” in my head that makes me nervous, instead of just a tool that gives me information. And that’s where the gaining starts because I convince myself that surely I haven’t gained THAT much… etc etc. So, daily weigh ins as much as I can helps!

  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    edited June 5
    Mmmm, made a fabulous salad for dinner tonight. I saved a portion for tomorrow as well. I’m grateful to live near a fabulous grocery store with all of the fresh ingredients and that we are fortunate enough to be able to buy them. When I sit down and do the math, this is expensive - but delicious.


    I am trying to lose weight, but in a way that is maintainable and uses intuition. My diet today was balanced and filled with many different foods. I don’t have any cravings, probably because my needs are being met. Tomorrow should be good as well, since I still have everything prepped. So I have to figure out what food I want to make tomorrow night. It is hard to prep when I have 3 big guys (2 still growing) that plow through everything I make. They finished the salad, and had the full dinner their dad made. :0

    I got in my 3 laps exercise tonight. I’m up to 1.5 miles in 1/2 an hour, which I feel is really great. I’m going to sit here for a while. Over 1/2 an hour starts to feel onerous. It might be that I do that level during the week, but add up a little on the weekend. My knee is holding. Just some pain in the first 1/4 mile, then it warms up and settles down. I just have to make sure I walk well and don’t step on a pine cone. They are everywhere!

    Regarding accountability @julieberg49 and @ssflbelle2012 - I can offer reflection, reminding of goals, and asking gentle questions. Since this is a support group, I guess we should be doing that anyway.

    @itladyee - Charissa - I appreciate your reflection (and the reminder that I need to get my foot soaking!)

    @girlinkaz744 - Very inspirational! What adjustments have you made to your foods/calories to switch from maintenance to loss? I’m still hungry and I at 1736 of food, not even including the sugar in my coffees during the day.

    *** Goals***

    Non-weight goals are to make my porridge every day and have standardized meals, with a different salad or soup added in.
    Exercise goals are to stretch 2x a day and walk 5 days a week, minimum a mile.
    Get more sleep. :)
    Weight goal - lose 4 pounds in June - so land at 210.4

    05/31 - 214.2 reaching for 212.6 to start the next leg of my journey.
    06/01. 212.6 🎆 I did it, I am starting the next leg! Whoo Hoo!
    06/02 - 212.8 the 212 stuck!
    06/03 - 211.8 - It looks like a lot of weight, but I am eating around 1600 calories a day and it is a wide variety of healthy food. I think that the 214 - 212 was just clearing out the inflammation because of the extra salt and sugar. I figure it’s going to slow to 1# a week now, which feels good to me.
    06/04 - 212.6 - up down up down - still down though overall

    SW: 216.8
    Trend - 212.6
    GW: 199 hold for 6 months
    Greater Seattle Metro Area, WA
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 70 Member
    @Numer1ca- my replacemrnt plan for pop is my cirkul. lots of flaveor choices.
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 503 Member
    edited June 5
    Well this morning is my weigh-in day and I came in at 188.5! A two pound loss but my measurements have changed only in my bust. Lost an inch/cup size. Had to order a couple of new bras (don't want to buy too much because I'm still losing). Out of the DDDs, now I am a DD. Unfortunately, my favorite bra is being discontinued (why does that always happen?) but that meant the price is reduced so in that sense it is a win. Hopefully my waistline and hips will lose some circumference too.

    I always seem to lose from the top down. The hips/legs are the last to lean out. Now I'm past menopause I'm holding onto belly fat too - didn't use to be that way. :-(
  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    Well, I’m a little disappointed with today’s weigh in. But I weight doesn’t fall off in a straight line. I am following the calorie guidelines and eating really well. So I’m sure it’s fine. Plus, I’ve increased my walk by 1/2 mile, so I may be adding a little muscle. Hopefully in the next few days it bounces down.

    This morning was my son’s doctor appointment. Because my dad had heart valve replacement, she wants him to have an ultrasound on his heart at children’s hospital. However, she doesn’t expect to see anything. If she is correct, then we get help with learning stress management and deal with his anxiety and potential ADHD. Stress almost killed my dad, so it’s good he learns to deal with it and /or make life choices about it, now.

    I work from home today. I go the peas scaffolded and watered the planters. Juncos are nesting in one planter, so I have to be careful. Neither parent was happy to see me, and they both yelled ant me. But she came back on it after I was done. I need to get the basil planted next. And set up my tomatoes correctly.

    I worked from home today and need to water one planter, add scaffolding for my peas, and see about planting my basil.

    I’m wiped, I’m going to bed. good night.

    @kristinwoods919 - Wow! I’d never heard of a cirkul before. That looks amazing!

    @lisakatz2 - Congrats on the weight loss. I swear my body is doing the same thing! What is it with the belly fat and the weight loss happening in the boobs first! Dang it!

    SW: 216.8 | May 214.4 |

    *** Goals***

    Non-weight goals are to make my porridge every day and have standardized meals, with a different salad or soup added in.
    Exercise goals are to stretch 2x a day and walk 5 days a week, minimum a mile.
    Get more sleep. :)
    Weight goal - lose 4 pounds in June - so land at 210.4

    05/31 - 214.2 reaching for 212.6 to start the next leg of my journey.
    06/01. 212.6 🎆 I did it, I am starting the next leg! Whoo Hoo!
    06/02 - 212.8 the 212 stuck!
    06/03 - 211.8 - It looks like a lot of weight, but I am eating around 1600 calories a day and it is a wide variety of healthy food. I think that the 214 - 212 was just clearing out the inflammation because of the extra salt and sugar. I figure it’s going to slow to 1# a week now, which feels good to me.
    06/04 - 212.6 - up down up down - still down though overall
    06/05 - 213.0 - oops - going the wrong way! But I’ve been within my calorie goals. Maybe I need to up my water during the day.

    SW: 216.8
    Trend - 212.6
    GW: 199 hold for 6 months
    Greater Seattle Metro Area, WA
  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    Tomorrow we are getting our new range hood. So that is exciting.

    I ordered new pants, from the same store where I bought my current pants from, with the same fit. I bought the next size lower. My pants feel kind of weird, like they don’t fit, but I keep pulling them up higher. So, it might be that I am ready for the lower size. We’ll see when they come in.

    To Do:
    At least look at the tomatoes to be sure they are OK. Set one up.
    Cook dinner

    SW: 216.8 | May 214.4 |

    *** Goals***

    Non-weight goals are to make my porridge every day and have standardized meals, with a different salad or soup added in.
    Exercise goals are to stretch 2x a day and walk 5 days a week, minimum a mile.
    Get more sleep. :)
    Weight goal - lose 4 pounds in June - so land at 210.4

    05/31 - 214.2 reaching for 212.6 to start the next leg of my journey.
    06/01. 212.6 🎆 I did it, I am starting the next leg! Whoo Hoo!
    06/02 - 212.8 the 212 stuck!
    06/03 - 211.8 - It looks like a lot of weight, but I am eating around 1600 calories a day and it is a wide variety of healthy food. I think that the 214 - 212 was just clearing out the inflammation because of the extra salt and sugar. I figure it’s going to slow to 1# a week now, which feels good to me.
    06/04 - 212.6 - up down up down - still down though overall
    06/05 - 213.0 - oops - going the wrong way! But I’ve been within my calorie goals. Maybe I need to up my water during the day.
    06/06 - 212.6 - hanging on the lower end. That’s good. A couple months ago I hadn’t even seen this number.

    SW: 216.8
    Trend - 212.6
    GW: 199 hold for 6 months
    Greater Seattle Metro Area, WA
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 264 Member
    Good morning,
    I am so happy that it is Friday! We don't have anything planned for this weekend, which is very nice. I hope to get caught up on chores, meal prep (cook on the smoker) and relax some.

    I hope the generator we ordered comes in, we are at the start of hurricane season and they are predicting an active season for us. We try to be as prepared as possible. My parents are elderly and refuse to leave. Both my husband and son are firefighters so we stay. Plus we have 3 dogs (and sometimes I have my grand-pups).

    Today the weather is beautiful (though hot and humid) so after work I will go water my garden and have a walk to get some vitamin D. Yesterday I ate my first homegrown tomato of the season and it was delicious! My cucumbers are a little bitter, I think I planted a pickling variety, next time I will stick to the burpless cucumbers. This is only my 2nd year of gardening, we planted basil, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, onion tops, cayenne peppers and eggplant. I hope to try sweet potatoes and red potatoes eventually.

    I hope you all have a good day and weekend. I am looking forward to weigh in on Monday.

    Re-started 4/24/24 - 236.2
    CW: 223.8
    GW: 165 (may adjust when I get there)

    Monday weigh in
    June 3rd: 223.8
    June 10th:
    June 17th:
    June 24th:
    July 1st:

  • jo_casey42
    jo_casey42 Posts: 117 Member
    Good morning
    I'm re-starting again. I am at my heaviest weight ever and I need to focus. I actually signed up for weight watchers this time because I thought if I was paying for it and it's worked for me in the past then I'll give it a try. I still like MFP community and challenges and things so I'll still be around. I actually signed up with a friend this time so I'm super happy to have someone to be accountable with. I'm getting married in November. I already have my dress and it fits pretty snug so I could definitely lose some pounds and it will still fit. I'm weighing in daily to keep me accountable.

    SW: 253
    CW: 250.6
    June Goal Weight: 245

    June 5: 253
    June 6: 250.8
    June 7: 250.6
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,385 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Saturday weigh in days
    35 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150
    2024 goal weight: 165
    SW 2024: 182.7

    🌼 June Goals!🌼
    🌼 June GW: 180

    🟡June SW 6/1: 183.4
    6/08: 181.7 (-1.7! 🎉🎉🎉🎉)

    🟡Log everything in grams ✅
    🟡Get >8000 steps a day ✅
    🟡Work out >3x a week ✅
    🟡Calories<1800/day ✅ average 1709

    Well, when I do (and stick to!) what works, it... works. Amazing how that happens.

    Giving myself a much higher 'ceiling' for calories to be under actually helped? Because on days when I didn't feel as hungry, I didn't eat as much, to give myself that room on days (and I knew there would be days) when I was very hungry, bottomless pit, to get to that 1800 calorie mark. That way, my average stayed under that limit, and on any given day, I didn't feel super deprived.

    Today, I go to Aldi for some groceries, put them away, pack for our trip to the ren faire, and we go to the hotel tonight, ren faire tomorrow. I'm going to have to evaluate what my options will be eating-wise while we're out there. And pack my scale, because I'm a data monster, haha.

    I think I need to schedule a pedicure for this next week, or maybe next Saturday. Need to get my feet in shape before the beach. Here's what we'll do- if I lose weight again before next Saturday, I'll treat myself to a pedicure. If I don't lose weight, I'll just have to try to do it myself.

    Tag party time!
    @lisakatz2 that's the spirit! I've always lost my weight boobs-first as well, haha, or that's what it feels like!

    @ssflbelle2012 I love that you have a weight loss buddy! That sort of thing is so motivating- you don't want to let them down.

    @embond443 I love that you set yourself a mileage goal. When I was a teen, I had a neighbor who would go for a walk every night after dinner for 2 miles, and I frequently accompanied her. It was nice. I should really institute that when the kids get a little older.

    @Numer1ca I'm so glad it helped. What do you put on porridge? As an American, I put sugar and cinnamon or eggs and hot sauce on my oatmeal, and if I have something like cream of wheat, I put butter and jam or cinnamon sugar. I hope the kid is doing good, and I love the idea of walking with the husband :heart: that salad looks so good! Stress management is so important and so underrated! Congratulations on the new pants!

    @kristinwoods919 Being done eating at 7 is a pretty good goal. When I instituted a stop time, I would brush my teeth at that time to disincentivize eating after that, haha.

    @CeCeFlyy eating lighter in the summer, yes!!! Grilling! I love it. I need to get a gas grill one of these years, I've only got a charcoal one, and that's too much hassle for the day to day.

    @jenbroussard71 focusing more on just body movement is a great goal. You'll be surprised how far you go when you let go of the standards people put on themselves. I love weekends where nothing much is planned. I won't have one of those for the next... month, haha.

    @happy_healthy_rose getting off the phone! I felt that so hard! Welcome!

    @julieberg49 yeah, gearing up for the birthday! Welcome!

    @itladyee YES FOR THE FLEX! I've realized that too. If I plan to eat a certain number every day, any poor logging or forgetfulness will put me over. Great minds think alike. :smiley: I'm so excited for my work trip, haha.

    @girlinkaz744 yes daily weigh ins! I'm just the same- if I avoid the scale, it starts to be like... active avoidance because I don't want to know, haha.

    @jo_casey42 congratulations on the upcoming wedding! You can do this, welcome to the best thread on mfp (in my humble opinion :lol:)

    Have a great weekend, everyone!

  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    I missed yesterday. It was a hard day. I ran out of my premade salad and soup. So, my eating was sketchy. I tried to make good choices, but fell back to cheese when I was hungry. I had some cravings, which meant my base nutritional needs weren’t being met. My scale went down, .2, so I think I stayed close to my range.

    My son is graduating for college (BS Physics) , and he received an award from his department. It’s a small department but it’s still pretty awesome. It’s titled “2024 Student Success Award in Physics, In recognition of contributions to the Physics program through achievements in mentoring, service, scholarship and research.” So, my autistic kid (which still has anti-social connotations in this society} won an award for mentorship. You can ‘t win an award for mentorship without being a caring, emotional, sensitive person. He is also planning on going to a physics conference in two weeks. I’m so proud of him. He is going to take a week to veg out, then start looking for a job and studying for his GRE. His ultimate goal is a doctorate in some sort of applied physics, most likely lasers.

    Oh, and we got the range hood put in yesterday. Unfortunately, my husband forgot to order an extender piece, so it looks really stupid and crappy. For real, the metal part that should run up along the wall to the ceiling is about a foot too short. When the room was repainted from before we bought the house, it went from being a bright salmon color with hues of orange to a much lighter version of the same color. So there is just this patch of bright salmon paint showing up along the wall for about a foot. He says “maybe I’ll put in some wainscoting. We shall see. At least I have a working range hood now. The hood itself is nice, it’s just the missing piece.

    Alright, moving forward. . .

    @jenbroussard71 - I hope your generator comes in soon! No power is no fun! Your garden sounds great. I’m a little jealous!

    @jo_casey42 - Welcome! Reflecting here will also help with setting daily intentions, reflection, and accountability.

    @CupcakeCrusoe - The calorie number is a fine balance isn’t it! Have a fabulous time at the ren faire! Do you all cook meals together in a centralized area or is everyone doing their own meals seperately?

    To Do:
    Make a soup and a salad
    Tomato’s - weed rest of back bed - pull ivy
    Cook dinner

    SW: 216.8 | May 214.4 |

    *** Goals***

    Non-weight goals are to make my porridge every day and have standardized meals, with a different salad or soup added in.
    Exercise goals are to stretch 2x a day and walk 5 days a week, minimum a mile.
    Get more sleep. :)
    Weight goal - lose 4 pounds in June - so land at 210.4

    05/31 - 214.2 reaching for 212.6 to start the next leg of my journey.
    06/01. 212.6 🎆 I did it, I am starting the next leg! Whoo Hoo!
    06/02 - 212.8 the 212 stuck!
    06/03 - 211.8 - It looks like a lot of weight, but I am eating around 1600 calories a day and it is a wide variety of healthy food. I think that the 214 - 212 was just clearing out the inflammation because of the extra salt and sugar. I figure it’s going to slow to 1# a week now, which feels good to me.
    06/04 - 212.6 - up down up down - still down though overall
    06/05 - 213.0 - oops - going the wrong way! But I’ve been within my calorie goals. Maybe I need to up my water during the day.
    06/06 - 212.6 - hanging on the lower end. That’s good. A couple months ago I hadn’t even seen this number.
    06/07 - 212.6
    06/08 - 212.4 phew

    SW: 216.8
    Trend - 212.6
    GW: 199 hold for 6 months
    Greater Seattle Metro Area, WA
  • krabuck
    krabuck Posts: 42 Member
    42, 5’10
    Evolving snack queen

    HW: 269
    SW: 266.8

    CW: 247.4

    1st GW: 220
    2nd GW: 199
    UGW: 170s

    Sunday weigh-ins

    6/02: 250.2
    6/09: 245.6

    Last week I was feeling frustrated with the fluctuation so I did not post it. Feeling better this week, and today. It’s so so hard to not focus on the scale number!! But I’m happy that even though it fluctuated up for what seemed like 3 weeks, I did not give up 🥹
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 322 Member
    Hi Everyone
    Today was weigh in day. I hope I did this logging right
    Highest weight 497
    6/2 Starting weight 260.6
    6/9 Current weight 257.2
    June loss so far 3.4

    1. I started weighing and measuring foods I ate.
    2. Logged all week long.
    3. Cut way back on wine, bread, bad desserts and tried to not snack between meals.
    4. Was accountable to my buddy friend each meal. Doing that helped a huge amount.

    I know I was not active in this post during this past week, but hope this week to be more so. Thanks to those who did comment on my one posting.
  • danikat15
    danikat15 Posts: 113 Member
    SW: 242
    5/1: 234
    6/1: 223.7
    6/9: 219.5

    Current weight loss:22.5 lbs
    GW: I don't have one. Just want to be healthier and feel better.

    I've continued getting 10k steps in every day and so far I feel like that's made a huge difference!

    Some NSV- I can wrap myself completely with a towel! I was also sitting at my daughter's violin lesson, playing on my phone. They have theater seats. I've noticed the last couple of weeks that the seats have been a bit more comfortable but I almost squeeled when I realized I was sitting with my legs crossed- not at the ankle like I have been, but like a proper lady.

    And I'm leaving for my Rt. 66 trip this week so I won't be back until July. I'm going to try being mindful with my meals and track when I can, but I'm leaving my scales home. My goal is to enjoy myself so I'll be eating all the things at Disney and enjoying some craft beer and Napa Valley wine on the way. I'll try to check in the next few weeks!
  • jo_casey42
    jo_casey42 Posts: 117 Member
    SW: 253
    CW: 250.6
    June Goal Weight: 245

    June 5: 253
    June 6: 250.8
    June 7: 250.6
    June 9: 250.4

    Thanks for the warm welcome. I've been okay this weekend. Not great but not horrible. I actually said no to cake yesterday for the first time in years. So that was a win for me. My friend who is doing the program with me is super motivating and we text each other checking in all day. We send each other recipes and stuff it's great. The scale at least is moving in the right direction. My fiancé is away all week this week and I'm off work due to a shoulder injury. It's going to be a long week. Hopefully I will stay under with my points and keep accountable. It's harder without someone watching me. When my fiancé comes back he's going to join WW too. So that will be good.

    Have a good Sunday everyone!
  • girlinkaz744
    girlinkaz744 Posts: 35 Member
    34 years old
    Starting weight: 222 (Feb, 21)
    Lowest weight: 154 (Sep, 21)
    Re-starting weight: 195 (Feb, 23)
    Goal weight: 163-168

    June SW: 166

    June 5: 165.1
    June 10: 164.8
    June 17:
    June 24:

    Hanging on to the mid-160’s and feeling good! I helped run a camp this past weekend and was in tons of pictures (taken by other people). It’s such a relief to not cringe at the videos and photos of myself that are being posted and actually feel like I look GOOD!

    I have another camp I’m running this week. As long as I pack enough food for myself, I’m usually fine. I just need to have plenty of fruits and vegetables to make sure I don’t cheat when I’m tired and hungry. No workout goals this week since it’s camp season, so I’m just trying to survive!

    @Numer1ca Everyone is different, but here’s what works for me. When I am losing, I aim for around 1400 calories/day. That gives me enough room to feel comfortable that if I mis-logged or miscalculated something, I still have about 200 calories of flexibility. For example, since I cook eggs for myself and my husband every morning, it’s impossible to know EXACTLY how much of the butter from the pan ended on my 100 grams of eggs, etc. Now that I’m maintaining, I aim for around 2000-2100/day, knowing that some days it will be more. I don’t usually eat back my exercise calories unless I have a VERY active day (burning more than 800 calories on my smartwatch) because I give myself those exercise calories as buffer to “guess”, since I’m not weighing my food anymore. I have a pretty slow metabolism, so I know I’m generally on the lower end of the spectrum as far as what my body needs vs. what I WISH my body needed! 😂
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 264 Member
    edited June 10
    Re-started 4/24/24 - 236.2
    CW: 219.6
    GW: 165 (may adjust when I get there)

    Monday weigh in
    June 3rd: 223.8
    June 10th: 219.6
    June 17th:
    June 24th:
    July 1st:
    June loss -4.2
    June Goal - 210
    End of Summer Goal - onederland!

    Had a good weekend food wise and spent some time catching up with family. NSV - My mom told me that it looked like I lost some weight. It's the first time someone has noticed and it felt great. My mom is not normally one to give compliments so it was even better coming from her.

    I've been working on my mindset lately both with food and with relationships. I have been focusing on forgiveness and letting things go. With some of the people in my life I've had to learn to set boundaries (I wish I would have learned this at a much younger age). I am learning to forgive others - not necessarily for the sake of repairing the relationship - but for lessening the burden on my heart. I feel that this work is contributing to my consistency with food as well.

    I hope you all have a successful week! I love reading everyone's comments on here.
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 83 Member
    Took a break from the forums and I have a lot to catch up on! I weighed in today and was so excited to see that I have finally made it to the 170s. I read 179.8 this morning!!! I was sitting at 180.8 for over a week now so it was nice to see it move. I am sure I am not finished seeing the 180s, but I am determined to have a downward trend.
    Congrats to all of you that have been so consistent. I am annoyed that MFP is getting rid of the newsfeed, and it's kept me from being very diligent with it in general.
    As always, keep up the hard work! Your determination is paying off!!
  • quolwy
    quolwy Posts: 73 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm excited to finally have the time to take care of myself the way I used to, thanks in advance for welcoming me in!

    I've been a full time student for the last 2 years (40+hrs/week) so I haven5 had the time OR money to devote to my physical wellbeing. I've just recently graduated and am beginning work again, so I'm excited to use this transitional period of my life to make a few extra changes that will enhance my mind and body.

    Starting June 10th


    28yo 5'9
    Starting weight: 216.4 (6/10/24)
    Goal weight: 150-165lbs
    Goal Body Fat: 20-25%

    Goals for June:
    - Start working 4 days/week
    - Walk 10k steps minimum 3x/week
    - Log meals daily and accurately
    - Tour the gym & commit to going 3x/week
    - Drink more water and less sugar
    - Treat myself once/week with an activity that will bring me joy (self date)
    - Weigh in an 210lbs at the end of the month

    I'm going to be keeping an eye out for non-weight related goals, such as gym goals or quality of life goals (for instance last flight I took the seats were small and uncomfortable, so I'd like to keep that in mind and reflect next time I take a flight so see if they feel more spacious, etc).

    I love hearing about the small wins from people as well, so it would be great for people to make the small wins apparent in their check-ins, even if they didn't have a great week!

    Excited to get started!
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 83 Member
    edited June 11
    42 years old
    SW&HW (10/2022) 230lbs
    Jan 1 Starting weight: 193.0 lbs
    July 1 Goal weight 177.8
    Ultimate Goal weight: somewhere between 150-165
    A week and a day late but will check in on Mondays

    June 3 180.8
    June 10 179.8
    June 17
    June 24
    July 1

    My June goals are:
    🔅Strength training in some capacity 3-5 days a week. (weights, squats, crunches, push ups, etc.) ❌ Just started this yesterday, we'll see how it goes for check in next week.
    🔅Walk 3-5 days a week❌
    🔅Cardio 3 days a week❌
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 503 Member
    OK, today is weigh in/measurements day and I'm here to report that I lost another pound! I am down to 187.5. I guess I should be excited, but I measured myself and I'm down one inch in the bust, NOTHING in the tummy (navel line) and a half inch in the hips! Grrrr! Now I have to look for bras AGAIN after I just purchased some new ones! At least they were on sale.