
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Allie – so sorry about Sean

    Jess just called. She’s going to bring the kittens here Fri. And Vince will go to Startown (vet) and get the other two. He’s beyond ecstatic. I’m happy, but I wouldn’t say ecstatic. I guess we just view pets differently. I love them and would never in a million years hurt them, but to me, they are still a pet. Yes, they tug at your heartstrings, but they also give so much joy. I just don’t treat them like a child.

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,990 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,789 Member
    Happy anniversary, Tracey! 37 years is a LOT, and if he still gives you butterflies, you're doing better than more than a few! 👀😜
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,808 Member
    edited June 13
    Good morning. It’s a dull, but dry morning. I’m going to flower arranging after lunch. It’s the last session before recess.

    Tracey: Happy 37th Anniversary. All relationships have rough and smooth patches 😝 It’s part of the human condition. Good luck on the job hunting.

    Pip: Hope you feel better soon.

    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,228 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I have a nasty cold today. I don't know how I can pick up dad at the senior center without exposing them. I guess I wear a mask and stay outside. I have been sneezing so hard I'm afraid I will crack a tooth.

    Well, I've had my tea, and let the dog out, so now it's back to bed.

    Have a great day! May you be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,789 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
    I’m so far behind I’m not taking notes but wanted to comment on a couple things.

    Empathy - I tend to be affected by people’s moods and can adopt them myself quite easily.
    I also tend to read a room and/or situation quite well.

    Beth - I hope your mom gets into a place quickly. What great news on your implant.

    Annie - how wonderful your dad enjoyed the seniors group.

    Self serve fountain machines - most of the fast food places here have switched to the self-serve model. You buy a cup and get free refills for that visit. However, I’ve heard that some places, even stores are talking about getting rid of self-serve, one reason for the fountain machines is exactly what you’re saying people are doing, it’s supposed to be per visit not forever. I hope they do.
    Did the doctor say what is wrong with your foot?

    Allie - such a shame about your brother’s marriage and his drinking. Hope he kicks it fast.

    Lisa - I started following your IG I should put some of my stuff on mine.

    I was given the opportunity to end my practicum this Friday as I’ll have all of my hours in. However, I’ve taken the option of continuing through until next Friday.
    I have found a couple of jobs I am going to apply to this weekend. They are admin/payroll again, but I can’t afford EI all summer and then poor wages again in the Fall. I’m hoping that over the next year the unions win some negotiations, the local school board hasn’t given a raise in 11 years. I don’t know how they get away with that.

    Tomorrow is our 37th anniversary. I don’t know where the time has gone. Some years have been very difficult, but I think overall there have been more good times than bad and you know, he still makes me laugh and gives me butterflies.

    I’ve been scrapbooking the last few evenings, and this weekend I’m going to make Freezie sleeves for the kids in the class I’m in. It’s a small class of only 17 so not a terribly large job.
    I am going to put their names on them, some of them have very unique names so I’m sure they have trouble finding personalized items.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    Happy anniiiiii!!!!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »

    And that's my morning in a nutshell! 😜👀😁 Which reminds me, I need nuts.

    That's me trying to pack for our move! :open_mouth:
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Tracey ... Happy Anniversary!!

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
    I had ham, beans, potato salad made with oil, and a small plop of mashed potatoes. Too many carbs, but what DH made yesterday. Supper was just a handful of mixed nuts and a once of cheddar cheese. I also had 1/10 of a Keto brick (100 calories but added fat and protien I was missing) only 49 calories over.

    Breakfast today was the same: Corn Chex, Almond milk, 1/2 banana, and TB almond butter for protein.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
    Today is Kitchen Klutz Day!! Who hasn’t?? Lol

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,583 Member
    Tracey - Happy Anniversary from me as well. Hope you can find satisfying employment when you are ready, wherever you end up. You had a nice break from the stressful place you worked before and now have many new skills under your belt.

    Hope everyone with the crud (Annie, Pip, Ginny et al) is feeling better. Allergy sufferers, you too. :p I've read pollen is the worst first thing in the morning so didn't hit the road for my sunrise ten minutes.

    Carol - big hugs heading your way. Repeated doctor visits dealing with your husband's illness have to be wearing.

    Heather - glad to hear of your continuing improvement.

    Lunch with M today, looking forward to it. The little restaurant we go to has started serving breakfast and is now open an hour or two earlier than it had been. M and I used to be the first ones in the door at 10 for an early lunch so we had our pick of seating. Hope it's not too crowded and noisy and we can find a spot. The food is the absolute best so don't want to find a new eating place.

    Have a super day, ladies.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State