Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 263



  • Jensmakingprogress
    Jensmakingprogress Posts: 210 Member
    Changed my username from Jenhuey01 to Jensmakingprogress.

    New round new opportunities

    RND 260 SW 222.4 EW 221.6
    RND 261 SW 221.6 EW 219.4
    RND 262 SW 219.4 EW 214.4
    RND 263 SW 215.4 EW TBD

    Same goals for this round:
    1. Drink at least 90 oz of water a day
    2. Close my rings
    3. Log my food
    4. Goal weight 209

    6/15 215.4
    6/16 215.6 I’m not happy with this. I know my activity wasn’t as high the last couple of days and I haven’t been drinking water like I should. I’m struggling to believe that small changes like water intake can have such an effect on weight. I’m going to be better about my water and just keep at it. Trying hard not to let the weight gain get me down. I know it’s not a lot, but it feels like when I get excited that I’m doing the right thing to lose weight, the scale goes back up. Time to push past the negative thoughts and keep working. It’s a lifestyle change, which means there will be fluctuations.

    6/17 211.4 I know this is 100% water weight, but I’m going to enjoy it for now. I expect the number to fluctuate some more, but if this is the push I need to reach my round goal, I’ll take it.

    6/18 214 A little more fluctuation than I’d hoped for, but I ate a lot yesterday and I ate dinner late, so all in all I’m good.

    6/19 212.2

    6/20 211.6 Happy birthday to me!! Went out yesterday to celebrate my birthday (early) and enjoyed spending time with family. Celebrating a NSV that I enjoyed going out and managed to lose a few more ounces.

    6/21 211.8 I’m going to have to kick it up a notch to hit 209 in 3 days. Even if it’s only one day, I’d be happy.

    6/22 210.8
  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 809 Member
    edited June 22
    jspecies11 wrote: »
    70 yo female; 5’5”
    SW: 127.8# (end of round 262)
    GW: maintain under 130#
    Hydration 💧 60 oz minimum
    Strength training-follow TWJ challenge 🏋️‍♀️
    Follow nutrition plan per challenge 🥕
    Move 👣🏇🚴‍♀️ daily

    6/15 128.6# 💧🏋️‍♀️👣
    6/16 127.8#💧🏋️‍♀️👣🥕
    6/17 128.0# 👣🥕
    ☘️☘️☘️ Celtics win!
    6/18 128.6# 💧🏋️‍♀️🏇🥕
    6/19 129.4# 👣
    6/20 128.0# 💧🏋️‍♀️🥕
    6/21 127.8# 💧👣🥕
    6/22 126.8# 💧🏋️‍♀️👣🥕
    Crazy fluctuations in weight this round shows me that there are so many variables that influence daily measurements. It’s the trend that matters, Species. We are still under heat advisory so getting workouts done as early as possible today - no AC and I need to get outside or I go nuts.

    Thank you @quiltingjaine for another round.

    You communicated the important point “fluctuations” much more succinctly than I did. Many variables. Trends are key.

  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,097 Member
    edited June 22

    I hope everyone is staying cool B) I have a quick question. Does anyone know the Date of Round 64? Any information would be wonderful. or any of the Rounds between 65-70?

    I tried the search engine and the farthest it want back was some 80s, 90s, and forward.

    Thanks in advance for your help. Stay cool! B)

    @IsMollyReallyHungry, Molly MFP has really messed things up. I had EVERY JGTD Round bookmarked from when I started. They are a jumbled mess now and some are missing, but if you want to read through Round 64-70 I will post the links. I'll post them this evening.

    It's very enlightening to go back that far and read the posts, your own and others.
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 351 Member
    Round 263

    Previous Rounds:-
    SW RND 254 – 59.7kg
    EW RND 254 – 59.1kg
    EW RND 255 – 58.4kg
    EW RND 256 – 57.8kg
    EW RND 257 – 57.3kg
    EW RND 258 – 56.6kg
    EW RND 259 – 56.3kg
    EW RND 260 – 55.7kg
    EW RND 261 – 55.0kg
    EW RND 262 – 54.4kg

    Female, wrong side of 65. Height wrong side of average.

    UGW – 54.0kg
    EW RND 262 – 54.4kg
    GW this RND – 54.0kg

    6/15 – 54.6kg – post Friday-night wine weight uptick
    6/16 – 54.8kg – sigh – had wine yesterday
    6/17 – 54.9kg – more wine yesterday. No more until Friday
    6/18 – 54.7kg
    6/19 – 54.4kg – back to end of round 262 and pre-wine weight
    6/20 – 54.3kg
    6/21 – 54.4kg – weights workout yesterday – rewarded by weight increase.
    6/22 – 54.9kg – Friday night wine strikes again. No wine tonight.
    6/23 –
    6/24 –
  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 809 Member