2024 semaglutide (ozempic/wegovy) support



  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,679 Member
    beach_jody wrote: »
    Hi everyone, I just started Wegovy yesterday. Looking to connect with others i have about 100# to lose. I tried Ozempic for about 2 months(if didnt go well). first I overdosed on my 1st injection, then all the other weeks I got terrible heartburn and indegestion. I hope Wegovy compound is slightly differnet and manageable for my body. I had managed to lose 70# in 6 months in 2019-20 with lifestlye changes, but then had a lot of stress and gained 20 then another 20 and another 20 each year until today. I have never been able to lost weight like I did back then and without any drugs or surgeries. Now I cant seem to lose 1 #, I am training for a 1/2 marathon and I want to keep active for cardio reasons, just need the weight to come off. anyone have any advice on running plans or weightlifting plans for running?

    My understanding is that Wegovy is just a higher dose version of Ozempic. Either way, hope it works for you!
  • maveathome
    maveathome Posts: 1 Member
    I started Wegovy on June 8, and have had no problem. Maybe slight nausea after one meal. I also had a Gastric Sleeve surgery in 2015, so my restrictions and food intake calories will be much different. I lost 4 pounds the first week and I am on week 2 as of last night. Down another 2 pounds today. So far the food noise is gone, even on 0.25.
  • deewip
    deewip Posts: 12 Member
    I have been using a compounded version of Wegovy since February of this year. I have lost 20 lbs but need to lose 45 more. But I know this has to be forever. I had to go the compound way because after several attempts I disappointingly found out that my insurance does not cover weightloss medication…no matter how much you may qualify for it. The only thing I was contending with is some nausea and constipation - until yesterday. After titrating up to the highest dose, going from 2.0 to 2.4 mg, I woke up not hungry so I still ate an applesauce and premiere choc shake. Mid morning I felt shaky so I ate a cheese stick. Half way through I got sick - first time ever on this medication. Now I am so scared to eat. Do I do bananas applesauce and broth to avoid getting sick from now on?
  • jennydowd
    jennydowd Posts: 6 Member
    Hey everyone! I started my weight loss journey at the end of Feb and lost 17 pounds on a low carb diet before starting compounded semaglutide on May 8th.

    I'm on my 6th dose (four weeks at .25 / two weeks at .5 so far) and have lost 18 more pounds on the medication, for a total of 35lbs down. For now, I walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes at a 3mph pace 5x/week, and 3x per week I also do arm exercises with 5lb weights while on the treadmill. I will ramp up my weights/cardio as my health permits.

    I did notice that I have a big drop when starting a new dose, meaning, the week I started and the week I went up in dose. Curious to see if that continues as I move up in dose, or if anyone else noticed that happening.

    Week 1: -5 lbs
    Week 2: -4 lbs
    Week 3: -2 lbs
    Week 4: +1 lb
    Week 5: -6 lbs (moved up to .5)
    Week 6: -2 lbs
  • BecomingMoreAwesome
    BecomingMoreAwesome Posts: 151 Member
    I’m Ozempic-curious.

    I’ve read that ozempic stops the “food noise” in people’s brains. I would love to just not constantly think about food the same way I don’t constantly think about other substances that can be problematic for people.

    Can anyone confirm or deny for themselves?

    I want to be someone who can know that my favorite food is in the house and not have to actively think about not eating it.
  • deewip
    deewip Posts: 12 Member
    It didn’t start calming my food noise until I got on a stronger dose. I did notice that I had a change in my normal or even favorite foods that I had liked. Those foods no longer sounded appealing to me or would make me nauseous thinking about it.
  • jennydowd
    jennydowd Posts: 6 Member
    @BecomingMoreAwesome - It definitely stops the food noise for me. Not only do I not think about food and have to remember to eat in general, when I do go to eat something - so much food is not even appealing to me anymore. I have no desire for anything fried, no sugar cravings, no heavy carbs.