What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,735 Member
    edited July 2
    Morning row in 2 seat (engine room) of the quad, only around 6.3k, a bit shorter than usual: We had one of the last season new folks in the quad with us, and she was having some atypical problems with catching crabs. ("Catching a crab" = a problem with blade placement in which the oar blade gets sucked into the water and sends the oar shaft/handle back toward your body with force. There are various potential causes.) We did some drills to work on some of that. All of that took a little longer, so we cut the distance a little.

    Evening, I got in a recreational (wider) single at the open rowing session to meander around and check off basic skills that this year's learn-to-row members need to demonstrate to qualify to participate in certain regular club activities. I forgot to start the Garmin, but it can't have been more than a couple thousand meters, if that. I did get in a good bit of backing (traveling in the direction one faces, not the usual direction); that was good practice for me. Perhaps ironically, backing was also one of the skills they had to demonstrate. :D
  • Bricklax380
    Bricklax380 Posts: 21 Member
    7/1 after work workout:
    Push Day


    Incline Dumbbell Press- 4 x 10, 10, 10, 10 progressive lbs.
    Superset Kettlebell Upwards Flys/Band Pulls- 3 x 8,8,8,
    Bench Press- 2 x Warm-Up sets, work sets- 6, 5, 4, 2, 2, progressive lbs.
    Superset Strict Lateral Raises to Seated Dumbbell Press- 3 x 10, 10, 10
    Deep Stretch of Triceps with Overhead Dumbbell Extension- 2 x 10
    Triceps Pushdowns- 4 x 10,10,10,10
    Cable Kickbacks- 2 x 10 + dropsets
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 472 Member
    Great workout this morning. Cardio, Pull Day and Core.


    46 minutes on the spin bike: HR 132/161
    35 minutes on the treadmill: HR 112/128
    70 minutes lifting weights: HR 103/131

    Prone Grip Lat Pull Downs: 10@130, 10@160, 6@190, drop set: 4@210, 6@180, 8@150
    EZ-Bar Curls: 10@55, 8@75, 6@95, drop set: 3@115, 6@85, 10@55
    Landmine Twists: 10@25, 10@35, 8@45, drop set: 8@55, 8@25
    Seated Cable Rows: 10@140, 8@170, 6@200, drop set: 5@220, 6@190, 10@160
    Resistance Band Face Pulls: 10@160, 10@170, 10@180, drop set: 8@190, 10@160
    Kettlebell Pass Around: 10@40, 8@50, 8@50, 8@50
    Barbell Shrugs: 10@185, 7@275, drop set: 5@365, 6@275, 10@185
    Straight Arm Lat Press Downs: 10@60, 10@70, drop set: 8@80, 8@60
    Dumbbell Curls: 10@30, 8@40, drop set: 5@50, 8@30
    Cable Crunches: 12@90, 10@100, drop set: 8@110, 10@80

    Shoulder Mobility Exercises

  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,756 Member
    Incline press 3x12 (40lbs)
    Decline press 3x12 (40lbs)
    Chest press 3x12 (45lbs)
    Shoulder press 3x12 (40lbs)
    Pectoral fly 3x12 (45lbs)
    Triceps press 3x12 (90lbs)
    Lateral raise 3x12 (15lbs) single arm
    Abdominal 3x12 (165lbs)

    I dropped 5 more lbs on the pec fly and my range of motion and form was even better. Really didn't decline much til the last 2 or 3 reps of the 3rd set, felt it better in my chest and triceps and was able to keep my arms straighter and let the weight back further at the end of each rep.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited July 2

    Caving. We couldn't initially find the cave we were after. So we spent a couple of hours walking down a stream looking for it. We were in the the middle of a fairly active stream, so it was hard going. The cave turned out to be a few kilometres upstream, so we went back to the car and tried again.

    It was 5 p.m. by the time we got vaguely close. One in our group was too tired to do the cave, so Joe and I went into some random little holes we found. We did 4 little caves in total, and will come back to do our goal cave later in the year.

    Climbing. This degenerated into basically parkour. It was really good fun, I actually successfully did some of the jumps.
  • Bricklax380
    Bricklax380 Posts: 21 Member
    After work workout (Garage Gym)
    Pull Day


    EZ Bar Curls- 4 x 10,8,8,8+drop set
    Hammer Curls- 3 x 8,8,8+drop set
    Concentration Curls- 4 sets 8-10 reps each arm no break
    Lat Pull Down(Rings)- 4 x 10,10,10,10
    Pull Ups (Assisted Band)- 3 x 6,6,6
    Landmine Close-Grip Rows- 4 x 10,10,10,8
    Straight-Arm Pull Down- 3 x 10,10,8,
    Push-Ups- 15 shoulder width, 15 diamond, 20 incline
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 472 Member
    Good workout this morning. Cardio day.


    84 minutes on the spin bike: HR 125/155
    45 minutes on the treadmill: HR 112/131

  • joanne1633
    joanne1633 Posts: 1 Member
    I walk my dogs every morning for a minimum of 2 hours (5 miles) should I add some weights too ??
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,864 Member
    Doesn't have to be weights, but some form of resistance exercise is essential for overall fitness, especially for people either trying to lose weight and/or getting older (so, basically, all of us lol).

    Weightlifting is the obvious example, but I said resistance. Doing pushups or pullups while resisting gravity counts; swimming while the water resists movement counts; wrestling toddlers into clothes every morning counts. (Just ask any parent!)
  • Thoovee
    Thoovee Posts: 9 Member
    Today it was 30 minutes of Soul Cycle with my friend. And also it was Leg B day concentrating on Deadlifts. Love it!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,735 Member
    Coached row, me in stroke seat of a quad. We did a bunch of 1 & 2 part pause drills, cut the cake, slow-count recovery pyramid, and some 1 & 2 minute hard interval rowing near the end to consolidate.

    Our quad had an experienced guy in bow (steering), me in stroke (setting cadence and being a "model"), and two newer rowers in engine room between us, one from last year's class, one who just got through this years. With only some minor issues in this challenging situation, the newer folks did great. The quad and 5 singles were on the water, plus coach in the (so called :D ) wakeless launch with a bullhorn.
  • Bricklax380
    Bricklax380 Posts: 21 Member
    Took a 5 day weekend. Summer hours start after holiday. Plan on doing 2 a days Friday-Sundays for the summer.

    Morning Workout at the Gym Leg/Core Day


    Leg Curl- 4 x 15,15,15,15 + drop set
    Leg Extension- 4 x 15,15,12,10 + drop set
    Precor Icarian Super Squat- 5 x 10,10,8,6,6,
    Leg Press- 4 x 10,10,8,8 + drop set
    Farmer Walk- 1 lap around gym with intervals of shrugs.
    Shrugs/Front Raises (Plate) Superset- 3 x 8,8,8
    Back Extension (Machine)- 4 x 15,15,15,15
    Ab Crunch (Machine)- 4 x 15,15,15,15

    Cut the grass, fed the trees in the orchard, weeded the blueberries and replanted a couple of tomatoes.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,756 Member
    Mid row 3x12 (145lbs)
    Row 3x12 (65lbs) single arm
    Front pulldown 3x12 (90lbs)
    High row 3x12 (80lbs)
    Lat pulldown 3x12 (85lbs)
    Bicep curl 1x12 (50lbs), 2x12 (45lbs) single arm
    Back extensions 3x12 (160)
    Abdominal 3x12 (165lbs)
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    edited July 4
    Yoga (10min)
    Dead hangs: 3-5x1minute
    Wall assisted hand stands: 3-5x 1minute

    Dan John ABC
    2 clean, 1 press, 3 squat
    24kg kettlebell
    OTM x 10 minutes
  • Spinster321
    Spinster321 Posts: 22 Member
    Did a bunch of walking outside at an event yesterday, but forgot to track it. Guesstimating around 20 minutes (and a bunch of steps), possibly more, who knows. Very sore and taking it easy today.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,756 Member
    Leg press 4x12 (140lbs)
    Calf raise 4x12 (115lbs)
    Leg curl 4x12 (100lbs)
    Leg extension 4x12 (65lbs)
    Hip adduction 4x12 (155lbs)
    Hip abduction 4x12 (140 lbs)
    Torso rotation 3x12 (105lbs) both sides
    Abdominal 3x12 (165lbs)
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,756 Member
    Bah, I just came to the realization that I somehow skipped the damn leg curl machine today. A lady was hogging it so I did all my other exercises and then... I blanked. I always do my ab thing last and so.. Off I went.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 472 Member
    Great workout this morning. Cardio, :Leg Day and Core.


    55 minutes on the spin bike: HR 129/159
    35 minutes on the treadmill: HR 118/129
    70 minutes lifting weights: HR 111/165

    Leg Press: 12@180, 10@360, 10@450, 8@540, 6@630, drop set: 3@720, 6@540, 8@360, 10@180
    Cable Crunches: 10@90, 10@100, 10@110, 8@115, 8@120, drop set: 5@125, 10@85
    Sumo Barbell Deadlifts: 8@135, 8@165, 6@195, 5@225, 3@245, drop set: 1@255, 4@205, 6@165, 8@115
    Kettlebell Pass Arounds: 10@40, 8@50, 8@50, 8@50, 8@50, 8@50
    Leg Press Calf Raises: 10@180, 10@270, 10@360
    Box Squats: 10@bodyweight, 8@35, 8@70

    Shoulder Mobility Exercises

    Then I went an mowed the yard with a push mower for 90 minutes.

    My legs were good and shot after that!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,735 Member
    I was signed up to supervise open rowing tonight. It was lightly attended given the July 4 US holiday (and an overcast evening), so I noodled around at lazy pace in my racing single, rowing circuits within sight of the dock in case anyone else showed up late. Only got in about 4k.

    Multiple power boats out. A small (6"?) wake is interesting to people in tippy boats with 4" freeboard, just saying. There were a couple of wakes quite a bit bigger than that, and one of them semi-swamped a recreational single that was out on the water.
  • Bricklax380
    Bricklax380 Posts: 21 Member
    7/4- Ride
    Something that my wife loved to do. Early morning mtb ride down the coastal trail in memory of my beloved, wonderful, beautiful wife. She would have been 54.