
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,207 Member
    edited June 27
    Vicki Thank you!

    Beth That was me in high school too! I remember not wanting to go to a reunion because I was 165. Now I am happy being in the low 160's and an inch shorter.

    Learning each system in our body has its own unique microbiome. It reminds me of when they discovered the importance of DNA. Still so much to learn in how this affects our health in positive and negative ways. So much of our modern lifestyle seems to reduce our microbiome ecosystem.

    The diet M suggests is a good place to start to encourage a healthier body

    I am still sifting through the info out there to keep my mouth healthier. I do think the using a small piece of tape over my mouth to encourage nose breathing is helping. I do not wake up with a dry mouth. I have learned the importance of healthy saliva in preventing tooth decay and gum disease. I am also trying to remember to end my meals with food that helps reduce acid from the foods I eat. Right now I am taking a small sip of aloe juice or plain water if aloe is unavailable. Too much aloe juice can acts as a laxative. Also trying to follow Rebecca's advice of not being too aggressive when I brush. I still have all my teeth except my wisdom teeth.
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,532 Member
    Deleted News Feed: I have no idea what the news feed was. Please let me know!

    Carol in GA
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,217 Member
    Today is Pineapple, ice cream cake, and Bomb pops; I wonder if there is a desert that has all 3 in it??

    RVRita in Roswell
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,217 Member
    Dinner yesterday was ham, beans, and potato salad (onions, potatoes, seasonings, tossed in avocado oil)

    Had 1/8 cantaloupe and 1 apricot with 5 macadamia nuts for a morning snack, 1 toast with butter and avocado for supper, I had an Italian ice and 1/4 cup of coffee ice cream for evening snacks. A little high on the calories, but still under my max because of exercise.

    RVRita in Roswell
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Beth, the improvement in your hearing is amazing. I am so happy for you!

    Much love

    Willamette Valley, OR
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,006 Member
    Back from the dr and now I have to wait on the script,i think I'll take a pain pill and try and nap,then go pick up the script.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all. Looks like more rain today; geez I am tired of this weather! My daughter and son-in-law had to evacuated their apartment last night as the next door neighbor had a fire. They were able to get their 2 cats captured and ended up in a motel. I think they are getting back in today. They have some water damage, but no smoke or burn damage.

    Lanette: the PA who prescribed the Ozempic did not do diet teaching but I went to “diabetes school” several years ago when I was diagnosed and I teach this content to nursing students, so I know the recommended eating plan. Also, it was changed over the phone/email because I suddenly couldn’t get my Trulicity after several years. I am really trying to focus on “real food” and the least amount of added sugar as possible. I totally agree with what you said about different people and different plans; we are all so unique.

    Heather I remember your cooking as always being magnificent. What was on the pizza? My fav home made pizza is spinach and feta cheese.

    Allie: I know the feeling; with the insurance deductible, taxes, and air conditioner, we had to cancel our July trips. It’s endless sometimes. That’s too bad about Tracy’s trip. I’m really sorry about your girlfriend. I am so glad you got to talk to her though! I hope you get your UTI fixed soon!

    Barbie: I had such a great mental image of someone sneaking up behind you with the chloroform rag! I am glad you are feeling better about the process and that you have a good friend willing to help you. I am sorry to read about Jake and chemo. I can’t believe MFP deleted the daily feed but thanks for letting me know. That was my favorite part!

    DLFK: that sounds like one crazy cat! Glad you finally got back to sleep. I hate insomnia. I can’t believe people would be so rude when you bring food or a gift…I’m glad you spoke out that one time! I agree with M that I would quit giving her gifts!

    Hi Lisa in AR!

    Kylia: you sound very busy!

    Annie: I am a book lover too. I discovered a book store nearby where every book is $2.99, you get one free just for stopping in, and after you buy 10 books, you get another one free. Teachers get as many free as they want for their class or students. They are “gently used” and mostly hardback, which I prefer. I went crazy in there!

    Carol: I’m so sorry about your knees. I have two bone-on-bones knees too but fortunately they don’t’ hurt very much. Have you tried naproxen gel or any of the other gels? They really work well and no systemic side effects! I use them occasionally on days I teach because standing gets painful. The deleted news feed was on the front page, right when you logged in. You could see auto-posts about your friends; their exercise for the day and if they were under their calorie goal. You could also post little snippets about the day, kind of an abbreviated community board. You could give “kudos” when people met their goals or did well on something. I loved it. I was way more active there than on the boards.

    Beth: I’m glad the implant went well and is really helping you!

    OK back to work for me! I need to do some review recordings then I have a student appointment at 3. Wanted to be home earlier, but oh well. I am taking some time off next week.

    Take care everyone, Meg from right-now-dry-but-threatening-rain Omaha

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,596 Member
    Beth - such great news continues about your implant. Good observation that the nutrition guidelines for diabetes seem to be based on 20 year old data, I've heard this many times. So much is coming out now about insulin resistance, lower carb diets v. low calorie diets, etc.

    Heather - exciting to hear how much and how well you are able to get around now. Good luck with that bathroom flooring. Love your back yard. Wish I could get away with it.

    Barbie - sorry Jake was under the weather, but the comfort of a dog beside us when we aren't feeling good is such a bonus. I recall my DH would lay on the sofa when he wasn't feeling well, with two little dogs - Sophie and Rosie - snoozing on him. Agree 100% about 12 Step Programs.

    Meg - I wondered if you'd had experience with Diabetes education in your nursing instruction. I'm sure you'll do fine. :) I saw photo of that HUGE hail yesterday. Glad you didn't get hit!

    Kylia - so sad your SIL doesn't have friends or anyone else to help her and drive her around and lift. Is there a home health aide she could hire? You have already taken on a lot with your husband's care due to his vision problems. Don't blame you for feeling worn out with it all sometimes and wanting to do something with your side of the family. Hopefully this too will pass and people will wake up and appreciate how much you do for them as a family member and employee. Glad SIL got the surgery rescheduled!

    High school weight & Dr. Lisa -
    I was 5' 9" back then, weighed around 155 and I thought I was HUGE. I gained about 30# my first year in college, freshman 15 and then some. Years of weight watchers on and off, I was down to around 140 and all the way up to around 200 throughout my life.

    Now, I've settled back to around 164 out of the shower at 5'8". Yes, could lose five pounds but at this point, not sure it's that important.

    I had a nice chat with Dr. Lisa this morning about A1C, the calorie/macro recommendations I got from the Diabetes Prevention coach. I told her my current macros which are 100 gm of carbs, 100 gms of mostly healthy fats (olive oil, nuts, avocados) and 100 gm of protein and minimum of 30 gm fiber. 1700 or 1800 calories a day since I'm generally pretty active.

    I asked her since I don't really have the typical signs of "metabolic syndrome", which according to the diabetes prevention literature include overweight, waist over 35", high cholesterol, high BP, is having slightly over "normal" blood glucose anything I need to worry about?

    She said as long as I'm healthy in all other respects, even if it the blood glucose stays slightly elevated "above normal", it shouldn't be a problem. Recheck in 6 months or a year to make sure nothing sneaks in to surprise us. That was reassuring.

    Some day when I'm in to see her about something, I'd like her honest opinion on how many older adults who are otherwise healthy and live into their 80's and 90's still sharp tend to run at slightly "above normal" on the A1C/blood glucose labs. Is it a normal process of aging for some? I wonder if A1C is normally ordered for older folks, or not until the signs of T2 diabetes start to appear.... thirst, weight loss, etc. I have requested the A1C testing over the years since my grandfather had T2.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,806 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Worked then stopped at the Dollar General near my home and was able to get the distilled water. Vince and I went to CVS for a prescription for him then to WalMart for these light bulbs that he wants. After dinner I’ll probably go for my walk since it was drizzling earlier

    kylia – I know how hard it is to type with kitties on your lap. Ours likes to play mahjongg. Actually, I think they like to see the tiles flying across the screen. Absolutely you are NOT being an **s for wanting to go to the graduation. Not at all. I know how hurt Jess was when Denise wouldn’t go to her graduation. Can you possibly close the shop for a week? I know a lot of places around here close for a “family event”

    The kitties’ world has expanded! See, we have a Jack-and-Jill bathroom. Up until today they were in one of the bedrooms. Well, we opened up the other bedroom and the bathroom for them. Honestly, the way they run from one room to the other that you would think it was Newton Speedway :)

    Carol – I do hope you can get the surgery scheduled soon. (((HUGS)))

    As far as going to dinner for the guy’s birthday (the place that’s about 40 minutes away). She told me the reservation is for 6:30 (I know they changed it for us) but that we could get there late. So I really feel that we should go so we will. I do have to say, tho, that there are a couple of things on the menu that look interesting

    Thank you, everyone, for your sympathies about my friend. It just s***s that I can’t be there. But I know she’s in no position to have company and her husband is not in a position for company. Well, this is part of life

    Made an apple pie for Vince last night mainly because the corn should be in soon and I want to get that out of the freezer. Unfortunately, it burned. I think the apples are still salvageable

    Beth – so happy for your hearing. How exciting it must be for you!

    Allie – so what did the doctor say????

    Michele NC
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,872 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,165 Member

    The kitties’ world has expanded! See, we have a Jack-and-Jill bathroom. Up until today they were in one of the bedrooms. Well, we opened up the other bedroom and the bathroom for them. Honestly, the way they run from one room to the other that you would think it was Newton Speedway :)

    Michele NC[/quote]

    I have given up on keeping the kittens in just the living room. They climb over each of the barriers I put up, they can go through the baby gate we have into the kitchen- I put up a board in front of it but if it isn't just right(dh can't seem to get it right) they squeeze through the end. I do make sure they can't get in there when I feed the old momma cat who stays in there. They run in there and go right to her food dish.
    I do put them in their playpen at night but not sure how much longer I will continue to do that.
    They run all over the place, chasing each other.