Healthy for the Holidays Challenge - 9/06 - 11/22



  • Getting closer to the goal! I'm down to 123.4 today :):) Which means I officially hit the 20 lbs lost mark. Here's hoping that the other ten come off easily!
  • 1erica60
    1erica60 Posts: 63 Member
    I have a small triumph to share! Actually its BIG to me! I haven't been able to exercise for approximately 2 months- first it was morning sickness than the miscarriage... But this morning I was able to do a 2 mile Leslie Sansone! It was awesome to workout again even at a low intensity!
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    WOW...glad I found thread! Today was a day with lots of physical activity. I hope I see a loss soon.

    Here is a soup that I made a couple of nights was great with some scallions and a little fat free sour cream on it.

    Creamy Chili-Corn Soup with Chicken and Black Beans
    from The Perfect Recipe for Losing Weight & Eating Great
    by Pam Anderson

    2 teaspoons vegetable or olive oil
    4 large garlic cloves, minced
    2 tablespoons chili powder
    1 teaspoon cumin
    2 cans (14.5 ounces each) creamed corn
    1 can (14.5 ounces) petite diced tomatoes
    1 can (14.5 ounces) chicken broth
    1 can (15.5 ounces) black beans, drained
    1 can (4 ounces) diced green chiles
    1 cup shredded cooked chicken
    1/4 cup chopped cilantro leaves
    Salt and ground black pepper

    In a Dutch oven or soup kettle, heat oil and garlic over medium-high heat until garlic starts to sizzle. Add chili powder and cumin and saute until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add corn, tomatoes, broth, beans, chiles and chicken. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer, partially covered, to blend flavors, about 5 minutes. Stir in cilantro, add salt and pepper to taste, and serve.

    377 calories per 2-cup serving
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    I have a small triumph to share! Actually its BIG to me! I haven't been able to exercise for approximately 2 months- first it was morning sickness than the miscarriage... But this morning I was able to do a 2 mile Leslie Sansone! It was awesome to workout again even at a low intensity!

    That's fantastic and we're so glad to have you back (and sorry for your loss). Keep up the great work and soon you'll be doing the harder/higher intensity stuff again. ROCK ON LADY! :flowerforyou:
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    You can do it Olivia!! cake walk :wink:

    I'm planning the same burn as yesterday.. I can't believe I burned 590 cals just doing Banish Fat Boost Metabolism alone, and of course it didn't count all the walking I did yesterday. I'm looking to match that tonight.

    I was at 460 cals burned in, and I was thinking, "hey that's a good burn, I'm gonna sit on the couch, watch biggest loser and knit." Then I saw this post and it inspired me to not let my friends and myself down. And, as always, watching the biggest loser is a great workout motivation because no matter how hard I'm working out, they're pushing it even harder (and hearing bob yell, always makes me go a little bit harder). So I put on my hand weights and started cardio kickboxing with all the moves I've learned from various videos I do. 30 minutes of my heart pumping nearly out of my chest. I'm feeling GREAT, STRONG and MOTIVATED to meet with 3500 calories, despite everything else going on this weekend and early next week. 1437 down, 2063 left to go! (thanks again my dear friend Leslie this is so what I needed :flowerforyou: !)
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    You can do it Olivia!! cake walk :wink:

    I'm planning the same burn as yesterday.. I can't believe I burned 590 cals just doing Banish Fat Boost Metabolism alone, and of course it didn't count all the walking I did yesterday. I'm looking to match that tonight.

    I was at 460 cals burned in, and I was thinking, "hey that's a good burn, I'm gonna sit on the couch, watch biggest loser and knit." Then I saw this post and it inspired me to not let my friends and myself down. And, as always, watching the biggest loser is a great workout motivation because no matter how hard I'm working out, they're pushing it even harder (and hearing bob yell, always makes me go a little bit harder). So I put on my hand weights and started cardio kickboxing with all the moves I've learned from various videos I do. 30 minutes of my heart pumping nearly out of my chest. I'm feeling GREAT, STRONG and MOTIVATED to meet with 3500 calories, despite everything else going on this weekend and early next week. 1437 down, 2063 left to go! (thanks again my dear friend Leslie this is so what I needed :flowerforyou: !)

    Likewise! I was sitting here trying to think of every excuse in the book why I can't work out (its late, TOM, kids are still up) but I finally got them to lay down (not sleep) and I started (and was interrupted 4 times) But I got it down. I'm ready for bed
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    My calorie burn so far this week is just, well, weak! I didn't exercise last night because I was supposed to go out but then plans got moved to tonight so no exercise tonight either. Going to try for a couple big burn days over the weekend. Glad to see everyone else really kicking it up! You guys are motivating me to try harder :smile:

    So halloween is approaching and that only means one thing....people bringing candy to work! Argh! I don't know about everyone else but this has already started at my work and I've already caught myself grabbing a piece here and there. To make it worse I've also started drinking the work coffee which requires creamer to make it palatable (35 cals a piece in those little creamer guys) and I've started back on drinking the free hot cocoa at work (50 cals in each pack of sugar free). So between a coffee, a couple of those "one won't hurt" candies, and a hot cocoa later I can easily be adding 200 or so calories. Starting today I'm issuing myself a NSV challenge-for the next week I will not have any of those things! I will go buy a nice black coffee if I want one and I will find something healthy if I want something sweet-keep those mini 3 musketeers away from me! Wish me luck!
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    My calorie burn so far this week is just, well, weak! I didn't exercise last night because I was supposed to go out but then plans got moved to tonight so no exercise tonight either. Going to try for a couple big burn days over the weekend. Glad to see everyone else really kicking it up! You guys are motivating me to try harder :smile:

    So halloween is approaching and that only means one thing....people bringing candy to work! Argh! I don't know about everyone else but this has already started at my work and I've already caught myself grabbing a piece here and there. To make it worse I've also started drinking the work coffee which requires creamer to make it palatable (35 cals a piece in those little creamer guys) and I've started back on drinking the free hot cocoa at work (50 cals in each pack of sugar free). So between a coffee, a couple of those "one won't hurt" candies, and a hot cocoa later I can easily be adding 200 or so calories. Starting today I'm issuing myself a NSV challenge-for the next week I will not have any of those things! I will go buy a nice black coffee if I want one and I will find something healthy if I want something sweet-keep those mini 3 musketeers away from me! Wish me luck!

    That's tough! I'm struggling with the exercise too. Had a good workout Wednesday, but nothing yesterday so I'm still behind for the week already. My healthy sweet suggestion - frozen red grapes. Love them!

    We had a guy transfer to a different location last week and for his going away left a ton of candy. He purposely brought in peanut butter M&M's cause he's knows they are my favorite (and knows I'm trying to eat better). I did eat one serving of M&M's, but that's actually pretty good for me.
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    Ellen, boo on the candy bringers. I actually usually have a piece of candy everyday. something small like a take 5 bar snack sized, but I have mad cravings that I must feed. and I also feel you on the coffee.. I'm there too... work coffee..2 tubs of creamer per cup and I usually drink 2 cups. every day. Do you dress up for Halloween? this year I'm wearing a skimpy ringmaster costume, so I'm focusing looking as skinny as possible in it! it keeps me on track (I just bought it Wednesday) lol.
  • fleetwitch
    fleetwitch Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for the words of help I like that. I try and try. I just want to much from myself. I want to be perfect for the holidays and I willbe what I will be and no more.
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    Loving the recipes! I tried a chick pea tikka masala last night and it was yummy!
    I was way over on calories yesterday with no excuse except I wanted/needed something sweet!
    I am doing my best with the exercise but I am working this weekend! Still I wikll bike to work and take the pup for a couple of walks!

    It is sunny here this morning and we are heading towards summer - yay!

    Have a good week all, keep up the good work
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Thanks for the words of help I like that. I try and try. I just want to much from myself. I want to be perfect for the holidays and I willbe what I will be and no more.
    Fleety - You will be you, and you will be wonderful, no matter what you weigh come the holidays. I applaud your enthusiasm to get it right and lose it fast, but the real growth and change here is the change within, the change on the outside is just a lovely concequence of learning how to be a healthier you. I know because it's what I, and many others here have experienced. This is a journey and we are glad you are here with us!
  • vwbear
    vwbear Posts: 87 Member
    I too have had a really hard time with thw exercise this week - actually last week too. I was ecercising 5-6 times a week, with 3 gym days and 3 Zumba classes, and I was feeling great. Unfortunately, money has become extremely tight, and I haven't been able to pay my monthly fee for the Zumba classes, and I've been so depressed about it all that I've found it difficult to motivate myself to exercise at all. :sad: I didn't do anything at all last week, and have only been to the gym once this week. I know I have to push myself to do it, and it'll become a habit again, I just have to get over the hump. I don't mean to be a whiner, I just needed to vent a bit. :grumble: Anyway, thanks for 'listening". :flowerforyou:
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I'm so happy to read that you all are kicking major butt this week! I took a flu shot yesterday and have been sick as a dog..wish I never would have got it now. Ugh!! Today was kinda awesome though....had some boss looked at me this morning and told me I've been losing weight since I first started there 2 months ago..and here I have felt like I've been going nowhere, that was encouraging! Maybe it was my outfit or something....and two guys said hi, how are you doing when I went to Krogers this afternoon, LOL...I was just like um hi....I'm really not used to that kinda attention, my whole life I've always been the "awkward" one and now I feel confidence like never before. It's been a long time coming!

    Vwbear, I'm sorry you are feeling down, are there things you can do at home? I haven't been to a gym at all, been doing it all from home. Got a cool compact elliptical off craigslist for $50 and hope to "build" up more equipment, but before that I've been doing mainly dvds and getting creative!
    And I'm a coffee nut too you really addicted to lattes, that's one thing I've had the most trouble putting down, now especially that I'm working but I don't make it an everyday thing like in the past.
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    Ellen, boo on the candy bringers. I actually usually have a piece of candy everyday. something small like a take 5 bar snack sized, but I have mad cravings that I must feed. and I also feel you on the coffee.. I'm there too... work coffee..2 tubs of creamer per cup and I usually drink 2 cups. every day. Do you dress up for Halloween? this year I'm wearing a skimpy ringmaster costume, so I'm focusing looking as skinny as possible in it! it keeps me on track (I just bought it Wednesday) lol.

    Ah, the skimpy costume for motivation....I'm sure you'll look great in it! I do usually dress up but I haven't even thought about it yet this year! I guess it just depends if I end up having something to do or not. I have a friend who used to throw a party every year but she hasn't the last couple, so we'll see.
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    I didnt get my crazy work out in yesterday. I just realized I get super busy on weekends (especially when the man is home). its hard to fit in! today i'll get some swimming in but I dont see me making the 3500 calories.
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    I too have had a really hard time with thw exercise this week - actually last week too. I was ecercising 5-6 times a week, with 3 gym days and 3 Zumba classes, and I was feeling great. Unfortunately, money has become extremely tight, and I haven't been able to pay my monthly fee for the Zumba classes, and I've been so depressed about it all that I've found it difficult to motivate myself to exercise at all. :sad: I didn't do anything at all last week, and have only been to the gym once this week. I know I have to push myself to do it, and it'll become a habit again, I just have to get over the hump. I don't mean to be a whiner, I just needed to vent a bit. :grumble: Anyway, thanks for 'listening". :flowerforyou:

    I was totally on this boat for the past... month. I went in for a fitness evaluation and the whole situation just brought me down. I can promise you'll find your way back to your habits. keep you head up high and know in the long run your holding yourself back from meeting your goals faster. At the same time, I'm a firm believer in FEELING what your feeling, just make sure it doesn't hinder your progress too much!

    @Jess, congrats on the NSV's! and look at you attracting attention at the grocery store.. hehe... you got some brown chicken brown cow going on (Trace Adkins if you haven't heard it, its HILARIOUS and my theme song)
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    Tough week for me too! Started my new job on Wednesday (yay!), and it's been EXTREMELY difficult to workout and eat right. But here's what I've learned so far...

    1 -- PLAN meals and snacks. I need to plan ahead and bring appropriate meals and snacks. Some mornings I was too rushed, took nothing, ate whatever, and came home with massive headaches, which made me skip my workouts. So next week, I'll plan my food each day and make sure to give myself enough time to gather it all together.

    2 -- I am not an early bird, and so I find it impossible to get up super early, workout, get ready, get my kids ready, and get out the door by 7:30 a.m. However, there's also no telling how the day will go, and I could come home with a headache and will be unable to workout at night. So, for now, I'm going to wear my pedometer and try to get in 7500 steps in the workplace. I have a desk job, but I'm on a university campus, and just walking from my car to my office takes mega steps. I'll see what my daily totals are next week, and maybe I can even bump it up to 10,000.

    3 -- Don't sweat it! It's an adjustment for me and my family to have me working full-time, and it's still going to take awhile to get used to. At the very least, I can make better food choices and walk more at work RIGHT NOW. Then, as I get used to this new schedule, I can add on more exercise. Until then, I can be happy with mini-NSVs, which will stack up to huge NSVs in the long run.

    I'm SO impressed with all of you who already have this work/home/exercise/life thing figured out. I'll get there one of these days......
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    @Jess, congrats on the NSV's! and look at you attracting attention at the grocery store.. hehe... you got some brown chicken brown cow going on (Trace Adkins if you haven't heard it, its HILARIOUS and my theme song)

    lol...I love that song too, love Trace! Yeah, it's hard to know how to react to the attention, I feel like I'm still in my former body most of the time, all I could do was smile and cheese, lol