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Added Sugar vs Natural Sugar

Please add the ability to track and easily see added sugar vs natural sugar. As everyone knows added sugar is the real enemy and not having an easy way to see how much added sugar vs natural sugar I consume is frustrating. I use an app to make tracking easy. I pay for an app to make them even easier. But the lack of this features has me using my notes app to track the added sugar I consume each meal to ensure I am keeping that number low.
5 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 768 MFP Staff
    Thank you so much for your suggestion on this. I just passed this along to our team to think more about!
  • ccollaoamor
    ccollaoamor Posts: 1 Member
    I came to this place to look for help on where or how to check my added sugar, as opposite of the sugar from raw fruit. And thanks to this post, now I know that it doesn’t exist. I totally agree with Maggie, we must count added sugar to keep it under 20grs per day.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 855 Member
    It's there as a field when you add a food, but in order to use that you have to actually know the data. I haven’t seen many food labels actually break that down.