FINALLY a doable plan, what do you guys think?

Taleciab94 Posts: 10 Member
edited June 28 in Health and Weight Loss
29F SW 190lbs GW 140lbs, 5 '5" I want to lose 50lbs

I plan to eat 2 meals a day and to keep it simple, I'll eat my first meal between 11am - 1pm and the second between 6pm - 8pm, no fuss, nothing complicated. If I feel like I need a snack between meals (3-4pm) I'll eat some fruits my favs are melons (cantaloupe, watermelon, honeydew etc) and berries.

I'll portion control instead of count calories and eat a balanced diet of Carbs ( brown rice, whole wheat pasta & sprouted bread and potatoes etc ) Veggies, healthy fat (avocado, nuts and olive oil etc) and protein (poultry, seafood and sparingly beef & pork) I won't cut out anything, I'll eat a normal size portion whether I cook or a family member cook because I want this to be my lifestyle.

Exercise 3-4x a week for 20-30 mins, I can't do the Gym it's just not for me, I have a mini stepper, jump rope and a stationery bike at home, my brother also got some weights so I'll just switch between those in the mornings before work, or do some dance workouts on YouTube. I usually walk at minimum 7,000 Steps a day so I'll just keep that up with an additional 1,000 - 3,000 Steps when I can.

It's all about keeping it simple and effortless so it doesn't seem like I have to go out of my way too much. I find over the years of trying to lose weight If I have to go out of my way to do anything I won't do it. Finally I want to get into the habit of sleeping 7-8 hours every night, I tend to be on my phone up into 12-1am so I set a timer to turn off certain apps at 10pm and be determined to PUT MY PHONE DOWN when it comes on.

I had plan to start on Mon July 1st but screws it I'll start tomorrow, I need the change of mindset too. 4th of July will be good practice to eat mindful portions of food twice a day.


  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,187 Member
    Using a food scale and tallying calories allows me to eat more than I would have eyeballed. Good luck! You’ll need a solid 4-6 weeks before assessing how it’s working.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,853 Member
    Yes, try it. And be ready to adjust if needed. If you don't lose from the same point in your menstrual cycle to the next then you need to eat less. If you lose too fast then you need to eat more. I guess more than 1lbs per week is too fast at your current weight.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,333 Member
    LOLOL at "portion control."

    I tried that. My portions just kept creeping larger and larger. I spot one ounce of cheese now - but when I first started? No way. Same with granola, raisins, nuts and pasta. I really have to weigh them - or else.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Other than that, good plan. :flowerforyou:
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 507 Member
    I count out an ounce of nuts, one by one. "A handful" can easily be off by one or two ounces, and nuts are calorically dense.
  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 2,133 Member
    lisakatz2 wrote: »
    I count out an ounce of nuts, one by one. "A handful" can easily be off by one or two ounces, and nuts are calorically dense.
    Use your food scale
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,783 Member
    lisakatz2 wrote: »
    I count out an ounce of nuts, one by one. "A handful" can easily be off by one or two ounces, and nuts are calorically dense.
    Use your food scale

    Scale is quicker than counting each not, too . . . as well as more accurate.

    Jar/bag/can of nuts on scale, zero/tare the scale, take out the amount you want, log the negative number that's on the scale readout. Aim for a specific gram goal, even, if you like.
  • toothfairy1002
    toothfairy1002 Posts: 2 Member
    I’d suggest more weights versus cardio. I’m doing that now for a few months and although scale not creeping down as quick as I’d like I feel a difference in my clothes. Muscle burns more than fat so incorporate some hand weights as home ! GOOD luck!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,853 Member
    LOLOL at "portion control."

    I tried that. My portions just kept creeping larger and larger. I spot one ounce of cheese now - but when I first started? No way. Same with granola, raisins, nuts and pasta. I really have to weigh them - or else.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Other than that, good plan. :flowerforyou:

    I get you! I used to eat in an office canteen in the past. Lots of Indian food, with nutritional info, mind. From the dal I'd take two scoops. So at times I'd bring my scale in, and found that portion creep for just those two scoops was massive! For everything else as well.
  • Saturncap10
    Saturncap10 Posts: 26 Member
    @Taleciab94 hey im about the same height and weight. I would definitely buy scales so that you can eventually eyeball your portions. Im currently eating the same food all week- by doing food preparation. meals are ready to eat without worrying too much about portion control every mealtime.
    Good luck 👍🏻
  • AdahPotatah2024
    AdahPotatah2024 Posts: 1,988 Member
    I think this sounds like a great plan! Myself, I wouldn't worry about a food scale unless it's not working the way I planned. I mostly eat meals on a small plate or bowl, and don't have issue with potions being excessive.
  • quigley636
    quigley636 Posts: 2 Member
    I am a 69 year old, 5’3” woman with a starting weight of 190 lbs. I have just started a similar plan. I have my first meal between 11 am and 12 pm. I have my second meal between 5 pm and 7 pm. If I need a snack I generally have some fruit and a string cheese. I am logging calories as I still find it easy to overdo if I’m not careful. These are the times I am naturally hungry so I’m finding it an easy plan to stick to. I need to lose about 40 lbs to get to my goal weight. Only two weeks in but I’m down 4 lbs. I know the rate of loss will slow down, but shooting for about 1 lb a week. Then the challenge is not letting it creep up again 😳
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,157 Member
    "Do or do not, there is no try" :#
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,487 Member
    What do I think. I think you're GREAT at coming up with good plans. Not so great at follow-through.
    How many times have you come up with a good plan? How long have you followed each plan?
    What can you do to STAY on plan?
    For you only
    Maybe meal prep for a week, then eat what you've prepared.
    Or maybe forget calories and steps just for now and concentrate on eating healthier. For instance an apple instead of a candy bar.
    Or maybe a realistic picture of what you might look like on the bathroom mirror.
    If what you're doing isn't working, try something else.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,783 Member
    I’d suggest more weights versus cardio. I’m doing that now for a few months and although scale not creeping down as quick as I’d like I feel a difference in my clothes. Muscle burns more than fat so incorporate some hand weights as home ! GOOD luck!

    True fact. A pound of muscle, at rest, burns about 6 calories more per day than a pound of fat. That effect should kick in after the several weeks or so of progressive challenging lifting it takes to add that pound. Good stuff. Maybe more important: The stronger we are, the more easy and fun it is to move in all ways, so maybe we do more moving . . . which potentially burns many more than 6 daily calories. :)
  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 2,133 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I’d suggest more weights versus cardio. I’m doing that now for a few months and although scale not creeping down as quick as I’d like I feel a difference in my clothes. Muscle burns more than fat so incorporate some hand weights as home ! GOOD luck!

    True fact. A pound of muscle, at rest, burns about 6 calories more per day than a pound of fat. That effect should kick in after the several weeks or so of progressive challenging lifting it takes to add that pound. Good stuff. Maybe more important: The stronger we are, the more easy and fun it is to move in all ways, so maybe we do more moving . . . which potentially burns many more than 6 daily calories. :)
    Correct. Muscle itself doen't really burn much fat contrary to many beliefs however more strength can mean being more inclined to take on more activity.

  • earlybirdlady
    earlybirdlady Posts: 121 Member
    @Taleciab94 It sounds like you’ve really thought through what will be sustainable for you while also getting you to your goal!

    I also exercise at home and it’s definitely worked out well for me, however I found that exercise from home is tough without a plan/direction. I primarily use peloton which has programming designed for heavier weights and building strength/muscle. FitOn is also good. It’s free (has a paid plan if you find it’s worth it for you) and has great workouts. You’ll have to see what works for you. I have also found that listening to podcasts on the way to work related to overall health, fitness, longevity is really helpful to keep my mind focused on my health behaviors.

    Just throwing out a few things from my own experience that may or may not be helpful. 😃