Women 200lb+, Let’s Have A Jazzy June!!!



  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 83 Member
    edited June 27
    @lisakatz2 I am really sorry! You for sure have a lot to be proud of and I am in the same boat as you. was actually about 80-100 lbs overweight depending on who you ask or how you look at it. I think I'd be happy if my overall weight loss hit 80lbs lost, however that would put me at about 150 and the professionals think I should be somewhere between 124-126 which would put me at being 104 lbs overweight when I started. I am not naive enough to think I will ever get to anywhere near that number as I too, have struggled my whole adult life as well as my whole adolescent life with trying not to gain weight and or trying to lose it. :( We're in this together and We can be your support team! :)
  • planktonbye
    planktonbye Posts: 65 Member
    @lisakatz2 I am so sorry he said that!!!! What is he thinking?? He may not appreciate it, but I/we do appreciate how much discipline it takes to lose 13 pounds--even 5 pounds is work! You are off to a strong start and I'm sure you'll continue on this healthy path. And he needs to apologize AGAIN. Stay strong!
  • quolwy
    quolwy Posts: 72 Member
    Hello, Just updating my stats in case it motivates anyone :)

    28yo 5'9
    Starting weight: 219 (6/10/24)
    Starting Body Fat: 40%
    Goal weight: 150-165lbs
    Goal Body Fat: 20-25%

    Goals for June:
    - Start working 4 days/week ✔
    - Walk 10k steps minimum 3x/week ✔
    - Log meals daily and accurately ✔
    - Tour the gym & commit to going 3x/week ✔
    - Drink more water and less sugar ✔
    - Treat myself once/week with an activity that will bring me joy (self date) ✔
    - Weigh in an 210lbs at the end of the month (starting to think this was a little ambitious, BUT I'll be happy with however close I can get)

    June 10th 219 lbs
    June 11th 216.4 lbs
    June 12th 217 lbs
    June 13th 216.8 lbs
    June 14th N/A
    June 15th N/A
    June 16th 216.2 lbs
    June 17th 216 lbs
    June 18th 215.6 lbs
    June 19th 215 lbs
    June 20th 214.6 lbs
    June 21st 215 lbs
    June 22nd 214.8 lbs
    June 23rd 215.2 lbs
    June 24th 214.6 lbs
    June 25th 214.6 lbs
    June 26th 212.8 lbs
    June 27th 214 lbs

    Non weight Successes:
    - Was gifted a new fitbit as an early birthday present, so now I can accurately track my exercise!
    - I'm signed up for 3 more classes at my gym this week
    - I unfortunately got some bad news that I failed a pretty important test for my career, however instead of canceling my gym session to wallow in self pity I went anyways an felt a bit better after sweating. I swear I'm going to trauma-bond with exercise 😂 (Also I can rewrite the test in August, it's just a bit of a financial burden to have to do so, but I'll be okay)
    - While I only had 2 people book in to see me at work this week, I have 3 booked in on Sunday ALONE, so I'm hoping it will be a busier week to make up for this one
    - In lieu of having to retake my test I've decided to apply to be a barista as a "summer job" which is something I've always wanted to do but never could rationalize financially, but here I am now, so hopefully they hire me!
    - I've been able to maintain healthy eating habits, AND today I treated myself with Starbucks (I had enough stars for a free drink, and I figured the stress of this week warranted a little self love)
    - I've spent a lot of my free time this week reading and spending quality time with my boyfriend, which over all has helped de-stress me in a fairly unfortunate time
    - Lastly, I've been able to appreciate the general down-trend of my weigh-ins, rather than stressing over the ups and downs

    I'll be doing one more check-in on Sunday, to wrap up June, but I'm excited to continue in July. I think the daily weigh-ins are actually really helpful for me, because ironically I can plug them into a graph and see the trend, and not let myself get too in my own head about the daily number but instead appreciate and respect the overall decrease.
    It will also be interesting to see how I do in July since now that I have to retake my test, I'm financially NOT doing to hot, so I'll have to get a bit crafty with groceries next month 😅 I'll be okay, I just won't be able to buy tropical fruits any time soon LOL
  • planktonbye
    planktonbye Posts: 65 Member
    @quolwy I know what you mean about groceries!! I'm working, thank heaven, but need to go back to the frugal ways I embraced when I didn't have a W-2 job. A lot of times that means healthier, too--no takeout, no extras at the store. I do a pantry challenge where I see how many days I can go eating ONLY things that I have in the house. The freezer seems like cheating, but it gets eaten up soon enough!
  • greenv1986
    greenv1986 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Returning to the group again

    SW 240( highest weight 2008)
    CW 204( today's weight)

    Just back to work from holiday. Started back to the gym a few weeks ago. Starting to see the changes in my body from exercising.

  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 264 Member
    It's been a crazy week so far. Unexpected visit from my sister and her family from out of town. Eating dinners that I did not plan for - crawfish etoufee', rice and gravy and tonight a fish fry. (My momma's love language is feeding people - and that is why all 3 of her children are obese.) I am loving the family time and I am keeping my portions small. I hope the scale does not jump up by Monday. I guess I need to remember that life happens...
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Hi all. 8lbs down and counting since I restarted my journey 😊👍I think I'm gna do it this time. It's just the start but I've continued and not given up 😊
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 498 Member
    Well, it's going to be July tomorrow, what are we going to title our new thread? How about Let's Have a Joyful July?
  • quolwy
    quolwy Posts: 72 Member
    Alright, my final update for June!

    28yo 5'9
    Starting weight: 219 (6/10/24)
    Starting Body Fat: 40%
    Goal weight: 150-165lbs
    Goal Body Fat: 20-25%

    Goals for June:
    - Start working 4 days/week ✔
    - Walk 10k steps minimum 3x/week ✔
    - Log meals daily and accurately ✔
    - Tour the gym & commit to going 3x/week ✔
    - Drink more water and less sugar ✔
    - Treat myself once/week with an activity that will bring me joy (self date) ✔
    - Weigh in an 210lbs at the end of the month (starting to think this was a little ambitious, BUT I'll be happy with however close I can get) ❌

    June 10th 219 lbs
    June 11th 216.4 lbs
    June 12th 217 lbs
    June 13th 216.8 lbs
    June 14th N/A
    June 15th N/A
    June 16th 216.2 lbs
    June 17th 216 lbs
    June 18th 215.6 lbs
    June 19th 215 lbs
    June 20th 214.6 lbs
    June 21st 215 lbs
    June 22nd 214.8 lbs
    June 23rd 215.2 lbs
    June 24th 214.6 lbs
    June 25th 214.6 lbs
    June 26th 212.8 lbs
    June 27th 214 lbs
    June 28th 213.2 lbs
    June 29th 212.6 lbs
    June 30th 214.2 lbs

    I went out for Korean food yesterday with my boyfriend, and got crepes for dessert. I was still within maintenance calories, but eating out definitely left me with some bloat today so my weigh-in isn't as dramatic. That's okay! I know over the next couple days of eating food at home it will even out and continue dropping slowly but surely. I'm excited to see what July brings!

    Non weight Successes:
    - Logged all my meals accurately every day since starting
    - Have a regular sustainable gym routine that I'm committed to go to
    - Shifted my mind from "dieting" to "mindfulness" and don't sweat the small ups and downs
    - Feel better day to day, with less cravings
    - Enjoy talking walks around my neighborhood several times per week
    - Actually excited for the process of losing weight, not just the destination

    See you all in the July thread when it's posted!
  • sandramarshall200
    sandramarshall200 Posts: 108 Member
    Im still here. Weird week. I was away and my loose tooth took a sharp decline and became very painful, I could only eat yoghurt for a few days and then got so hungry I raided a bakery and bought all their softest food. Not very healthy! Had an emergency extraction, so now home and eating normally again. Feel lucky that I ended the week with a small loss, about a pound. I’m going to try for a better week. Very busy decorating our sitting room, but I hope to still get my swims in now I’m home.
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 362 Member
    💜💜💜Hello, ladies!!!💜💜💜

    Next month's group has been posted in the Motivation and Support forum:

    🌈Women 200lb+, Let's Give It A Try This July!!!🌈


    Hope to see you there!
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 264 Member
    Re-started 4/24/24 - 236.2
    CW: 216.6
    GW: 165 (may adjust when I get there)
    5'3" Tall

    Final JUNE update

    Monday weigh in
    June 3rd: 223.8
    June 10th: 219.6
    June 17th: 218.8
    June 24th: 218.2
    July 1st: 216.6
    June loss -7.20
    June Goal - 215 (adjusted to a more obtainable goal)
    End of Summer Goal - onederland!

    I missed my June goal by 1.6 pounds but I will not beat myself up for this because life happens. My family came in and I had dinner with them 3 out of 5 nights. I also did not do well at implementing exercise into my routine so that will be my main focus for July. I did better at drinking my water though there's still room for improvement. I rocked at logging all of my food and that is what helped me have a solid June.

    Well I will see you all on the July thread!
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,803 Member
    I'm Charissa
    63 years young
    [Stats & Goals]
    Starting Weight: 223.6 January / 0
    Starting Weight: 215.0 February / 8.6
    Starting Weight: 215.4 March / 8.2
    Starting Weight: 219.2 April / 5.2
    Starting Weight: 218.4 May / 3.2
    Starting Weight: 220.4 June /

    Goals for 2024 > Trend downwards. My ultimate goal weight is between 140 - 150. While I'd like to lose about 5lbs a month, I'm focusing instead on actions that could/should result in that loss.
    May was not the best. Reset for June. My calorie goal was 1650. What took me months to realize was that I would plan and eat to 1650 but anything extra would put me over my range and either in maintenance mode or gain. So hopefully, I have figured out a solution with my new goals.
    Additionally - I think I was over exercising, so I have added another rest day with optional walking on both days.
    I'm doing well with water consumption so let's continue!!
    Goals and Targets for June
    - Tracking/Under Calorie Budget >
    Plan for 1250 - Flex for 400 = 1650 (1250 - 1650) 🍎
    - Macros - hit Protein >
    Plan for 150. 100 is acceptable. (100 - 150) ✅
    - Water - 80oz minimum >
    Pushing myself here and that's ok!
    Not less than 70 is acceptable (70 - 100)💧
    - Closing my rings M-S🚶🏽10k Steps a bonus!

    My Mantra(s):
    Things I need to remember daily!

    🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!
    Eat well 🥗to Live Well 🚢✈️🧳
    H2O - Make it Flow 💦💦💦
    Lose weight in the kitchen ⚖️, get fit in the gym🏋🏾‍♀️
    Note to Self: Alcohol kills weight loss as the focus is burning alcohol calories and not fat calories!

    Closing out June > moving to July

    6/1 220.4
    6/8 219.2
    6/15 221.0
    6/22 220.6
    6/29 221.6