Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 264



  • fmfdfa2020
    fmfdfa2020 Posts: 1,065 Member
    The thread over the past few days between @Skyleen75 , @Chapter_3 , and @deepwoodslady is very helpful - so honest and insightful! Thank you ladies! Thanks to everyone on here for keeping it real - I love this forum! And Thank you @quiltingjaine for your posts and for keeping the forum going for all of us!
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,181 Member
    edited June 30
    judefit1 wrote: »
    Jude, 67 YO, 5'-2"
    Started 1/1/24 at 147; have been as high as 165 lbs
    Working on stabilizing my weight between 124-126(ish)
    Starting weight 1/1/24: 147

    Julia, when I started here in Round 6 or so I had the goal of getting back to my WW goal of 136 and never thought I’d get to 125. Then when I got to 125 I was ecstatic! I was truly surprised that I kept losing until I got to 117. I was going to the gym regularly and felt terrific! Unfortunately, I’ve gained after some very stressful events, one of which lasts another 16 months. Now I’m back to striving for 125. Thank you to you and @Chapter_3 Carolyn for your inspiring posts.

    Also thanks to @fmfdfa2020 and @Skyleen75!
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,181 Member
    @Anabirgite When I went through “tons” of stuff several years ago I set aside one box that I put all of our girls report cards and other papers which I had held onto in. In hindsight, I should have separated them into 2 smaller boxes. The “girls” are now 53 and 51 and live 1200 miles apart!
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,181 Member
    @SheilaBoneham THANK YOU! Those are the pictures I’ve been waiting for! I love your beautiful flowers!

  • maureensm
    maureensm Posts: 183 Member
    41, Female, 5'7", generally active & trying to rein in the eating :) . Mini goal to be under 220 by my vacation in mid-September. I appreciate the accountability of this group!

    6/25 - 229
    6/26 - 227.8
    6/27 - 227.2
    6/28 - 227
    6/29 - 229.5
    6/30 - 232 - HELLO WATER RETENTION. That’s just rude :D . I can feel it in my feet. I did log yesterday but it also involved lunch with my BF’s family at a Philly cheesesteak place. I kept to just one half of the sandwich and no sides but it was still a HUGE sandwich to begin with. I made a batch of black bean soup in the afternoon, which we ate for dinner. This was likely part of the culprit with salt. Going to focus on water today and logging my food. Walk and farmers market this morning. Plus some heavy lifting yard work in the afternoon. Tomorrow I have to leave for an overnight trip for work. I’ll pack my travel yoga mat so I can work out in my hotel room. Traveling is always tricky….but I’ll make sure to check in here. Thanks again for this accountability group! I love reading all your posts.
  • Anabirgite
    Anabirgite Posts: 537 Member
    @Anabirgite When I went through “tons” of stuff several years ago I set aside one box that I put all of our girls report cards and other papers which I had held onto in. In hindsight, I should have separated them into 2 smaller boxes. The “girls” are now 53 and 51 and live 1200 miles apart!

    Thank you! What a great idea, I am going to do that...I just kind of walked away yesterday and moved on to the laundry room and under kitchen sink-I thought I would just handle the easy stuff especially as I wait for the final answer if sale is going thru.
  • sands4
    sands4 Posts: 190 Member
    66 5’5”
    SW RND 264 - 166
    GW RND 264 - 163
    UGW 149

    6/25 - 166
    6/26 - DNW
    6/27 - DNW
    6/28 - 164
    6/29 - 164
    6/30 - 164
    7/1 💕CANADA💕
  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 806 Member
    judefit1 wrote: »
    Jude, 67 YO, 5'-2"
    Started 1/1/24 at 147; have been as high as 165 lbs
    Working on stabilizing my weight between 124-126(ish)
    Starting weight 1/1/24: 147

    Julia, when I started here in Round 6 or so I had the goal of getting back to my WW goal of 136 and never thought I’d get to 125. Then when I got to 125 I was ecstatic! I was truly surprised that I kept losing until I got to 117. I was going to the gym regularly and felt terrific! Unfortunately, I’ve gained after some very stressful events, one of which lasts another 16 months. Now I’m back to striving for 125. Thank you to you and @Chapter_3 Carolyn for your inspiring posts.

    Also thanks to @fmfdfa2020 and @Skyleen75!

    Thank YOU @quiltingjaine - you’re the inspirational glue that keeps us here - supporting and learning from each other.

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,872 Member
    edited July 1
    Leigh_b wrote: »
    RND 264 (my 12th)
    SW (first round) 155.8
    SW (this round) 148.1

    6/24 - 148.7 - walked 2 miles this morning. Still not sure how my foot is coping with its new freedom from the boot. While walking it felt great. After walking it felt great. Later in the day I had a lot of aching pain on the ball of my foot - but that is not where the injury was so I was confused about the source of the pain. Thinking that maybe it is just my foot adjusting back to walking “normally” again. By the end of the day, there was no more pain. Fingers crossed it stays that way and I can walk again tomorrow morning.

    6/25 - 148.3 - storms this morning so no walk. Busy stressful day of working late so no evening workout either. Stress ate cookies I did not need - but they were delicious

    6/26 - 147.8

    6/27 - 147.9

    6/28 - 149.0 - not a stellar start to my challenge attendance - having skipped two days without posting - and now posting on the day I gained rather than lost 🙁. Had a “team fun” get together at my house last night - I did not eat a lot but it was all very salty (they brought the snacks and I supplied the beverages) so the gain does not surprise me. Also TOM is going to start within the next few hours so there is that too. I have not done a good job with drinking water today to help flush it out and I am about to indulge in yet more salty food. I am not in a good place to make good decisions and my 14 y/o daughter has requested her favorite pizza for dinner. My 17 y/o is gone for the weekend at a youth conference, so I told my younger girl that since she is an only child tonight, she could pick whatever she wanted for dinner. Of course she picked pizza. Work has been stressful all week. I am exhausted and I am extremely hungry - I’ve been so busy today I have barely eaten. None of these things will help me keep my eating of salty, greasy, pizza in check… but… I am going to try and I am hoping to have just typed this…being aware of the treacherous situation I am walking into…and admitting “out loud” that I am likely to over-indulge - that it will help me stay in line - at least a little bit.

    6/29 - 148.7 - not sure how the scale moved that way given the stress fueled feast I indulged in last night… committed to staying on track today. Drinking lots of water and making healthy food choices.

    6/30 - 150.2 - the gain I deserve given how bad I have been about food choices and logging. The past two days have been a complete disaster.

    I need to figure out how to overcome what has become a recurring story. As TOM approaches - usually about 8-9 days out, the hormonal stress begins to take its toll. I don’t sleep well, I feel constantly fatigued, and I lose all motivation. Even when I don’t do anything at all, every metabolic metric on my watch reads like I have been doing daily intense workouts without any recovery. I never know whether to push through and workout anyway or if my body is already stressed (too stressed) enough and that adding additional stress will only make it worse.

    Sometimes “pushing through” feels like running a marathon even though I am doing nothing close to that hard. I try to “listen to my body” but I don’t like what it is telling me. I feel stronger and more in control if I ignore it, but I wonder if I am doing more damage if I do. This time, pushing through was not even an option - my work stress was already intolerable and added to the hormonal stress there was no hope for me.

    I really want to figure out how to stay in better control - but it seems so completely out of reach. My crazy hormones will continue to be crazy until I cross over to the other side of menopause. I have friends younger than me that are already there, but I am 54 years old and as things stand right now - my cycle still happens like clockwork. My clock, however, has turned into a fun-house coo-coo clock and turns me upside down and inside out every time it comes back around.

    Add to that, my work stress that is always high, but has been close to intolerable for several months. As much as I try to remain calm and not let it get to me, I work endlessly - 10 hour days are consistent, but lately there are more and more 12 and 14 hour days followed by giving another 12 hours across Saturday and Sunday. There is no break between days or weeks, it just keeps going and going and going. I have no life outside of work - I am either working or sleeping or working again.

    It is days like this, when I am exhausted and feel physically horrible that trying to build consistent healthy routines around eating and exercise seem so far away. I want to figure it out - I need to figure it out and tomorrow is a new day so I will spend some time this evening setting up a plan and doing the very best I can to set myself up for success. Maybe this time it will stick.


    @Leigh_b working 6 to 7 days a week makes it nearly impossible. I'm retired now, but when I worked I had my own business. I worked 7 days per week for 25 years without vacations or holidays. Remember, any walking counts, it doesn't have to be formal walks. Can you take any small or short walks at work during break or lunch.? Before or after work on the work property even if you work at home? In the hallways or outside-it doesn't matter. Approximately every 2000 steps is a mile. 10,000 steps is five miles but you don't have to do that many to get your fitness in. And the 2000 steps do not have to be all it once. Just take them deliberately on breaks or lunch, it doesn't have to be fancy. I've even been known to hold onto the counters and do a few squats every time I went to the bathroom. 10 squats here and there can easily be 50 overall which you can document in MFP. Hopefully sometime in the future things will lighten up for you but in the meantime you may have to work with it in this way. It adds up, it makes a difference, not just physically but in your weight loss mentality. I hope some of these tips help. I hate to hear you sound so defeated. BTW, menopause has GOT to be just around the corner. {{{hugs}}}
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,509 Member
    @judefit1 We are in Tennessee, so that stretch goes north from Newfound Gap, just below the highest spot on the entire AT. It's my happy place!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,872 Member
    @Sheilaboneham You know how much I adore seeing your garden pictures and your use of color every year. Thanks for another round of lovely pics!