What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 398 Member


    The North Shore near Cavendish, PEI, at sunset.
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 398 Member
    Maybe not a true workout, but I volunteered for 3 hours at the Ozark Valley Triathlon--the gravel bike race was today (18 miles), the road race tomorrow (Sprint and International distances). I did the Sprint two years ago and it just about kicked my rear end. By the time it ended today, temps were in the low 90s but with the heat index, it felt much warmer. I had a mile walk back to my car afterward since I didn't get to park in the lot. I'd like to get to the place where I can race again, but the first goal is to finish my chemo.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,895 Member
    Kind of nothing?

    My usual Saturday row got stormed out, but the weather cleared so we could hold a "graduation" row, potluck and cookout in honor of those who just finished our rowing club's learn to row classes.

    I did go out in bow of a double, but didn't row much: The guy in stroke seat and I were proctoring (and safety boating) a skills test where the new rowers needed to demonstrate that they could escape from being stuck in a downed tree in the river while rowing a single shell. (Recall that we row facing opposite direction of travel, so adventures like getting stuck in branches can happen.) This meant that they had to intentionally get stuck in the tree in the first place. Hilarity ensued. Everyone succeeded, and stayed safe.

    Weird thing happened that I've never seen before: There's a giant riverboat, basically a banquet hall that floats, and it motors slowly up and down the river. It got stuck! It was supposed to be landing around 2PM, but it was still stuck (all of the dozens of passengers still aboard) at 4PM. There's supposed to be another outing at 7PM. I'm skeptical. I shared a photo in the spoiler so you can see how big it is, but it's not dramatic unless you know the boat/river: It's just a big boat surprisingly close to shore.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,001 Member
    I went climbing a lot in the week. It was alright.

    I went caving today. We did Ogof Draenan in Wales. It was quality. The cave was stunningly pretty. We were running late, but managed to get to where were aiming in the cave (a pure white selenite sphere called the snowball ).

    It was, in total 8.5 hours (the approach to the cave was a long walk). Now I am tired and hungry.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 438 Member
    Good workout this morning. Cardio, Leg Day and Core.


    65 minutes on the spin bike: HR 126/154
    35 minutes on the treadmill: HR 115/125
    45 minutes lifting weights: HR 109/151

    Leg Press: 15@270, 15@270, 15@270, 15@270, 15@270
    Cable Crunches: 15@80, 15@80, 15@80, 15@80, 15@80
    Hex Bar Deadlifts: 12@125, 12@125, 12@125, 12@125
    Kettlebell Pass Arounds: 10@40, 10@40, 10@40, 10@40
    Barbell Box Squats: 8@45, 8@45, 8@45
    Landmine Twists: 10@20, 10@20, 10@20

    Shoulder Mobility Exercises

    Weighed in at 296 this morning.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,632 Member
    Thursday I met someone I knew at the place I would be camping for a few days. He had contacted me the day before because he had to abandon a paddle raft when he went under a log (novice crew on more advanced stretch of river), lost their paddles, and ended up in the ER for hours later that night. We met a third person who's in one of my kayak & canoe clubs; the three of us paddled his raft four and a half miles to the next ramp where we rolled it up and stuffed it in his car. About a mile into our paddle, we found the cooler he had lost. We never found the paddles.

    Thursday I paddled my canoe down a fairly continuous whitewater section about nine miles. None of the rapids are really more than Class 2+ or Class 3- but a swim can be very long. There's few eddies, and they are far apart. We didn't have any swims. I did, however, stop at "the phone booth." Yeah. There's an old phone booth next to the river on someone's property. There's a mannequin in the phone booth with a sign that says, "Have you seen my girlfriend?" The owner of that property also has a line hung out over the river that he hangs a four-pack of Rainier Beer from. I paddled under and helped myself to one. I just tossed it in my canoe and had it at the take-out. My favorite flavor - free! Made me smile.

    On the way home yesterday I stopped at the dam of a little reservoir to meet the dive club. I got assigned a buddy who is a novice paddler. It was a reminder how far my dive skills have come. I was a novice once, and someone would look after me. Now I get to return that kindness. Being with a newer diver meant the dive was going to be shorter; new divers breath more air than experienced divers. That was fine; I had a second bottle of air if I wanted to go do a second dive. Not much to see, so I just did one bottle.

    My buddy had a bit of a panic from down around 60 feet and bolted to the surface. I came up slowly (safely) and she was OK floating on the surface. We still had plenty of air, but I suggested we just drop down to 30 feet and swim back. She wanted to dive more, but I thought we should head back. I impressed myself by swimming right back to the place we had put in. Before we started our dive, I showed my buddy all my equipment even though I didn't expect she'd be able to rescue me if I were in trouble. I checked out her kit so I could help her if needed. I told her I didn't have any need to go deep. She said she likes to go deep, but there's really nothing to see down there. My plan was to stay above 60 feet, but we ended up down closer to 70. I'm very glad we didn't go deeper. I brought us back up, and that's when she started to drift down the steep slope. I didn't want to chase her to depth, but was prepared to. She was able to come back up, but then she didn't stop. She just kept going up, up, up, and out of sight. I followed. I'm glad she was OK. I think one issue was she had too much lead. She also just didn't have good buoyancy control. I hope she keeps improving her skills.

    Today is a rest day, or maybe I'll dig weeds. Tuesday I work taking folks who've never been kayaking out for a paddle for a couple hours.
  • Bricklax380
    Bricklax380 Posts: 11 Member
    Morning Workout: Legs/Core


    working sets only listed

    Leg Curl- 3 x 15, 15, 15 + drop set
    Leg Extension- 3 x 15, 12, 10 + drop set
    Precor Icarian Super Squat- 4 x 6, 6, 6, 6.
    Leg Press- 3 x 10, 8, 8 + drop set
    Farmers Walk w/shrugs- 1 x 2 minutes
    Superset Kettlebell Shrugs/Plate Raises- 3 x 8, 8, 8
    Ab crunch machine- 4 x 15, 15, 15, 15 progressive with 5lb increments
    Back Extension- 4 x 15, 15, 15, 15 progressive with 5lb increments

    Had a good burn today, pushing out extra reps.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 438 Member
    Great workout this morning. Cardio, Push Day and Core.


    45 minutes on the spin bike: HR 124/151
    35 minutes on the treadmill: HR 119/142
    63 minutes lifting weights: HR 110/145

    Barbell Bench Press: 10@135, 10@155, 8@175, drop set: 4@195, 6@165, 8@135
    Barbell Overhead Press: 10@65, 8@85, 6@105, drop set: 4@125, 6@95, 8@65
    Cable Crunches: 12@80, 12@85, 10@90, drop set: 10@95, 10@80
    Incline Dumbbell Press: 10@50, 8@60, 6@70, drop set: 5@70, 6@60, 8@50
    Cable Triceps Press Downs: 10@50, 8@70, 6@85, drop set: 4@100, 6@75, 8@50
    Landmine Twists: 10@20, 10@30, 10@40, drop set: 8@50, 8@20
    One-Armed Landmine Overhead Press: 10@30, 8@45, drop set: 6@60, 6@45, 8@30
    Dumbbell Chest Fly: 10@25, 10@30, drop set: 8@35, 10@25
    Cable Overhead Triceps Extensions: 10@40, 10@50, drop set: 8@60, 8@40
    Crossbody Dumbbell Raises: 8@20, 6@25, drop set: 6@30, 6@20

    Shoulder Mobility Exercises
    Weighed in a 296.6

    Felt good this morning. Was able to push hard during the cardio, and felt strong lifting.

  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 438 Member
    Thought I would put up a few pictures of my home gym setup. There were a lot of negatives about covid, but it did get me to build out this home gym setup, which has turned out to be a great decision. No worrying about weather and getting to the gym. No waiting for equipment, and no missing/misplaced weights.




    And my cardio corner:


  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,574 Member
    Leg press 4x12 (140lbs)
    Calf raise 4x12 (115lbs)
    Leg curl 4x12 (100lbs)
    Leg extension 4x12 (65lbs)
    Hip adduction 1x12 (140lbs), 1x12 (145lbs), 1x12 (150lbs), 1x12 (155lbs)
    Hip abduction 1x12 (145 lbs), 3x12 (140lbs)
    Torso rotation 3x12 (105lbs) both sides
    Abdominal 3x12 (165lbs)

    The usual hip abduction machine I use was broken so I went upstairs and used the other ones. I started at my normal weight and then went up and up. I thought they were easier so I starred higher on the abduction, then had to drop back, lol
  • izzynel
    izzynel Posts: 1 Member
    I just go to the gym and do what the instructor tells us. Today, the focus was on front squats.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,871 Member
    Upper Body

    Bench Press 10x3x83% 1RM
    Cable Row 4x10
    Machine Decline Press 3x10
    Machine High Row 4x10
    Seated Arnold Press 3x10
    DB Curl 3x10 (Twist Curl, Hammer Curl, Concentration Curl) <<superset>> DB Lying Skull Crusher 3x10
    Cable Woodchoppers (Low, Mid, High) 3x10

    No dropping 10% weight today; full steam ahead!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,895 Member
    edited July 2
    Morning row in 2 seat (engine room) of the quad, only around 6.3k, a bit shorter than usual: We had one of the last season new folks in the quad with us, and she was having some atypical problems with catching crabs. ("Catching a crab" = a problem with blade placement in which the oar blade gets sucked into the water and sends the oar shaft/handle back toward your body with force. There are various potential causes.) We did some drills to work on some of that. All of that took a little longer, so we cut the distance a little.

    Evening, I got in a recreational (wider) single at the open rowing session to meander around and check off basic skills that this year's learn-to-row members need to demonstrate to qualify to participate in certain regular club activities. I forgot to start the Garmin, but it can't have been more than a couple thousand meters, if that. I did get in a good bit of backing (traveling in the direction one faces, not the usual direction); that was good practice for me. Perhaps ironically, backing was also one of the skills they had to demonstrate. :D
  • sbrewingmarketing
    sbrewingmarketing Posts: 2 Member
    Elevating my walking routine with 3Round's exhilarating 30-minute workout—it's going to be awesome!
  • Bricklax380
    Bricklax380 Posts: 11 Member
    7/1 after work workout:
    Push Day


    Incline Dumbbell Press- 4 x 10, 10, 10, 10 progressive lbs.
    Superset Kettlebell Upwards Flys/Band Pulls- 3 x 8,8,8,
    Bench Press- 2 x Warm-Up sets, work sets- 6, 5, 4, 2, 2, progressive lbs.
    Superset Strict Lateral Raises to Seated Dumbbell Press- 3 x 10, 10, 10
    Deep Stretch of Triceps with Overhead Dumbbell Extension- 2 x 10
    Triceps Pushdowns- 4 x 10,10,10,10
    Cable Kickbacks- 2 x 10 + dropsets
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 438 Member
    Great workout this morning. Cardio, Pull Day and Core.


    46 minutes on the spin bike: HR 132/161
    35 minutes on the treadmill: HR 112/128
    70 minutes lifting weights: HR 103/131

    Prone Grip Lat Pull Downs: 10@130, 10@160, 6@190, drop set: 4@210, 6@180, 8@150
    EZ-Bar Curls: 10@55, 8@75, 6@95, drop set: 3@115, 6@85, 10@55
    Landmine Twists: 10@25, 10@35, 8@45, drop set: 8@55, 8@25
    Seated Cable Rows: 10@140, 8@170, 6@200, drop set: 5@220, 6@190, 10@160
    Resistance Band Face Pulls: 10@160, 10@170, 10@180, drop set: 8@190, 10@160
    Kettlebell Pass Around: 10@40, 8@50, 8@50, 8@50
    Barbell Shrugs: 10@185, 7@275, drop set: 5@365, 6@275, 10@185
    Straight Arm Lat Press Downs: 10@60, 10@70, drop set: 8@80, 8@60
    Dumbbell Curls: 10@30, 8@40, drop set: 5@50, 8@30
    Cable Crunches: 12@90, 10@100, drop set: 8@110, 10@80

    Shoulder Mobility Exercises

  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,574 Member
    Incline press 3x12 (40lbs)
    Decline press 3x12 (40lbs)
    Chest press 3x12 (45lbs)
    Shoulder press 3x12 (40lbs)
    Pectoral fly 3x12 (45lbs)
    Triceps press 3x12 (90lbs)
    Lateral raise 3x12 (15lbs) single arm
    Abdominal 3x12 (165lbs)

    I dropped 5 more lbs on the pec fly and my range of motion and form was even better. Really didn't decline much til the last 2 or 3 reps of the 3rd set, felt it better in my chest and triceps and was able to keep my arms straighter and let the weight back further at the end of each rep.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited July 2

    Caving. We couldn't initially find the cave we were after. So we spent a couple of hours walking down a stream looking for it. We were in the the middle of a fairly active stream, so it was hard going. The cave turned out to be a few kilometres upstream, so we went back to the car and tried again.

    It was 5 p.m. by the time we got vaguely close. One in our group was too tired to do the cave, so Joe and I went into some random little holes we found. We did 4 little caves in total, and will come back to do our goal cave later in the year.

    Climbing. This degenerated into basically parkour. It was really good fun, I actually successfully did some of the jumps.
  • Bricklax380
    Bricklax380 Posts: 11 Member
    After work workout (Garage Gym)
    Pull Day


    EZ Bar Curls- 4 x 10,8,8,8+drop set
    Hammer Curls- 3 x 8,8,8+drop set
    Concentration Curls- 4 sets 8-10 reps each arm no break
    Lat Pull Down(Rings)- 4 x 10,10,10,10
    Pull Ups (Assisted Band)- 3 x 6,6,6
    Landmine Close-Grip Rows- 4 x 10,10,10,8
    Straight-Arm Pull Down- 3 x 10,10,8,
    Push-Ups- 15 shoulder width, 15 diamond, 20 incline
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 438 Member
    Good workout this morning. Cardio day.


    84 minutes on the spin bike: HR 125/155
    45 minutes on the treadmill: HR 112/131
