🌼🌼 July Daily Weigh-in and Logging Challenge🌼🌼



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,877 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 64 years old and from Michigan USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    This Challenge Starting Weight (from June 30th): 187.0
    Goal: 183.0 (Four lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Total Lost/Gained this month: xxxxx

    **********************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME********************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    07/01-187.0-(Trend Weight 186.6)-

    07/02-185.4-(Trend Weight 186.3)-

    07/03-185.4-(Trend Weight 186.3)-

    07/04-186.2-(Trend Weight 186.5)-

    07/05-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    07/06-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)- My grandson is staying the whole weekend with me, unexpected, so I didn’t get a chance to weigh this morning as he woke me up and had me hopping! It probably would not have been pretty anyway. I will likely weigh in on Monday and skip tomorrow as he’ll probably beat me up again and also because I have not exactly been on point this holiday weekend. Weighing in is nothing that can’t wait I suppose. That scale is not exactly going anywhere although I’m tempted to chuck it in the trash from time to time.

    07/07-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)- No point weighing on the last day of a 4 day holiday weekend. I will lose some bloat and weigh when its more reflective of the actual damage. Daughter and DGS goes home this evening around 7:00 pm.

    07/08-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/09-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/10-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/11-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/12-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/13-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/14-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/15-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-


    07/16-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/17-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/18-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/19-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/20-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/21-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/22-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/23-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/24-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/25-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/26-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/27-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/28-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

  • ozdeelite
    ozdeelite Posts: 388 Member
    Ok. It’s a new week and time to change things. I’m not losing weight because I’m eating too many calories. My daily calories for the week is shocking 😮 .


    July weigh in
    Start weight 107.2kg
    Goal weight 106 kg

    1. 107.2kg - not again 😩
    2. 107.8kg - oh dear 💩
    3. 108.1kg - 😩😩💩
    4. 107.7kg - better but still infuriating
    5. 108.2kg ate fast food last night after work
    6. 107.3kg
    7. 107.3kg
    8. 107.9kg
  • koeitjiesa
    koeitjiesa Posts: 364 Member
    I'm back for July.

    July weigh in

    Start weight 84.4kg
    Goal weight 80kg

    1 - 84.4kg
    2 - 84.2kg
    3 - 84kg
    4 - 84kg
    5 - 83.8kg
    6 - 83.6kg
    7 - 84.3kg
    8 - 84.1kg
  • ozdeelite
    ozdeelite Posts: 388 Member
    Hi everyone. I’ve decided to post my calorie intake daily. It will help keep me honest and accountable. I hope no one minds.

    Without the feed announcing me being under or over calories for anyone to see it really has affected my habits.

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member
    Hi, I'm Jill! <3
    I'm 54 and have been married 28 years. I have 2 children-- a son who is 23 and a daughter who is 19. I work full-time selling new construction homes, and I absolutely love it! Yardwork is also one of my favorite things to do...from grass cutting to weed wacking...if I can be outside, I will be playing in the yard.

    This is the month that I’ll get to 200 pounds. I can feel it!

    July 1: 210.5 🎉🎉
    July 2: 210.2🎉🎉
    July 3: 210.4
    July 4: 209.8 🎉🎉
    July 5: 211.1 I’m not surprised after having friends over for the 4th, but I won’t let this derail me. 😉
    July 6: 210.9… going for a swim before work.
    July 7: 211.8… time for some tiny tweaks. More veggies as snacks… I’ve been logging, but since the 4th I’ve been going over calories. Today is about tiny tweaks. Happy Sunday! Off to work!
    July 8: 212… went out to dinner last night with my family and went over calories. Today is a new day! Happy Monday. 😉

  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,846 Member
    edited July 8
    Hello I'm Darlene. Retired, 63-year-old. Married (Greg), one adult daughter (Allyson), and one goldendoodle (Monty), back for another month with this supportive group. I have been on this weight loss journey since January 2023, and with this group since April 2023. I have lost 83 pounds since the beginning of my journey and working on my last 10 pounds to goal (may change that when I get there). Happy to be back for another month.

    Starting Weight 228

    SW Dec: 228 | Jan: 217 | Feb: 212 | Mar: 207.6 | Apr 200.2 | May 194.8 | Jun: 189.6 | Jul: 187.4 | Aug: 179.8 | Sept: 174.2 | Oct: 169.6 | Nov 164.6 | Dec 164 | Jan 159.8 | Feb 156.8 | Mar 152.8 | Apr 151.6 | May 149.6 | June 145

    Ending Weight in June: 145

    👣 Average 8 k Steps per day
    📝 Log Daily
    🥗 Stay under my calorie range
    💪 Strength Train 3 days per week
    🧘‍♀️ Follow Doctor's orders and do PT stretching 3 days per week
    🫀 Cardio 3 days per week
    💦 8+ glasses of water
    🧂Stay under sodium goal
    ⚖️ Lose 2% of body weight - Stretch Goal 4 pounds

    Each month I write a reflection on how the prior month went - here is mine from June if you want to read it:
    June Reflection

    June was a great month for weight loss, a slowdown in exercise!

    I lost 4.6 pounds this month – even beat my stretch goal! Down 83 pounds from the start of my journey. Even with a trip to Hawaii during the month. I have five pounds to go to get my BMI to the ideal range, and 10 pounds to go to my goal. When I get there, we shall see what I do – I might just go a tiny bit further to say that I hit the 100-pound mark. That would be another 17 pounds from today.

    I reached the 1,350-mile marker on my quest to walk 2,024 miles in 2024, logging 135 miles in June – my least number of miles since I started this journey in January 2023. My injury last month turned out to be a meniscus tear and have had to slow down. I got a cortisone shot and feel a little better – but decreased my step goal from 17,000 steps a day to 8,000. I’m thinking I can move up to 10,000 in July. Although I have slowed down, I am still in the purple (that means I will make it) range. So far have averaged 7.45 miles per day. This tracker is all miles walked – not just intentional. I am also tracking my intentional miles, just to see how I do. To date I have tracked 982.05 intentional miles. This puts me at 48% complete – just below the 50% mark.

    I did an experiment with Nutrisystem food in June. I order two weeks of food. Here’s what I found out:

    1. It works - I got over my plateau and continued to lose - lost almost 5 pounds in two weeks. 😁
    2. It was super easy to follow 😁 but, had we had to cook two meals daily - one for me, one for Greg. ☹️
    3. The food was edible - not fantastic, not gross 😐
    4. I did not meet my protein goal most days ☹️, but met carb, fat, sodium and fiber goals almost every day 😁.
    5. Most days the calories were about 1,350 - ranging from a little under 1,200 to 1,600. I wasn't hungry. 😁
    6. I usually eat 5 fruits/veggies a day - but switched to 4 veggies one fruit on Nutrisystem. 😐
    7. It's doable as a quick fix, I couldn't do it long term. 😐
    8. Overall - I am extremely happy with the weight loss. So overall score! 😁
    9. 👩‍🍳 I like to cook!
    We took a trip to Hawaii midway through the month. Overall, I am very happy with my dedication on the trip. We did not have access to the fitness center – so my exercise consisted of swimming and walking. I logged everything I ate and drank to the best of my ability. I was over my calorie goal and more importantly my sodium goal every day, but not by huge numbers. I ate breakfast every day, and many lunches as well. I limited my alcohol. Only one day of two drinks, and many with none. I ate only half of my dinner entre – boxing up the rest for breakfast or Greg’s snacks for the future. I gained weight, but within the week home lost it all.

    Looking at my June goals, I did well – except never finished The Burning Page. I just couldn’t through it. Will try to find something fun to read for July!

    My July Goals

    • Lose 4 pounds (always my goal), but be happy with a 2% loss for the month
    • Alternate days of Cardio and Strength Training
    • Follow Doctor’s orders – go to Physical Therapy
    • Average 10K Steps per day

    By Before and After for June


    ☀️😎 Happy July😎 ☀️

    👣 📝 🥗 💪🧘‍♀️ 🫀 💦 🧂

    Week One
    July 1 144.3 😎 👣 📝 🥗 🫀 💦 🧂ME! Happy with the weight loss. I'm sick. Head stuff, ears clogged. Hoping it doesn't last long. I did manage to get my monthly budget completed yesterday. June was a disasterous month - have to curb our spending for the next few months to make up for our trip to Hawaii!

    July 2 145.2 👣 📝 💪🧘‍♀️ 💦 🧂ME! Have to lower my step goal. Had doctor appointment yesterday - no walking for two weeks. Knee isn't healing like it should. Probably over did it in Hawaii. Looks like seated cardio - or get my butt to the lake for a swim instead of walking. But I just love my morning walks with Monty. Still feeling crummy - sore throat, stuffy ears. Also feeling sorry for myself - had little binge yesterday and was over my calorie limit - not by a lot - but over.

    July 3 144.5 👣 📝 🥗 🫀 💦 🧂ME! Just a small cardio workout yesterday. Spent the day cleaning the house. We have been focusing on the outside and the garden that I neglected the inside. It felt great to get it done. I love a clean house. Going to the doctor today for this sinus thing I have. I can't hear at all out of one ear, and now I have pink eye in both eyes! Guess it's time for some meds.

    July 4 144.3 👣 📝 🥗 💪🧘‍♀️ 🫀 💦 ME! Went to the doctor, it's not pink eye, just a reaction from the sinus and ear infection. On antibiotics. Hoping it clears soon. I found some good seated cardio workouts on Paul Eugene's youtube channel that were kind of fun and felt like I was still exercising. I was over my sodium limit yesterday - might see a jump tomorrow - it ususally shows up two days later.

    July 5 144.8 👣 📝 🥗 🫀 💦 🧂ME! What I expected - I used every bit of my calories. Quiet 4th of July - Jill gave me the incentive to power wash - So got it out and did the front walkway. Fun! Got in two seated cardio workouts - counted one as my walk workout, the other as my cardio workout. Got my step goal completed - seated of course. Feeling a little better today - at least I could hear my hearing aid start up. To be honest, I was kind of scared that the ear infection will lead to more hearing loss. I am very hard of hearing already, it is really hard to live in a world and only hear half of what is said. The constant "what was that", is really frustrating for both me and others. People just don't get hearing loss - they roll their eyes like I am an annoyance when I ask them to repeat. Many times I just pretend I hear so I don't have to see it. The fact that I could hear the hearing aid start up to day was reassuring.

    July 6: 143.9 👣 📝 🥗 💪🧘‍♀️ 🫀 💦 🧂ME! Got it all done yesterday. Finally got a good night sleep! Yesterday was a raining yucky day, so hubby couldn't work outside. I bought these rope lights for our screen porch eons ago - he finally got them put up. So happy with how they look. We are a little short, but they are ententable so have to order another small section to finish it. But my favorite relaxing spot is looking pretty good.

    July 7: 144.3 📝 🥗 🫀 💦 🧂ME! My typical Sunday uptick. I weigh in for my team challenge on Saturday. Nine times out of ten I am up on Sunday. The weigh in, on top of a weekend, and I self sabatoge. I ate every bit of my exercise calories yesterday - leaving only 98 calories on the table. I know that this doesn't work for me. But I seem to do it every week. Why do I treat Saturday like a weekend? I'm retired every day is a weekend. Old habits die hard I guess. The good thing is that it is temporary. Baby steps!

    July 8: 144.1 👣 📝 🥗 💪🧘‍♀️ 🫀 💦 🧂Happy Monday everyone. Got it all done. Feeling a little better. I was thinking I would have to miss another week of Bingo with Mom. Our vacation, on top of the illness, means I haven't seen her in three weeks. But I am planning on going tonight. I am finding quite a few good seated workouts on youtube, but I have to admit I am getting tired of walking in my chair. It took of the "Me"time from my goals - it is just a given. I actually should change it to less "me" time! LOL!
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,846 Member
    @ozdeelite I think posting your CICO is a great idea - whatever works for you. That's what this thread is all about.!
  • cinw1501
    cinw1501 Posts: 86 Member
    edited July 8
    I'm Cindy. I'm 50, 5'4" and 163 as of this morning. I have fought with the same 10lbs for the last year.
    So my doctor wants to put me on Wegovy or Zepbound. Between the cost and doing a little research, I don't think its a great solution. Looks like it might be a rest of life commitment. No thank you!

    So today (7/3) I joined a gym. I haven't been to a gym in probably 15 years and that was Curves. I loved Curves, I wish there was one my my area.

    I see my doctor again at the end of August, so I want to loose at least 10 lbs by then to prove I can do it without meds. My ultimate goal is 135 lbs.

    7/1: 164.2
    7/2: 163.2 :)
    7/3: 163 :)
    7/4: 162.4 :) - Today will be my first day at the gym. Hopefully they are open.
    7/5 162.8 :/ Went to the gym yesterday. Cycled for 35 min. Ate too much bread yesterday. It's ok today is a new day!
    7/6 162.6 :) - Cleaned the house yesterday for my daughter's graduation party. Lots of mopping, etc. That helped with the small loss. Unfortunately, no time for the gym.
    7/7 163.2 :( - Grad party yesterday, didn't really pay attention to what I ate and no time to exercise with the last minute preparations. Will jump on the treadmill today if I end up not going to the gym.
    7/8 162.6 :) - Didn't go to the gym yesterday, but did jump on the treadmill. So glad I did. Signed up for a class this afternoon at the gym.
  • cattherien
    cattherien Posts: 354 Member
    I'm Charlene, 59yo, 5'8", married 40 years to Allen, 6 kids, 9 grandkids, work as a caregiver for the elderly.

    July goal: 178

    July 1: 182 🥛✍️🧂 🤦😬
    July 2: 180.8 🥛✍️🧂😀👍
    July 3: 179.1 🥛✍️🧂😀🎉
    July 4: 179.5 __✍️🧂😀🤏
    July 5: 180.4 🥛 ✍️ __ 🤏
    July 6: 180.4 __ ✍️ __ 🟰
    July 7: 181.8 🥛✍️🧂😔
    July 8: 180.8 __✍️🧂😀

    I woke up really late yesterday so missed my logging here, but I did weigh. The uptick from 4th of July is probably yesterday's true weight; I missed my water goal so the loss this morning is from that, probably?

    Granddaughters coming today for a grandma sleepover, same ones as the 4th but adding their little sister Vivi, who's 2. Grandson Calvin turns 9 tomorrow, his golden birthday, and the girls are planning his party. Unexpected because he lives 5 hours away; I had already sent his present. But other family picked him up last minute, and so he'll be local for a week. Taking advantage of the opportunity!

    I bought lots of fruit that I can have, and the party food will all contain wheat flour and therefore I can't eat it, thus no giving in to temptation.
  • Rh1aB1a
    Rh1aB1a Posts: 313 Member
    I fell off for a bit, but I'M BACK!!! <3


    5. 153.6 <3
    6. 152.4 <3 99 days until my wedding!! I had my first dress fitting the other day and my dress was a smidge too tight, but zipped! Hoping I can lose the last few lbs and give myself some wiggle room. I DO NOT want to have my dress let out, as I'm already $600 deep in alterations.
    7. DNW
    8. 152.4 <3
  • andreajlnhe
    andreajlnhe Posts: 249 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I know it's past the start of the month, but I really need to jump in and join you all for the rest of July!

    I was in this group from September last year until I reached my goal weight range. I hovered around my goal weight for several months, and it was lovely. I was able to maintain without logging for a good long while, although I always weigh daily. Lately we've had many celebrations, outings, etc, and my appetite has become huge. My weight has been steadily climbing up up up! I need daily accountability again.

    My original goal weight that I hovered around was 124-125. For a little while I was a little under that, and I really liked it. So this time I'm going to bump my goal weight a few pounds down, to 121. Maybe my goal range will be about 120-123 or so.

    I looked at some of your posts, and for those of you who were in the group when I was here last-- I am noticing that your numbers seem a whole lot lower than when I was here before! Congratulations on your losses.

    My height is about 5'2"
    Starting weight July 8: 128.6 lbs
    Goal weight for July: 125.6 lbs
    Ultimate goal weight: 121 lbs

    July 8: 128.6
    July 9:
    July 10:
    July 11:
    July 12:
    July 13:
    July 14:
    July 15:
    July 16:
    July 17:
    July 18:
    July 19:
    July 20:
    July 21:
    July 22:
    July 23:
    July 24:
    July 25:
    July 26:
    July 27:
    July 28:
    July 29:
    July 30:
    July 31:
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,877 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 64 years old and from Michigan USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    This Challenge Starting Weight (from June 30th): 187.0
    Goal: 183.0 (Four lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Total Lost/Gained this month: xxxxx

    **********************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME********************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    07/01-187.0-(Trend Weight 186.6)-

    07/02-185.4-(Trend Weight 186.3)-

    07/03-185.4-(Trend Weight 186.3)-

    07/04-186.2-(Trend Weight 186.5)-

    07/05-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    07/06-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    07/07-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)- No point weighing on the last day of a 4 day holiday weekend. I will lose some bloat and weigh when its more reflective of the actual damage. Daughter and DGS goes home this evening around 7:00 pm.

    07/08-189.2-(Trend Weight 187.2)- Okay, the 4 day holiday weekend is over. The company is gone. The damage is great. The work starts Today.

    07/09-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/10-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/11-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/12-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/13-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/14-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/15-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-


    07/16-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/17-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/18-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/19-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/20-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/21-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/22-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/23-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/24-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/25-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/26-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/27-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/28-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    07/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 900 Member

    7/1: 319.6
    7/2: 318.8
    7/3: 319.0 ( salt, more than likely. )
    7/4: 318.6
    7/5: 318.8
    7/6: 318.4
    7/7: 318.8
    7/8: 319.8 ( Damn salt😠)
  • ozdeelite
    ozdeelite Posts: 388 Member
    July weigh in
    Start weight 107.2kg
    Goal weight 106 kg

    1. 107.2kg - not again 😩
    2. 107.8kg - oh dear 💩
    3. 108.1kg - 😩😩💩
    4. 107.7kg - better but still infuriating
    5. 108.2kg ate fast food last night after work
    6. 107.3kg
    7. 107.3kg
    8. 107.9kg - stuck to calories
    9. 107.8kg
  • ozdeelite
    ozdeelite Posts: 388 Member
    My son’s birthday today - he is 17. Went to patisserie for breakfast. Hope I can stick to calories but unlikely.

  • MommieJeannie
    MommieJeannie Posts: 58 Member
    edited July 9
    I'm Jen, 40 years old from Florida, married, newly retired mom with 3 kids, 4 dogs, and chickens.
    Recommitting to weight loss, and just setting a daily track food & steps goal (good or bad) for now. Trying to limit fast food, and up my activity level (have lots of house cleaning to do and yard work to catch up on, now that i'm not sitting in front of a computer for 10+ hours per day...)

    SW: 285
    CW (6/30): 251.8

    7/1: 250.8 - was very active yesterday, mostly shopping and playing with the kiddies. 4,056 steps & way over calories for today (had fast food for all 3 meals.. yikes) ... will definitely show up on the scale over the next day or two...

    7/2: 250 - I'll take it! Did yoga today at the library with our 5 year old. Also did some reading while she was on the playground. I felt a little guilty for not getting more steps in while she played, but it was soo nice. 4,529 steps, and within calories for today. Also NO FAST FOOD today, I didn't cook but had lots of fruit during day and a home-made sandwich

    7/3: 248 - Signed daughter up for boxing classes until t-ball/soccer season starts in the fall. And I ended up signing up too because the adult class is right after the kids class 3 times a week so very convenient. Everything hurts! 5,547 steps, over calories (was so hungry after boxing), but no fast food. A good day!

    7/4: 245.8 - I really don’t expect these numbers everyday, but am very happy for them for my first few days getting back on track. The only things I can really attribute this big weight loss to is 1. Cutting out the fast food/ huge amounts of sodium which probably led to water retention. I’ve been drinking lots of water since I started so I’m sure that’s helping flush my body. 2. Starting to get active again.
    5,525 steps & I was way over calories and also had beer, so we'll see what tomorrow brings. Also, the 3rd day of no fast food.

    7/5: 245.8 - busy day and probably most of this weekend. 7,714 steps & didn’t really log any food today. No fast food. Went grocery shopping and bought some family favorites to make at home instead, which is always healthier and cheaper.

    7/6: DNW
    7/7: DNW

    7/8: 247.6 - Took a stress-free/technology-free weekend, was expecting the scale to go up because I didn't track food/calories or steps...no fast food though... As for today, went to boxing class and love it! Tried to control my eating a bit by tracking, was a bit over, and had 1 fast food meal. Didn't have my phone with me most of the day to track my steps, but have 3,154 steps+
  • lifechanges2day
    lifechanges2day Posts: 560 Member

    Hi my name is Kathy 55yr 5'5"
    From NY finger lakes region

    SW: 2/04/24: 191.4lb
    UGW: 9/08/24: 145lb
    March 01: 184.9lb
    W: 3/31: 177.0lb
    W: 4/30: 171.9lb
    W: 5/31: 165.7lb

    Total loss 25.7 lb
    20.7lb to UGW

    July Goal 154.0

    I am making July's goal with caution. We have multiple parties to attend throughout the month. I had 3 this past week and by making wise choices, sticking to serving sizes, and keeping up my exercise program, I was able to enjoy many deserts and rich foods, and still lose 1.5 lbs. And to my surprise it didn't trigger a binge, this was my first time eating sweets since 1/31/24, I was so nervous with the first bite, but it all worked out ok. This month will be a huge test. I have a good support system in place and am re-training my brain in regards to food. Wish me luck 🤞

    Sorry for the late start, our Internet has been horrible.

    7/1: 158.1 💧🥑🏃📝🥳
    7/2: 158.5 💧🥑🏃📝😊
    7/3: 158.0💧🥑🏃📝🥳
    7/4: 147.0 💧🥑🏃📝😊
    7/5 160.1 💧🥑🏃📝🤪 stupid salty holiday food.
    7/6: 159💧🥑🏃📝
    7/7: 156.5💧🥑🏃📝
    7/8: 157 💧🥑🏃📝

  • koeitjiesa
    koeitjiesa Posts: 364 Member
    I'm back for July.

    July weigh in

    Start weight 84.4kg
    Goal weight 80kg

    1 - 84.4kg
    2 - 84.2kg
    3 - 84kg
    4 - 84kg
    5 - 83.8kg
    6 - 83.6kg
    7 - 84.3kg
    8 - 84.1kg
    9 - 83.6kg
  • ozdeelite
    ozdeelite Posts: 388 Member
    Actually managed to stick to my goal. Almost had more dessert food but refrained because I knew you would all know!

  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,846 Member
    edited July 9
    Hello I'm Darlene. Retired, 63-year-old. Married (Greg), one adult daughter (Allyson), and one goldendoodle (Monty), back for another month with this supportive group. I have been on this weight loss journey since January 2023, and with this group since April 2023. I have lost 83 pounds since the beginning of my journey and working on my last 10 pounds to goal (may change that when I get there). Happy to be back for another month.

    Starting Weight 228

    SW Dec: 228 | Jan: 217 | Feb: 212 | Mar: 207.6 | Apr 200.2 | May 194.8 | Jun: 189.6 | Jul: 187.4 | Aug: 179.8 | Sept: 174.2 | Oct: 169.6 | Nov 164.6 | Dec 164 | Jan 159.8 | Feb 156.8 | Mar 152.8 | Apr 151.6 | May 149.6 | June 145

    Ending Weight in June: 145

    👣 Average 8 k Steps per day
    📝 Log Daily
    🥗 Stay under my calorie range
    💪 Strength Train 3 days per week
    🧘‍♀️ Follow Doctor's orders and do PT stretching 3 days per week
    🫀 Cardio 3 days per week
    💦 8+ glasses of water
    🧂Stay under sodium goal
    ⚖️ Lose 2% of body weight - Stretch Goal 4 pounds

    Each month I write a reflection on how the prior month went - here is mine from June if you want to read it:
    June Reflection

    June was a great month for weight loss, a slowdown in exercise!

    I lost 4.6 pounds this month – even beat my stretch goal! Down 83 pounds from the start of my journey. Even with a trip to Hawaii during the month. I have five pounds to go to get my BMI to the ideal range, and 10 pounds to go to my goal. When I get there, we shall see what I do – I might just go a tiny bit further to say that I hit the 100-pound mark. That would be another 17 pounds from today.

    I reached the 1,350-mile marker on my quest to walk 2,024 miles in 2024, logging 135 miles in June – my least number of miles since I started this journey in January 2023. My injury last month turned out to be a meniscus tear and have had to slow down. I got a cortisone shot and feel a little better – but decreased my step goal from 17,000 steps a day to 8,000. I’m thinking I can move up to 10,000 in July. Although I have slowed down, I am still in the purple (that means I will make it) range. So far have averaged 7.45 miles per day. This tracker is all miles walked – not just intentional. I am also tracking my intentional miles, just to see how I do. To date I have tracked 982.05 intentional miles. This puts me at 48% complete – just below the 50% mark.

    I did an experiment with Nutrisystem food in June. I order two weeks of food. Here’s what I found out:

    1. It works - I got over my plateau and continued to lose - lost almost 5 pounds in two weeks. 😁
    2. It was super easy to follow 😁 but, had we had to cook two meals daily - one for me, one for Greg. ☹️
    3. The food was edible - not fantastic, not gross 😐
    4. I did not meet my protein goal most days ☹️, but met carb, fat, sodium and fiber goals almost every day 😁.
    5. Most days the calories were about 1,350 - ranging from a little under 1,200 to 1,600. I wasn't hungry. 😁
    6. I usually eat 5 fruits/veggies a day - but switched to 4 veggies one fruit on Nutrisystem. 😐
    7. It's doable as a quick fix, I couldn't do it long term. 😐
    8. Overall - I am extremely happy with the weight loss. So overall score! 😁
    9. 👩‍🍳 I like to cook!
    We took a trip to Hawaii midway through the month. Overall, I am very happy with my dedication on the trip. We did not have access to the fitness center – so my exercise consisted of swimming and walking. I logged everything I ate and drank to the best of my ability. I was over my calorie goal and more importantly my sodium goal every day, but not by huge numbers. I ate breakfast every day, and many lunches as well. I limited my alcohol. Only one day of two drinks, and many with none. I ate only half of my dinner entre – boxing up the rest for breakfast or Greg’s snacks for the future. I gained weight, but within the week home lost it all.

    Looking at my June goals, I did well – except never finished The Burning Page. I just couldn’t through it. Will try to find something fun to read for July!

    My July Goals

    • Lose 4 pounds (always my goal), but be happy with a 2% loss for the month
    • Alternate days of Cardio and Strength Training
    • Follow Doctor’s orders – go to Physical Therapy
    • Average 10K Steps per day

    By Before and After for June


    ☀️😎 Happy July😎 ☀️

    👣 📝 🥗 💪🧘‍♀️ 🫀 💦 🧂

    Week One
    July 1 144.3 😎 👣 📝 🥗 🫀 💦 🧂ME! Happy with the weight loss. I'm sick. Head stuff, ears clogged. Hoping it doesn't last long. I did manage to get my monthly budget completed yesterday. June was a disasterous month - have to curb our spending for the next few months to make up for our trip to Hawaii!

    July 2 145.2 👣 📝 💪🧘‍♀️ 💦 🧂ME! Have to lower my step goal. Had doctor appointment yesterday - no walking for two weeks. Knee isn't healing like it should. Probably over did it in Hawaii. Looks like seated cardio - or get my butt to the lake for a swim instead of walking. But I just love my morning walks with Monty. Still feeling crummy - sore throat, stuffy ears. Also feeling sorry for myself - had little binge yesterday and was over my calorie limit - not by a lot - but over.

    July 3 144.5 👣 📝 🥗 🫀 💦 🧂ME! Just a small cardio workout yesterday. Spent the day cleaning the house. We have been focusing on the outside and the garden that I neglected the inside. It felt great to get it done. I love a clean house. Going to the doctor today for this sinus thing I have. I can't hear at all out of one ear, and now I have pink eye in both eyes! Guess it's time for some meds.

    July 4 144.3 👣 📝 🥗 💪🧘‍♀️ 🫀 💦 ME! Went to the doctor, it's not pink eye, just a reaction from the sinus and ear infection. On antibiotics. Hoping it clears soon. I found some good seated cardio workouts on Paul Eugene's youtube channel that were kind of fun and felt like I was still exercising. I was over my sodium limit yesterday - might see a jump tomorrow - it ususally shows up two days later.

    July 5 144.8 👣 📝 🥗 🫀 💦 🧂ME! What I expected - I used every bit of my calories. Quiet 4th of July - Jill gave me the incentive to power wash - So got it out and did the front walkway. Fun! Got in two seated cardio workouts - counted one as my walk workout, the other as my cardio workout. Got my step goal completed - seated of course. Feeling a little better today - at least I could hear my hearing aid start up. To be honest, I was kind of scared that the ear infection will lead to more hearing loss. I am very hard of hearing already, it is really hard to live in a world and only hear half of what is said. The constant "what was that", is really frustrating for both me and others. People just don't get hearing loss - they roll their eyes like I am an annoyance when I ask them to repeat. Many times I just pretend I hear so I don't have to see it. The fact that I could hear the hearing aid start up to day was reassuring.

    July 6: 143.9 👣 📝 🥗 💪🧘‍♀️ 🫀 💦 🧂ME! Got it all done yesterday. Finally got a good night sleep! Yesterday was a raining yucky day, so hubby couldn't work outside. I bought these rope lights for our screen porch eons ago - he finally got them put up. So happy with how they look. We are a little short, but they are ententable so have to order another small section to finish it. But my favorite relaxing spot is looking pretty good.

    July 7: 144.3 📝 🥗 🫀 💦 🧂ME! My typical Sunday uptick. I weigh in for my team challenge on Saturday. Nine times out of ten I am up on Sunday. The weigh in, on top of a weekend, and I self sabatoge. I ate every bit of my exercise calories yesterday - leaving only 98 calories on the table. I know that this doesn't work for me. But I seem to do it every week. Why do I treat Saturday like a weekend? I'm retired every day is a weekend. Old habits die hard I guess. The good thing is that it is temporary. Baby steps!

    July 8: 144.1 👣 📝 🥗 💪🧘‍♀️ 🫀 💦 🧂Happy Monday everyone. Got it all done. Feeling a little better. I was thinking I would have to miss another week of Bingo with Mom. Our vacation, on top of the illness, means I haven't seen her in three weeks. But I am planning on going tonight. I am finding quite a few good seated workouts on youtube, but I have to admit I am getting tired of walking in my chair. It took of the "Me"time from my goals - it is just a given. I actually should change it to less "me" time! LOL!

    July 9: 144 👣 📝 🥗 🫀 💦 🧂 Didn't end up going to bingo with Mom, as the day progressed so did my feeling crummy. Another day of eating all my exercise calories - left just 30 calories on the table. Went to PT, another week of no walking (for now). A couple of new stretches to add to my routine.