Anyone doing Clean Keto? Or just plain Keto?

I'm looking for a buddy to help me through the rough days


  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 2,116 Member
    What is your reason for doing KETO?
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    There are a number of people doing Keto in the Low Carb group. I do something more like Ketovore right now. It works well for me in terms of sticking to my calorie goals. Far better than anything else I have tried. I started it for health issues that eating at a calorie deficit was not making a difference to. If you are only doing it for weight loss, just logging calories can work just as well. However, you may find it is a way of eating that helps you stick to your goals like I did. Again, check out the low carb group, you will find people eating the same way.
  • cphendrych
    cphendrych Posts: 4 Member
    I’m eating clean Keto. Following the 6 month plan. I started keto 10 years ago and fell off in 2020. In 2022 started back but it wasn’t the same, I was eating what they call “dirty” keto and not having any significant results. Made a big change this April and made myself accountable. Down 20 lbs since April 14, feel better than ever.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,945 Member
    I don’t do keto, but I do need to be careful about carbs. I can confirm that the group @rileysowner linked to is a good group, filled with decent people, who will be happy to help.
  • RocknSinger
    RocknSinger Posts: 3 Member
    I guess clean Keto.( a carb is a carb no netting.) Hired a coach which consists of weekly zoom calls through like minded individuals and that is working for me. Makes you more accountable. Logging food and exercise and getting through plateaus.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    edited June 7
    Not sure what you mean by clean keto or plain keto, that doesn't make much sense.

    Yeah, keto's been more popular in the last few decades and now that is quite popular the food industrial complex is looking to make money from it, so yeah don't be fooled if there's a list of ingredients in that beautifully packaged and skillfully labeled "keto" food, all they want is your money. What's real funny, not really, is the amount of carbohydrates in a lot of them, so they're basically aiming some of these products and taking advantage of people that aren't really familiar with keto at all and just trying it for weight loss. imo
  • RocknSinger
    RocknSinger Posts: 3 Member
    CLEAN keto. Real food. A carb is a carb. No net carbs and no fake processed foods.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,321 Member
    I would say that if any plan is rough on you, don't do it.

    I lost 80 pounds doing a little lowER around 125-150g a day. I did it without giving it a name. I just cut back on wheat products and sweets. I kind of had to if I wanted to stay at my net goal of 1500-1600 calories.

    It doesn't have to be Keto for weight loss - unless you like it that way. No extra points for "rough."
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    edited July 17
    I would say that if any plan is rough on you, don't do it.

    I lost 80 pounds doing a little lowER around 125-150g a day. I did it without giving it a name. I just cut back on wheat products and sweets. I kind of had to if I wanted to stay at my net goal of 1500-1600 calories.

    It doesn't have to be Keto for weight loss - unless you like it that way. No extra points for "rough."

    Unless sugar and UPF are a problem for an individual to control, then Keto when someone ends up there through trial and error find it's the best or proven solution for their health, which includes me. Why then did you feel the need to reduce your carbs to lose weight?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,321 Member
    I would say that if any plan is rough on you, don't do it.

    I lost 80 pounds doing a little lowER around 125-150g a day. I did it without giving it a name. I just cut back on wheat products and sweets. I kind of had to if I wanted to stay at my net goal of 1500-1600 calories.

    It doesn't have to be Keto for weight loss - unless you like it that way. No extra points for "rough."

    Unless sugar and UPF are a problem for an individual to control, then Keto when someone ends up there through trial and error find it's the best or proven solution for their health, which includes me. Why then did you feel the need to reduce your carbs to lose weight?

    The original post said it was "rough." I was replying to that.

    It wasn't so much that I couldn't control it (though that is a real issue for me with some foods) but more that I had 1500-1600 calories to work with and sweets and wheat are high calorie with low nutrition. I just cut back to one serving of wheat daily. 200 calories is still a lot for one food type. In order to get enough protein and other nutrients like calcium I had to cut something!

    To be honest, I was eating a lot of snacky wheat food like cereals, crackers, pretzels, French bread with peanut butter, before weight loss without thinking about nutrition. It takes a lot of cereal and crackers to get to 80g of protein, but that's how I had gotten to be over-weight.

  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    I would say that if any plan is rough on you, don't do it.

    I lost 80 pounds doing a little lowER around 125-150g a day. I did it without giving it a name. I just cut back on wheat products and sweets. I kind of had to if I wanted to stay at my net goal of 1500-1600 calories.

    It doesn't have to be Keto for weight loss - unless you like it that way. No extra points for "rough."

    Unless sugar and UPF are a problem for an individual to control, then Keto when someone ends up there through trial and error find it's the best or proven solution for their health, which includes me. Why then did you feel the need to reduce your carbs to lose weight?

    The original post said it was "rough." I was replying to that.

    It wasn't so much that I couldn't control it (though that is a real issue for me with some foods) but more that I had 1500-1600 calories to work with and sweets and wheat are high calorie with low nutrition. I just cut back to one serving of wheat daily. 200 calories is still a lot for one food type. In order to get enough protein and other nutrients like calcium I had to cut something!

    To be honest, I was eating a lot of snacky wheat food like cereals, crackers, pretzels, French bread with peanut butter, before weight loss without thinking about nutrition. It takes a lot of cereal and crackers to get to 80g of protein, but that's how I had gotten to be over-weight.

    Right, yeah, I find the term rough to be pretty ambiguous. Yes, losing weight can be a rough goal for many people and achieving weight loss will have a host of challenges that many will find insurmountable (rough), otherwise we wouldn't have almost 80% of the population overweight. Anyway, glad you've found success, many don't. :)

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,321 Member
    I would say that if any plan is rough on you, don't do it.

    I lost 80 pounds doing a little lowER around 125-150g a day. I did it without giving it a name. I just cut back on wheat products and sweets. I kind of had to if I wanted to stay at my net goal of 1500-1600 calories.

    It doesn't have to be Keto for weight loss - unless you like it that way. No extra points for "rough."

    Unless sugar and UPF are a problem for an individual to control, then Keto when someone ends up there through trial and error find it's the best or proven solution for their health, which includes me. Why then did you feel the need to reduce your carbs to lose weight?

    The original post said it was "rough." I was replying to that.

    It wasn't so much that I couldn't control it (though that is a real issue for me with some foods) but more that I had 1500-1600 calories to work with and sweets and wheat are high calorie with low nutrition. I just cut back to one serving of wheat daily. 200 calories is still a lot for one food type. In order to get enough protein and other nutrients like calcium I had to cut something!

    To be honest, I was eating a lot of snacky wheat food like cereals, crackers, pretzels, French bread with peanut butter, before weight loss without thinking about nutrition. It takes a lot of cereal and crackers to get to 80g of protein, but that's how I had gotten to be over-weight.

    Right, yeah, I find the term rough to be pretty ambiguous. Yes, losing weight can be a rough goal for many people and achieving weight loss will have a host of challenges that many will find insurmountable (rough), otherwise we wouldn't have almost 80% of the population overweight. Anyway, glad you've found success, many don't. :)
    It's not "insurmountable" for anyone.

    Does it take discipline?
    A PLAN?

    Yes...but it's not insurmountable - keto or not. I just think keto gets magical powers in peoples' minds and for me keto is a no-go but lowER carb was the ticket.

    There's a lot of room between the Standard American Diet and keto. That's where people need to focus. What works for you? How can you implement some sort of food plan or rules that will enable you to stay within calories reasonably comfortably for long enough to lose weight?

    It's not insurmountable. I lost 80ish pounds over a period of about a year and a half. I've kept it off for over 15 years now. I still on occasion have a cupcake or two. If I believed that keto was The Way I probably would have to have given up cupcakes entirely. As it is I eat pretty much what I want - just not every day. Treats are "treat" food. Like once a week, not after every meal.
  • rgrabowska
    rgrabowska Posts: 2 Member
    edited July 24