fit for october challenge



  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    cdpm since we started i have that youve lost 4lbs for some reason i stopped getting progress after that but you have lost 4lbs since we started and lots of inches i dont seem to be getting anywhere and the junk ive eaten im dreading the scales monday but i have had a great day so im not sure i care at the minute
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning how did it get to be sunday so soon???

    i will be out all day my mum is cooking so healthy might be the oversteamed veggies she puts with dinner but at least its something
    have a fun sunday everyone and i will be good tomorrow honest lol
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    You are all very organised with your plans to work out :O
    Maybe this is where I am going wrong, as I am not doing a specific programme, I just sort of workout as and when, my try something more structured.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    morning monday again :(

    i have 4 weeks today until i go on holiday and im not really anycloser to my goal weight but i have logged 145days woohoo

    bjshooter i havent any specific workout going at the minute since school started i dont seem to have enough hours in the day and more things going on im am having to log my spring clean even tho its autumn as exercise only that becuase things are being moved and items taken in and out of cupboards off shelves etc and walking while i do shopping or taking my friend places i need to get more organised

    on the plus for me today the ladies and babies swim starts again so im taking my littlest she will splash as i run side to side pulling and pushing her in water not exactly swimming but still a decent workout
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    You are all very organised with your plans to work out :O
    Maybe this is where I am going wrong, as I am not doing a specific programme, I just sort of workout as and when, my try something more structured.

    I am doing a pretty structured program, I have it all written out on a calendar that I put on my fridge. It does help me to see that I have a workout scheduled and I check it off when I'm done so I feel good about accomplishing something.

    So, Monday is here already?? Ughh. I had a pretty good weekend. I didn't go as overboard on eating and drinking like I usually do but I still ate too much. I think if we wouldn't have bought candy corn it would have been much better lol.

    The baby swim sounds like a good workout, have fun!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    You are all very organised with your plans to work out :O
    Maybe this is where I am going wrong, as I am not doing a specific programme, I just sort of workout as and when, my try something more structured.

    I am doing a pretty structured program, I have it all written out on a calendar that I put on my fridge. It does help me to see that I have a workout scheduled and I check it off when I'm done so I feel good about accomplishing something.

    So, Monday is here already?? Ughh. I had a pretty good weekend. I didn't go as overboard on eating and drinking like I usually do but I still ate too much. I think if we wouldn't have bought candy corn it would have been much better lol.

    The baby swim sounds like a good workout monkeysmum, have fun!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    baby swim was alot of fun i spent a good 30mins spinning around with my 2yr old and pushing/pulling her from side to side not sure if its a good calorie burn or not but it definatley was fun i also made a start on cleaning i managed 2 bookcases 5 shelves each emptied cleaned and moved around then everything put back on it so some exercise there as well i feel shattered now tho and my head is starting to hurt so painkillers and early night for me i think
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning happy tuesday

    i would say i feel motivated but sadly my head is throbbing the combination of very early starts and dust from all the cleaning yesterday has left me with a migraine and all i can think is is it bedtime yet im hoping my medications kick in fast or ill be the dunce of the class in maths this afternoon why cant it be saturday everyday :(

    hope everyones having a better day than mines starting
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone!

    I feel good about today. I have been working out well for the last 2 days with a good burn and I've been doing much better on the eating front. I changed my calories down from 1500 back to 1200 and I have found that easier to stick to oddly enough.
    It's only one week until october is here and I am hoping that when I get back on those scales that I could have possibly just be on the right side of 11st (154lbs) Just to finish off this thing nicely!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I am defo going to try writing it down also, I love ticking things off, so it may help a lot.

    I lost 1lb this week
    CW 137lb
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    happy hump day

    does shopping count as exercise because its all i seem to do an dyesterday was a bust i ate way too much junk foods today must get better so wish me luck i have 3 weeks and 4 days until i go away and my only plus so far is i just fitte din a pair of jeans that were too tight woohoo
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Of course shopping counts as a workout. The more you shop the tougher the workout too!
    Congrats on your NSV! Getting into tight jeans is a great achievement. I am still wearing the same jeans that I was when I was 33lbs heavier. Curse my thunder thighs!!!

    My day was good. Full of temptation and I thought I would give in and I did have one little sweet, but no more than that. Even better I have been under my calorie goal as well which is a pleasant surprise too.
    We just need to keep the effort up for this final push!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning

    i shopped yesterday round ikea bought a shelving unit for girls bedroom and then all motivated i spent 4 hours in there fixed the shelving unit up moved all furniture cleaned tidied sorted scrubbed the skirting boards then decided i must be crazy working in a greenhouse bedroom with constant sun in 80f heat so i quit before finishing of fthe tubs and a set of drawers do i care frankly no i burned over 700calories and i feel i deserved everyone of them i was totally pooped i then did 2 hrs walking round my sons school open evening

    today i have to food shop or we live on air pie rest of the week i also have a reading ryhme activity at library stay and play and ofsted thing this afternoon for sure start and tonight ihave open evening at my daughters school so another 2hrs walking around getting lost and seeing teachers im tired just thinking about it
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Well I'm happy. My weigh in today showed that I have lost that 3lbs I put on when I went away for a long weekend. I'm now 154 lbs or 11stone - woo!

    It's a good way to end September. I may not be as fit as I wanted to be by October, but I have learnt a lot and I am going in the right direction.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    Well I'm happy. My weigh in today showed that I have lost that 3lbs I put on when I went away for a long weekend. I'm now 154 lbs or 11stone - woo!

    It's a good way to end September. I may not be as fit as I wanted to be by October, but I have learnt a lot and I am going in the right direction.

    thats fantastic well done you

    i wish my own challenges had gone better but i have lost 7lbs since starting this i havent reached what i wanted or anywhere close to it but i am making better choices most of the time i just wish the scales would reflect it as i add more efforts it can be very discouraging when i try so hard and yet the scales fails to show the work but i am determined and i wont give up i still have 3 weeks left to my holiday and 2 days but im not counting honest lol

    TGIF i have another full day cleaning laundry and a 2hr meeting with ofsted who are doing the childrens centres and because im on th eparent panel and the advisory board they need to see us we get a buffet lunch thrown in for our troubles but i could have done with it being either morning or afternoon not plonked in the middle of the day where i spend more time in and out the house like a yo yo
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Good morning
    Great job on the loss cdpm!
    I weighed in and no change. I think I'm only down a couple pounds since we started this thread. I am disappointed because I have been working out a lot the last 6 weeks but I know that my body is changing due to the strength workouts and that I need to eat less to see the pounds come off. So I am accountable for my actions, just need to act on what I know I need to do. I just wish I didn't love food so much lol.

    Even though our challange was to go just until Oct I'd still like to come here to check in with you all.

    Have a great day!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    nelski i have 3 weeks until i go away and when i come back it will be november and im thinking do another thread sexy for xmas or somthing similar i need motivation long term and being accountable on here having to come and post makes me stop and think do i need the chocolate bar crisp etc so even tho i havent lost much i am making better choices knowing i will be on here and having to own up to any bad ones

    have a think of some names for the next thread in line for xmas/new year it will be about 8 weeks until xmas when i get back so we will have 8 more weeks to see what we can do weight wise and we have 3 weeks for me to boot my behind and get the scales to move in the right direction so keep kicking me in the butt
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    I've signed up for a few Xmas challenges to keep me busy and for more support. I still want to know you guys are doing!
    Don't get disheartened nelski, the last 10lbs are always the hardest. Just got to keep on at it!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    well saturday is finally here and i am loving it i finally got a lay in

    cdpm i always need support and id love for us all to be doing a challenge again when i get back its good to be able to see im not alone in losing these last 15lbs that just dont seem to want to shift

    its also helping me to keep trying because i know im not alone i just need a catchy name for the next challenge hoping to lose some more by xmas and look fab when i visit family who say well if you lost weight i dont know where i have such a nice family i dont think my step mom is very encouraging tho and my dad says i look good just my mum to impress more now i am so going to get skinny while she still moans over her weight but does not alot about it i sound bad dont i
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    happy sunday

    i helped my neighbour yesterday we empited a walk in closet and reorganised my muscles feel it today but it made a change from the usual saturday routine i even ate healthy i hope your enjoying your weekend