LESS Alcohol ~ AUGUST 2024 ~ One Day at A Time



  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 686 Member
    @Womona I forgot to mention your early Autumn temps sounds heavenly!
    I feel you on weighing the cost and benefits of the low alcohol high prices. I too was on a lower alcohol content wine kick most of June and part of July but recently I started thinking about the prices on some - between 13.99 - 16.99 on two I sort of liked. But then, I always have more than my personal limit, so NOT really less calories. Wasn’t losing any weight either lol. This month I’m doing an experiment and incorporating other low cal beverages and choosing a decent wine for that same price and enjoying it more (with less glasses overall).

    @SurferGirl1982 I am excited for you and your new choices. There is a lot of support here for you. I don’t know your age but I’m the other side of 60 and my personal opinion is that health and balance and mobility are keys to longevity!