Operation: Sexy Claus Week #2 9.26.11 (Closed Group)



  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member

    Those are some great celebrity influences!

    Hope everyone is keeping up this week!

    Being that it is Wednesday...let's talk about the week! How are we feeling? Are we struggling anywhere? Are we just killing it and doing awesome? Let me know....let US know. Use today as a sort of Q and A session! It is the best way to gain support. We are all in this boat together and the only way we are going to get to the other side is by rowing in unison!

    My week has being going great! I've worked out everyday so far burnt 5246 calories, drank 15 glasses of water, ran my 1st full mile w/o walking in 11.56mins ( A MAJOR NSV for me) and I stuck with doing JM's Killer Buns & Thighs! Only downer Tom is coming which may affect my weigh in :grumble:

    I love seeing you ladies working it out! Keep on Pushing!
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    So far this week I feel I am doing well. No real struggles... but the weekend is coming and we have dinner plans out on the Saturday and the Sunday. My plan is to eat well, low cal and get exercise during the day and make good choices while we are out at friends' homes for dinner.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning ladies! Hope everyone is rested and ready to take on the day!

    Friday is HIGHS and LOWS day....so please share with the team......

    Have an amazing day!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning ladies! Hope everyone is rested and ready to take on the day!

    Friday is HIGHS and LOWS day....so please share with the team......

    Have an amazing day!

    Highs: I just have an overall happy mood this week for some reason, I think just the anticipation of great things to come for everyone is making me excited!

    Lows: Working out for me was non-existent due to working both jobs this week. So I was waking up at 6:30 in the morning and going to bed at 12:30am. Not very fun, but since I was running around in a restaurant at night, I am sure that I burned some calories. Luckily, next week I am out of training and will just be working the serving position on the weekends, so I can get back to my weekly routine. I am looing forward to going jogging with a buddy of mine after work and then doing some TurboFire in the morning. :)
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Morning all! My highs & lows this week:

    Highs: food has been on target. The scale has been moving.... YAY!

    Lows: Exercise has not been as good. One of those weeks you're on the go from the minute you get up until you collapse in bed at night. I should have been getting up early to do a workout, but I am not a morning person, and struggle with this. The coming week doesn't look as wild, so exercise should be better.

    Hope you all have a fantastic day!!

  • healthydoseofglitter
    Friday is HIGHS and LOWS day....so please share with the team......

    High: Finding love for zumbaaaaaaaaaaaaa again :)
    Low: Eatting needs to clean up a bit and I need to drink more WATER
  • miss_amy
    Happy Friday everyone! :)

    Highs: I was super good with working out & making great food choices for the first half of the week. Looking forward to getting a good workout in tomorrow and Sunday as well!

    Lows: I need to focus on ending my snacking at night. It's been a terrible habit and needs to stop. Also I've been WAY too obsessed with the scale lately. I'm going to try to only weigh myself once or twice a week. It really affects my mood day to day and its becoming a problem. Regardless of the outcome on weigh-in, I need to keep telling myself that I am doing WAAAYYY more than I was when I was my heaviest and I will have continued success in the future. I just gotta stick with it!

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Greetings Ladies!

    Highs: Well, I'm proud of myself for finishing up the 30 Day Shred in 30 Days! Typically, that would've probably taken me 6 mos. to do:laugh: So I'm really proud that I stuck with it! I've also managed to hit all of my exercise goals this week so far (knock on wood). I don't hate to exercise, I just find that I sometimes need to find the motivation, and I'm so glad I found this forum and support because I believe I'm on the right track- which hasn't been the case in a long time.

    Lows: Well, I'm not going to lie, I've not been doing great with my logging of calories, or eating cleanly, that part, needs more work. Don't get me wrong, I'm not loading up on ALOT of crap, just not always making the wisest food choices. I also have a problem with late night snacking. Which I'm sure would improve if I managed to get more sleep (a whole 'nother story)...work in progress!:wink:
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    This week has been a struggle! My mood has been horrible this week, and so I've let the little things get to me. And because I spent all that time stewing, I didn't spend that time working out, which put me in an even worse mood.

    So the above is my low for the week. My high for the week is that people at work are coming to me and asking how I've lost so much weight and if I had any tips for them. You better believe I told every single one of them about this website! :wink:
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    This week I've done ok.... I haven't exercised as much as I was doing... i didn't exercise yesterday and we went out to eat...although I was only 143 calories over... I was disappointed in myself... also had to be put on meds for my hr...blah! but hoping that helps drop it down some... it's been extremely high when i've been exercising...

    High's this week-I went to the dr today and since April I have lost 31 lbs!!! My dr was extremely happy with me...and I've been called a skinny butt twice this week... :) I also was told tuesday night that I looked really good by 3 different people and that I looked pretty... I'm not used to hearing that and it made me feel awesome! Yay!

    loving these questions and it holds me more accountable!
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    This week's highs: I feel great this week. I have stayed below my cals everyday, I have been drinking 8 glasses of water everyday, and I have done P90X everyday. I feel so empowered. I feel like for the first time since I joined MFP I am really taking this seriously and knowing that I can do this.

    This week's lows: I have not made the best lunch choices at work. I get easily swayed when I see what everyone else brings in for lunch and then I follow suit and go pick up something rather than bringing in my own lunch. But that will change for next weeks lunches. Brown bagging it everyday.
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    Hmmm Highs and Lows

    Highs: Made it to the gym 3 times this week (well 3 times in 4 days really) YAY!!! I also ate fairly well this week so far. Did my first Zumba class and had a PT give me a work out routine. So I am feeling pretty good about everything right now.

    Lows: I day of binge (damn you lofthouse cookies) and I had my body fat % taken and it was 34.7%... Over a 1/3 of me is FAT YUCK!!! I almost cried - and that's what lead to the binge.
  • Stephinow
    Happy Friday, all!!! Well, I've missed the last two questions, so I'm just gonna skip to the Friday Highs & Lows.

    Highs: I started the TurboFire prep schedule (again) on Monday, and I have been sticking to the schedule.

    Lows: I haven't been drinking nearly as much water as I need to. Gotta get that back up to my 96 oz. a day I was doing before.

    So now in the upcoming week I'll be continuing to stick to my TF schedule, keep eating right incorporating even more fresh foods, pushing out the so-called "good for you" snacks, and upping my water intake.
  • kiki75243
    kiki75243 Posts: 194 Member
    Good Morning ladies! Hope everyone is rested and ready to take on the day!

    Friday is HIGHS and LOWS day....so please share with the team......

    Have an amazing day!

    My highs this week I've stuck to my workouts did them everday that I said I would. I can actually do real push ups now. A few of my coworkers have told me I'm looking good and they can tell that I'm losing weight. It feels great when other people start to notice. I haven't had any lows this week overall I'm satisfied with my progress this week. :smile:
  • divadoll41
    My highs for this week is getting up at 5:00am doing Jullian Michaels 30DS this is my 10th day. Riding my bike 2 times this week 3.75 miles. Normally I ride it on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Jumping rope. Drinking a gallon a water a day.

    My lows this week I didnt do well on my logging. I had one bad afternoon on yesterday when I got home, but I dont think I went over anyways...Next week I'm going ham on logging. I will be back on the 7 day diet.

    Everyone have a great weekend!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Good Morning ladies! Hope everyone is rested and ready to take on the day!

    Friday is HIGHS and LOWS day....so please share with the team......

    Have an amazing day!

    Highs: to be alive. I know sounds weird but I've been beating myself up over the fact that I've slid on my weightloss but Tuesday when I was home with my sick baby...I realise that no matter what at least I'm still alive another day to be with my family and friends and to keep tryingn...

    Lows: Still not getting my workouts in...ate over my calories every single day....but I'll blame TOM for that
  • ontheskinnyroad
    ontheskinnyroad Posts: 205 Member
    Highs***** that I haven't given up the fight

    Lows***** I could improve on my eating and working out more
  • nicole00lynn
    highs - uuhhh...

    lows - crazy overeating at night, pretty much all sweets, also have been so sore that ive been slacking on my workouts?
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Good Morning ladies! Hope everyone is rested and ready to take on the day!

    Friday is HIGHS and LOWS day....so please share with the team......

    Have an amazing day!

    Highs: Honestly, being alive and fighting. As I mentioned I am immunocompromised and this infection is kicking my *kitten*. I have had a 102-104 temperature everyday since Monday and am headed back to the hospital tomorrow AM.

    Lows: Was over my calories pretty much everyday this week (but I'll be under today!). I haven't been able to exercise. And I've felt like absolute garbage.

    I'm catching up on reading all of the posts now. Those are some great celeb influences (I personally don't really have one... I don't want to aspire to be anyone, I just want to be happy).
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Also gonna give a shout out to my Canadian girl Bif Naked - man is she ever ripped! PLus she diodn't let breast cancer get in her way, she just kicked it in the *kitten* and still looks amazing!
    punkrawkcutie... YES! I saw her perform within the past year. Her body is amazing!
    Missed the question of the day yesterday.... I think my ideal celeb body would be Kim Kardashian.
    brooke0206... Right on!

    Unfortunately, I haven't been working out too much nor eating right, but tomorrow's a new start!! Looks like I'm not alone on the eating front... WE CAN DO THIS!!

    cms3398... GREAT overall progress!!! :drinker: